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Started by Judas, September 24, 2007, 07:33:57 PM

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As you might have noticed, JMV's just got the ads running properly -- they're not entirely attractive, I know, but the good news is that they will only be around long enough to pay off the costs of getting the server up. We're trying to get rid of the inline text stuff. All that will be there is the simple banner -- no popups or anything, so don't worry.


Note from JMV: I was able to disable inline text. Only banners show now.
"With a heart of furious fancies, whereof I am commander, with a burning spear and a horse of air, to the wilderness I wander."


Also, I'm looking into a better ad network with more visually aesthetic ads and a better pay out rate--which means less time with the ads being displayed.
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