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Lucas adventures of crazyness! Is Bowyer! Or is Bowser?

Started by DededeCloneChris, November 12, 2007, 08:30:15 PM

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Hi! I 'm now starting my own fan fic! I hope you like the adventures of Lucas through the Smash World! :D And, here, the character profiles!

Main Protagonist

The main protagonist of this story, Lucas have received a card from the tournament of SSBB, but the road is SOOOOOOO LOOOOOOOOONG, and worse of all, he needs to defeat a evil entity, can he and the others succeed?
Lucas: Why this is happening to me?!


Sakura Haruno
The first partner of Lucas in his journey, Sakura is teaming up with Lucas because Tsunade told her to help Lucas and meanwhile train her healing skills into good use, she is the main healer of the group along with Raine.
Sakura: CHAAAAAA!!!

Shikamaru Nara
The second partner, and also the most lazy one of this story, he always is trying to "be lazy" all the time, but this is not an exception, and also s the most tactician of the group, or not?
Shikamaru: What a drag......

Miles per hour-I mean-Miles "tails" Prower
Tails is the third partner, he joined Lucas because he knows if Lucas help him, maybe there will be a way to banish the evil inside Sonic, but can he do that? He also has a special friendship with Genis.
Tails: Of course I can!
Everyone: Grrrrrrr.....
Tails: all too!

Rouge the bat
The strangely fourth partner and treasure hunter, she is quite interested in Sonic strange behavior, so maybe that's why she joined the team, or not? Also, she has a extreme constant tentation of steal Klonoa's Wind's ring, and also has formed a rivality with Guntz.
Rouge: Must.......steal.......that.......ring!

Lloyd Irving
How did he got dragged into this? I really don't know. But, anyway.
He is one of the partners, his leadership in this part will be NOT used, why? Well, admit it, Lucas is far more smarter than him, I mean, he sometimes will do the same mistakes Vector is doing, and Genis will do anything to STOP him from doing anything stupid.....or get smaked.
Lloyd: Say what?
Chris: Don't start.

Colette Brunel
One of many partners, Colette is a special one, she can spell powerful light magic attacks and do massive damage to darkness creatures, the only downhill of her is, she is too clumsy, she fights using Chakrams, weapons like boomerangs, she can also form a special attack in tandem with Klonoa, but is not yet revealed. Lloyd is overprotective over her.
Lloyd: WHAT?!
Colette: :P
Chris: TOLD YA!

Genis Sage
The little, yet strong powerful mage, Genis Sage is the most genius kid of all, he can spell almost all kind of magic, he uses the Kendama to fight, but is too weak, with a IQ over the normal parameters, he can be a most reliable partner, because he can cook amazing food, he also has a special friendship with Tails, and stops Lloyd from doing anything stupid.
Genis: That's right.
Lloyd: *Presses the self-destruct button*
Chris: Guess not. :P

He also has a little crush in Presea.
Genis: *Blushes* WHAT?!

Raine Sage
Big sister of Genis, Raine is also too inteligent in any kind of trouble, she has the running gag of the "Archeological mania" or more simple, an ancient ruin lover. (Lloyd and Genis says when this happens, they call her to be in "Ruin mode", they also call her professor most of the times, except Genis) She is a total master of healing arts, unfortunalely, she has by far the worse cooking skill of all (along with Zelos) and suffers of sea sickness. And is the healing supporter for the group along with Sakura.
Raine: Ok everyone, eat. *Puts in the table "soup"*
Genis:.........I think our food just have winked at me!
Raine: Don't be silly Genis, now eat.
Genis: Ugh.....*Eats*.......
Raine: And, how does it tastes?
Genis: TRASH CAN PLEASE! *Runs to the trash can and vomits*
Raine: Why did he acted like that? *Eats*..........I NEED TO GO! *Runs to the trash can and vomits*
Lucas: Anyone is going to eat THAT?
*Everyone shakes their head quickly*
Lucas: Me too......

Kratos Aurion
The most serious one of the team, Kratos is by far the most concentrated in battle, with amazing sword skills, nobody can easily defeat him, he is hardly even seeing doing anything funyy, but also do little but funny remarks if is something too obvious or not, currently, he is teaching Knuckles to concentrate more in battle..........which is quite the most hard task Kratos has ever done.
Kratos: Now........focus you hearing into one person.
Knuckles: Ok. *Closes his eyes*
Charmy: Look! I've found a picture with Knuckles dressed up like a clown!
Knuckles: *Opens his eyes* YOU LITTLE!!!
Kratos: Why I am trying to do this anyway.....*Sigh*

Zelos Wilder
If you wanted a girls lover, here you go! Zelos is the rich guy of the team, but unfortunalely, he didn't took any money from his mansion.......again. He almost have the same battle style like Kratos, but, with the exception of personality. He is also trying to charm any kind of lady, giving them nicknames, but he didn't charm all ones, and who are they? The girls of his team. Specially Sheena. (And if you ask, Zelos is still in the group)
Zelos: No no no, you got all wrong, * ;D * Sheena is my girlfriend!
Sheena: WHAT?! *Smacks horribly to Zelos*
Zelos: Aooohhhhhhh! My face!
Sheena: HMPH!

Sheena Fujibayashi
Most expert Summoner of many Summoners, Sheena is one of them, she can call powerful summons to aid her in battle, she is a master in ninja skills and uses a wide variety of magic cards, it is also revealed, Espio has a crush in her, but she didn't noted that yet, and always finds Zelos charming ladies, strangely she blushes at that behavior of Zelos.
Sheena: I'll guide the Mizuho tradition!
Zelos: (God, she is pretty!)
Espio: (I agree!)
Sheena: Who's there?!
Zelos: RUN!

Presea Combatir
Presea is a very powerful fighter, she can wield a huge axe around that will do massive damage, she will protect her friends of any trouble if she needs to risk her life to do so, but the others will also protect her too. It can be say also than Presea is almost of the same age as Genis, who also has a crush on her. But she don't note that, even if is too obvious.
Lucas: Say, why our group has many pink haired girls?
Chris: I dunno.

Klonoa "The Dream Traveler"
Klonoa is one of many partners of Lucas's journey, he lives in Breezegale, the village of winds, there, he has many friends who will help him in any way, specially Lolo, the priestess in training, he always acts like a child (Like Charmy, but he can act serious if he wants too) he is the traveler who helps in many kinds of dreams, but something is correct for sure, this adventure isn't a dream at all! He fights using the Wind's ring, a special relic needed to banish the evil from the heart, he can do an special attack in tandem with Colette, but is not revealed, he currently is in love with Cream, much to Cream's dismay.
Klonoa: Wahoo! Time for another adventure!
Lucas: At least this adventure doesn't have monsters with bodys made from elephants....
Klonoa: What kind of enemy is that?

Guntz A.K.A "Shinigami Guntz"
Guntz is a respected Bounty hunter in all Lunatea (Where he and Klonoa lives) He is always searching for any kind of bounty, but, Ironically, he didn't found one in quite some time (Idiot) he sees Klonoa as his rival, but the more time they are together, he begins to think of him as a friend, quite easy to make him angry for anything (mostly Klonoa's faults or the problems he is dragged along with the others) apparently, he made quick friends wth Shadow the Hedgehog, maybe because Shadow loves to battle with Guns as Guntz do too. Guntz can battle with his twin guns he is always carrying, wants revenge on certain person who killed his father many years ago, but he's still keeping the revenge when he gets the time to do that. Unfortunanely for Guntz, he suffers from many things in this adventure, but he'll tolerate the situations. Some points on the story may hint him to have either a rivalry with Rouge the bat or......romance......perhaps.
Guntz: *Blushes* Ro-ro-ROMANCE?!
Rouge: (All the men loves me)


Dark Super Sonic
Darkness have won over him, and now he is searching for the 7 Chaos Emeralds to destroy it all, will our heroes stop him and heal him in time or will they fail?
Dark Super Sonic: THEY WILL FAIL!!!!!!!!!!! >:(
Lucas: We won't fail!
Sakura: We won't fail!
Tails: You need to be good again!

?: Something says he can control dimensions as he wants......

?: Something says he can fire Phazons beams......

?: Something says he can be a maniatic ruler......

?: Something says he is a nemesis of Klonoa........

?: Something says he is the rival of Guntz...........


Chapter 1:The adventure begins!

Chris: This story starts 6 months since the Pig army was defeated and the Nowhere island is re-builded to peacefuls towns, citys and villages, the habitat of the animals is once again restored to his former nature, and now Lucas have received a letter from someone, the letter says....

Join the for chat with people!

Chris: Oops, wrong letter, Lucas looked inside the mailbox for more letters, and then he found one, the letter says....

You won this letter! Congratulations!

Chris: Yet another wrong letter! Lucas looked once again for more letters, by his surprise, he found lots of them that appeared from nowhere and read all of them, they all have rare writings, such like unrelated things, bills that were never from his house, letters from annonymous people and a cuppon for a free sandwich in.........well, let's say Lucas don't know a place called McDonalds, until he finally founded a interesting letter. The letter this time says......

You are now invited to the great tournament of........Super.......Smash......Brothers........Brawl! The great tournament that personalities from all the universe will participate for show who is the best of them all! Join the great celebration to enter!
P.S: Free candy!

Lucas: Free candy?! Now that's a promotion! I will go there! But I need to ask my dad first!

Chris: Lucas then went inside his house to show the letter to his father for the invitation, then....

Flint: Of course you can go, son! Go there and show them!

Lucas: Thanks Dad! I should be off tomorrow in the morning!

Chris: Little did Lucas know about the location of the tournament, for now, he was now packing his things in his backpack for the adventure he was going to take, he spent his last day with his friends and the townspeople, telling them about the event he was going to, they all were rooting for him for his success, then he was going to sleep until his father told him something.

Flint: Hey Lucas!

Lucas: Yes Dad?

Flint: A letter arrived this night! The letter said about the location of the tournament, but the bad thing is, the tournament is like 5000 KM from here!

Lucas: WHAT?!

Flint: But don't worry! I will give you money for your journey! For now rest son!

Lucas: Ok Dad!

Flint: Oh, I'm so proud of you, my son will be a famous person for the world! This memory is bringing me good memories, I was about your age, then every people I meet were different then, and I was about to have a little adventure, my first adventure when suddenly.....

***Lucas POV***

Lucas: (My father was talking so quickly!)

Flint: Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.....

***Chris POV***

Flint: And then we finally rescue the lost cat.......

Chris: By the time the 57394 blah was told, Lucas was already sleeping, knowing that tomorrow will be his great adventure.......................that he will need to tolerate.


Next chapter will be up tomorrow! Or more! :D



Preview of the next chapter

Lucas: Good morning Dad!
?: Who are you?
Chris: A chicken attacks Lucas!
Lucas: PK Freeze!

Water ☮

Quote from: wiiboychris on November 12, 2007, 09:24:20 PM
he finded lots of them that appeared from nowhere and readed all of them
:D :D the grammer


Quote from: wiiboychris on November 12, 2007, 08:47:10 PM
Chapter 1:The adventure begins!

Chris: This story starts 6 months since the Pig army was defeated and the Nowhere island was re-built to peacefuls towns, citys and villages, the habitat of the animals was once again restored to it's former nature, and now Lucas has received a letter from someone, the letter says....

Join the to chat with people!

Chris: Oops, wrong letter, Lucas looked inside the mailbox for more letters, and then he found one, the letter says....

You won this letter! Congratulations!

Chris: Yet another wrong letter! Lucas looked once again for more letters, by his surprise, he found lots of them that appeared from nowhere and read all of them, they all have rare writings, such like unrelated things, bills that were never from his house, letters from annonymous people and a cuppon for a free sandwich in.........well, let's say Lucas don't know a place called McDonalds, until he finally found a interesting letter. The letter this time says......

You are now invited to the great tournament of........Super.......Smash......Brothers........Brawl! The great tournament that personalities from all the universe will participate in to show who is the best of them all! Join the great celebration to enter! (< That doesn't make sense)
P.S: Free candy!

Lucas: Free candy?! Now that's a promotion! I will go there! But I need to ask my dad first!

Chris: Lucas then went inside his house to show the letter to his father for the invitation, then....

Flint: Of course you can go, son! Go there and show them!

Lucas: Thanks Dad! I should be off tomorrow in the morning!

Chris: Little did Lucas know about the location of the tournament, for now, he was now packing his things in his backpack for the adventure he was going to take, he spent his last day with his friends and the townspeople, telling them about the event he was going to, they all were rooting for him for his success, then he was going to sleep until his father told him something.

Flint: Hey Lucas!

Lucas: Yes Dad?

Flint: A letter arrived this night! The letter said about the location of the tournament, but the bad thing is, the tournament is like 5000 KM from here!

Lucas: WHAT?!

Flint: But don't worry! I will give you money for your journey! For now rest son!

Lucas: Ok Dad!

Flint: Oh, I'm so proud of you, my son will be a famous person for the world! This memory is bringing me good memories (< again doesn't make sense), I was about your age, then every person I met were different then, and I was about to have a little adventure, my first adventure when suddenly.....

***Lucas POV***

Lucas: (My father was talking so quickly!)

Flint: Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.....

***Chris POV***

Flint: And then we finally rescue the lost cat.......

Chris: By the time the 57394 blah was told, Lucas was already sleeping, knowing that tomorrow will be his great adventure.......................that he will need to tolerate.

from your grammar something tells me you can't be over 10....

Proud owner of Flowen -

"I tracked you down with this, this is my timey-wimey detector, goes ding when there's stuff" ~ The Doctor


Quote from: GrimTuesday on November 12, 2007, 10:27:47 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on November 12, 2007, 08:47:10 PM
Chapter 1:The adventure begins!

Chris: This story starts 6 months since the Pig army was defeated and the Nowhere island was re-built to peacefuls towns, citys and villages, the habitat of the animals was once again restored to it's former nature, and now Lucas has received a letter from someone, the letter says....

Join the to chat with people!

Chris: Oops, wrong letter, Lucas looked inside the mailbox for more letters, and then he found one, the letter says....

You won this letter! Congratulations!

Chris: Yet another wrong letter! Lucas looked once again for more letters, by his surprise, he found lots of them that appeared from nowhere and read all of them, they all have rare writings, such like unrelated things, bills that were never from his house, letters from annonymous people and a cuppon for a free sandwich in.........well, let's say Lucas don't know a place called McDonalds, until he finally found a interesting letter. The letter this time says......

You are now invited to the great tournament of........Super.......Smash......Brothers........Brawl! The great tournament that personalities from all the universe will participate in to show who is the best of them all! Join the great celebration to enter! (< That doesn't make sense)
P.S: Free candy!

Lucas: Free candy?! Now that's a promotion! I will go there! But I need to ask my dad first!

Chris: Lucas then went inside his house to show the letter to his father for the invitation, then....

Flint: Of course you can go, son! Go there and show them!

Lucas: Thanks Dad! I should be off tomorrow in the morning!

Chris: Little did Lucas know about the location of the tournament, for now, he was now packing his things in his backpack for the adventure he was going to take, he spent his last day with his friends and the townspeople, telling them about the event he was going to, they all were rooting for him for his success, then he was going to sleep until his father told him something.

Flint: Hey Lucas!

Lucas: Yes Dad?

Flint: A letter arrived this night! The letter said about the location of the tournament, but the bad thing is, the tournament is like 5000 KM from here!

Lucas: WHAT?!

Flint: But don't worry! I will give you money for your journey! For now rest son!

Lucas: Ok Dad!

Flint: Oh, I'm so proud of you, my son will be a famous person for the world! This memory is bringing me good memories (< again doesn't make sense), I was about your age, then every person I met were different then, and I was about to have a little adventure, my first adventure when suddenly.....

***Lucas POV***

Lucas: (My father was talking so quickly!)

Flint: Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.....

***Chris POV***

Flint: And then we finally rescue the lost cat.......

Chris: By the time the 57394 blah was told, Lucas was already sleeping, knowing that tomorrow will be his great adventure.......................that he will need to tolerate.

from your grammar something tells me you can't be over 10....
I'm still practicing english! I'm 16 years old and I am the best of my english class!


But thanks for spelling the words correctly, that will help me.:)


Quote from: wiiboychris on November 12, 2007, 11:22:40 PM
Quote from: GrimTuesday on November 12, 2007, 10:27:47 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on November 12, 2007, 08:47:10 PM
Chapter 1:The adventure begins!

Chris: This story starts 6 months since the Pig army was defeated and the Nowhere island was re-built to peacefuls towns, citys and villages, the habitat of the animals was once again restored to it's former nature, and now Lucas has received a letter from someone, the letter says....

Join the to chat with people!

Chris: Oops, wrong letter, Lucas looked inside the mailbox for more letters, and then he found one, the letter says....

You won this letter! Congratulations!

Chris: Yet another wrong letter! Lucas looked once again for more letters, by his surprise, he found lots of them that appeared from nowhere and read all of them, they all have rare writings, such like unrelated things, bills that were never from his house, letters from annonymous people and a cuppon for a free sandwich in.........well, let's say Lucas don't know a place called McDonalds, until he finally found a interesting letter. The letter this time says......

You are now invited to the great tournament of........Super.......Smash......Brothers........Brawl! The great tournament that personalities from all the universe will participate in to show who is the best of them all! Join the great celebration to enter! (< That doesn't make sense)
P.S: Free candy!

Lucas: Free candy?! Now that's a promotion! I will go there! But I need to ask my dad first!

Chris: Lucas then went inside his house to show the letter to his father for the invitation, then....

Flint: Of course you can go, son! Go there and show them!

Lucas: Thanks Dad! I should be off tomorrow in the morning!

Chris: Little did Lucas know about the location of the tournament, for now, he was now packing his things in his backpack for the adventure he was going to take, he spent his last day with his friends and the townspeople, telling them about the event he was going to, they all were rooting for him for his success, then he was going to sleep until his father told him something.

Flint: Hey Lucas!

Lucas: Yes Dad?

Flint: A letter arrived this night! The letter said about the location of the tournament, but the bad thing is, the tournament is like 5000 KM from here!

Lucas: WHAT?!

Flint: But don't worry! I will give you money for your journey! For now rest son!

Lucas: Ok Dad!

Flint: Oh, I'm so proud of you, my son will be a famous person for the world! This memory is bringing me good memories (< again doesn't make sense), I was about your age, then every person I met were different then, and I was about to have a little adventure, my first adventure when suddenly.....

***Lucas POV***

Lucas: (My father was talking so quickly!)

Flint: Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.....

***Chris POV***

Flint: And then we finally rescue the lost cat.......

Chris: By the time the 57394 blah was told, Lucas was already sleeping, knowing that tomorrow will be his great adventure.......................that he will need to tolerate.

from your grammar something tells me you can't be over 10....
I'm still practicing english! I'm 16 years old and I am the best of my english class!

so is english a secong language to you? if so sorry about saying you can't be over 10...

Proud owner of Flowen -

"I tracked you down with this, this is my timey-wimey detector, goes ding when there's stuff" ~ The Doctor


It's okay, english is my second language.


Chapter 2: The adventure really begins now! Really!

Lucas: Yeah! Is time for the big day!

Chris: Lucas awakened happily this morning, he was taking a bath and started to be ready and sure for his great adventure to the tournament, then when he was about to leave...

Flint: Lucas! You forgot your money!

Lucas: Oops! Sorry!

Flint: Here it is.


Flint: I have a work that pays too much.

Lucas: Ohhh, ok, I'm off! Good bye Dad!

Flint: Bye son!

Chris: So, Lucas was now going to the adventure he will never forget, but it will soon get worse for him, he doesn't will know how many persons he will met..........and regret to have been meeted them......

(Earthbound title appears as soon Lucas walk to the sunset with the music)



(The Earthbound title explodes and the "Lucas adventure" titles appears, then another line of words appears below that says "of crazyness!" and the music of Naruto "Fighting dreamers" starts to play.(That is a good music! Do you agree with me?!))

Lucas: Wow, I feel like I'm in a show or something.

Chris: A chicken attacks Lucas!

Lucas: What the hell! How many mad ducks we need to defeat here?

Chris: He easily defeated the mad duck, considering that is the weak enemy of all.

Lucas: Not a big deal........AHHHH!

?: Who are you?


?: Look! Sorry! You were just in my wa-

Lucas: PK Freeze!

Chris: What will happen to Lucas when the mysterious person bumped quickly to him? Who is this person? Why the mad duck attacked Lucas? What job have Flint to have such ammount of money? Why the Earthbound title appeared from nowhere? And why I'm asking too many questions? Find out in the next chapter "I hate Hedgehogs now!



Chapter 3: I hate hedgehogs now!


Lucas: Now that will teach you a lesson meanie!

Chris: Lucas frozen the mysterious person who bumped at high speed to him, the mysterious person was now out of any moving, and if you wanna know who is this person, that person was the hyperactive Sonic the Hedgehog.

Lucas: Wow, you're a hedgehog!

Chris: Lucas was shocked to see a hedgehog that can talks and run fast, or maybe was that the fact that Sonic was a little taller comparing to Lucas size.

Lucas: I better get out of here before the ice melt! (Runs away)

Sonic: (Help! Help! Help!)

2 hours later....

Lucas: Well, now that hedgehog is far away from me, I can't stop feeling that he is a bad influence to me.

Chris: Me too, Lucas, I feel the same thing.

Lucas: (Sigh) I only wish that every person I met, don't cause me trouble....

Sonic: Hi kid! Do you remember me?

Lucas: WAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Chris: Lucas turned back to escape from the monster, but as soon he was running back, the hedgehog was already in his way, Lucas was so scarred for life since Claus disguised himself of a ghost with a blank.


Sonic: Don't count of that!


Chris: (Poor Lucas! Sonic is haunting him!)


?: PK Flash! (BOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!!!)

Sonic: WWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(fly's away to the sky)

?: Are you ok?

Lucas: Thanks, thanks! Oh god, thank you!

?: Is good to see you fine!

Lucas: So, who are you?

?: Oh sorry! I'm Ness! I'm from Eagleland, nice to meet you!

Lucas: Eagleland? Isn't that country abandoned?

Ness: Eh, no, that country is too populated!

Lucas: (How strange, Eagleland is supposed to be destroyed!..........Whatever, what counts is Ness saved my life from that Psycho) So, where are you going?

Ness: I was visiting my family in my town, and now I was going to a place faraway. By the way, you and I are almost the same!

Lucas: Yes! How rare, well, Ness, thanks for your helping, I need to travel to a tournament in a faraway place too far from here!

Ness: Ok, maybe we can see each other again!

Lucas: Then, I need to continue my journey.

Ness: Good luck!

Lucas: Thanks! Good bye!

Chris: And so Lucas continue the long journey he was taking, to and awesom-

Lucas: Aaaooohhh!

Ness: (Shouts) Are you ok?!

Lucas: (Shouts) Yes! It just a little pain, but I'm fine!

Chris:..............and awesome tournament that will decide his destiny.

Meanwhile in the sky.


Chris: Suddenly, 2 humans and a Meowth were flying in another direction were Sonic was flying.



Chris: Sonic crashed to a mountain, that is so predecible. The journey of Lucas has just begun, what will he find in his adventure? What will Sonic and his friends do to Lucas? Where was Ness heading? Why the Team Rocket was being blasted off again for the 400th time? Why Lucas tripped by a rock? And why Lucas and Ness were so a like? Find out in the next chapter "Lucas is oficially lost part 1 of 2"!


Ok, I need characters from others games to participate in this story, you can tell me what character/s do you want ot appear, I can give you examples, Star Fox, Rayman, Phoenix Wright, Derek Styles, Angie Thompson, Pikmin, Elebits, Naruto, etc. So tell me what character do you want t appear!