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The Jedi Temple

Started by Keirfire, February 16, 2008, 01:35:36 PM

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Just come with me, if we work together we can defeat him. alright, keep with me and dont let him hit you! use the force and predict his movements *runs towards him with lightsaber hoping you are running right behind me* ROOOOAR!!*does a wookiee battle cry begins to duel darth maul, blocking attacks moving faster than any other sith could ever muster* come and help!


((Ooc: Sorry had to go somwhere, back now))

Right! "Charges foward and strikes the blade that Master Lion is not. Uses the force to increase his speed and reflexes allowing him to combat Darth Maul at a even pace"


*Darth maul keeps up with the amazing lightsaber attacks, blocking everything we throw at him* Damn this is going to be a bit harder than we expected. *I attempt to increase me speed and strength* *he almost misses one of my strikes but barely blocks it* it appears you still aren't unbeatable *he leads us out a door into the desert through a door, while still blocking our attacks* A lot more space now.. Ah *he unexpectedly kicks me in the chest in a second where I was moving my lightsaber and I fall down a dune* gota get up and help the padawan... If im not back he will be in trouble. *Leaps up in the air and flys towards the two*


Quote from: Brasilian132 on February 16, 2008, 08:20:42 PM
*Darth maul keeps up with the amazing lightsaber attacks, blocking everything we throw at him* dang this is going to be a bit harder than we expected. *I attempt to increase me speed and strength* *he almost misses one of my strikes but barely blocks it* it appears you still aren't unbeatable *he leads us out a door into the desert through a door, while still blocking our attacks* A lot more space now.. Ah *he unexpectedly kicks me in the chest in a second where I was moving my lightsaber and I fall down a dune* gota get up and help the padawan... If im not back he will be in trouble. *Leaps up in the air and flys towards the two*
Starts blocking but Darth Maul starts getting feircer, he strikes my blade into the sand and attacks my left shoulder....I just laughed. I activated the Duel side of my blade and istantly countered Mauls attack while also scratching his face. Darth maul jumps back while Master Lion regroups.


*as darth maul fell back because of his error I flew in* *seeing this as an opportunity I used force push on him to send him flying back into the sand. As he flew back I leaped off the ground and flew towards him* I'm going to finish this! *as I am about to deliver the final blow a unknown sith leaps from a dune and manages to block the blow* "Did I mention I have an apprentice now?" *while his apprentice help my lightsaber darthmaul launched me backwards with a forcepush* Looks like we will have to divide, you take the apprentice and i'll take maul. Got it? *Maul turns off one side of his lightsaber and prepares to duel me alone, and I walk towards him with my lightsaber primed and ready.*


Quote from: Brasilian132 on February 16, 2008, 08:37:12 PM
*as darth maul fell back because of his error I flew in* *seeing this as an opportunity I used force push on him to send him flying back into the sand. As he flew back I leaped off the ground and flew towards him* I'm going to finish this! *as I am about to deliver the final blow a unknown sith leaps from a dune and manages to block the blow* "Did I mention I have an apprentice now?" *while his apprentice help my lightsaber darthmaul launched me backwards with a forcepush* Looks like we will have to divide, you take the apprentice and i'll take maul. Got it? *Maul turns off one side of his lightsaber and prepares to duel me alone, and I walk towards him with my lightsaber primed and ready.*
Right! I charge towards the apprentice and use force jump to get over him and attack while his back is turned, he turns and blocks it. and starts attacking back but i block all his attacks with ease


*we begin attacking eachother, both of us swinging our lightsabers in ways most jedi could not think of doing. It looked as if it would simply come down to who could keep it up the longest* *our lightsabers collide and I attempt to over power him pushing his lightsaber towards him,* it is over for you! "not yet" *he ignites the bottem half of his lightsaber and slashes it towards me, to avoid it I leap away.* darn this is going to be harder than I thought.


Quote from: Brasilian132 on February 16, 2008, 09:16:00 PM
*we begin attacking eachother, both of us swinging our lightsabers in ways most jedi could not think of doing. It looked as if it would simply come down to who could keep it up the longest* *our lightsabers collide and I attempt to over power him pushing his lightsaber towards him,* it is over for you! "not yet" *he ignites the bottem half of his lightsaber and slashes it towards me, to avoid it I leap away.* dang this is going to be harder than I thought.
I keep attacking the apprentice gradually gaining speed. The apprentice starts attacking more feircly and Darth Maul is also attacking Master Lion back, soon we are back to back each defending and attacking both even with our opponets.


*I continue blocking shots fiercly and start moving him away towards a dune that he has his back turned to. Then I sense a life form in this dune* Of course... Those monstrous creatures in the sand... If I can get him close enough then I may be able to get him to fall in *keeps slowly moving towards it, and trys to cloud darth mauls senses so he does not notice the life force*


*starts using battle meditation against the sith, but it has no affect on darth maul* ugh... it has been a while since ive done this to a powerful sith... *comes out of the shadows and draws his double lightsaber and jumps at darth maul from behind*


*despite my attempting to cloud him he blocks master keirfire with ease since both of his lightsaber sides were activated* I just need keirfire to move for a second and then I can force push Maul into the sarlac pit...


While Master Lion and Keirfier are fighting I continue my own battle with the apprentice. He attacks from above I block..his attacks are getting More fierce "Give up, you pathetic Jedi Snarled the sith" Heh..never I said as I forced him back and started to attack with force. I use force push on him to blast him back even further, I then used force speed to instantly be next to him for an open attack. I hit his lightsaber into the ground. He starts to move it back up, the sparks and red gleaming in my eyes. I looked at him and said "Checkmate" As I activated the second blade of my lightsaber, piercing him in the chest. He looks with anguish into my eyes as I stare back into his. I made sure this was not a fatal blow but enough to knock him out for at least a week.

After my battle was done i started running towards Master Lion.


*jumps over to the nearly dead sith and put him in a coma state, as not to cause suffering* hmm... waht if he had woken up... we can use him later


Quote from: Keirfire on February 17, 2008, 08:52:00 AM
*jumps over to the nearly dead sith and put him in a coma state, as not to cause suffering* hmm... waht if he had woken up... we can use him later
Good thinking Master Keirfire" I yelled back as I was running towards Master Lions fight, which seemed to still be an even match. I deactivated one side of my duel blade and ran faster to catch up.


*uses force whirlwind to blow a sandstorm in maul's face* that should ya two out just a wee bit *stays back to watch*