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Luigi's Shed (Season 2: Luigi's Hotel)[Season 2 Finale Posted 5-8-08]

Started by evilflame101, November 12, 2007, 09:54:39 PM

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Episode 9: a new sidekick (maybe)

Luigi: so how does it feel to not get to be the hero?

Mario: *irritated* can you at least let me watch TV?

but we do not have Comcast, it when out of business.


fine you can watch TV but you do not get a phone so you can not order off of TV shopping network.

Mario: ok give me the remote.

Luigi: *hands Mario the remote through the cage*

Mario: *randomly changing the channels* yay! the pretty pink pony show!! *stutters and then talks in fake manly voice* i mean the pimp your pony show.

now you can make your pretty pony pink!

TV: *goes to commercials* are you a feminine man?

Mario: yes!

TV: are you tired of people filming you and sending it to toadstools funniest home videos?

Mario: yes!

TV: are you getting annoyed about your girl friend being kidnapped by a turtle with a spiky shell and having to save her then she gets kidnapped again?!

Mario: *Excited* yes! yes! yes!

TV: then maybe your girl friend is paying a turtle with a spiky shell to continually kidnap her to get away form you! *goes to next commercial*

Mario: ...

TV: do you love ponies?


TV: do you like girly things? then watch the girly pony show Mondays at 8pm!

Mario: i will!

Luigi: the tv can't hear you!

Mario: then why is it asking me questions?

Luigi: your pathetic.

Mario: *in trance* must watch ponies...

Tv: *goes to next commercial* ponies-150$'

Tv: girly tv shows- price of cable

Tv: price of cable- 30 a month

tv: your brother being girly and you recording it and sending it to toadstools funnies home videos and winning...

TV: priceless. there are some things money can't buy but for everything else there's MasterCard, and now upgrade to MasterCard platinum.

Luigi: hahahaha...what a coincidence i am just heading to the post office to mail a film of you being girly to toadstools funniest home videos!

Mario: *suddenly sad* ..... your a meany pants..... waahhhhh *crying*

Luigi: ok then I'm going to go now.

*Luigi goes to post office and mails film of Mario to funniest home videos*

Luigi: *enters home*

Luigi: did e gad come by yet?


ok ill go on the internet.

Luigi: *goes to Google* ok Google search Bowser's floating castle.

Luigi: ok cool i found it.

computer: downloading map 0.000000000000000000000000000000000001%

computer: downloading map 0.000000000000000000000000000000000002%

Computer: downloading map 99%

downloading map 100%

Computer: download complete- printing......... deeeeet deeeeeeeeeet out of ink

Luigi: the one time the computer downloads its out of ink...

aww well i can use my favorite toy now.

Luigi: *plugs in chainsaw* yaaaa!!!!!

Chainsaw: buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzssss

Luigi: that takes cafe of that

*Luigi used the chainsaw to destroy computer*

Luigi: throws pieces of computer out into the street.

driver in car: ahhhaahhhhhhh!!!!! flying computers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *load crashing sound* *car runs into tree*

printing complete!

Luigi: hey it printed it some how. sweet. *takes map of Bowser's castle* now i just have to find the castle.

knock! knock!

Luigi: come in.

E. gad: *enters house*

E. gad: well me and my friend were walking here and he was ready to work for you and all of the sudden a part of a computer flew and hit him in the head.

E. gad:
and then a car swerved out of control and ran his leg over so he is at the hospital along with the car driver!

E. gad: so I guess your on your own.

Luigi: will you help me? i have a map of Bowser's castle all we have to do is find it and we know that it is in the sky and that it has cannons.

Mario: I love the pony show.

TV: we interrupt this pony show to bring you breaking news. cannon ball were flying randomly from the sky today next to the weather station center.

TV: and 4 people were injured.

TV: and in other news random parts of a computer flew across the road causing a massive car accident and a chain reaction of accidents more on this at 11.

Luigi: *shuts off TV* i think we've seen enough so lets go and find Bowser's castle it should be near the tv station.



Awesome. Can't wait for the next one. Luigi is my favorite Mario character, so this is great for me. Too bad the Fan Fiction Board is dead here and I am the only one that reads it. This needs to be shared with the world!


Episode 10: Castle in the Sky

(I will spell professor's name E.gadd or I know I have been spelling it wrong before this.)

E.gadd: I will go and look for Bowser's castle and a way to get to it. wait here *leaves*

*AOL mail voice* you got mail!

since when do we have a computer after i broke mine?

Mario: *still in cage watching TV* since I bought it off of the TV shopping network!

Luigi: how did you buy it without a phone?

well you left the key to the cage right there. *points next to door to his cage*

Mario: so i grabbed it and unlocked the cage. I went and used the phone then went back into the cage.

Mario: when the delivery guy came I just had him set it up.

Luigi: you wouldn't by any chance still have the key would you?

Mario: yes I do...why?

Luigi: you think I could see it for a second?

sure but give it right back. *hands Luigi the key to the cage*

Luigi: thanks. *locks the cage* *puts key in his pocket* whoa that was a close one.

Mario: key...aww well i can still watch TV.

Luigi: if you just fell for that I think your TV is rotting your brain.

TV: ...and how does that make you feel?

Mario: *excited* oh... this is my favorite episode!

your not actually watching opera are you?


an all time low...

Computer: *AOL voice* you STILL got mail... are you to lazy to check it!?

Luigi: oh ya... totally forgot about that.

*walks over to computer* what the heck... *looks at computer* why is this computer pink with roses on it?

Luigi: ...and why is the desktop picture a pony...

Mario: um... i think it looks pretty and it matches the new shoes i bought. *shows Luigi a pair of pink high heels*

Luigi: That's just disturbing...

Luigi: *checks mail on computer* its from toadstools funniest home videos!

*reading e-mail* congratulations!! you have won the contest with your girly Mario video. you got the most votes getting a 100,000 dollar cash prize! we will send you a check in the mail!


wait a minute you sent a movie in about me?


Mario: oh...ok...sorry for accusing you.

Luigi: are acting weird.

we will be right back to opera...up next Dr. Phil.

yes! i love Dr. Phil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luigi: ok then...

*AOL voice* you got more mail.

*goes to computer to read mail* its from toadstools funniest home videos again...

*reading mail* we are sorry for the inconvenience but we have gone bankrupt so can not pay you. we currently have 4 viewers. 3 voted for your movie, one voted for another guy and that's all of the voters.

Luigi: ...why do all of the company have to go out of business when i need them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Computer: *AOL voice* you got mail...again!

you got mail!

Computer: you got mail!

you got...

Computer: you...

Computer: overload...overload...150 unread messages!!

Computer: overload...overload...12837650 unread messages!!

Computer: virus uploaded... computer self-destruct in 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1...

aaaahhhhh!!!!! run!!!!

Computer: boom!... haha scared you!

Luigi: stupid AOL it is horrible. *cancels AOL*

*E.gadd enters room*

E.gadd: I bought us disguises on eBay... but stupid eBay you never know what your going to get so i got shoelaces...

E.gadd: but i found the castle and a way to get there....raccoon suits...remember they make you fly.

so you were trying to get discuses for what...

so we looked like guards to the castle so they let us in.

Luigi: and they sent you shoelaces instead?

E.gadd: yes.

Luigi: ok bring the shoelaces incase.


here put on the raccoon suit and we will fly to the castle.

Luigi: ok

*Luigi and E.gadd put on raccoon suit*

Luigi: why do raccoon suits make you fly? since when do raccoons fly?

Luigi: you would think it would make you like a raccoon.

E.gadd: would you rather it give you the power to raid through dumpsters good?

Luigi: i guess not.

*Luigi and E.gadd fly up to Bowser's castle and get to the bridge which leads to it*

ok put on your shoelaces. *ties shoelace on finger*

*Luigi and E.gadd walk up to guards*

Guard: hey its Luigi! quick kill him!

Luigi: wait! wait! I'm not Luigi I'm a guard see. *shows him shoelace on finger*

Guard: oh...I that case go right on in!

*Luigi and E. Gadd enter the castle*



There you have it 3 back to back episodes!! I will from now on be posting one or two episodes each Thursday, depending on the length of the episodes. I hope you love this fan fic, comments much appreciated!


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on November 25, 2007, 10:20:38 PM
Awesome. Can't wait for the next one. Luigi is my favorite Mario character, so this is great for me. Too bad the Fan Fiction Board is dead here and I am the only one that reads it. This needs to be shared with the world!
Im glad you love this! It was shown to many people as I did originally post it on the official Nsider, but i wish more people could see it. If you like this so far, you will loves season 2 since it is has much longer chapters, a better writing format/style, and overall much more entertaining, i hope you continue to read my fan fic, and tell your friends, thanks for the feedback, and don't forget to check back on Thursdays for more new episodes!


Lol. This is funny. I like what you did with Mario.


I have a lot of homework tonight and i still need to do some editing, so look forward to 4 back to back to back to back episodes next Thursday!


Yay. For a second there, I thought you had given up on it. Phew.


Im just finishing up some editing, so the first of 4 episodes will be up in a few minutes...


Episode 11: Starting to explore Bowser's castle

*Luigi and E.gadd walk into the castle and the room is just a huge empty room with a door on the other side*

Luigi: its empty...too empty.

*Luigi pulls out a gun from his belt and James bond music starts playing

E.gadd: oh brother*starts to calmly walk across the room*

Luigi: stop! hammer time! *can't touch this starts playing in the back ground as Luigi dances toward the other side while making gun motions*

*E.gadd and Luigi make it to the other side*

I new there were no traps bowser isn't that smart.

Luigi: ...that was easy.

where did you get that gun anyway... and why is it pink?

oh, its Mario's toy squirt gun. you can probably tell what his favorite color is.

he just wears a red suit instead of pink so he doesn't look stupid.

E.gadd: ok now to get through this door *looks around for a key*

Luigi: the key is in the door handle. *turns key to unlock door*

if a bad guy is trying to keep away from you why does he just leave keys to his lair laying around.

Luigi: it's like he wants us to get through the first room.

*scene switches to deep in bowser's lair*

Bowser: *watching security cameras* perfect! They made it through the first room just like I wanted it.

*scene switches back to Luigi and E.gadd*

*Luigi and E.gadd walk through the door into the next room*

*they look at the next room and it looks the same*

walks into middle of the room.

*suddenly Luigi is surrounded by flame*

E.gadd: no!!!!!!don't die Luigi!!!

*not afraid at all* *pulls out squirt gun* *pulls trigger and it pours out 25 pounds of water at it*

*the fire goes out*

E.gadd: how does such a small thing shoot so much water?

Luigi: it is small put packs a huge punch.

*Luigi and E.gadd go to next door*

Luigi: the key isn't there?

E.gadd: he actually wants us to think?

Luigi: *reaches into pocket* I have the key to Mario's cage... *tries key on door*

*door opens*

hey it worked... save that key for later.. or Mario will be stuck in the cage.

E.gadd: on second thought I couldn't care less what you do with the key...

*E.gadd and Luigi walk into next room*

*the room looks the same again*

Luigi: nooo!!!!!

E.gadd: deja vu.....

Luigi: am I dreaming...?pinch me!

E.gadd: *pulls out mechanical claw are and pinches Luigi*

ooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEFINATALLY AWAKE!!

Luigi: *walks into center of the room*

*a monster pops out of the ground*

I'm going to kill you!!!!!!!!!

Luigi: lets hope he is so tough that he hates pink *throws pink gun to him*

Monster: *suddenly talking in babyish voice* oooooooo. I love pink. *licking his thumb and cuddling the squirt gun*
(yes I said licking)

*Luigi and E.gadd run past him and look around for the key*

Luigi: I don't see a key anywhere!

Luigi: maybe the door is unlocked?

E.gadd: I doubt it, who would be that stupid?

Luigi: Bowser...*thinks for a second*...and bush of course.

Luigi: *turns door handle* hey it opened*

*Luigi and E.gadd walk into the room*

Luigi: Finally it looks different!

TO BE CONTINUED...comments, ideas, questions, feed back, post here.

Next episode- something new. (will post in a few minutes...)


Episode 12: something new

Luigi: *looks in the new room* it looks like it goes on forever!

E.gadd: well we better start walking.

*Luigi and E.gadd start to walk to the other side*

*one minute later*

E.gadd: I think I see the other side!

*one hour later*

Luigi: I guess it was just a mirage...

*one day later*

wow... this is boring and my legs are sore.

Luigi: stop complaining wussy.

*one week later*

this is like the energizer bunny it just keeps going and going and going and going and going and...

*one month later*

Luigi: ...and going and going and going...

E.gadd: *interrupting Luigi* and ending!!!

Luigi: ...and going and going and... hey your right I see the ending!!!!!!!!!

*Luigi and E.gadd start sprinting*

Luigi: look it has a sign. it says Bowser's lair please knock.

E.gadd: yes!!!.

*Luigi and E.gadd take one more step and a trap door opens from under them and they fall onto a trampoline*

Luigi: *jumping on the trampoline* I could do this all day. *does a triple back flip*

E.gadd: *not on trampoline any more* I'm scared...

your a Mario!

how dare you compare me to Mario!!!!!!!!!!! He's a girl!

Luigi: that makes plenty of sense...

Luigi: *gets off trampoline* look a door!

*they both walk through the door and enter the next room.*

Luigi: look...there are 3 doors each with a key on them. which should we take?

E.gadd: I say the middle.

Luigi: I say the left.

E.gadd: lets split up then.

Luigi: wait read the sign.

E.gadd: *reading sign* once you go through the right door no one can enter or exit through the door.

that means if we split up then we might get stuck without 1 of us.

E.gadd: I guess we will have to go together.

E.gadd: I think its the middle.

Luigi: wait I have a map I printed up from awhile ago. *searches pockets* *pulls out map and looks at it*

Luigi: it got burned in the second room we went in.

E.gadd: ok lets go in the middle then.

no! I got an idea. we will have a yo mama off! winner pick first door.

I'll insult first!

Luigi: yo mama so stupid she went on the south beach diet, and went to the south and ate the beach!

E.gadd: yo mama so mamaish that she's your mom.

Luigi: that was lame...I want the left door.

E.gadd: left it is...*ashamed of his pathetic yo mama joke*

*Luigi and E.gadd unlock the left door with the key next to it and enter the door*

TO BE CONTINUED...comments, ideas, questions, post here.

Next episode- the left door

Release-  In a few minutes


Episode 13: The Left Door

*Luigi and E.gadd walk through the left door*

Luigi: hey look who it is!

Luigi: *points to Tingle and Crazy Redd*

Luigi: did we go through the right door?

Crazy Redd: no. but I know the right door.

Crazy Redd: can I interest you in the answer for a mere 15,000 bells?!

we're good...

Tingle: Tingle know which door... For a price... 1000 rupees!

E.gadd: you two make a good couple...

Tingle: no we don't I'm not a girl!

Luigi: that's questionable...

you two are the most pathetic people I've ever met.

your obsessed with money.

I think I will just try to find it myself.

E.gadd: what about me?

Luigi: I mean we will find it ourselves.

*Luigi and E.gadd walk back into the main room*

*they see toad in there*

Toad: yo...*rapping*....yo,
your stuck, here at a three way road....
I forgot to mention my name is toad...
You better hope the road you choose is right...
Otherwise your in for quite a night!

Luigi: what the heck...

E.gadd: since when does Toad rap.

Toad: since Toad realized he shops at gap!

Luigi: I am surprised he can rhyme...

Luigi: I think we should take the middle door.

E.gadd: I think we should take the right door.

Luigi: and I think that the right door to choose would be the middle!

E.gadd: fine you always get your way...

E.gadd: big baby!

*Luigi and E.gadd walk through the middle door*



RELEASE- (a few minutes)


Episode 14: The Middle Door

*Luigi and E.gadd walk into the middle door*

Luigi: *looking around* *sees the Gecko from Geico Insurance Company*

Gecko: hello. Geico, 15 minutes or less could save you 15% or more on car insurance.

would you like to buy car insurance buy Geico?

I'll pass.

Gecko: fine be that way. I guess I will just have to steal to feed my family! *talking to himself* a guy just try's to feed his family...

Luigi: ok then... *turns to his left and sees two really nice cars. one red and one blue*

E.gadd: a blue Porsche and a red Ferrari!!!! I call the Ferrari!

*Luigi and E.gadd go into the different cars*

E.gadd: ...the keys are in the ignition... nice!

*Luigi and E.gadd rev up their engines and speed down a hallway at 100mph in their nice cars*

*the ground runs out and their is a drop off*

*Luigi and E.gadd slam on their brakes and still go flying off the edge into a pit of water*

Luigi: *gets out of car as it hits the water* there goes those sweet cars...

*swimming in the water* you should have got Geico... now I can point and laugh at you...*points at Luigi* hahahahaha!!

Gecko: *swims away*

*suddenly Luigi and E.gadd are swimming in the water and they see shark fins in the water*

*jaws music playing*

Luigi: do you find it odd that music from jaws is playing and we are surrounded by sharks???

E.gadd: *sarcastically* no not at all.

*The sharks pop out of the water and they are just dolls*

Luigi: *looking around in water*

Luigi: look it's daisy!!!!!!!!!!

*Luigi swims to daisy*

Luigi: *realizing it is just a doll* aww man...

Bowser's voice: *coming from nowhere* I have captured you little friends and you have chosen the wrong door yet again.

Bowser's voice: *still coming from nowhere if you did not realize it* now if your not here in three days after you enter the last door I will drop your friends into a pit of sharks and vicious animals.

Luigi: Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

E.gadd: Noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!.....awww well I get paid either way...

Luigi: ...

*Luigi and E.gadd swim to a platform with stairs and begin to walk back to the room with the 3 doors*

Luigi: this could take awhile to walk since we were going 100 mph and it took a minute.

lets try to have a rap off on the way there!

Luigi: why?

Toad: *appearing from nowhere behind Luigi* yo I'll play!!!

Luigi: aaaaaahhh!!!!!!!!!!!...where did you come from???

Toad: *acting Gangsta* yo...I do what I want for shizzle...

Toad: any way I'll star the rap.

Luigi: ok then...

*rapping* yo...I like to do very odd things...
When you fight with me good luck keeping yo bearings!
I eat stuff I find on the ground....
When I rap my words are all compound!

Luigi: ok then... my turn.

I like to eat chinese food.
You break the law you're likely to get sued.
I am a plumber that knows what's best.
So mess with me and die like the rest!

Toad: yo, I knew there was a rapper n' yo!

E.gadd: ok my turn!

I like things that are blue.
E.gadd: so look at me I eat your poo.
I eat stones, rocks and cheese.
So look at me I like cheese!

Luigi: you rhymed cheese with... cheese... since when do you eat poo....???

Luigi: whatever...

well I've decided since I'm gangsta I'm gonna stay wit yo guys to help yaz find yo girls!

E.gadd: I have no idea what you just said but sure.

*Luigi, toad, and E.gadd walk the rest of the way to the main room and go back to it*

wait a minute. the sign says choose the right door. maybe it did not mean the correct door, it meant the right door. because the last door is the right one in both ways...

E.gadd: great...

*Luigi, Toad, and E.gadd walk into the right room knowing that it is the right room because it is the last choice*

Luigi: *after they walk in* *try's to turn door* its locked. that means its the right door.

E.gadd: wait a minute. we did not have to even check out the rooms... we could have just seen if the door locked itself, and if it didn't it was the wrong room!

TO BE CONTINUED... comments, ideas, questions, feedback.... post here.

Next episode- wanted dead or alive.

Release- Next Thursday, 2 episodes back to back.


There you have it 4 back to back to back to back episodes! I hope you enjoy them comments much appreciated. BTW only 6 episodes left until the season Finale! Check back next Thursday for more new episodes!!!


Quote from: evilflame101 on December 06, 2007, 10:02:07 PM
There you have it 4 back to back to back to back episodes! I hope you enjoy them comments much appreciated. BTW only 6 episodes left until the season Finale! Check back next Thursday for more new episodes!!!