
<+Clu> was cute sure but it doesnt even mention homosexuality

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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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Quote from: LightningSword on December 25, 2007, 09:41:25 PM
"I totally agree." Harver looked to the edge of the rink; he thought he had heard something. But he realized that there was nothing there. Must be my mind... Harver looked back at Jas, mesmerized by her grace.

Jas runs her hand along the wall as she skates, letting herself glide seeing as she has enough speed.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"Sure," Solon replied, deciding to order some of that for himself. "But, life does sssuck. You try and lead a good, theiving life style. And what doesss it get you? N-Nothing. I sssays, ssscrew this! Thisss issland bringss out the worssst in people." Then, Solon got up and lumbered out of the bar, more drunk then before.


"Wow..." Harver breathed out as he watched her go. "You know, if I tried to do that, I'd probably kill myself." He chuckled slightly. "You're amazing." He stopped quickly. "I mean- at what you just... did - that was... cool." He blushed slightly, putting his hand on the back of his head.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Aw don't -hic- be that way." He said stumbling after Solon. "You know what they sssay, 'drink alcohol and be -hic- happy.' ...Or ssssomething along those linesss."

Tanbar watched to two skate. I think that they'd make a nice couple...That is IF they get together.


((Jas is being oblivious again :P. Uh, I mean... Damn it, does anything rhyme with oblivious that I can think of right on the spot?))

Solon stumbled along the path. "I need to sssteal sssomething..." he muttered, looking around for the nearest building. He found it, and quickly headed towards it.


"You go do that. I'll just...-hic-" He fell over backwards and started sleeping on the ground.


((No I'm not!))

"Cool, well, thanks," Jas looks up at Harver smiling. "I could teach ya how to do to do that... if you want," she says slowing down.

((BoA did you join that one place I linked to a couple of days ago? >.>))
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"Thanks!" He said, skating next to her, willing to be taught. "I've always wanted to improve my horrible balance."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


((Whatever you say...))

Solon walked up to the shop and broke through the glass. An alarm system went off, but Solon punched it off. "Ow... That hurt," Solon exclaimed, rubbing his fist. But, he continued stumbling through and looking for good items to hide under his shirt. He took a pack of gum, some cigarettes, a bag of chips, and all the money in the cash register. Then he stumbled back out, carrying the items behind a different building.

Solon didn't smoke, but he was tempted to try a cigarette. Instead, he threw everything he stole aside and laid down, looking up into the sky. He was thinking hard about something... someone...

((What one place? That pumpkin RPG thing? No, why?))


((Not GamePumpkin, but RPGNsider. There's a person with a name similar to yours... That could be you... >.>))

"And you will," Jas skates a little bit ahead of Harver, then turns around so she's facing him, skating backwards. She hesitates for a moment before grabbing onto his hands, still moving back, and pulling him along. "Starting now."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"Woah!" Harver jerked in surprise as he was being pulled by Jas. "Couldn't you have been a little more... subtle?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


((The game of love isn't subtle :P))

Solon had been listening for movements, but not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Soon enough, Solon fell asleep. As he slept, dreams of sugar plums danced in his head. He jerked up awake again, a Christmas story still echoing in his mind. He decided to go for a walk, sober again with a massive head ache.


Then Lanbar was jerked awake. Yet there was no hangover, not even an ache. He saw Solon walking and he said, "Hey, how about we do some talking."


Solon shrugged, "Sure, why not. Not much else to do around here."


"I've heard from the others about this dark shady guy." He said with a sigh. "Is there something you're not telling me, is it something I don't see?"

((I have no idea why I'm rhyming my lines O.o))