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The Bounty Hunter Battle (Metroid RP) (still accepting members)

Started by nsider, November 01, 2007, 06:58:23 PM

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This is a RP about Metroid, in which you are a Bounty Hunter (that's not in a Metroid game), and this is takes place on the long lost planet of Zoid, in which there are no laws, and Bounty Hunters are forced to fight.

1. No Spamming
2. No Flaming
3. Must be Metroid Related
4. No Godmodding
5. You can have a special power but it must one of the weaponry's, and you can only have one.

The Format:
When you join you must follow this format:
Secondary Weaponry:

You can only have two weapon's, and this is my character:
Name: Metrokus
Gender: Male
Weaponry: Freeze Gun
Secondary Weaponry: Pistol
Description: Metrokus is a Bounty Hunter who is a rival with Samus. Metrokus use's a freeze gun in order to stop his enemies. Then he stops them with his Pistol.


Can they have special powers, like Gandrayda has shapeshifting?


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on November 01, 2007, 07:01:12 PM
Can they have special powers, like Gandrayda has shapeshifting?

Sure but it has to be one of the weaponry's, and you can only have one.


Weapon:Telekinetic blasts such as firing energy from his palm.
2nd weapon:Telekinesis, he manipulates things with his mind
Description: Extremely intelligent and an excellent strategist and tactician. He has honed his mind to such an extent that he can manipulate matter with it, allowing him to fire energy blasts and bend objects around him. He is cynical, often responding sarcastically.


Hello Xanthos. I hope it doesn't come to the fact that I have to kill you, but to be honest I wouldn't want to get in a fight with someone so strong with Telekenisis. But just in case *pulls out Freeze Gun* I wouldn't miss with me if I where you, I've fought the great Samus herself.


"Ohh, a freeze gun," said Xanthos sarcastically. He flicked his wrist, which would send the gun flying out of his hand.


Name: Laarx

Gender: Male

Main Weapon: Lazer Pen

Secondary Weapon: Samurai Sword

Description: Laarx is a wanderer... yeah.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


I hoped it wouldn't have to come to this but I guess it did. *Runs back, and grabs the Freeze Gun* A little Telekinesis won't be able to stop me. Samus had to use her Plasma Beam, and Screw Ball just to beat me. *Fires both Freeze Gun, and Pistol at Xanthos* Even if that misses I have a little surprise for you. *Runs at Xanthos, and punches him in the face*


Hello Laarx I hope you join me other wise I will have to kill you.


Xanthos dodged the projectiles, but was hit by the punch. He fired a blast of energy in retaliation.


*Metrokus is hit by the Blast of Energy, and knocked into the ground* Like I said, some Telekinsis will not stop me. *Get's up* Now it is time to show you what I cand. *Fires Freeze Gun at Laarx* Now Laarx if you don't join me, I will kill you. You don't know this but I have nearly defeaten Samus in battles. Samus might be the Greatest Bounty Hunter ever but even she can't save you.


*takes the freeze ray and bends it into a useless shape.


HA HA HA HA HA HA You think taking away my freeze gun is going to stop me. Now there is no way of Saving Laarx. Even if you want him dead that won't give you any advantage over me. I still have my Pistol. Now Give Me Back My Pistol Or I'll Destroy Laarx! *Holds up Pistol, and fires repeadtly at Xanthos.


Do you really think I care if you destroy him? *fires back* You are more stupid than you look!


Laarx stepped into the midst of the battle. "Come on guys, keep it real..."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.