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Mario Bros. Military: The Revival

Started by MarioGamer, September 23, 2007, 10:18:58 PM

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Pax Romana

[Odd, I posted. Forum must've been rolled back. Summary was - you forgot to dodge the negation rune, most active runes were disabled, and you were hit with a sonic boom mixed with prismatic energy, intended to send you to sleep/knock you out]


(i don't think u understand pax-you did knock out shizure, the only problem is-you are no longer fighting shizure-you are fighting shiz, the pure evil word master, and u can't disrupt his runes because as soon as you do, those runes are gone. i think that covers you objections. now cower in fear of teh shiz...*cowers in fear myself*)


This is starting to get really confusing

Pax Romana

(... What? Yeah, that's all I'm saying. . . .)


(ok lets start from his beginning. shizure, as a young boy, was nicknamed shiz. but shiz means "dark within" in his native tongue. this nickname lead to the creation of an evil alternate person, who eventually took over all together. Apon knocking shizure unconscious you released shiz, wo's body transformed from to match his evilness, and everything you've done to shiz is no longer in effect)


I figured out what he means Zan. My post of the transformation of Shiz is gone. The forum rolled back. I need to repost it. =(
Creator of The Brotherhood of Zeranthia. Join the fight! Pm me for link.


Trilo watched the newly released Shiz. This thing had frightening strength. Shizure had been powerful before. But his powers were enhanced by the darkness. Shiz was bloodlust and murder personified. He would not hesitate to kill.


MarioGamer could sense something strange coming from the battle between Shizure and Pax Romana.  It was as if Shizure's ki energy had completely changed.  It was darker with an intent to kill.  MarioGamer pondered what this could mean.  Then he had realized that Shizures dark side had been released from within him! 

MarioGamer took off to where the battle took place.  When the fight was over, he would have to seal Shiz away and allow Shizure to take control again.  The new abilities he had inherited from the battle with Kuro should help him in completing this task.  In a burst of energy, MarioGamer increased his speed to the battle. 

Upon arriving, he noticed that Shizure had already completely transformed into Shiz.  MarioGamer put his hand on his weapons, hoping that he wouldn't have to use them against his friend. 


(Here's the new version. This is meant to obviously be before Trilo and MG's posts. )

Shizure was blown off guard as the wind left him. His foot hold became unstable. What's going on!? He desperately thought to himself. His eyes grew wide with fear as he realized that the negation rune had taken effect. It had not only destroyed his bubble shield but also managed to cancel out the majority of his body runes. He was defenseless. This, however, became a small fear in his mind as he heard the first noises of the "lullaby".

"NO! YOU MUST STO..!" He stopped. Everything in his world stopped as the prismatic and psionic sound waves hit him. He felt them echo and vibrate through his inner core. He's here...The beating of his heart was the only noise he heard for a moment and then he heard that laugh. The same laugh from the night his village was killed, the laugh that constantly haunted his every waking thought. The laugh that meant the end of his world. It was Shiz[/b]

His panic grew as the world around blurred and the noises became null. Finally, Shizure went away.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!" A blood curdling laughter pierced the air. It was filled with pure malice, hate, and evil. It was thick with the bloodlust the creator was filled with. "Finally, I'm free again! That fool! He should've left a long time ago!" He continued to laugh. It grew more and more sadistic as he let his body change into its appropriate form to fit the "user". The white-blonde hair that was once Shizure's began to fade at the roots as it was replaced with jet black. It spread slowly, like a creeping disease. His eyes faded to white, the white turned to black and the pupils were recreated with a more feral one the color of crimson. Even his cloak, the purest of white, was turning the darkest shade of black. The runes on his body began to shift and change, the only difference was this time they didn't stop. It was a web of constantly changing symbols, words, and runes. The sky emptied of light. Storm clouds gathered and blotted out the sun, all was darkness. The sun itself was replaced with a crimson moon that shed no light, it merely existed filled with the blood of Shiz's victims.

As the transformation finished, Shiz gave an ear shattering yell. An enormous energy wave exploded forth and Shiz floated higher. He stopped again and yelled once more. Another massive wave came forth, it was made of indetereminable energy. Then, he stopped moving and turned his gaze to Pax. "So it was you who set me free! I thank you! In fact, I'm so joyous I think I'll reward you with a quick death!" He smirked revealing not teeth but a razor sharp set of fangs. He them let out the last wave of energy, so powerful it obliterated all the trees and other foliage around; the ground beneath him shattered into a crater. He then blinked and was gone, leaving only an after image of himself. He stopped right in front of Pax, creating a massive wind burst from the sudden stop. "Die! Hahahah!" He cackled maniaclly as he reached into air and pulled out a black sword and slashed into Pax, but the weapon made no wound but he continued to laugh anyways.
Creator of The Brotherhood of Zeranthia. Join the fight! Pm me for link.


we're going to have to help shizure take back control...but how...i don't know. the last time this happened me and link had to completely destroy him...but aparently that didn't work


Trilo knew that MG and Zan would soon jump into the fray. He summoned the Specters, though he knew that they would be powerless against Shiz. He opened a portal to the arena and went to battle this embodiment of darkness.


(Hmmm...I wonder where Pax is...He must be busy...Bumma *le sigh*)
Creator of The Brotherhood of Zeranthia. Join the fight! Pm me for link.

Tao Atlas

"'Yo..'Um..who are you again?" Ryou asked, a drop of sweat rolling down the back of his neck as he began to walk off the bridge, hoping the man would follow. Around them was an azure and lime tinted portal of sorts, the very planes of the omniverse being bent into a tunnel as the Lagoonarian Fleet made its way towards the prey. They could of course utilize instaneous travel, but these airships were extremely old, and were using many new devices such as the miniature Desvian Drive. Haste makes waste in this particular case, or if nothing else it would be wise not to leave things to chance.

Dropping down a floor from the bridge, Ryou made his way to a single doorway, a large, heavily armored shield being utilized as a door sliding to the side as Ryou stepped onto the deck of the bow, the heavy winds blowing his cloak about. The Zerathiane brought up the rear of the fleet, fifteen Skye's followed with two Guardians positioned in front of them, an extremely large fleet of Tenseiken with Silver Phoenix mixed about bringing up the middle, with a mass fleet of Blue Destiny, Wolfen and Arwings leading the armada. It wasn't the largest fleet ever utilized by the Lagoonarians, but it certainly wasn't a small one either. A fleet of similar size had once been used to duel with the Zone Ender and its fleet.

A shine in Ryou's eyes showed his pride within this machine he had forged..or was that Mako?

[Sorry for the long ass delay, Halo 3 y'know. This is a canon challenge by the way, from the Lagoonarian Fleet. Promise to take it REALLY easy on you guys, just need to get SOME kind of real military action going.]

Sol Zero the Warrior

Sol laughed a bit while following Ryou. "I'm your old student Leon. Now and days most people just call me Sol or Sol Leon. You hired me to fight for your army." He said his eyes scanning the ship around him. "Quite and impressive fleet you've amounted master." Sol looked out to the other ships a grin growing on his face. "I guess you wanna do a lot of killing now."

Tao Atlas

"A man named Masters once called me "Mr. Genocide". You tell me whether or not I want to do some killing." Ryou laughed, extending his hand to shake. "You'll have to forgive my lack of memory, the past few days I've personally overhauled most of my airships. Too busy to remember the small stuff, y'know?" Shrugging a bit, he turned his attention back to his personal armada.

"I guess you could say that. I started Airship building after I made a name for myself in the Army Assassinators for single handedly killing the Elitist Lords Cziri and Fas. The first model I built was the Silver Phoenix, and it first saw action in a duel with the one of my father's old friends from Team Dark, Bolt the Fo-" Before he could finish his sentence, a single female officer stepped out from the doorway.

Or more specifically, peeked her head out. The sheer force outside the ship was too much for any normal human without serious armor. "Strider-Sama, we've arrived at the drop point. We'll hold position for Forty Eight hours or until the enemy forces have acknowledged our presence." Ryou nodded, as the young officer sealed the hatch.