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Wicked Weapons - A battle RP

Started by Sgt.Chilly, November 15, 2007, 09:24:17 AM

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Claus made his way to Floor 5 to test their stuff.



The elevator hummed as it traveled deeper into the bowels of the Facility.  It stopped and chimed when it reached it's destination.  After Claus stepped outside the elevator the doors slammed shut as if to deny him from returning.  He walked down a long corridor and stepped through a doorway labeled Arena 1.

Another voice came out of the speakers but this one sounded anxious.

"Listen....Kid! You're in grave danger! I can't explain the full situation right now but
pay attention!  Three Gral mutants are headed your way and their not as
nice as they sound! Get the hell out of there!"

Claus turned as he heard low growling from where he just came.  He looked around but the Arena was a dead end with no way out.  He saw another one of those odd vending machines just next to the doorway.  A little neon sign blinked on the machine 'Low Supply'

Ooc// Claus may select one weapon from the machine before engaging in battle.

Ic// Three man sized beasts could be seen just beyond the doorway.  Their faces were contorted, patches of fur lined their skin almost randomly, they walked on all fours with sharpened nails vicious fangs.

-Mutant Reconnaissance Unit "Gral"-

The Seventh



Claus ignored the vending machine and fired at the monsters with his arm cannon.


"Floor two, sounds okay" Jim said heading for the elevator
OoC: I assume there's an elevator.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on November 30, 2007, 08:44:50 PM
Claus ignored the vending machine and fired at the monsters with his arm cannon.

Ic// The first two Gral are hit and blown to pieces.  The third was much quicker and avoided the blast.
It howled in anger at it's comrades' deaths and lunged at Claus, fangs dripping with saliva.


Quote from: 20fan on December 02, 2007, 02:35:08 PM
"Floor two, sounds okay" Jim said heading for the elevator
OoC: I assume there's an elevator.

Ic//...Meanwhile on the Second floor.  Jim walked out of the elevator and said "ewww...".  Blood covered the wall to his left.  He looked around the empty lobby there were several doorways with signs indicating their destination. He read them from left to right "Barracks, Weight rooms, Pool, Sports Courts, Arcade."  He thought for a moment which way he would go.  Then suddenly large stomping could be heard moving toward Jim.  He looked down the the hallway to the Weight Rooms and saw the source of the sound.

It was a massive spherical Android.  It had long, bulking arms with spikes on it's hands.  A single glowing eye sat on it's head with laser turrets on both shoulders.  It lumbered forward on four legs.  It stood well over 14 feet tall.

-Automated Overlord Class Battle Unit "The Fatman"-

Jim stared at the machine as it scanned him. "Guess I'm not going that way."


Quote from: red7js on November 30, 2007, 03:45:14 PM

Floor 3 sounds nice...

Ooc// Prepare to be disappointed.

Ic// Red walked around the Lab looking for any signs of the researchers, or anyone.  He stepped into a room labeled 'Prof.Reed's Lab'.  His eyes skimmed across the various note books and beakers.  Whoever left this place must have left in a hurry or was naturally messy.  Then he thought he saw something interesting.

He walked over to a table where several small metal discs lay. A little button on the discs was blinking green.  The label above the button said 'COMM'.  Red pressed the button and heard the faint sound of someone talking.  He lifted the disc closer to his ear.

"Hello? Hello? Who's there?"
Red responded. "I'm Red who are you?"
"The name is Dimitri. It's good to meet you. I came in here under the
alias RedMage.  I was investigating certain events here when the
whole place went to hell.  Right now someone has overrun the facility
and using for their own operations.  We have to figure out where this
guy is hiding and stop him.  Poe was tried to contact you guys when
you first got here but it seems the speakers have been overridden on
some floors.  Anyway what you're holding is a Comm Link.  It's light weight,
durable, and easy to use.  You might want to give it some you're friends
so we can work together easier. Poe will call as soon as he has some
information for us.  Stay safe dood."

Ooc// Red know has 4 Comm Link Discs.  Red can now communicate with any other character carrying a Comm Link Disc at any time.  Comm Link Disc holders:

Ic//  Buzzing could be heard just outside the lab where Red was. Red opened the door just a crack to see what was outside.

He saw 5 gray skulls floating in mid air a few feet away.  They had antenna coming out of their heads and a small turret beneath their jaws.

-Automated Watcher Class Patrol Unit "Smiley"-


Jim spun his head like a helicopter and jumped onto the android and began fireing at it with his blaster
OoC:Jim can fly using his in head in games.


Quote from: 20fan on December 03, 2007, 12:06:16 PM
Jim spun his head like a helicopter and jumped onto the android and began fireing at it with his blaster
OoC:Jim can fly using his in head in games.

Ooc//Yeah I know of Earthworm Jim's moves.

Ic// Jim's blaster left little more than scorch marks on The Fatman's armor.  The Fatman made a grab for Jim but he jumped out of the way of The Fatman's hand.  Jim landed on the ground. The Fatman crooned "Enemy unit Number Zero One Zero Three.  You're weapon will not be able to render me inoperable before I end your life.  It is advised you surrender to your demise."

Suddenly The Fatman was pummeled by a slew of fireballs.  "Then I guess I'd better help him out." Sampson barked out.  Sampson wore green camo jeans and a beige  tanktop.  He held a Spitfire Cannon in his hands.  "Hey man go for the head! It's his only weak point!"


Jim pointed the blaster at the fatmans head and began shooting at it.


Quote from: 20fan on December 03, 2007, 03:04:16 PM
Jim pointed the blaster at the fatmans head and began shooting at it.

Ic//  Several blasts hit the Fatman's head and it quickly exploded.  The Fatman spun around, slightly confused.  "Visual Sensors are off line. Entering standby mode until repairs can be made. Alerting nearest Repair Unit."  The Fatman finally came to a complete stand still.

Sampson sighed. "You have no idea how hard it is to kill these things.  Let's get out of here before his repair crew shows up."  Sampson quickly reloaded the Spitfire. Then he paused "Oh I almost forgot. Poe wanted me to hand this to you."  Sampson tossed Jim a Comm Link Disc. "You can use it to keep informed incase we get separated or something."

Ooc// Jim can now contact any other character with a Comm Link Disc. Character's with Comm Link Discs:

Ic// Sampson continued "We're supposed to patrol the area looking for any information on who's causing this until Poe can come up with a real plan.  Since you're new I'll let you choose our next destination."


Claus scowled as he sidestepped the attack. "PK Ground!" he cried, and a shockwave flew from him, traveling along the ground towards the Gral.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on December 03, 2007, 06:24:59 PM
Claus scowled as he sidestepped the attack. "PK Ground!" he cried, and a shockwave flew from him, traveling along the ground towards the Gral.

The Gral spun quickly as the shockwave approached.  The Gral stood it's ground and the shockwave passed.  The last Gral fell into two pieces and died.

Claus stood around his fallen opponents.  He walked out the arena and looked down the hallways.

Arena's 2 thru 5 were open.  But the Elevator still looked locked.


Ic// Meanwhile on Floor 6...

A two headed primate with one arm walked about  searching for it's target.  From out of the corner leaped a man in a dark green cloak yelling "Pyronom!".  A blast of fire shot forth from the man's hand.

The freakish ape held out it's discolored arm and the flames were dwindled into nothing.  Dimitri cursed  under his breath and then ducked behind a rock.  Dimitri pressed the Comm Link Disc.  "Poe I thought you said the Mad Hatters couldn't absorb fire energy."

-Mutant PyschoKinetic Soldier "Mad Hatter"-

Poe>>"We'll it looks like I was wrong.  What are you complaining about surely you can handle 1 Mad Hatter?"
Dimitri>>"Yes.  Yes I can. However I have also handled The Fatman, six Gral, a Stalker, and Two ManEaters.  It's getting a little old Poe."
Poe>>"Look Dimitri just handle it and move to Floor 5.  We need you to rendezvous with a new arrival."

Dimitri pulled two Raptor handguns from his cloak and blasted the Mad Hatter in the left head. He then ducked behind the rock again in time to avoid a lightning blast.
Dimitri>>"Friggin' sonuva.... wait new arrival? Are they that lousy of fighters?  It's been like 8 minutes."
Poe>>"No but this one guy is in a world of danger.  He's got a Stalker and two Mad Hatters headed his way and 4 Ronin and a Phantasm are further along his path.  How soon can you get there?"
Dimitri>> "Give me 2 minutes."

Dimitri jumped from the rock.  He unloaded several more rounds into the the right head. "Hah not so tough now are you?" The Mad Hatter's hand went up and glowed. Both heads recovered from their injuries. "Frick! Gotta blow the hand off too! Aaagh!" The Mad Hatter hit Dimitri with a lightning bolt.

Dimitri>>"Actually make it 5 minutes."
Poe>>"Just Hurry."

Dimitri pulled his spear from his cloak.