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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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"Harver, I Need A god darn bandage"


"Thank you." Harver said, and went inside quickly to retrieve the First-aid kit. He came back out with a few bandages. "You guys should really use wooden weapons or something of the like. We can't risk any unneccessary injuries." He handed Kai and Solon the bandages, and went back to the railing.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Thanks" Kai wrapped the bandage around his chest.


Jas looks back at them. "Using fake weapons would put them at a disadvantage in a way."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"How would that put us at a disadvantage?"


"Real weapons... You get hit with them, and learn from mistakes," Jas says. "Fake weapons... I don't know, they're just not the same."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"Yeah... your right, hey we still have a spar to finish"


Harver sighed. "Whatever you say." He looked out at the waves again.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


((Happy New Years! ^^ We should do a mini New Year's like RP))

Jas looks back. "Yeah, we do. Why is it that our match never finished?" She turns to face them.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


The boat completely stopped moving. Fireworks shot from Crescent Island. It looked like they were celebrating the new year. Solon smiled, thinking about all the parties and festivals Crescent Island had. Without saying anything, Solon dived into the ocean and began swimming to the shore. He had forgotten about his bloody arm and sword, so it was more of a struggle then he expected to swim to the shoreline, but he made it. "First things first, I need to buy a shirt..."


Jas looks up at the fireworks, then looks into the water to see Solon. "That idiot... He's gonna make his arm fall off. -_-'"
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Boogie looked up at the fireworks. " How nice "


((Congrats on MoM, LS :D))

Solon washed up on shore and shook himself off. It must have been midnight, they got to Crescent Island right on the new year. He was tired, but he really wanted to check out the cove before he did anything else. So now, he made the short hike down to the edge of Crescent Island, in search of the cove nearby.


Harver walked up to Jas, gazing at the fireworks. "They're beautiful, aren't they..." He said to no one in particular.

((Thanks, Birdie! I did not see it coming! xD Seriously, I do not know what I did to get MotM...))
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Kai looked up at the fireworks "They look beautiful but they sound like gunshots" he muttered to himself