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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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"Ah, we're almost there..." Hanzö started on a run until he saw that familiar light.

"Here it is, the hive." Hanzö pointed to the hole of light coming from the tunnel.

"Well..what do you think now?"


"I'm thinking the same as before," Solon replied. "There's something here that was really hungry... But, if there was some sort of terror in here, wouldn't the Scalanders have made the problem known or taken care of it by now? Besides, none of this seems that fresh. The thing that killed all of these people has probably been destroyed."


"Uhh....hate to burst your bubble dude, but if this thing is destroyed, then what's that?!" Hanzö pointed at a huge shadow emerging from one of the combs. First two legs, then another two legs, another, and another set of legs. Then a head was visible, and 6 red eyes were staring at them.

"Oh great, I hate spiders!"


Solon just squeaked. No... No... No... he thought, eyes widened. Anthing but spiders! C'mon darnit! ANYTHING but spiders! Solon couldn't move his legs, he just turned his face away and tried not to look at it. His hands were trembling, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold onto his sword.

Max Headroom



Hanzö attacked the spider, only to be sent back at the wall.


Flying Chickens

Zarani, who had followed along silently, watched the spider attacking. "Oh, look. I have a new pet." He barked out, alerting the others of his presence. He sprinted at the spider, and sank blood composed fangs into it's legs. The fangs dissolved and went into the spider. Zarani turned and faced the others. "I think I'll name it George." He said indifferently.


Harver watched the three go into the cave. Huh... I could go back to the base and tell the others about this... but they probably already know that they're gone. I'll see them later. He walked into the cave behind Zarani, being sure to keep quiet.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"No!" Solon shouted at Zarani. "You are not keeping that... that thing!" ...I need to try and calm it down a bit... People might start getting suspicious... "Er, well, you can keep it, I guess... But, I just don't think it'll fit on the ship."


Harver created a portal when he got into the cave, and walked through it. It closed behind him. When he emerged, he was on a safe landing high above where the spider, Solon, and the others were. He looked down on what was going on.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


" again? Well, it's better than nothing." Hanzö leaped up to the spider and attacked with his shadow blade.


After Lanbar got back on the ship following Solon's sudgestion of re-joining the group, he went and knocked on the door of Tanbar's room. Tanbar took a peak out and then slammed the door. "I'm not letting you in!" Tanbar said.

"But...why? I'm sorry about leaving you like that." Lanbar said truly feeling guilty for his actions.

"And why should I believe you?" Tanbar asked still angry at him.

"Because...I didn't mean what I said and did. I was drunk at the time." Lanbar said.

"I don't care if you were drunk or not, that was still you." Tanbar said.

It looks like I'm not getting to him for a while. And so Lanbar went to his own room deciding that he would try again later.


"A pet? Oh no! Are you crazy? I'm killing this thing!" Hanzö attacked one of the eyes of the spiders and jabbed at it.

"Take out of the eyes, and it won't stand a chance against us!"

Flying Chickens

The spider moved to the side and dodged the blade, making it miss completely. "Mate, quit attacking George." He said angrily. He turned into a smaller form of the giant spider. "Did you mates know I can take the form of whatever I've had my blood in?" He morphed again, and a second Solon was standing mere feet away. "It's quite fun really, mates." The blood surrounded him again, and Zarani was standing there. "Anyways, George got boring." The spider began to writhe in agony. It reached up with it's front legs and grabbed it's head, emitting a large screeching. "I've got it's guise now..." The screeching got louder, and suddenly the spider exploded, shooting a red and green blood across the cave. "Now, what should I do..."


Harver watched the spider's massacre in a amusement. A soft chuckle escaped from his mouth. They have more power than I first expected...
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.