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RP Launch pad thread!

Started by NJNETSFAN15, September 29, 2007, 01:33:55 PM

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Yep. This might not be offical, and if you want to delete it, go ahead, admins, but this is just somthing this forum is lacking, that really helps new RP makers get thier RP's past the idea stage.

What you do in this thread.

1. Post any of you RP's finished, or not. People will critique your RP, telling you what needs to be added, taken away, etc.
2. Post ideas for RP's, and see if people like them. An excellent way of getting a cool idea into a massive RP.
3. Help others with thier RP's. IF somebody has a big flaw in thier RP, post it, and tell them what is wrong. This doesn't mean flame. This is simply telling them what's wrong, in a non hostile way. If you think it might be a flame, don't post it.
4. Ask any questions about RPing here. Don't know HOW to RP? Post it here. Don't know the difference in a military and Town RP? Post it here. This thread is for anybody having any question on RPing.

If nobody awnsers you, don't be afraid to post it again. Don't double post, but if you think somebody else's RP may have caused yours to be overlooked, you can post it again, and possibly again. After three times, your best bet would be to wait a while before posting it again.

Kuro Tsuwamono

Nice NJ. Tell me if there's anything that needs to be done.


I would like to know, in anyone's opinion, how well my roleplay is doing. (Pokemon roleplay)
Please count out the posts by Marluxia, I never accepted him.


I think you're RP is going great, Fear. I joined yesterday and had great fun doing it!


It's  doing great, so far. One of the only RP's I've considered (and still am) joining since Nsider died. It's well put together, and looks very active with members, it may very well be the new most popular RP in the section, and looks to be capable of holding that title for a good long while.

Now, for a question, mainly for the military RP'ers...


Anybody remember the University of the Fist and the Blade? We should ATTEMPT somthing of that sort, to get new people into Military RPing.


I've never heard of that. I joined Nsider after the RP board closed. WHy did it close anyway?


The NOA's said it was too spammy, not nintendo related enough yadda yadda yadda.

Transient Link

Quote from: NJNETSFAN15 on September 30, 2007, 11:06:40 AM
The NOA's said it was too spammy, not nintendo related enough yadda yadda yadda.
not true look at the pokemon rp read it you will fall in love like a soap with funny sigs and jucy action


Ooc// Why do my posts always get deleted? D:<
Seriously, I posted here asking about why my roleplay is too spammy, and that's gone. What the heck? They didn't even delete the spam posts from the roleplay, I don't think. They deleted the better, more recent ones instead. >_>


Hey,what would anyone think about a Heroes RP?

It would sort of play out like the show,and you don't really have to have a power.You could work for someone trying to take out the heroes or be a villain.


Quote from: Joeofmars on October 01, 2007, 06:08:40 PM
Hey,what would anyone think about a Heroes RP?

It would sort of play out like the show,and you don't really have to have a power.You could work for someone trying to take out the heroes or be a villain.

That would be cool.  I think a "Heroes vs Villains" RP would be better.  Kinda corny sounding, but a Justice League vs Villains type of thing. 


Just whipped this up. Wanna see if anyone would want me t'post it or not...

The year is 20XX..a world where the internet (Known casually as 'the 'Net') has been expanding rapidly. Now, a complete cyberspace has taken its place, and humanoid computer programs called navis are now owned by almost everyone.

It has been 3 years since the defeat of Nebula, and the world has experienced an age of peace.

But, peace never lasts...


The basics [if you honest to god don't know what these are, then PM me]
Romance is allowed, but keep it PG-13. Anything higher should be in PM


It's a like netbattle, except one have infinite chips. Now, this doesn't mean you spam invis chips like there's no tomorrow. No. Be reasonable, please. You can still only use:

1 Giga Chip per battle
5 Mega Chips per battle
5 Chips per turn

Now, when I say 'turn' I mean your post. You can only use 5 per post in a battle, and that doesn't mean you're going to hit, but if I see someone who never gets hit..bad things will happen to good [and not so good] people.

And by the way, no spamming recovery chips. If you want to spam Darkchips, go ahead, but remember that there will be bugs.

NaviCust: [No one has this at the beginning. I will bring it in later]

Now for the Navi Customizer. Yes, it's in this one, but, the catch is you can only install 5 programs. Yep, that's right, 5.

Now, if you have BugStop [which no one will have unless I think they deserve it] Then your navi will be able to hold 10 programs. Now, I don't care what the programs are, but there are some limitations. Saito.Bat and BustPack are not allowed.

If you don't follow these rules [that means installing 6 programs or using BustPack or Saito.Bat] Then you will create a bug. WHo knows, maybe disobeying this rule will cause a good bug...

If you disobey, here's where the bugs will occur:

BustPack: All Buster levels are automatically 1, and the 2nd program will be bugged.

Saito.Bat: All programs are bugged

6 programs: 5th and 6th program are bugged.

Go ahead and mess around with those. PM me if you want more info.

Soul Unisons and Chaos Union: [If you don't know about Soul Unsion or Chaos Union, please PM me. I'll explain it]

Since I based this offa MMBN 5, these two will be in here. If your navis form a strong enough bond, and both operators have a DubSoul chip, then they may use a Soul Unison.

Chaos Union is where you use a Dark Chip to fuse your Dark Soul with yourself. You may also do it with a Soul Unison. That's it. But, beware... if you fail to use the chip correctly, or get stopped while using it..the union will end, and your dark soul will come out and attack you relentlessly for a few seconds.

Character Creation:


Lan and Megaman
Mayl and Roll
Yai and Glide
Dex and Gutsman
Chaud and Protoman [Taken by me]
Baryl and Colonel


Op. Name
Navi Name
Op. Age
Navi Age
Op. Gender
Navi Gender
Op. Appearance [optional]
Navi Appearance [optional]
Op. Bio [optional]
Navi Bio [optional]

If you'd like to just be a loner navi or a person with no navi, that's quite fine with me.

I control Forte and all major enemies.

And here is my custom character:

Name: Ryan
Name: Taiki.EXE
Age: 16
Age: ??
Gender: Male
Gender: Male
Appearance: [working on it]
Appearance: [pic coming soon]
Bio: [working on it]
Bio: [ditto to above]

Tell me what y'think.
Heya. If y'know me, send me a PM. It'd be nice t'see some old friends around here...



...It had been a while since Team eclipse had seen the light of day. After the entire Team broke up for an undetermined amount of time, KoT, the former Team leader, attempted to make the Team yet again, seeing the ever increasing amount of violence in the world.

After discovering a new region, Sinnoh, the team will be relocated, as this newly discovered region is much larger then the previous Jhoto region, thus, probably much more populated with potential evils.

Main RP Story-

Clash of Teams-

As you know, there are MANY different pokemon teams, in the world of pokemon. We are but one of many. Most of these teams are evil, while others exist to STOP the evil teams. Well, needless to say, this causes conflicts between both good and bad teams. Team eclipse is rather unknown in the newly created Team Wars, as they were thought to be defeated. This war is mainly over pokemon, the legendary pokemon, to be exact. The teams are trying to gain these pokemon, allowing high ranking members to be that much more powerful. Sinnoh is a prime target, with it's large number of rare and legendary pokemon, including two, that should never be tampered with. Now, Team eclipse could of course, take part in these wars, attempting to gain control of the legendaries, but instead, they are attempting to STOP the legendary pokemon from being taken, and to keep the Teams from clashing. This will cause Team Eclipse to be dealing both with teams once considered allies, and teams never before seen, in order to help save the Sinnoh region from becoming a wasteland, brought on by constant quarreling with pokemon that can never be tamed...

Here you post if you ranked up, after getting your so many points.


This RP focuses heavily on ranks. The ranks in this RP decide what pokemon you can have, how many you can have, and whether or not you can command certain members of the RP.

Rank points system-

Our rank points system is an excellent way of rewarding people for making good post!

Okay, here's how it goes.

For completing a bi weekly team RP, everybody present for at least part of it gets 10 points.

For completing a solo mission, it depends on difficulty, and quality, just for completing a mission, you get points!

Easy-5 points
Medium- 10
Hard –20

The higher ranking members will rate your mission, grading it on length and quality.

A+- 25 points
A- 20 points
B- 15 points
C- 10 points
D- 5 points
E- -5 points, taken away from base.
F- Mission failure, no base points awarded, take 5 off of your total points, possible demotion.

There are other things, such as pokemon contest, which award more points. If you break certain records (such as making a long battle post) you get 5 points each time you break the previous record. There are others ways, of course, such as exciting battles, so make good post, and you'll rank up in no time ;)

~Tier S~
Party of 6
Leader – Unlimited legendaries, hybrids and in PC{The Magnificent NJ}
Co-Leader – Unlimited legendaries, hybrids and in PC{Linky}
Admin – Unlimited legendaries, 50 hybrids of 2nd or 3rd evo, unlimited 1st evo hybrids, unlimited in PC

~Tier 1~
Party of 6
Master – Unlimited captured legendaries, 40 in PC
Champion – Legendary hybrids, up to 5 3rd evo hybrids, unlimited 1st evo hybrids, 30 in PC
Executive – Unlimited in PC

~Tier 2~
Party of 6
Captor – One captured legendary, 30 in PC
Elite – 1 3rd evo hybrid, 5 2nd evo hybrids, unlimted 1st evo hybrids, 30 in PC
Cooltrainer – 40 in PC

~Tier 3~
Party of 6
Collector – 5 captured semi legendary, 20 in PC
Navigator – 1 2nd evo hybrid, 5 1st evo hybrid, 20 in PC
Blackbelt – 30 in PC

~Tier 4~
Party of 5
Hunter – 1 semi legendary, 10 in PC
Inventor – 1 1st evo hybrid, 10 in PC
Veteran – third evo, 15 in PC

~Tier 5~
Party of 4
Cadet – 10 in PC
Peon – 10 in PC
Teamster – 2nd evo, 10 in PC
~Tier 6~
Party of 3
Grunt – 7 in PC


Note- Before you even consider joining this RP, you will have to manage your profile. This may seem unfortunate to some, but it helps make the RP much better in the long run.

Name:What do you want to be called?
Age:How old is your character?
Gender:Male or Female?
Rank: Unless stated otherwise, you start at Grunt
Bio:A brief history of your character.
Appearance:what does your character look like?
Items: Start off with Eclipse Pokepalm (Basically a map, pokedex, phone and such), 10 pokeballs, 5 potions
Pokemon: Any 1st evo pokemon at the start. If you are of higher rank, you may choose ONE non legendary pokemon, of whatever Evo you can use. Keep track of pokemon you catch here, as well.

IT's only part finished ;.;


Hey, I just popped in here to ask how my RP (New World) is doing. FYI, it's my first one. ;-;
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


I like it . I would be there now, but I was never approved.