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Luigi's Shed (Season 2: Luigi's Hotel)[Season 2 Finale Posted 5-8-08]

Started by evilflame101, November 12, 2007, 09:54:39 PM

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Quote from: evilflame101 on December 25, 2007, 12:03:59 AM
Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on December 24, 2007, 07:43:21 PM
Very good job!

how come up top the news says i see you Triforce Luigi?

Ok so check back next Thursday, not this Thursday but the following...

Merry Christmas!!! (or holidays...?)

I think that's because the mods caught me trying to be the last poster in each board...

And I can't wait.

And Merry Christmas to you too!


I am just about to post episode 18, and 19.

Next Thursday I will post episode 20, and only that one episode because I will be studying for finals, then the following Thursday I will be taking finals so no episode, but the following thursday you will get the season one finale! Just giving you a heads up, so i hope you enjoy these episodes, i will have them up within the hour.


Episode 18: The Final Battle

Bowser: so you made it before 3 days I see.

to bad your journey ends here.

Luigi: not if I can help it.*shoots a fireball at Bowser*

*Blows fire at the fireball canceling out the attack*

Luigi: you fight very well.

get them!!

*Bowser Jr. runs at Luigi, Toad, and E.gadd*

Luigi: *shoots fireball at the Bowser Jr.*

Bowser Jr: *sarcastically* ooowww painful...

E.gadd: *pulls out a gamecube controller* *throws controller around Bowser Jr's neck and the cord wraps around it*

Bowser Jr : *in mechanical voice* nnnooo!!! *head pops off*

E.gadd: its a robot???

Luigi: ya look it has springs and wires inside it. I knew bowser did not have kids, he doesn't even have a girlfriend. I mean who would date a turtle?

Luigi: *shoots multiple fireballs at another Bowser Jr *

Other Bowser Jr : *shoots toad with a tazer*

Toad: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't taze me Bro!

ENOUGH!!!*muscles suddenly grow psychotically big and toad turns into a psycho muscle man*

Toad: *flicks Bowser Jr *

Bowser Jr : AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Toad: mess with the best die like the rest! yo I'm a rapper, I like money. if yo wanna mess I will make your pants full o pee.

Luigi: so much for no more rapping.

Luigi: BBBOOOWWSSSEERRR!!!!!!!!! its your turn!!!!

Bowser: what are you going to do?

Luigi: this!!!!!!!!!!! *pulls out the cannon with bullet bill still in it*

Bullet bill:
Bowser, you just left me to die on the ground now its your turn to lie on the ground!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luigi: DDDDDDDiiiiiiiieeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! *lights cannon*

Bowser: well'll never find peach and daisy...

Luigi: o no!!!!!!!!!!

*the cannon goes off*

*Bullet Bill goes right through bowser*


he was a robot too?

E.gadd: yes it appears so.

Luigi: great so were not done?

Bullet bill: *stuck in mechanical Bowser* a little help here...

*Luigi tears apart the robot Bowser to get Bullet Bill out*

Luigi: what the heck... why is he in there?

*Luigi sees Mario inside robot Bowser, but still in the cage*

hey you shot a bullet at me...

*realizing that the bullet made a hole in the cage* I'm free! I'm free!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*thinking fast* *pulls out a portable TV* Look Mario...bunnies the movie!

yyyyyyaaaaaayyy!!!!!! my life dream finally realized!!!

Luigi: *puts Mario back in cage with the portable TV and uses his fire balls to melt the bars back together*

Luigi: there we go...

portable TV:
we interrupt this show to bring you a special report...Charmin ultra... apparently less is more.

Portable TV:
when we realized less is more, the Bush administration decided to use less money for school funds.

Portable TV:
also the bush administration decided that if less is more. then more is less. so they are killing even more in Iraq.

Luigi: wow bush is a moron...but Charmin Ultra really is less is more.

ya when I used it after I did my business I only used 4 rolls instead of my normal 16 rolls of  TP when I go.

Luigi: to much information... AAwwwww!!! just got a visual.....

Toad: anyway....we need to...

Bowser over loud speaker:
so you have defeated my robots. not a great accomplishment since you have one more day to get to me before you can say good bye to your princesses!!!

Bowser over load speaker:
*try's to make evil laugh* MMMMuuuuhasqqqquuuueeekkk...

Guy in background of speaker system:
aaaaaahhhh me ears!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you need a better evil laugh!!!!!!!



Release- a few minutes


Episode 19: The Final Day

*Luigi, Mario, Toad, E.gadd, and Bullet Bill are all in the room were they defeated robot Bowser*

Toad: great so that was not the real Bowser, so now we have to search even more, I hate searching.

aww don't be such a wuss. searching is good for you, it helps build strong bones.

E.gadd: isn't that milk?

Luigi: ...anyway lets find Bowser, he can't be too far. Look 2 doors, but which one to take?

lets split up....*interrupted by Mario watching TV*

Tv: *voice of Arnold shwartzaneger* that is what you need to do to make your muscles the best they can be!

Mario: yyaaa!!!

Luigi: wait a minute... Mario is actually acting like a guy....its a miracle....

Toad: or the apocalypse...


TV: *in girly voice*...and that's what shows we don't watch because they are too disturbing...*shows butterflies* this is what we watch.

Mario: yes my favorite part of the show!!

Luigi: there's the Mario I know and lov...

scratch that... there's the Mario I know.

anyway we can leave Mario here since he is still in his cage and it looks like his entertainment is coved.

E.gadd: Luigi and Toad can go in the left door and me and Bullet Bill will go in the right door.

Luigi: ok.

*they go in the doors that they said they were going to go in*

*they open the doors and they are all in the same room*

wow that was pointless both doors lead to the same room...

E.gadd: wow Bowser must think were stupid or something if he thought 2 doors would trick us.

*they see another door and all walk into it*

look it is Bowser!!!!!!!!!!!!

indeed it is...*talking slower* indeed it is...

Luigi: ya I know your just said that...

I can't help it us evil genius's just have to repeat things for emphasis, emphasis!!!!! sorry that one just slipped out.

Bowser: ok now to decide who I'm going to kill first... how about Toad.

Toad: it's cause I'm black ain't it...

oh yes its because your black...*shoots flame at toad burning him into a black crisp* or at least now you are!!

Toad: *falls to the ground*

Luigi: nnnnnoooo!!!!!!!!!!! *pulls out a 1-up mushroom* here eat this mushroom it will somehow bring you back to life...

Toad: *is force fed the mushroom* *comes back to live* aaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

E.gadd: no Toad... think what your doing don't resort to cannibalism!!!!

wait a minute you fed me a mushroom!!!!! I am a mushroom!!!!!!!!! nnnooooo!!!!!!!

how come when you die you died but when I died I had 99 lives left? hmm... lets ponder this for a moment.....

enough I'm going to beat you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*screen stars in and enters the RPG style fight scene as in Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario*



Release- Next Thursday


Comments, and feed back appreciated! Look forward to a new episode next thursday!



lol thanks, look forward to the second to last episode next thursday!



Episode 20 - RPG FIGHT SCENE

*Luigi, Toad, E.gadd, and Bullet Bill are all ready too fight Bowser*

Luigi: I'm not ready to fight Bowser!!!!!!!!

*so maybe not all of them....*

Luigi: I don't want to die before I know this one thing....

...where the heck did you come from Toad???? didn't you get attacked by puppies...*thinks* now that I think about it that's kinda sad...

Toad: well I beat the puppies and kicked them...turns out the owner was watching me... he called PETA (People for the ethnical treatment of animals)

Toad: lets just say when they were done with me I needed PETH (people for the ethnical treatment of humans)

Toad: then I teleported here...

Luigi: you can teleport???

Toad: well ok fine I just used a warp pipe.... you won't believe it but in the entrance to this castle right there in playing view is a warp pipe to near here.

well if we would have saw that we would be like 4 episodes shorter and have saved the author time...

ohh no that's ok I enjoy writing this....*thinking to himself* what a suck up I'm going to kill him off first...mmmmuuuhahahahaha!!!!!!!!

Bowser: ok now that we have that cleared up its time I kill you all fire ball attack!!!!!!!!

*Bowser shoots a fireball at Luigi*

Luigi: *ducks* wow you have bad aim... Multi-jump!!!!!!! Toad time your button pushing!

Toad: *holding gamecube controller* timingly pushes a button making Luigi jump up and down on Bowser over and over...

*3 hours later*

Luigi: ok toad I'm getting tired you think you could miss time it by chance?

Toad: no Bowser hurt my feelings I want him more then dead!!!!!!!!! *fire in his eyes*

E.gadd: then we can sell his head on ebay!!!!!!!

Luigi: *still multi jumping on Bowser* what kind of sick person would buy a dead persons head???

E.gadd: I did.... I mean... my friend did.. gadd-bert....ya that's it.

Toad: *miss times a jump* aww

Luigi: *stops multi-jumping on bowser* finally!!!!

now I must kill you Bowser!!!!!!!!!!!!! kkkaaaaa-mmmmeeeee.......hhhhhhhhaaaaaaa-mmmmmeeeeeeeee...HHHHHHHhhaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

Luigi: ahh Toad this is Mario not Dragonball z....

Toad: ohhh... right... uhhh... redo!

Luigi: this is real life there are no redos.

Toad: then why did E.gadd get 99 lives???

E.gadd: I have connections... church is a very good place....

Bowser: your 9999368238823645273542785932467 jumps on my head did not affect me in anyway what so ever!!! except I have a headache...

Luigi: good rather you suffer...

Bullet bill:
why don't you put me out of my misery and just shoot me!!!

Luigi: you want someone to kill you???

Bullet bill: I'm a bullet...

Luigi: your point is?

Bullet bill:
I mean shoot me at Bowser for crying out load!!!!!!!!!!

Bowser: no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Luigi shoots Bullet Bill at Bowser*

Bowser: aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! *splits in half*

*suddenly the two parts grow back the side missing so that there are two Bowsers*

Luigi: how did that happen....

Main Bowser: I have connections......internet connections!!!!!!!

that explains it...there is not a doubt in my mind... he is a hacker...

Copy Bowser: now I show you my true form...*both Bowsers rip off a mustache* mmmmuuuuhahahahahaa!!!!



Finale! not next thursday, but the following don't miss it!!


Comments please! No new episode next thursday but the finale the following, and a new format.


Good job, evilflame. Great chapter. And I agree. Bowser hacks.




I will not miss the finale!


I believe that script format in fanfiction shows lazyness; however, you don't do half bad with this. I think you should learn to spell correctly, though, and use proper punctuation.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.