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The Purest Chaos

Started by Dr.Hobo2, October 29, 2007, 05:52:38 PM

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Alright. Everything has been sorted out and this RP can start on Suday night! I LOVE it when a good plan comes together like this. :) See you guys on sunday.


ill try to make it on sunday.  I don't know if I can, but i'll try. if i cant then ill post as soon as i can afterwards.


Ooc// Okay, I'm back so let's start!

Ic// Mephistopheles was walking around in Kingdom D admirring its peace and beuty. "Wow. This place is pretty nice." He had just recently been accepted into the large city. "I wonder why Dimentio chose me to be here? I mean I am 13 years old...Maybe it's because I'm his number one fan!" He said smiling to himself.


Ooc/ Welcome back! How do we start?


Ooc// Just start out in Kingdom K. walking around. We'll be rounded up soon. ;)


Lux was going around Kingdom D, wondering why he had been chosen to come here. He hated Dimentio, after all.


Mephistopheles walked inbetween two buildings and he stopped once he heard a voice that seemed to come from nowhere.

"Hey, you. Yeah kid. Come over here." He said in a scratchy old voice.

"Who said that?" Mephistopheles said looking around finding that the street he was walking on was apparently empty.

"Over here, kid." A hand covered in a long sleeve appeared out of the dark ally waved him over.

Matt (I'm just going to use his nick-name, Matt, from now on) walked on over nervously. "What do you want?"

"Oh, it's not what I want, It's what everybody needs."

"And what would that be?" Matt said getting ready to leave.

"The truth of all this."

"You know what, this is just weirding me out. I'm going." Matt said turning around.

"Wait. Come back here, Mephistopheles!" He said starting to get a bit louder.

Matt turned around quickly. "How do you know my name?"

"That's not important now. I'll tell you later once you find these people." He handed Matt a piece of paper that had 8 names on there, one being his own. "Bring these people back here and I'll tell you more of why I know you."

"O- O...kay." Matt said walking away while looking at the paper. "I guess I'll find...Lux first."


Lux was wandering, admiring the lush beauty of the kimgdom.


Matt unfolded the paper some more and it revealed a picture of Lux. he's a boo. I suppose I better start my search more thoroughly now. He continued to walk around constantly changing from looking at the people around him to looking at the picture of Lux. He didn't want to accidentally talk to the wrong person.


Lux saw a boy looking at a piece of paper.


Hm...that looks like him. "Um...hey, are you...Lux?" Matt said.


Alex layed down in a park.He didn't care that someone riding a bike triped over him.It didn't bother him because of his shell.

"Why am I here?"

He didn't realize he said it out loud,though he didn't care.Some faces turned to look at him.Zlex got into a sitting position and looked around.This place was so much more beautiful then hate.Wich alleyways were very dank and the sky was always black.He layed back down,wishing he could go back.


Lux, startled by the question, nodded.


"Don't worry, I'm just as confused as you are right now." He walked over and stuck out his hand to shake. "My name's Mephistopheles but you can call me Matt."