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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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Quote from: FearItself on September 27, 2007, 03:59:18 PM
Ooc// Sorrehz... D:
I think something of the Dark/Psychic/Water type would suit your character nicely. :3
OK, I fixed it.
Can't RP now though, I've g2g do homework.


Ooc// Ugh, the dreaded homework. D:

Ic// Shaelyn smiled slightly, though her smile faded as she saw how fatigued her Stantler was. She reached out her hand, the Pokeball enclosed within her palm. The ball opened, sending a stream of red light towards Stantler and withdrawing him within his Pokeball. Afterwards, she put the Pokeball back on her belt and shook Martin's hand. Though, soon, she realized what the two of them now had to do.

"Hey, will you be going to the next town any time soon, Martin?" she asked, looking from him to the Pokemon Center far off in the distance. She had an idea, though. It was a crazy idea, but maybe Martin would accept it. "I was wondering if you want to travel with me. I know there's a Pokemon Center here, but I'm going to the next town anyways, so I'll stop there to heal Stantler, and you could heal Zangoose there too. Maybe Boogie would like to come with us." Shaelyn grinned, looking over to Boogie and giving him a wink, suggesting that it's alright to travel with her. "If you don't want to travel with me, I understand. But, you know, there's strength in numbers. With all the mischief going on lately, I think it would be a smart idea to bring our power together. I'm strong, you're strong, and I bet Boogie is just as strong. We would make a great team."


"Crimson." Avion said as he walked up to Crimson, then suddenly he scooped up crimson in joy and held him up. "You did amazing! your first victory, this can only lead to great things ahead.  Lets go heal you up and buy some potions.....I kinda forgot to get those before..." Avion and Crimson then made their way back to town.

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)


"Wow!What a battle!"Screamed Boogie.

"Alec-Elekid!"Screamed Alec.

He noticed Shaelyn wink at him.He blushed.He ran over to them.

"Hey guys.You two gonna go over to the Pokemon Center?"


Secretly, Martin had hoped she would ask this.

"Okay. Lets go."

Spongebob does not approve


"Really? Sweet." Shaelyn remarked, tapping Stantler's Pokeball once before returning her hands to her pockets, which they always seemed to find their way back to. She walked forward a few steps, putting on a little act by swaying her hips only a slight bit as she walked, pretending as though she were into any of that girly, flirtatious stuff. A silent laugh passed her lips, knowing the two couldn't see her hidden laughter. "Well, shall we?" she called back to them as she walked. If she remembered correctly, the next city was Jubilife City, an easy walk north from where they were.


Martin gave a slight chuckle looking at Shaelyn walk off.

This will be interesting he thought as he walked off with Boogie.

Spongebob does not approve


After buying some potions and using one on Crimson, he then went back on the route, there he saw some people walking off

"Hey guys, I hope you dont mind if I follow ya'll to Jubilife." said Avion

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)


"I don't mind. But it's up to Shaelyn here." martin said.

Spongebob does not approve


"I don't mind either. The more the merrier, even if you're just taggin' along for a little while." Shaelyn replied, not turning back to speak but instead speaking in a volume loud enough for her new acquaintance, whoever he may be, to hear clearly.

Stantler's pokeball bumped against her belt as her right foot hit the ground, almost in a syncopated rhythm as she seemed to lead this herd of trainers on towards Jubilife. It felt awkward to actually be at the front of a line, literally and hypothetically. She had never been a leader before, though she had definately grown more bold over the years. It was an odd, tingly feeling, and she liked it.


"Wonderful! I'll try to not be too much of an annoyance." said Avion with a grin on his face

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Avion Finch, I'm from Phenac City." said Avion.

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)


"Hey guys,I'm gonna go off and walk in the grass to see if I can catch a wild Pokemon."Boogie said to the group.

He got off the path and searched around in the grass.He heared a whimper.

What's that?

He searched more.He looked up to see where the group was.A little back.He heared the whimper again.

What is that?I think it's a Pokemon.

After looking around more he found a Pokemon.A young,baby Growlithe.

"Wow!A Growlithe!"Boogie looked down in excitement,then realized the whimper was from him."Oh!We need to get you to the Pokemon Center!"

The Growlithe had a gash in his foot.Boogie ran back to the group.

"Guys i'm gonna run ahead"He showed them the Growlithe."He is in pain"

And with that,he ran off.


"Okay Boogie, see ya' there! Hi Avion, I'm Martin."  Said Martin

Spongebob does not approve


OOC// i missed a lot while i was in that parade T_T...

IC// Hmm...that was an interesting battle. right down to the last turn... John thought as he jogged along the path with Zig, hoping to tag along with Shaelyn and the others.

"I watched you and Martin battle earlier. It was quite interesting. You wouldn't mind if I come with you? I'm John by the way."

Zig was pumped, anxoius to battle. He had watched the battle closely enough, but fidgeting all the while.


Boogie had finally reached Jubilife.After searching this foreign city he finally found the Pokemon Center.He ran inside and went to the counter.

"This Growlithe needs attention!"Boogie screamed to Nurse Joy.

"What's wrong?"She said shakily.

"He has a gash in his foot"Boogie replied,more calm.

Nurse Joy took the Pokemon from him right away.Boogie started to walk out of the Pokmone Center.

"Arn't you going to stay with your Pokemon?"Nurse Joy called to him.

"No,I found him in the wild."Boogie said as he was at the doorway.

The Growlithe wimpered.Louder then in the wild.Boogie stoped.

"I think he wants you to stay."Nurse Joy said.

Boogie turned around and looked at the Growlithe.He looked happy.