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The Thunderhero Interview Show Audition Thread!

Started by thunderhero4, January 04, 2008, 08:38:39 PM

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Ok, from now on I will make a poll with the entrants to the current contests! Starting with this one!

Contest hasnt ended yet...
2 (40%)
3 (60%)

Total Members Voted: 5


Quote from: thunderhero4 on January 06, 2008, 09:00:10 PM
first post updated! I will now anounce that i will hold contests for ceartain themes like the Check mii out channel!

The first theme is "The best vector flamming" and once the time limit has passes, I will rate each one and choose the best...whoever gets 5 wins gets something special... ::)

everyone who does gets it...

so the time limit for contest 1: until noon 1/7/07
Interviews, correct?


Quote from: fredrickthethird on January 06, 2008, 09:02:49 PM
Quote from: thunderhero4 on January 06, 2008, 09:00:10 PM
first post updated! I will now anounce that i will hold contests for ceartain themes like the Check mii out channel!

The first theme is "The best vector flamming" and once the time limit has passes, I will rate each one and choose the best...whoever gets 5 wins gets something special... ::)

everyone who does gets it...

so the time limit for contest 1: until noon 1/7/07
I enter my interview
make a new one all about bashing vector, and tell me that it goes in the contest :)


Dave: Right, so today we're going to have a twist and have Espio and Vector get on stage and be interviewed AT THE SAME TIME! So yeah, welcome Vector the Crocodile!

Crowd: *Silence*


Vector: *sweat drops* Um... Find the computer room?

Crowd: Boo.

Vector: (Tough crowd.)

Dave: Erm... Yeah. Now welcome ESPIO THE CHAMELEON!

Fangirl #1: OMG, IT'S HIM!!!

Fangirl #2: Espio, let me bear your child!

Fangirl #1: If anyone's bearing Espio's child, it's gonna be me! *they get into a massive fight with the anime cloud thing*

Vector: You always have to steal the spotlight, don't you?

Espio: Yes.

Vector: >:(

Espio: ...

Dave: Okay... First question! Will either of you be in Brawl?

Espio: Well, originally, we were all gonna be ATs, but Sakurai decided to let me replace Sonic.

Vector: Well, it shoulda been me!

Dave: What do you mean?

Vector: Well...


Sakurai: So, Vector, you wanna be in Brawl?

Vector: Yes, please! I'll do anything! ANYTHING!

Sakurai: Anything?

Espio: *appears in a cloud of smoke*

Sakurai: WHO ARE YOU?!

Espio: I'm Espio.

Vector: Espio! LEAVE! >:(

Espio: Make me.

Vector: *attacks Espio*

Espio: *jumps behind Sakurai*

Vector: *crashes into Sakurai and kills him* Uh... Oops...

Espio: Oh... Vector, I have one thing to say.

Vector: What's that?

Espio: Liek ZOMG, gaise! Vector is nevah gonna b in teh BRAWLZ!!!

Vector: ...


Sakurai: Hi.

Espio: Aren't you dead?

Sakurai: That was Sakurai Clone 357374560756287023754674674674719585. *gets sniped*


HYRULESEAS: Another target has been terminated.

Vector:... That was weird...

Sakurai Clone 5732489672345873287: VECTOR, U WIL NEVAR B N TEH BRAWLZ!!!

Vector: :'(

Espio: Told you.

Sakurai Clone 5732489672345873287: ESPIO WIL B IN TEH BRAWLZ!!!

Espio: ... Yay.

Vector: Grr...

*end flashback*

Dave: Wow. I don't care.

Vector: You're evil.

Dave: I try. ::)

Espio: Anyway...

Vector: I still can't see what that Sakurai Clone saw in you... Or why he thought you were better...

Espio: Well... You're an idiot...

Dave: And you have bad taste in music...

Espio: And you're fashion sense is really... Well... Disgusting... I mean, who wears bling now?

Vector: ....

Espio and Dave: And you're a big, green, idiotic, stupid, moronic, unintelligent--

Vector: I GET THE POINT!!!

Espio: ::)

Dave: ::)

Vector: >:( *attacks Espio and Dave*

Espio and Dave: :D *runs away*

Dave: End the show! *runs away*

Hubbs: This show has been brought to you by- *gets sniped by HYRULESEAS*

HYRULESEAS: This has been brought to you by snipers. They're great. And they destroy Sakurai Clones! *gets sniped by HYRULESEAS*

Brandon: Huh?

Christy: How did HYRULESEAS get sniped by HYRULESEAS?

HYRULESEAS: That was HYRULESEAS Clone 564897457857752367598-230569, ::)

Brandon: Oh.

Meanwhile, In a Dark Alley

Vector: I have you trapped now ESPIO AND DAVE!

Dave: O'RLY?

Vector: YA'RLY.

Espio: NOWAI

Vector: >_> *is knocked out by a crowbar*

Espio: Huh?

*Charmy and Mighty appear, holding crowbars.*

Mighty: Who's the strength member of the team now, huh? WHO IS IT NOW?!


Dude .


Quote from: Shujinco on January 06, 2008, 12:24:56 AM
Shujinco: Hello Kidz!

Kidz: *Dead*


Vector: AWWW, MAN! I am FULL!

Shujinco: *Doesn't want to know* Alright! First question, will you be in Brawl?

Vector: I'll be in, BUT not as a character.

Shujinco: Well, then, what?

Vector: At the LAST minuite, Sakurai replaced Sandbag with me. :(

Shujinco: Aww, so sad! *Sarcasim*

Shujinco: Alright, next question: I like pie.

Vector and T_L from nowhere: WHAT KIND OF QUESTION WAS THAT?

TH clone: Quiet you! >:( >:D

T_L: OH NO! I've been your boyfriend for WAY TOO LONG!

*TH clone kills T_L*


Vector: But, I'm a girl, and I'm an Aligator! :|

TH clone: Ah, lesbo interspieces "stuff" is as HAWT as it gets!

Shujinco: Oh, eww! *Is actually aroused*

Vector: No need to cencor here. I ate all the kidz.

Shujinco: You DID do that! 0_o


Shujinco: GET A ROOM! >:(

Vector: Yeah, we probably should.

Zombie T_L: :'( WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!?

TH clone: Lesbo interspieces "Stuff" is WAY hawter!

T_L zombie: So that makes me OBSOLETE?

Vector: Yeah, prewtty much! :-\

Shujinco: ALRIGHT, we are out of time! This interview has been brought to you by Me, AGAIN! Because I have no other sponcers. :'(
I'm putting in this one. ;D



and only I can judge contests, everybody else enters em...


and Melanie, is that thread for the contest? If so ill add it...



Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on January 06, 2008, 10:51:23 PM
Yeah, for the contest. And Jinco, ew...
Is it NOT the biggest amount of flamage you've ever seeen! Not only does it flame Vector, it flames TH AND you! ;D


Jinco, some random five year old might read that... Think of the children, man! Eh, on second thought, screw the children...


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on January 06, 2008, 11:04:00 PM
Jinco, some random five year old might read that... Think of the children, man! Eh, on second thought, screw the children...
Yep, we have a winner! >:D




Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on January 06, 2008, 10:51:23 PM
Yeah, for the contest. And Jinco, ew...
Please modify it with a note at the very beginning so I can remember...

and Jinco, you still have yet to post one :P


Quote from: thunderhero4 on January 06, 2008, 11:33:46 PM
Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on January 06, 2008, 10:51:23 PM
Yeah, for the contest. And Jinco, ew...
Please modify it with a note at the very beginning so I can remember...

and Jinco, you still have yet to post one :P

But...I'm entering the one I ALREADY DID! >:(