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Agree or Disagree: NSF style! WOOT

Started by Kita, October 31, 2007, 06:37:44 AM

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Yes it's back Agree or Disagree.  Many users have begged for me to bring this to Nsider2, but when I'm there I have WAY to much work to do so I just can't keep up. 

Some of you will remember this thread and to others this is completely new.  So let me explain what this is all about. 

Agree or Disagree better known as AoD is a debate thread with topics relating to video games.  Each week the topic changes.  How it works is I just post a statement and you either agree or disagree with the statement.  Users then will post back and forth debating their point of view.

Each week has a different judge that will award the user who best defended his or her stand with the sig add-on stating you are the AoD Champion.  WOOT ^_^ 

Back on the old Nsider we started holding the debates on the boards they went too, but since this is a small community all debates will be held in this one thread. 

Right then! On to our first statement with NSF!


The current numbers for the PS3 verses any of the other consoles shows that they have only sold 24K systems in the last month in the US.  This is a pathetically low number compared to the Wii at 136K.  At this rate the PS3 is going to just fall from the charts all together unless they come up with something amazing.

Currently I'm looking for some Judges.  I need 5-6 users that are fair minded and bright.

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Sk8teland85 - I was on Nsider for 1 1/2 years when it closed. I then looked around the replacement forums and settled on here and Nsider 2. I am still rather new to this one but on Nsider 2 I am one of the KoHs. I am a experienced debater who came make a good debate if the topic is good enough. Well good luck to you all and know I will judge you fairly.

Silverhawk79 - I was on Nsider ever since 2 weeks after it opened, 12/8/03. I was a Plumber and a respected user in the community, although my posts generally weren't quality posts by any means. However,  I did make good posts from time to time, but the general feeling of Nsider didn't really make it that rewarding. But that's besides the point. :P

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Where the hell are you pulling your numbers from? The Wii has sold ~400,000+ units per month in the United States and Canada since it launched last year. And the PlayStation 3 has been sitting around ~120,000 units per month.


can i be judge ♥

Also, about the PS3 falling off the map, it's extremely doubtful. Sony already has a large fanbase, plus all the fan-loved developers still making developed franchises on it, like Ratchet and Clank. Plus, the PS3 is one of the cheapest Blu-Ray players out there.
[21:51]   <Smashin>   No one likes a sad fat kid.
[21:51]   Mystic has left #nsider (Leaving.)


Quote from: ME86 on October 31, 2007, 06:40:14 AM

Where the hell are you pulling your numbers from? The Wii has sold ~400,000+ units per month in the United States and Canada since it launched last year. And the PlayStation 3 has been sitting around ~120,000 units per month.

I pull stuff out of my ass all the time XD.  So don't mind me and my random numbers.  It's just a statement to debate anyways.  It doesn't have to be correct LOL

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Quote from: Riosan on October 31, 2007, 06:43:28 AM
can i be judge ♥

Also, about the PS3 falling off the map, it's extremely doubtful. Sony already has a large fanbase, plus all the fan-loved developers still making developed franchises on it, like Ratchet and Clank. Plus, the PS3 is one of the cheapest Blu-Ray players out there.

Yes Riosan you can be a judge <3

PM me a small Bio or post it here and I'll edit you into the Third post ^_^

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Ah, I see.

Well, okay, I don't belive that the PlayStation 3 will fall of the map, up until this point the price has been a huge hamper to customers, but I feel that the $399 40 GB PlayStation 3 will spur sales very nicely, but I could be wrong.... But we will see next Friday.... After it's been out for a week.


I've neglected my thread :( *kicks self*

Okay people POST

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