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Super Smash bros. Rise of the Emissary

Started by Triforceman22, October 03, 2007, 12:33:08 PM

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Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on December 02, 2007, 08:51:09 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on December 02, 2007, 08:46:31 PM
Did you received the videos I send you?

I haven't received any videos recently...
..........I need to send you more videos.



new chap. will be up sometime today! :)

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!



Friend Code: 2622-1690-4267  Finally have wifi


Okay, chapter 17!!!!
Enjoy! :)

Chapter 17,


General black, can you hear me?
-Yes, my lord,
Is everything ready?
-We need a little more time,
and how much time would that take?
-About a month or so,
excellent. This world will cease to exist in a month then.
-And without the strongest fighters, wrecking havoc upon this pathetic galaxy will be simple.
Good luck, and you have the greatest of speed.
-thank you, lord smash. General black, out.

Just then, a primid came barging through the doors to the main room in the halbred.
The ancient minister lost his train of thought as he looked at the low-classed solider.
"Sir! Link and his group are on thier way to Lylat!" The primid said.

"Hmm.... Send a small squad there to greet them..." He replied.
"One of those worms was responsible for my defeat 8 years ago."
"Y..yes sir! Right away!" and with that, the primid exited the large room.


After peach and Zelda found DK, they traveled back to the rendevous point.
But while they were walking, they heard something rustle in a nearby bush.
And then, a small creature jummped out, and ran away from them.
It was red, white, and black in colour and had cube-shaped objects on it's body.

"What was that?!" Peach asked,
"Not too sure... But we shouldn't let it get away..." Zelda replied.

Then the creature shreiked. It was blood curdling.
Peach, Zelda, and DK squirmed in pain.
Then, the creature vanished.

"W..what?" Zelda said, suprised.
Then, a purple rift opened in the sky, and purple specks fell from it.
"Those look familiar..." Zelda said, trying to remember where she saw them.

"That's right! Peach! These are the things we encountered at Terra Firma!"
Zelda yelled out.
I guess that ...thing... has planted his seed across all of Ninten....
She thought, as she took her fighting stance.

About eight Primids appeared from the purple specks. And they all took thier fighting stances.
DK roared, and readied for the battle that was before them.


"So, we need to get to Lylat as soon as possible, eh?" Captain falcon said,
"Yes, we should leave as soon as possible..." Mario said.
"Too bad, we can't use the blue falcon..." The captain said.
"It only fits one...."

"Looks like were going to have to get there by foot...."
Mario sighed.
"Not necissarily..." the captain said.

He then took out the small machine again. He clicked the button twice.
"Just wait," He told the group.
In about two seconds, a medium sized ship appeared infront of the blue falcon.

"this, is the Falcon flyer. we can all get in, and make it to Lylat faster!" The falcon said, grinning.
"Great! Everyone get in! Mario commanded, as Marth, red, and Pikachu followed.
"Now, lets get this party started!" Falcon said, as the hatch door closed.


Link poured water on the dieing campfire.
The black smoke rose up to the sky.

"Well, we should be heading out, the others are probably almost, if not already at Lylat."
Link said. "Samus has fully recovered from her wounds, and was ready to go.

"So, lets head out!" Roy said sheathing his sword.
Just then, they saw rising dirt coming from the horizon.
"What's that?" Pit asked, as they all watched it coming closer.

Just then, they heard the sound of running motors.
Then, they saw something that looked like a small motorcycle come from out of the smoke.
"What the?!" Ike said.

Then, thirteen more came roaring up behind the one.
"Mission delta, commence!" Said the one in front.
"It doesn't look like anyone is driving it.... What's going on?!" samus said.

"I don't know, but everyone! draw your weapons! It looks like were going to need them..." Link told them, drawing the master sword.
Everyone else readied for their encounter, as the squad of bikes came closer, and closer to them.


That was a little longer...
hoped you liked it. :)

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!




Quote from: wiiboychris on December 11, 2007, 02:20:26 PM

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!


Quote from: Triforceman22 on December 11, 2007, 02:21:35 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on December 11, 2007, 02:20:26 PM
Eh, yes, I did like it.


QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!



