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The Epic Quest: The I-Make-It-Up-As-I-Go-Along RP (SIGN-UPS CLOSED)

Started by sleepin_dude_99, December 20, 2007, 06:47:16 PM

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Quote from: Kilroy on December 28, 2007, 11:17:35 AM
Quote from: X_Hero on December 28, 2007, 11:14:46 AM
Quote from: Kilroy on December 28, 2007, 11:07:49 AM
Quote from: X_Hero on December 28, 2007, 10:58:21 AM
Hmm... I'll use my levitation magic to move it into a small space where it can't move. Then, I'll search for a weak spot.
You end up in between two houses, somehow, and you see a large crack running down the Golem's side.
All right, I first shoot at the crack with my gunblade, then I slash at the crack.
The Crack widens a little, but not much, the Golem brushes you off, you go flying.
I use the levitation magic on myself to keep myself from hitting something.


"Try aiming for its eyes with that gun," I suggest. "I'll levitate him in place so he can't move while you aim for his weak points." I'll levitate the monster so he can shoot at it with his gunblade.

((I'm not sure what kind of golem we are talking about. Is it a Pokemon or an actual golem? Some Golem's have eyes, some don't.))


Quote from: Birdie of Aces on December 28, 2007, 11:32:13 AM
"Try aiming for its eyes with that gun," I suggest. "I'll levitate him in place so he can't move while you aim for his weak points." I'll levitate the monster so he can shoot at it with his gunblade.

((I'm not sure what kind of golem we are talking about. Is it a Pokemon or an actual golem? Some Golem's have eyes, some don't.))
Actual Golem. This one has eyes :P

You hold the Golem in place. It looks around stupidly trying to figure out what's going on


Quote from: Kilroy on December 28, 2007, 11:37:26 AM
Quote from: Birdie of Aces on December 28, 2007, 11:32:13 AM
"Try aiming for its eyes with that gun," I suggest. "I'll levitate him in place so he can't move while you aim for his weak points." I'll levitate the monster so he can shoot at it with his gunblade.

((I'm not sure what kind of golem we are talking about. Is it a Pokemon or an actual golem? Some Golem's have eyes, some don't.))
Actual Golem. This one has eyes :P

You hold the Golem in place. It looks around stupidly trying to figure out what's going on
I take aim and shoot its eyes.

Daft Pink

Name: Bob
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Preferred weapon: The Master Sword
Magical power: The power to make my wishes become reality
Favorite scent: The smell of chocolate


You aim

You fire

Direct hit! Right in the center!

The Golem breaks the Levitation spell and ambles around, crying in pain.

He trips on one of the houses, and breaks into thousands of pieces.

You hear a faint sound in the distance...

Hoo! Hoo!

It gets closer...

And closer...

And closer...


"Hoo! Hoo! It is I again! The owl! I've been told to give you these!"

You receive two giant Crystals! They must be as big as a human!

"Now I'll just put you two into suspended animation and...."

You jump in mid-air, the pain is excruciating. You seem to freeze in mid-air, only your eyes can move.

You see the Owl talking to the figures in the Crystals, seeming to summon them.

((Now we wait for two people to sign up... *edits first post*))


Quote from: WIIGAMER24 on December 28, 2007, 11:50:46 AM
Ooc: OK, what are we doing right now?
Sort of in context: Well, BoA and X_Hero are in suspended animation right now.

The Owl put them there to summon the two people from the Crystals in hope that they wouldn't see him doing the spell, but they still can.

You're one of the two people in the crystals :P

so, now, actual in context...

"So, Bob, here is your Master Sword, and your Ring of Wishes that you asked for, the Ring can make wishes come true.

Oh, have some chocolate."

The owl hands you chocolate.

Now, just wait for the other one to be summoned...


NAME: Ryse

HEIGHT: 5'8"

WEIGHT: 130 pounds



Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


ok i join

NAME: Kenny
FAVORITE SCENT: uh tomatos?




*thinks of story*

The owl suddenly thinks...

"Hoo! I almost forgot! There's a third Crystal!"

The owl summons people from the crystal...

"Alright, Ryse, here is your Katana, and here are some Gloves. They cast Fire.

Also, have some oranges."

You receive a Katana, Fire Golves, and 2 oranges.

"Kenny, here's your Sword, a pair of Fire Gloves, and a tomato."

You receive a Sword, a Pair of Fire Gloves, and a tomato.

"I'll just take these people out of suspension and...



So now we have Solon, Gin, Bob, Ryse, and Kenny...

on an Epic Quest..."

Boss wasn't expecting this many people...

"Well, anyway, I gathered up some titanium, each of you can have 2 plates of it, use it wisely..."

You each receive 2 plates of Titanium.

"Well, I must be going. Too-da-loo-hoo!"


((Can I make the pieces of titanium into another gunblade that's identical to the first? :O ))


"Now how are we going to get out of here?" I ask. "Is there another road we can follow?"


Quote from: X_Hero on December 28, 2007, 03:44:55 PM
((Can I make the pieces of titanium into another gunblade that's identical to the first? :O ))
No -_-


And to the rest of zee party...

You suddenly realize that you're not in the town anymore. You're back on the Four-Forked path agin.

Except the path to the town is non-existent. It seems like it's not even there.

You can go to the Mountains, the Forest, or to the path that leads to the unknown.


I suggest to the group that we head to the mountains and wait for a reply from them.