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Lucas adventures of crazyness! Is Bowyer! Or is Bowser?

Started by DededeCloneChris, November 12, 2007, 08:30:15 PM

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I love you WBC.

Bowyer is coming it looks like.  :O
Remember that he talks like Yoda.


Quote from: Geno on January 13, 2008, 11:51:09 PM
I love you WBC.

Bowyer is coming it looks like.  :O
Remember that he talks like Yoda.
Oh thanks for reminding me! But I forgot how he can talk, can you refresh my mind please?


Geno just said he loved Chris... The world must be ending... Either that, or I'm having that dream again...


Quote from: wiiboychris on January 14, 2008, 12:08:21 AM
Quote from: Geno on January 13, 2008, 11:51:09 PM
I love you WBC.

Bowyer is coming it looks like.  :O
Remember that he talks like Yoda.
Oh thanks for reminding me! But I forgot how he can talk, can you refresh my mind please?
Badass geno is
Pie I like
Nice boobies are


Quote from: Geno on January 14, 2008, 10:34:20 AM
Quote from: wiiboychris on January 14, 2008, 12:08:21 AM
Quote from: Geno on January 13, 2008, 11:51:09 PM
I love you WBC.

Bowyer is coming it looks like.  :O
Remember that he talks like Yoda.
Oh thanks for reminding me! But I forgot how he can talk, can you refresh my mind please?
Badass geno is
Pie I like
Nice boobies are
I remember now..............


Chapter 52: The maze of the forest! An infinite long path!

Geno: Then follow me, this forest is really a maze, so if you don't be careful, you may be lost forever.

Amy: Fo-fo-forever?!

Geno: The forest doesn't have the name "Forever Forest" for nothing you know.

Amy: O-ok, I'll follow you.

*Meanwhile near the entrance of the forest, there was the Malo Mart just outside*

Shopkeeper: OOOOOUUUUUHHHHHH!!!! Customers!

Lucas: Is even good to have a shop just outside this forest?

Shopkeeper: Less talk and more things to buy!!! Today's theme is teleporter devices! Made out from the Final Fantasy series!

Lucas: Strange, I wanted to get one of those, because.......well.........just look outside how many of my partners are.

Shopkeeper: *Watches the big crowd out of the shop through the window* My my! You got a big problem kid! You know? Just for this day, you can have this Ultra Deluxe Final Fantasy Teleporter! *Shows to Lucas the Ultra Deluxe Final Fantasy Teleporter*

Lucas: Whoa, is tiny, but awesome!

Shopkeeper: It is! Really! You just need this to show it to your partners and then POOF! Everyone will have a caller device! The caller device let's you change party members when you save your game with those little creatures of over there! *Points to a Moogle*

Mog: Kupo! Nice to meet you kupo!

Lucas: And how many can travel with me?

Shopkeeper: Since you have the last model, you can up to 9 more people traveling with you!



*Lucas exits the Malo Mart*

Lucas: *Holds the Ultra Deluxe Final Fantasy Teleporter in his hand* (Finally, more patience around me)

Colette: Lucas, what did you bought in that shop?

Lucas The Ultra Deluxe Final Fantasy Teleporter! Is a device that let's me change party members when I around those little guys over there! *Points to a moogle*

Mog: Kupo!

Lucas: Now everyone, look the Ultra Deluxe Final Fantasy Teleporter.

*Everyone looks the Ultra Deluxe Final Fantasy Teleporter and suddenly, everyone got a little device in thier hands*

Tails: What is this thing? Hmmm, it looks like a little version of that machine. But it seems this one is 3cm less than the other one.

Lucas: Now you will be teleported to your homes, listen well, when I want to call you, that machine will make sounds and when you say "teleport" you will be right here with me, only 9 of you can go with me, got it?

Everyone else: Got it.

Lucas: I'll choose Sakura, Charmy, Klonoa, Sheba, Kumatora, Lucario, Cream, Presea and Meta Knight.

*The ones who doesn't were mentioned were transported back to their homes*

Sakura: Finally, we can have control over our group.

Lucas: You doesn't know how happy I am now.

Cream, Mr Lucario, can you guide us through the forest please?

Lucario: Roger, follow me.

Meta Knight: I feel the evil around the air.

*Inside the forest*

Amy: How long this forest goes Geno?

Geno: Since this is a maze, we could be lost now, but it should be more easier for me.

Amy: Thank goodness.

Geno: I should warm you to not grab the mushro-

Amy: *Holding a mushroom* What did you said? *The mushroom suddenly turns into a monster and attacks Amy and Geno*

*Insert the SMRPG Battle music, with Geno and Amy in it*

Amy: Say Geno, I have 2 questions, where are now and why there are like 3 mushrooms since it was one just a second ago?

Geno: Don't tell me you doesn't know that we are are now in a RPG style theme.

Amy: Another RPG style battle? Geez, how much this theme does multiplies?

Geno: Anyway, you sure want to know how this works right?

Amy: Yeah.

Geno: Ok, listen well, do you look the 4 squares with letters inside your face?

Amy: Yes.

Geno: Listen, the X button above your head has items on it, but there are no items by the moment, the Y button has special attacks, using them will trigger a command and the player outside needs to push the button correctly to make the attack more powerful, the B button has only 2 commands, defend and run away, and finally we have the A button, which is only a basic attack, but it works with the same engine as the special attack, but only pushing the A button at the right moment.

Amy: I think I got it.

Geno: Then let me show you how this works. *Selects Geno Beam and takes down a mushroom*

Amy: Amazing, you can fire beams from your arm!

Geno: Yes I can, but that takes flower points out of the total. The flower points are shared by all the party members inside the battle, so use the special attacks wisely.

Amy: Like this? *Selects attack and successfully takes down a mushroom*

Geno: You're getting the hand of it. Keep doing it good. Now is the enemy turn, when he is about to attack you, press either of the buttons at the right time to defend from the attack, doing so will decrease the attack's power.

Amy: Now..........ha!

Geno: Great work, now let's take that mushroom down.

Amy: Let me take this turn! *Use PikoPiko Hammer throw to the mushroom and takes it down*

*Victory fanfare*


Geno: Now let's continue through the forest and try to not get lost.

Amy: Ok.



Chapter 53: Even the most smart can get lost! Frustration in the maze!

Amy: You know Geno, I think it was lucky to meet you, I mean, being a friend of a guardian of the stars and all.

Geno: You really don't know what I need to tolerate, is almost the same thing again and again.

Amy: What is it?

Geno: Stars who break themselves as nothing happened.


*In the entrance of the forest, inside*

Lucas: 3 paths? Now where Lucario?

Lucario: This way.

Lucas: Ok.

*Scene: Malo Mart Area*

Sakura: Isn't this the same place we were just a moment ago?

Lucario: But, I swear it was the right way!

Kumatora: It was?

Lucario: Forget it, follow me again everyone.

Lucas: Ok........

*Scene: Malo Mart Area*

Klonoa: You know, this place is soooooo familiar.

Sakura: NO, REALLY?!

Lucario: Just one more time, follow me again!

Sheba: *Sigh* Alright.....

*Scene: Malo Mart Area*

Lucario: *O_O*

Meta Knight: I think I should better guide all of you through this forest.

Charmy: Are you gonna take us to the right way?

Meta Knight: You all must know now.....*Opens his cape, revealing a bunch of medals, diplomas, certificates, medallions and many stuff* I'm the most highest rank of all the star warriors, my leadership is one of the best besides many more.

Cream: Amazing! Just look to all those medals!

Meta Knight: Now everyone follow me.

Lucas: I think this will be it!

*Scene: Malo Mart Area*

Kumatora:...................Are you sure your stuff is not fake?

Meta Knight: Is not fake. Really.

Presea: My turn, follow me now.

Lucas: *Sigh* Alright........

*Scene: Malo Mart Area*

Presea: I have no comments.

Lucario: Neither do I.

Sheba: I want to try it, follow me now.

Lucas: *T_T* Fine.......

*Scene: Malo Mart Area*



Lucario: Great, you have told a bad word to a little girl, congratulations lady Sheba.

Cream: I'm fine, besides I heard Mr Sonic said that word in the past..........many times.....

Charmy: He did?

Cream: Every time Amy always found him sleeping.

Sakura: *Sigh* Can I try now?

Lucas: *Hand in the face* Do it please.......

*Scene: Malo Mart Area*


Lucario: *Hand in the face* No comments, right?

Sakura: Right.

Klonoa: I can do it! Come on, follow me!

Lucas: *Annoyed* ALRIGHT.......

*Scene: Malo Mart Area*

Klonoa: Look! I was right! That person wasn't there before!

Shopkeeper: Howdy travellers!



Lucas: YEAH!

Klonoa: *Depressed*

Cream: Can I try now?

Lucas: Let Charmy do it first.

Charmy: This is gonna be fun!

*Scene: Malo Mart Area*

Meta Knight: No, in fact, THIS IS COMPLETLY ANNOYING.

Kumatora: My turn! Here I go!

Lucas: >_<

*Scene: Malo Mart Area*

Lucas: *Hitting his head in a tree*

Cream: Can I try now?

Lucas: Go on.......

*Scene: Forest center*

Sheba: Finally! Another different place!

Presea: Cream is doing it fine.

Cream: Ok, let's go!

Lucas: Yeah!

*Scene: Malo Mart Area (Disk scratches)*

Klonoa: Too good to be true, TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! :'(

Lucario:...................................I agree.

Sheba: DAMIT! DAMIT! THAT'S IT! NOW I HAVE TOO MUCH FURY!!! *Starts to cast a very powerful spell*

Lucario: Lady Sheba, don't do it!

Charmy: Don't screw anything for the love of the lord!

Sheba: SCREW THIS!!!! *She cast Spark Plasma X100 and destroys half of the forest in the process*

And so Sheba was pointed as the top destroyer of trees and animals in all the world, A.K.A, Tree destroyer. ;D

Amy: Did you hear something?

Geno: No, it must be the wind.

Amy: I could have sworn it was something very familiar.....

*Scene: Malo Mart Area*

Sheba: *Panting*............Finally...........not more maze crap..........

Klonoa: O_O

Lucario: I can presense better the aura, let's go.

Lucas: *Terrified*...........................Please lead the way........



*Scene: Malo Mart Area*

Grr... Stupid forest...

*takes different path*

*Scene: Malo Mart Area*

O_O Anyway, great chapter!


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on January 18, 2008, 09:47:53 PM
*Scene: Malo Mart Area*

Grr... Stupid forest...

*takes different path*

*Scene: Malo Mart Area*

O_O Anyway, great chapter!
Thank you! ;D ;) :D ;D ;) :P


You are welcome! *takes path*

*Scene Malo Mart*


*Sheba destroys the forest again*