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The star war- a star fox rp

Started by Transient Link, November 10, 2007, 08:11:58 AM

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Transient Link

Set a few years after events in command both team starfox and starwolf have grown to epic proportions. Enlisting 100s of elite fighter pilots to be at war with eachother.

In this rp you will be choosing either team starfox, starwolf, or free agent. A free agent is someone who is like a mercenary fighting for whoever pays the most.
No godmoding
No spamming
No flaming
The basic rules of an rp people!

How to enter
Name:(must have)
Gender:(must have)
Race: (Wolf, fox, bird, frog, monkey, dog, cat, pig, lizard, etc)
Team:(starfox starwolf free agent)
Ship Appearence:(must have)
Planet:(optional but would be nice)
Bio:(must have)

I will be controlling characters like the main starfox and starwolf teams. If there is a specific person you want to control pm me. It would make things alot eaisier on me.
Enjoy the rp! :)


Team: star wolf
Ship Appearence:an Arwing painted orange.
Bio:Son of Falco Lombardi,he rebelled aganist his father's wishes and joined team starwolf

Transient Link

Name: Jay
Gender: male
Race: wolf
Team: starwolf
Appearence: Jay is a wolf about 6"2 with black fur. He wears a gray jacket and green camo pants.
Ship Appearence:
its ok but I think ill have to find another one later.
Planet: Corneria
Bio: jay is a loner he loves to fight and kill. Flying is his life he isnt very nice to anyone he meets with but will respect his fellow teammates.


I might possibly join.

But when you say "Etc." in race, it can be anything? As long as it's reasonable of course.

Like, I can't be a cockroach, but I can be a Badger?

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Transient Link

Quote from: Felldohs_wrath on November 10, 2007, 08:37:14 AM
I might possibly join.

But when you say "Etc." in race, it can be anything? As long as it's reasonable of course.

Like, I can't be a cockroach, but I can be a Badger?
Basicly any animal. so if you want to be a badger go ahead and be one.

Transient Link

Quote from: 20fan on November 10, 2007, 08:19:38 AM
Team: star wolf
Ship Appearence:an Arwing painted orange.
Bio:Son of Falco Lombardi,he rebelled aganist his father's wishes and joined team starwolf

you are accepted ill start as soon as I get a few more people.


Okay thanks. ;D. Bio:

Name: Midnite.
Gender: Male.
Age: 25
Race: Otter.
Team: Free agent.
Appearence: Completely black, except for yellow eyes. He wears a black vest, and red shirt underneathe. Red pants. He wears a red bandanna tied around his forehead. --> here is a drawing of him:

Ship: Looks like a wolfen. Except black, with red wings. Has a yellow, venemous eye decal on the wings.
--> Here is his ship.

Planet: Aquas.

Bio: He is a free roaming soldier for hire. He set up an underwater base at aquas, where he stays from time to time. His past is foggy, but he was probably originally born in Corneria.

He was a Star Wolf member, until he quit a few years back. He is a skilled pilot.

He doesn't really like being with others.

His Wolfen is custom equipped with a special Engiene(throttle maybe?) that allows him to move in a zigzag pattern. It also has a cloaking device, but it has limited power, and can only be used a couple times before being recharged at base. It can also travel under water.

There ya' go!!!

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Transient Link

accepted. ;D


Jay was flying through the lylat system on a scouting mission. His objective was clear find star fox and report back.
Jay wasnt happy with his mission for he loved dogfighting.


Ooc// Thanks. ;D

ic// Midnite was a loner. He preffered to work on his own. He was walking the streets of Corneria, when he spotted a flyer, he read it.

Calling all skilled pilots! We need pilots to help defeat an enemy. Pilot needs to be skilled in combat, flying, and be willing to work with others. If you wish to sign up, contact General Pepper, and he will sign you up.


He groaned at the thought of working with others, but he's been bored latley, and needed some action. He would think this over.

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20fan was flying around the lyat system looking for star fox as well but found  nothing he was about to turn around and head back to base.

Flying Chickens

You forgot gender.

Name: Chronoto
Race: Tiger
Gender: Male
Team: Star Fox
Planet: Titania
Appearance: Red and black rather then orange and black. Has two razor sharp inscizors, and sharp claws on all paws. Wears a red coat over a black shirt. Wears a pair of crimson jeans. He is always wearing goggles over his eyes.

Ship: The Time Bomb. Has the basic Wolfen shape. The wings have a row of spikes across each. The tail of the ship is two long curved spikes. The front of the ship is a long hook. Each spike opens up to become a laser, allowing multi-targeting. Is red and blue.

Bio: A previous member of Star Wolf, Chronoto's was a higher up among the others. Eventually, he left with no explanation. He joined up with Star Fox, and has been with them for years. His original name was long lost, and traded for the names Chronoto's, taking after the latin word for time.


OoC:it would be cool if some one joined star fox so there would be some one to fight.

Transient Link

Quote from: Orgizirtee on November 10, 2007, 09:10:37 AM
You forgot gender.

Name: Chronoto
Race: Tiger
Team: Star Wolf
Appearance: Red and black rather then orange and black. Has two razor sharp inscizors, and sharp claws on all paws. Wears a red coat over a black shirt. Wears a pair of crimson jeans. He is always wearing goggles over his eyes.

Ship: The Time Bomb. Has the basic Wolfen shape. The wings have a row of spikes across each. The tail of the ship is two long curved spikes. The front of the ship is a long hook.

Bio: Nothing right now...
ooc/ Accepted,thought I forgot something...Ok we are going to need starfox members soon. otherwise...this will be pretty one sided also everyone edit there profiles to have gender please thanks

Transient Link

"20fan report."
jay said after he couldnt find anything in his sector.


Midnite went to his hangar, where he stored his Wolfen. People were suspicous of him, because he has a wolfen, but he has done nothing after he quit Starwolf. Once he took off, he went towards Aquas, where he had set up base.

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