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The YouTube Poop Thread

Started by Lotos, November 04, 2007, 06:14:11 PM

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A little warning before you proceed.  Some YouTube Poops contain obscene language, but it's out of fun.  Some should not be watched at work or in front of authority figures that you'd get in trouble if they heard the audio (parents, teachers, etc.).  Be advised.  Other than that, enjoy, that's why they were made.

What's a YouTube Poop?

It's a mix-up mash-up of random videos in an attempt to make you laugh.  Common videos used in YouTube Poops are from the Phillips CD-i games, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario World (the cartoon), and other various cartoons and videogame footage.

How can I make them?

Just download some clips from a site, open Windows Movie Maker, or any other movie maker for that matter, import them, and mix/edit them around in a way that you think would entertain people on YouTube.

Where can I get clips?

Google it.  I'll post some resources later though.

Post your YouTube Poops, your favorite ones, comment, rate, and discuss.


No Flaming
No Spamming
Advertising is encouraged, as long as you don't spam your videos onto this thread (repeatedly posting them.  If your post count is going up fast because you're posting your videos in this thread, there's obviously a problem)


Hey everyone, go to these places if you want to download CD-i clips.

Mario clips:
Legend of Zelda clips: or

Not only do I use CD-i clips in my YouTube Poops, but I also use clips from the Sonic cartoon or games, Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Kappa Mikey, Guitar Hero 3, and tons of video game commercials.

Thanks to mackormoses for this badass sig!

SSBB friend code:1719-2939-0479
Characters I use: Ike (mostly), Sonic, or Captain Falcon
If you want to battle, please PM me.

Xbox Live gamercard: SegaSonic127

YouTube channel: (my old account got deleted)


Sorry for double-posting, but Windows Media Player can't create YTPs. Windows Movie Maker, Ulead VideoStudio 7, and Camtasia Studio can though. I don't have WMM, but I have UVS and CS, and I always use those.

Thanks to mackormoses for this badass sig!

SSBB friend code:1719-2939-0479
Characters I use: Ike (mostly), Sonic, or Captain Falcon
If you want to battle, please PM me.

Xbox Live gamercard: SegaSonic127

YouTube channel: (my old account got deleted)


If anyone wants to see one of my YTPs, use these links:
Many random Sega and Sony related things happen in this one, like Sega's saying their console isn't ready for Playstation, and a guy in a Crash costume is driving like a maniac.
My first YTP with CD-i clips. It's not the best though.
Cheese (from Foster's) lists all the things he likes.
My YTP logo. Soon to be used in If You Need Instructions on Getting Through the Random Stuff, Ratatouille Meets Tenacious D, and further YTPs.

These aren't all of mine, but they're just some I picked out.

Thanks to mackormoses for this badass sig!

SSBB friend code:1719-2939-0479
Characters I use: Ike (mostly), Sonic, or Captain Falcon
If you want to battle, please PM me.

Xbox Live gamercard: SegaSonic127

YouTube channel: (my old account got deleted)