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The Dalmascan Empire (FFXII Military/RPG)

Started by Marshal Dominus, September 25, 2007, 12:15:54 PM

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Marshal Dominus

The Dalmascan Empire

The final stages of the Great War between the Empires Archadia and Rozzaria left Ivalice a bitter and shattered place. The once majestic realm was torn by war, lack of a leader or any united force. City-states emerged once more, as self-governing people fought amongst themselves for dwindling resources. The demise of civilization was imminent, had a Dalmascan human not arisen from the ranks and called the people to order.

The wretched of the streets hailed the man as their new Dalmascan King. He restored economy, established trade, cultured the citizens, and unified both currency and language, as where vulgar tongues had developed from the Old Imperial Era. The Nabradian cities joined with the growing Dalmascan Kingdom, and Rozzarians soon pledged their allegiance too. All peoples of the continents became united; even Archadians, who were always hesitant. The death of that man marked the First Year of the Dalmascan Regalty, with the First King, Rex Primus Numerius Dalmascus Magnus. His son, Saicunus, followed him with equal vigor. Saicunus was a religious man, devout to ordering the cultures of the Kingdom, expressing freedom to evolve throughout the world at their own pace and in their own direction.

The Third King of Dalmasca, Traianus, built the military from the ground up. Each following King contributed from the last, until near the 270th year of the Dalmascan Regalty. The King Rex Quinatus Numerius Dalmascus fought the first uprisings of a new order. Rebellions througout the kingdom threatened to tear apart society, and enforcing martial law did not quell the cries. His son, however, did bring them to order; Sextius. And his son, Septamus, reformed the Kingdom which had so displeased the people into the Dalmascan Empire.

It is Year 293 of the Dalmascan Imperial Era. The military is a force unmatched, but maintaining an Empire is no short work...

What We're Doing Here:
Welcome to the Dalmascan Empire. This is a continuation of the 'Dalmasca' RP/Military on RPGN. We focus on the Role-play when we are not at War, both factors decided by myself, being the Emperor of Dalmasca. We will happily accept any fleet or solo battles presented to us, so long as all the basic ethical rules of role-playing are upheld. I expect opposing leaders to hold restraint on members breaking these simple rules, and I will return the favor.

Role-playing will follow three plots, assuming members are present and active to participate. Each faction of the military will follow its own plot, with details further below.

Personally, if you haven't noticed yet, I follow a great infatuation of the Roman Regency, Republic, and Empire. You'll see plenty of Latin and plenty of parallels to the Roman History. As such to my infatuation, I am subject to it. If you feel like the Empire could be better off without me? Organize a coup d'état and dispose of me. You'll have to fight off the insurrections in my wake, control other Administrators, et cetera. This will be seen as a Role-playing and Political action, and don't worry; I'll stick around to defend myself. I'm trying this out, because I've never seen it done before.

Let's not have any rebellions without just cause, shall we? I love a good political scandal. Now, let's write History.

The Imperial Administration:
Holding true to the founding powers that were, the Imperial Administration is modeled after the Empires whom once stood in the stead of Dalmasca. The Administrative powers control all political or military aspects of the Empire, depending on their position and description of position.

Emperor: Marshal Dominus
Arch-Leader of the Imperial Hierarchy the Emperor can control all aspects of the military, state and well being of the Empire by his will without hindrance or prosecution. Has the power to appoint Consuls, Praetors and Judges, acting as Imperial Magistrates (Imperati Magistri).

Militaristic-Leader of the Imperial Administration, the Consul is appointed directly by the Emperor and is the commander-in-chief of the I.D.M. in the stead of the direct supervision of the Emperor. Also acts as an advisory to the Emperor in matters pertaining to the military and conquests such as. This position can be duplicated for multiple individuals. Has the power to appoint Magistrates of the Military (Magistri Exerciti).

Praetor: Julius Benedict
State-Leader of the Imperial Administration, the Praetor is appointed directly by the Emperor and is the overseer of policies of State, politics, alliances, wars, internal affairs and perpetuating the Empire in the stead of the direct supervision of the Emperor. Also acts as an advisory to the Emperor in matters pertaining to the state or foreign policies such as. This position can be duplicated for multiple individuals. Has the power to appoint Magistrates of the State (Administrans Magistri).

The appointed defender of the Imperial Administrators, the Judge has been chosen out of an excelling strength in solo fighting, versus a fleet tactical mind-set, as the Consul would be elected; or a politically concerned mind-set, as the Praetor would be elected. They are charged with carrying out tasks of the Administrators when they themselves are unable to do so and only so. Abuse of the Judge is not permitted. However, the Judge is always assumed to defend the life of the Emperor primarily and secondly the Consuls and Praetors, if they are so unable to defend themselves. The Emperor may appoint Judges at will, and the Consuls and Praetors may request Judges to be appointed, to be approved by the Emperor.

Imperatis Dalmasci Militaris - I.D.M.:
The Imperial Military of Dalmasca

The I.D.M., under the supervision of the Consul, is divided into three branches. The I.N.C.C., the I.A.E.G., and the I.L.T.R. The I.D.M. is charged with operating the several military factions in ordinance with the policies of State and the Emperor. All members, despite their faction, are instructed to rise through the ranks until they reach the chief-position of their Faction, and hold that position until an Administrator notices their actions, and that person is arisen to the Administration.

Imperatis Navis-Caelis Classis - I.N.C.C.:
The Imperial Sky-Ship Class
The Faction of the Sky and Reaches Beyond, the I.N.C.C. deals with Aerospace matters. The I.N.C.C. is lead by the High-Admiral, a direct officer under the Consul. The Administration are the group of officers set to complete tasks set out by a higher official or an Imperial Administrator. The Engineer Core is responsible for developing and improving technologies for the Fleet. The Role-play of the I.N.C.C. will follow the views of a stargazing group; ship mates exploring the depths of space and sky of new worlds, or participating in great battles, where they command the sky and combat other sky-units.

I.N.C.C. Administration
High-Admiral: Enjolras J. Valjean
Lieutenant Commander:

I.N.C.C. Engineer Core
First Officer:
Second Officer:

I.N.C.C. Standard Ranks

Imperatus Armae Equitatusque Glavirus - I.A.E.G.:
The Imperial Cavalry and Infantry Army
The powerful I.A.E.G., this military faction deals with all maters of the cavalry and infantry on the ground. Lead by the Grand-Marshal, the I.A.E.G. finds strength in numbers and tactics. The Administration of the I.A.E.G. is the core of officers set out to command the Army. The Res-Maior Tormentum are those in charge of siege weapons of all sorts. The role-play of the I.A.E.G. will follow large-scale battles, in where tactic and stamina are your allies.

I.A.E.G. Administration
Lieutenant General:

I.A.E.G. Res-Maior Tormentum
Master Brigadier:
First Grenadier:
Second Grenadier:

I.A.E.G. Standard Ranks
Master Sergeant:

Imperata Legionaria Tutela Regia - I.L.T.R.:
The Imperial Royal Defense Legion
Charged with the well being of the State, the I.L.T.R. watches over our cities and lands while the Imperial Armies are away. They root out criminals, fugitives and rebellions, ensuring the safety and continuity of the Empire. Lead by the High-Captain, the branches of the I.L.T.R. deal with several sorts of urban unsettlements. The Urban Control, or U.C., operates primarily within urban settings. The Subresians are covert agents, specialized in infiltration and stealth. The role-play of the I.L.T.R. will focus on urban combat, espionage, stealth, reconnaissance, and perhaps a meatier plot for a greater length of time versus the other two factions. All Factions will have their strengths if you find that area interesting.

I.L.T.R. Administration

I.L.T.R. Urban Control

Imperial Cities and Defensive Measures:

Rabanastre: Capitol of the Empire, Rabanastre holds home to the Imperial Palace where the Administration finds their home. The desert-bound city is a bustling realm of trade, transportation and a clash of cultures, being the crossroads between the Ivalice-bound Empire. Rabanastre also finds home to the Headquarters of the I.L.T.R. The over-watching eyes of the High-Captain keep crime, rebellion and illegal operations to a minimal. Nevertheless, guards are heavy on security in the city without presenting an oppressing force.
The first line of defense of Rabanastre is the Great Wall; a massive construct of reinforced enchanted metals stretching across the borders of the Estersand, Westersand, Giza Plains, and back around the north. Gates at each cardinal direction regulate ground traffic and extreme Anti-aircraft defenses are in place. A recent addition to the arsenal, the Ouranous Tormentum, is a new class of Canon, which shoots any standardized projectile from the ground out into space with dangerous force, preventing any high-atmosphere crossings of the Wall. The Wall was designed to contain enemy aerial support to Rabanastre, and to force a ground fight until the wall is breached and the Guns taken offline. To prevent such an event, Shield compounds were placed every half-kilometer to provide a shield grid encompassing the entire wall.
A second wall surrounds the city outskirts and a third, the inner city. It was designed so stages of infantry fights could be controlled, with full on battle in the deserts and plains between the Great and Second Walls, urban combat in the outskirts, and besiegement in Inner City. Infantry defends both city-walls and vehicle turrets, along with tactically placed military bunker compounds, in which are Anti-Aircraft and Long-Range Tactical Arrays. Lastly, the inner city has a shield, which can be projected across the entire third wall for a besiegement of two months.

Nebradazza: The once glorious captiol of the city-state Nabradia, this urban realm has fallen into decay and crime. The I.L.T.R. has a heavy presence in Nebradazza, trying to clense the filth of the rebels. Once glorious constructs of architecture lie in ruin and house the scum of the Empire. There is no political, military or religious value in capturing Nebradazza, beyond the views of the extinguishing of such concentrations of crime by the Empire. The vast outskirts and large buildings in the central city prove to be the perfect terrain for the I.L.T.R., and their last standing defense posts, if necessary.

Rozzaria: The far western city of Rozzaria, compared to the rest of the Empire, the Rozzarians hold a culture of their own, met only by traders in Rabanastre. Magic is in excess here, as several magical factions find home here, along with the unofficial headquarters of the Magus Legion - a union of magicians in the I.D.M. Grand structures have arisen through magical affinity in Rozzaria, along with such defenses. The first and foremost of the Rozzarian defenses is it's placement. It sleeps on the coast protected by mists which lead many astray whom do not know the path into the city. Deeper into the mists, animated stone golems walk the forests, ready to call for aide at any moment. All sorts of denizens lay in the mist - hulking sentinels, lightweight scouts, turrets and canons, humanoid soldiers, the armies hidden are many.
After penetrating the mists, the city can be seen, protected by standardized Dalmascan defenses; turrets, walls, city-shields, the likes.

Archades: The great city Archades, center of wealth, economy and the I.A.E.G., the metropolis is a fantastic realm of machine and might. Much of Archades was preserved following the Imperial War, for salvaging the city was a priority of the early Dalmascan Regency. Still the towers stand tall, and still the beauty grows sleepily. Archades is a wonderful realm, but also a place of great military strength. With the I.A.E.G. headquartered here, many home-bound armies find their time parading about Archades.
Sporting various walls and shields of such defenses, Archades is equipped with standard Dalmascan defenses. Despite a copious ammount of Long-Range Tactical Arrays, Archades relies on its numbers of infantry and constant patrol of a Skyship or Two for it's main protection.

Bhujerba: The sky-city of Bhujerba and the headquarters of the I.N.C.C., Bhujerba is littered with Anti-aircraft arrays, along with dozens of docked ships, and hundreds of fighters constantly present, not mentionably in a time of alertness. The I.L.T.R. keep a regiment of elite in the streets of Bhujerba, for in the event of an infantry landing, it is only them who are able to defend the streets of city where the Sky-ships were unable to do so. Since the annexation of Bhujerba, little has changed beyond expansion deeper onto Dormostis, expanding the size of the city slightly. Besides the presence of the I.N.C.C., Bhujerba is the main exporter of Magicite, and a close ally of Rozzaria, so dependant on the mined magicite.

Roma: The great fortress of Roma, it is the last bastion of operations in the event of a global invasion. In the fortunante event of a contained invasion, Roma will remain on alert, but Imperial Leaders not be evacuated to the fortress. All sorts of arrays defend the isolated island-bound fortress. From shields, to anti-aircraft, to long-range tactical, to orbital canons; all defenses are present at the sturdy Roman Walls.
Situated on an island, as mentioned, due north of Rabanastre, Roma is acessable by naval landings only, for the walls stand right at the tall cliffs of the seashore; beachless. Sky-landings are futile, with so many aerial defenses and the massive shield grid, prepared for all sorts of inconceivable bombardements. Tiers of the fortress lead up to the citadel, command center for all actions mediated by the Emperor and the Imperati Magistri.

Other Notable Defenses:
-Nalbina Fortress
-Kerwon Blockade

Joining Info:
Name: (What shall we call you by in the RP?)
Age: (Help to describe you)
Military Faction: (Choose I.N.C.C., I.A.E.G. or I.L.T.R.)
Personal Attributes: (Anything you want to tell us about your character)
Biography: (Any background info on your character you think I should know)

Marshal Dominus


Name: Emperor Septamus Dalmascus
Age: 25
Military Faction: Administration
Personal Attributes:
-Black Hair

Biography: In progress...

Name: High-Admiral (Captain) Enjolras J. Valjean
Age: 23
Military Faction: I.N.C.C.
Personal Attributes:
-Brown hair
-Light skin
Biography: Admiral Valjean strove to work his way through the ranks of the I.N.C.C. to the rank of High-Admiral, and now, he commands the Flagship of the Imperial Starfleet, the INCC Revoloution. His heart is good, but his stance stubborn. His policies are set, and little opinion from any of his officers can change his mind with ease. Valjean's relieved more people under his command and suffered more mutinies than any other INCC Officer.

Marshal Dominus


Name: High-Admiral (Captain) Enjolras J. Valjean
Age: 23
Military Faction: I.N.C.C.
Personal Attributes:
-Brown hair
-Light skin
Biography: Admiral Valjean strove to work his way through the ranks of the I.N.C.C. to the rank of High-Admiral, and now, he commands the Flagship of the Imperial Starfleet, the INCC Revoloution. His heart is good, but his stance stubborn. His policies are set, and little opinion from any of his officers can change his mind with ease. Valjean's relieved more people under his command and suffered more mutinies than any other INCC Officer.
The Shadow of the Plaens
Go there now! Read, enjoy, let me know if ye like! =D

Marshal Dominus

I'm not gonna start begging for joining until at least the second page. >.> Join up, y'all.


CanI join?
Name:Major Wil Pekkala
Military Faction:I.L.T.R. (the stealth one)
Personal Attributes: Black hair, Blue eyes,
Bio:A cold soul whose parentswere killed. This leads him to be cynical and pessimistic.


Marshal Dominus

Sorry Mr. Pekkala, but you will need to start at the Officer Rank of the ILTR, and progress your way through the RP to gain advancements in rank.

And would you like to join yourself, Mr. Demonprince?


Marshal Dominus

*shrug* This has been a hell of a month. Got more time now. Deepest apologies. *cough* Anyone who is still around gets a promotion, seeing as it's my bad. I hope to get underway as soon as we've got more members with us.
