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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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Solon was grateful for Harver's help this time around.

"Well, can you defeat two of me?" asked the Dead Men, conjuring a shadow version of himself. His second version was smoky and see through, looking like a black cloud of dust with human features.

"No problem. I'll take on the real thing," Solon told Harver. "He has something of mine I need back." Solon stabbed at the Dead Man, but with his left hand, it was awkwardly inaccurate. "Er, actually... I'll take on the shadow."


"Good idea." Harver said, taking his ready stance. He looked at the Dead Man, thinking of the possibilites. "So, did you take care of your friend?" He asked. He needed to know as much about these people as he could know.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"I have no friends," the Dead Man smirked, readying his blade.

Solon wasn't sure what to do about the shadow. He took out his grappling hook and shot it at the shadow, it just went right through. "Huh... This is scary," Solon replied sarcastically. "No reason to even try..." The shadow walked up to Solon with his shadow blade. "Ooh... scaaaaary..." The shadow slashed at Solon's right arm, and it surprisingly hurt. Solon jumped back, wide eyed. He had a big tear in his right arm and the blood was steadily flowing out. "Huh... Strange. I can't hurt you... But you can hurt me..."


Harver didn't move an inch. He was waiting for the Dead Man to make his move. ((Hint, hint)) "I suppose it's no use reasoning with you, then, since you won't tell me what I need to know."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"What do you need to know?" the Dead Man asked, curious. He slashed his sword, sending electric waves shooting at Harver.

Solon slashed his sword at the shadow, it just went right through him. The shadow slashed again, Solon stepped back but the shadow disappeared and reappeared behind him. Solon ended up walking right into the shadow's blade. Solon jumped back and turned around, it was a light stab, but he had a puncture in his back now.

"Hey Harver, wanna switch over now? You know, switch it up a bit, have a little something different," Solon rambled on, stepping away from the shadow thing, which disappeared again. Solon looked all around him. Dammit, is this how I'm supposed to die? By a freakin' SHADOW!?


Jas jumps into the fight from the tree she was watching in. "Heh..."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Harver tried to sidestep the attack, but one of the shots barely nicked him on the arm. The results were painful. "Ah!" He cried in pain as he felt his left arm go numb. "I'm a little busy at the moment!" He looked in surprise at Jas, as she had entered the scene. "What are you doing here?!"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"What do you think? We were having a romantic getaway until you showed up," joked Solon, though he really didn't think it was the time. He was bleeding all over and couldn't feel his right arm.


"No, I'm here to fight!" Jas draws her blades. "Can't stop watching ya for two seconds before something happens."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"Nothing's going to happen to us," Solon replied. "We can take care of ourselves." The shadow reappeared behind Jas. "Look out!" Solon shouted when he saw the shadow, he ran and pushed Jas and himself out of the way. "Sorry, but you'll thank me later," he told her, thinking she would probably be mad at him for helping her. He turned around and looked for the shadow. It disappeared again...


Harver ran over to help Jas and Solon when the shadow grabbed him from behind. No! He looked at the Dead Man. Not good!
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Venice thought he heard fighting. He looked around for a moment and disembarked. He followed the noise to a cove. He saw Solon, Harver, and Jas fighting shadows in the dark. He didn't approach them, thinking they could handle themselves.


"It's fine for now," Jas looks for who she's supposed to be fighting.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Solon slashed at the shadow. Solon was surprised, but his sword actually hit something. He realized that he could go for the shadow's weapon. Solon slashed at it hard, flinging it out of the shadow's hand. With it gone, Solon slashed at the shadow's head and the shadow shattered into many pieces.

"Huh... That sword is like a force field of sorts..." Solon thought out loud. "I need one of those."


Harver looked at Solon, grateful. "Thanks." He turned his attention to the Dead Man. He could start to feel his left arm again. So the effects are only temporary... He raised his sword again, ready for the next attack.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.