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Started by DRIFTYOSHIZERO11, January 11, 2008, 08:52:31 PM

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This is my first shot at post my Fan Fic here. Enjoy!

Prolouge: The Letter

    It was a normal day in the Musroom Kingdom. Mario was fixing a leak in the sink, Luigi was watching TV, the princess was still getting ready, and Yoshi was taking a nap with a box of cookies in hand. Everything seemed to be normal but, to Luigi, it was too normal.
"Hey Mario!" Luigi called out.
"What is it now Luigi?" Mario answered as he was testing the sink.
"Have you noticed that nothing has happened? I mean...Bowser would have kidnapped the princess by now and everything is all...peaceful"
"Well, shouldn't it be that way? Just think of it...We get a break."
    Night soon came. It seemed eerily quite and not even the wind made a sound. Luigi was looking out the window, being catious of everything that moved. He noticed a little figure running towards the castle and he soon got the feeling that this wouldn't be good. There was a knock on the door and Luigi went down the stairs to answer it. Luigi slowly opened the large door and before him stood a Hammer Brother.
"This (huff) came in (huff) the mail (huff)." The Hammer Brother said in a exhausted tone.
"A hammer Brother? What are you doing here?" Luigi asked, being suspicious.
"I'd never though I'd have to be askin' this but...Can you help us?"
"Help!? What do mean by help!? Bowswer would never ask for help."
"Consider this a one time deal lacky. Just read the stinkin' letter and THEN you find out what I'm talkin' about. Kapeesh?" The Hammer brother snapped. Luigi snatched the letter from the hammer brother's  hand. He opened the letter and read the paper inside it. It read:

  From here on out, this land is under my rule! You have exactly one hour to evacuate. You have been warned

Luigi looked mindlessly at the paper.
"I told you!" The hammer brother said as he point up at Luigi.
Luigi forgot that the hammer brother was there and he slammed the door on the hammer brother's face and quickly went to tell Mario.



1st.Get a title when you can
2nd.Spelling is very good,maybe 1 error.
3rd.Punctuation also pretty good.
4th.I like the idea of Bowser coming to the Mario Bros. for help.


Quote from: Pokemaster944794 on January 12, 2008, 12:01:49 PM
1st.Get a title.
2nd.Use correct sp.
3rd.Use correct punctuation.
4th.I like the idea of Bowser coming to the Mario Bros. for help.
1) She hasn't thought of one yet.
2) Other than "Prologue", I don't see any spelling mistakes.
3) Only a few.
4) It's her story. She'll do what she wants.

Though it was a bit short, it's a prologue. I think it was good.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Quote from: LightningSword on January 12, 2008, 12:39:58 PM
Quote from: Pokemaster944794 on January 12, 2008, 12:01:49 PM
1st.Get a title.
2nd.Use correct sp.
3rd.Use correct punctuation.
4th.I like the idea of Bowser coming to the Mario Bros. for help.
1) He hasn't thought of one yet.
2) Other than "Prologue", I don't see any spelling mistakes.
3) Only a few.
4) It's his story. He'll do what he wants.

Though it was a bit short, it's a prologue. I think it was good.
True,good fic....


Quote from: Pokemaster944794 on January 12, 2008, 12:44:16 PM
Quote from: LightningSword on January 12, 2008, 12:39:58 PM
Quote from: Pokemaster944794 on January 12, 2008, 12:01:49 PM
1st.Get a title.
2nd.Use correct sp.
3rd.Use correct punctuation.
4th.I like the idea of Bowser coming to the Mario Bros. for help.
1) He hasn't thought of one yet.
2) Other than "Prologue", I don't see any spelling mistakes.
3) Only a few.
4) It's his story. He'll do what he wants.

Though it was a bit short, it's a prologue. I think it was good.
True,good fic....

um...I'm a girl...Sorry I haven't thought of a title yet, I just can't find one for it.. This is just the prolouge so of course it'll be short.


take your time....and if you have to,combine 2 short chapters with a connecting sentence into 1 good chapter.


Here's chapter one :)

Chapter 1: The Journey begins

   "One hour to evacuate!? What is this all about luigi?" Mario asked in a confused manner.
"Well, if I knew, I would've told you but, all I could tell you is that it's not a threat from Bowser." Luigi said.
"How would you know?" Mario asked.
"I know because a hammer brother handed me this letter and asked if we could help them. Who knows what it could be. It could be some sort of alien life form or someting. "
Mario looked at Luigi as if he were crazy.
"You need to cut down on the tv. Plus, Bowser always sends us this type of stuff. He has one of his useless minions deliver it and pretend that it's not them. He's predictable like that." Mario said.
"Predictable? He hasn't even captured the princess and that's his basic daily routine. I think there's something on the bottom" Luigi said as he took the paper from Mario. "It has all these numbers. It's alien writing see?" Luigi pointed to the bottom of the paper.
"That's the date. This is obviously Bowser's scheme can't you tell? Look, it says clearly that THIS LAND IS UNDER MY RULE. He always says that. We'll go over there, and settle things out like we aways do." Mario said as he began walking towards the door.
"I still think it's an alien..." Luigi muttered as he folded the piece of paper and put it in his pocket. Mario exited the door and Luigi, not paying attention, ran into the wall near it.
"Now I could've sworn there was a door here." Luigi said with a puzzled look on his face. Mario slammed his palm to his forehead in frustration, grabbed Luigi and pulled him through the door way.
"The quicker we get there, the sooner we can stop Bowser." Mario said.
"Hey you two aren't leaving without me are you?" The both of them turned around and saw Peach standing at the door way.
"See I told you he didn't capture her!" Luigi said as if he trying to make a point.
"Well of course Bowser didn't capture me. He always captures me on the weekends." Peach said. Mario's expression dropped.
"You knew that all along? So all of those times you got captured, you knew about it and could've prvented it?" Mario asked dumb foundedly.
"Of course." Peach said.
"Then why didn't you?"
"Because it gets boring in here."
"Look, we got a letter saying this land has been taken over." Mario began.
"Yeah and we think that an a..." Mario put his hand over Luigi's mouth to make him be quiet.
"We think that BOWSER'S behind it." Mario finished the sentence. "A hammer brother sent it but, this trick has been played before."
"Well, it's my land so I'll go along." Peach said.
"I was think more like Luigi and I go by ourselves and Toad will be on guard along with Yoshi so you hopefully don't get captured." Mario said as he tried to be as calm as possible.
"Toad isn't a very good guard and Yoshi is sleeping." Peach said.
"She's got a point.Remember the last time toad was put on guard, he got distracted by a penny and the princess got captured...again?" Luigi said.
"Fine, you can come too but, I'm only doing this so I don't have to waste my time trying to save you when you knew you were going to get captured in the first place." Mario said, hoping for the best.
"Trying to make sure she doesn't get captured is a hand full." Luigi said.
"What do you mean by that?" Mario asked.
"Well if you ask me, she's a few tacos short of a combination plate if you know what I mean."
"No I don't know."
"She's not all there in the head. Y'know...She's not too bright." Luigi whispered.
"All we have to do is hope that she doesn't. If she doesn't, it'll be history in the making." Mario said as he fixed his hat.


Good need to combine.


Quote from: Pokemaster944794 on January 12, 2008, 02:49:20 PM
Good need to combine.

Thanks. This is only the beginning so it gets better. I need write down the second chapter before I post it here. It could take a while but, it will definatley be today though (I have it pre written but, I'm making better)


o.k........(nice taco cameo)...P.M. me if Bowser is behind it..


   Chapter 2: The second request.

  "I gave them the letter sir!" A hammer brother said as he came running down the hall of the throne room. In the chair, Bowser sat clutching the armrests on the sides of the chair. The hammer brother quickly stopped and stood in front of bowser.
  "What are you waiting for? Tell me what he said!" Bowser said in a gruff tone.
  "Well, it wasn't Mario who answered." The hammer brother said as he backed off a bit.
  "Then who did!?" By the sound of Bowsers voice, the hammer brother could tell that he was getting impatient.
"The lacky answered the door sir!" The hammer brother said as he backed off a little.
"What did HE say then!?" Bowser asked as he gripped the armrests more tightly.
"He didn't say much of anything. He was more asking why you had asked them for help." The hammer brother said.
"What kind of answer is that!? I gave you a simple job and you can't even do it!!? All you had to do was..." Bowser didn't finish as something else had caught his attention.
"What with the bandage on your nose?" Bowser asked.
"Err...After he read the paper that was in the evelope, he slammed the door on my face...Well more on my nose but, you know what I mean." Bowser rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"Did you tell him who was it from. I gave explicit directions to tell him!" Bowser asked more impatient than before.
"Erm...No." The hammer brother answered in a lighter tone of voice.
"You idiot!!! I will not be made a fool of do you understand me!!! You better make sure they know who sent that letter!!!" Bowser raised his voiced and a small bit of fire came out.
"Y..Yes sir! I will make sure they know. I will do my duty as a messenger and..."
"Just shut up and GO!!!" Bowser demaned as he blew fire and the hammer brother ran as fast as he could to avoid getting burned.


"Okay so here's the plan." Mario began. "All we have to do is the usual Luigi and princess...I have no idea what you will do but, I'll get back on that. Anyway on a more important note, this will be possibly the easiest problem we'll ever face. Bowser doesn't have any of his minions out and about, so it's just smooth sailing from here."
"You're making it sound easier than it actually is. Sure, there are no enemies here but, it's still quite a long way to walk." Luigi said.
"What are you talking about? It's right in front of us." Mario said as he looked ahead.
"Seriously? How can this be? It was right here?" Luigi asked.
"We past the time away mostly because you were complaining the whole way." Peach said.
"Let's go inside and.." Mario was cut off by the sound of the castle door opening. "The door just opened for us.."
Through the doorway came the same hammer brother with some fire behind him.
"Holy cow!Thank god you're here! I thought I would have to find you!" The hammer brother said with a sign of relief.
"Umm. Were you looking for me or what?" Mario asked.
"Yeah. Ok. The letter wasn't from Bowser. This time we actually do need your help." The hammer brother said.
"Are you trying to say that Bowser isn't behind this?" Luigi asked.
"Uh huh!"
"Would you mind telling us who did?" Peach said.
"Give me time to catch my breath! I almost got my tail torched back there!" The hammer brother said as he pointed to the door which was scorched.
"We should care...Why?" Mario asked.
"Well you would be running for your life too if you had King Bowser blowing fire at you. Then again, you have had tha happen to you. Honestly how do you do it?"
"Just get to the point." Mario said.
"Fine...Some yahoo though it would be all fine and dandy to take over our land." The koopa brother said.
"Go on." Peach said.
"Now king Bowser can't even find the time to capture her since we're looking out for whatever might happen in an hour."
"So Bowser's not behind this?" Luigi asked.
"Did you not just here me?" The koopa brother looked at Luigi awkwardly.
"So what should we do?" Peach asked.
"I don't know, you think of something!" The koopa brother said as he went back inside the castle.
"I have a feeling that maybe it's just something to cover up their scheme." Mario said suspiciously.
"We'll find out sooner or later. It would either be the easy or the hard way but, we will find out." Luigi said as all three of them proceeded to the castle door.



Quote from: Pokemaster944794 on January 12, 2008, 12:01:49 PM
1st.Get a title.
2nd.Use correct sp.
3rd.Use correct punctuation.
4th.I like the idea of Bowser coming to the Mario Bros. for help.

Dude... you are in no place to talk about grammar. Or anything about criticizing.


Quote from: Joeofmars on January 12, 2008, 07:53:38 PM
Quote from: Pokemaster944794 on January 12, 2008, 12:01:49 PM
1st.Get a title.
2nd.Use correct sp.
3rd.Use correct punctuation.
4th.I like the idea of Bowser coming to the Mario Bros. for help.

Dude... you are in no place to talk about grammar. Or anything about criticizing.
I'm not criticizing....wait a sec..


wow! Sweet fanfic! ;D


Chapter three is finnaly up. ;)

Chapter 3:

  "Well! Did you tell him!?" Bowser impatiently asked.
"Why yes sir, I sure did." The hammer brother said with a large grin on his face.
"Okay then, what did he say!?" Bowser was drumming his claws on the armrests.
"They didn't say much. Some of the questions that were asked was..." The hammer brother noticed that Bowser didn't care about the questions. "How 'bout I just skip the questions?"
"That would be more of a productive use of my time know would it?"
"Of course. I'm pretty sure I made it quite convincing about the letter. I didn't even had to give out any names." The hamer brother again had a large grin on his face.
"What did you just say? Did you say you didn't even have to give out any names?" Bowser asked as he leand forward.
"Yup! Convincing, ain't I?"
"You Moron! You were SUPPOSED to say the name!" Bowser yelled.
"I was? I thought all I had to do was make sure they leave."
"I said that you had to tell them who send it! The plan was to say that I didn't send it since you were stupid enough to forget to say it last time!"
"I didn't forget! It just didn't cime to my head at that moment!"
"In other words, you forgot! Now make sure he doesn't get in here and bother me! If you forget to do this, you know very well what the consequences will be!!!" Bowser roared in anger.
"Yes sir! I will do my duty as a..."
"Go already and stop wasting more my valuable time!"
The hammer brother quickly ran to teh entrance door to do as he was told.
"Make sure he doesn't come inside. Make sure he dosen't come inside." The hammer brother repeated his objective and stood by the door. He then noticed that Mario, Luigi, and Peach were already inside.
"Crap! I was supposed to prevent you from coming in! And what do you do? You come in without warning so know I might just get the worst consequence of all! Thank you very much!" The hammer brother said as he pointed his finger at Mario.
"You never said we weren't allowed to." Luigi said.
"Even if I said it, you would've done it anyways!"
"He's right. There's not one time we ever did pay attention to them."  Mario said.
"I suggest you get out Mario. King Bowser isn't in a very good mood right now and I'm sure that he wouldn't want to put up with you again." The hammer brother said as he pointed to the door.
"Wait...All three of you came in...He only said to stop Mario from coming in. He never said to stop you two. Stay right there while I ask if I was supposed to stop you guys also." The hammer brother ran as quickly as he could to the throne room.
"Well, it's not like he'll do anything so let's just go." Mario said. The three continued to walk to the throne room.
"You came here here just to ask me a stupid question like that!?!" Bowser asked as he quickly got up from the chair.
"Technically, there sin't such thing as a stupid question..." The hammer brother said, slowly creeping away from Bowser.
"ANY QUESTION THAT COMES OUT OF YOU'RE MOUTH IS STUPID QUESTION!" Bowser grabbed the hammer brother and held him up to his face.
Make sure NONE of them come..." Bowser stopped and noticed that all three were standing in front of the door way.
"See what you did!!! You let them have a chance to get in!!!" Bowser yelled as he tighten his grip. He then dropped the hammer brother.
"What do you think you're doin' here!?" Bowser asked aggitatingly. "If you're wondering about the letter, I didn't send so there!"
How do we know that it wasn't you?" Mario asked.
"Because it just wasn't! You want proof? I don't write that neat and I never right such threats like that!" bowser said. All three of them looked at Bowser in a way that questioned his answer.
"Ok maybe I do that a few times..." They all gave him the same look again.
"Fine I do that all the time I make a threat but, what enemy doesn't?"
"I can name a few." Peach said.
"Ah what do you know?. You don't even know your right from left!" Bowser said as he turn towrds her. "I haven't captured her yet so that also might give you a hint!"
"You have done this before." Luigi said.
"You shut up you waste of air!" Bowser demanded.
"If you didn't do it, tell us who did so we don't get the idea that you did do it." Mario requested.
"I don't really know him. He didn't show himself but, he did threaten to destroy my castle or maybe just take control of it. I tell ya...I don't want to go through the whole getting my castle back thing again. That was bad enough."
"Go on..." Mario said.
"Be patient wil ya! I have get my head all cleared up from a few minute ago!"
"Well your..."Peach began.
"Intern..." The hammer brother said in a displeased tone.
"You're intern wasn't much of help so, what do you expect us to do?"
"I don't know! You're the one's who always foil my plans so you geniuses figure one out and you better have one by an hour! Now leave before I change my mind in letting you guys go easily!"
All three left the throne room and head for the exit.
"I sitll think he's behind it." Mario said.
"Yeah. he's not that good at covering himself up but, I however, think it's aliens who are planning this." Luigi said as he took out the piece of paper from his pocket and pointed to the date.
"Let's just figure out a plan but, we'll make sure that it will be effective for who ever it is." Mario said.