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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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((The Magic 8 ball says to ask BoA))

Jas stands up, and starts punching and kicking at imaginary targets. The moves are nothing special, just random combinations of strikes.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"Nice to meet you Tanbar. " He reached out his hand to offer him a handshake.

Spongebob does not approve


"As you know I'm a scholar, so I know quite a bit about... well... everything! I gather that you guys are being followed as we speak, and that a group of people who were following you are probably waiting for you to come back, and will take your weapons, rendering you completely at their mercy, unarmed and tired."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


((And the magical 8 ball says that I ranked up! :D))
"Same goes for you." Tanbar said shaking his hand.

"Oh! I've forgotten to tell everybody that Tanbar can be our sailor!" Lanbar exclaimed.

"Wait? Why do you need a sailor?" Tanbar asked.

"Well, we need to go to Scalus to get a jewel that might contain great powers." He replied.

"Oh, I see. Well, we've got the ship and the sailor. So what are we waiting for? Let's go!" He said.

"Alright, but we need to find the others first." Lanbar said. "Would you happen to know where the others are?" He asked Nimbus.


"I haven't seen them, I was actually looking for them when I saw you." He said.

Spongebob does not approve


Spongebob does not approve


((The Magical 8 Ball says I am almighty and call the shots, mwahahaha! *coughhackyou'restillobliviouscoughhack*))

"What? Following me, or them?" Solon gasped. "Nevermind, we've got to get back!" Solon began running at quick speeds, heading straight for the hotel. "First, I need to make a pit stop." He was going to get vines in the forest to scale the hotel, but there wasn't time for that. He ran right past the secritary desk, where a women asked for his hotel card. He ran right up to the top floor and dove at the closed door of his "room". He knocked through it, and hit the ground with broken bits of wood all over him.

"Ow..." he whimpered, before getting up and staggering towards the bathroom. He had left his weapons in there, but he heard the shower on... He quickly slipped in to grab his sword and grappling hook, as silently as he could. There was a woman in the shower, and he felt himself go bright red at the thought of being caught sneaking into the bathroom while the shower was on.

As he left the room with his equiptment, he heard a scream. As quickly as he could, he darted up the hole and jumped down the building. He threw his grappling hook up at the hotel last second, before crashing down, so he didn't fall to his death or anything. Instead, the momentum brought him crashing to the side of the hotel, and he let go of the grappling hook and fell with a crash on the floor.

He slowly got up again and grabbed his equiptment.

"That must... Be... A... new record..." he gasped, as he staggered a couple more steps forward. "Now... must find... enemies...." his head was bleeding and his vision was blurry, but he kept on walking back towards the diner where he figured everyone else was.


"Well then let's go search for them together!" Said the twins in unison.

"Well...that-" Lanbar started.
"-Was odd." Tanber ifinished.

"Wait...Did-" Tanbar said.
"-You just finish my sentence?" Lanbar finished.

"I suppose twins -" Tanbar started.
"-DO have those kind of powers." Lanbar finished.

"That could get-" Lanbar started.
"-Annoying" Tanbar said.

"So I say we should stop that." Tanbar said.

"Agreed..." Lanbar said. "So let's go look for the others now that that's over."


"Solon!" Harver quickly rushed to his side, and started to help him walk back. "That. Was. The. Most. Idiotic. Thing. I have ever seen." He said, slowly breathing with him. "We need to get you to a doctor. You're not looking so well."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Venice exited his room upon hearing a scream from Solon's room. He went there and quickly figured out what had happened. He exited the hotel to look for the others.


"I haven't been to a doctor," Solon took a deep breath, "in all sixteen years of my life!" Besides, one of us needs to die. It shouldn't be Harver, he has big plans. Lanbar has family, same goes to Tanbar. Jas has an important family gem to look after... Solon's head was getting fuzzy.

"I needed my sword... And what about the gang... Following us?"


Lanbar saw Solon with the bloody head. "Woah! What happened-" Lanbar was interupted.
"-To him!" Tanbar finished.

"I thought we agreed not to do that." Lanbar said.

"Sorry, must be a natural instinct for twins." Tanbar said. "But that's not important right now." He said giving a short run over to Solon and Harver. "What happened?"


"My head isn't bleeding!" snapped Solon. "I spilled paint. Now get the others, we're leaving."


"Real smooth move, Solon," said Venice sarcastically as he walked out and found the idiots.


May I join? This seems REALLY interesting!

Name: Alex ' Boogie' Wright.
Age: 23
Person: Swordmaster
Land: Scalus
Personality: Extremely hyper. The only time he acts serious is when something bad happens( Like a death, etc.). Very eccentric.
Looks: Blond matted down hair, blue eyes, always has a smile on his face. White bunny hat. Tattered grey hoodie. Light blue jeans, ripped. Two black swords on his back. White seal slippers.
Weapon: Black Katana.
Weapon 2: Second Black Katana.
Extra Info: Unsure in life, though hides it.
Current Location: On a boat towards the Land Of Emit.