
<+Clu> was cute sure but it doesnt even mention homosexuality

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Nibankari (Posting ready, SIGN-UPS CLOSED FOR NOW)

Started by X_Hero, December 17, 2007, 09:29:27 AM

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Ryuki listened, "I think so.... It sounded like 'wait'....." he replied and looked around. The voice had confused him. None of the others had said it.

"Of course, I could just be dizzy and hearing things...."


Solon tried to remember what had happenend to him when he was on the island. But, the pain of losing his arm had erased most of him memory of it. Solon just sat back down in the chair and waited for everything to unfold.


The broken sphere began to faintly glow, and a small ray of light came down from it, and hit a spot in the center of the room. Soon, the image of an aged man dressed in robes with the same patterns on the large metal plate on Michi appeared.

"I am Haruo... I used to take care of this temple when it was first carved from one of the meteors..." The man said.


"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Ryuki was tempted to go poke the image of the man to see what would happen, but decided thatwould be a bad idea and listening would be better.


"Now, you may be wondering how the Me-kashikyo had gotten onto the island..." Haruo began. " The truth is that it was on the island to begin with... We weren't sure of why it had kept itself hidden until a year after the meteor shower. That is why I am not talking to you in person... for all of the ones who cared for this temple were killed by that creature... Using the last of my energy, I put a spiritual projection within the sphere, which was found within the meteor..."

"So wait, you're not...?" Akutai began.

"No, I'm afraid I have now passed from this life..." He answered. "But the guidance of this last will shall guide you into this world's last hope..."


"....This sounds.... strange." Ryuki said after thinking about what Haruo had said. If what he was sating was true, then this would be difficult.


"Last hope?" Jas looks at the projection. "What's about to destroy the world though...?"
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."



"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Quote from: Sh0rTi on December 29, 2007, 11:42:34 PM
((Jeeze, talk about cliffhanger. X.x Bye))
((Just what I was thinking :). Cya X_Hero))


((Okay, end cliffhanger... XD))

"This planet is fragile... And with the meteor shower, it is now on the brink of utter destruction." Haruo began. "The only hope for our planet is to bring the planet back together. Unfortunately, that cannot be done until the Me-kashikyo are defeated... Which is why we need those with the abilities to fight against them. Which... is why you have been chosen."

"... Us? Why us?" Akutai said, not knowing what else to think.


"Wait, why have we been chosen to defeat the Me-kashikyo and put the planet back together? And on top of that, how are we going to?" Ryuki asked. He was confused. All he had wanted was to get out and see the world, not defeat a horde of menacing creatures and bring the islands out of the sky.


Solon wondered if the whole 'Saving the world' thing also applied to him. He was an assassin. He was supposed to kill people, not save the world. And anyway, he had gotten sucked in by accident. He had his chance once already... And he blew it.


"You each have abilities that will aid in the defeat of the Me-kashikyo." Haruo said. "Only together can you put those abilities to the fullest of their extent."

"Well, I kinda understand that..." Akutai started. "But is there any way to defeat them?"

"Each one has a different weakness. All of these weaknesses can be found in nature." Haruo explained. "The one you fought was not only weak to ice, but was probably the most easy to defeat."