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Goomba Crossing [A Town RP]

Started by Bocko91, November 17, 2007, 08:39:09 PM

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*runs over to Sols place to help him unpack" 


Sol checked out his new house at The Slum's. He sighed. He'd have to buy a bigger and better house once he had enough money. If he could open the shop, that was.


*Runs aorund town in a Itachi costume throwing paper surikens at people*


20fan had been hearing complanits about someone throwing paper shurikens and went to find chaos.


Chaos here 20fan coming and saying wewowewo then chaos runs off.....While running he thinks that going emo would be fun turns into emo itachi


20fan quickly grabs Chaos and takes him to jail.


Starts to play a harmonica then saas "How long am I in here, I have a wife and kids and it is christmas eve tommorrow"   A small plastic spoon falls through a bared window labeled from ********* use this ot escape  Chaos hollars out to 20 Fan" Someone threw a plastic spoon at me and said for em to use it to escape"



the next moring comes and Chaos wakes up to a new room mate biting his arm.

screams for 20fan*get me out of here it has been a day, and my new roomate scares me*  Quakes in fear of his new roommate

Sir Aaron

Job;Police Officer
House:The Slums Rush" Shack #6
Money Left:820
Description: Average height
About You:Uh nothin much to say
OOC// are we goombas


Bocko slowly pulled himself out of his home, sniffling and wiping his nose with a tissue. "Oh man... So sick... So very sick." He said with a stuffy nose. He slowly shuffled to the pharmacy for some medication.

Ooc// Sir Aaron, theres no more openings for police officers so you're gonna have to pick a new job. Sorry :P

Happy Holidays!!!
Courtesy of Bocko91


"alright Chaos, Get out of 'ere and Merry Festivus" 20fan said as he opened the prison door.


Bocko finished handing out checks and Christmas bonuses to everyone and then made his way to see the big tree. :)

Happy Holidays!!!
Courtesy of Bocko91


20fan stood in the building where he would teach goombas how to defend themselves when he was not on duty.


Ooc// Sorry for not posting i had a hockey tournament and can't get on over break.

chaos heads back to his house to take down paper snowflakes form ceiling as walking home he spots a garbage bag full of money next to the store.  runs over to bocko to return it so he can find who it belongs to "here bocko I found this bag full of money I didnt want to return it becuase people might think im stealing it."