
<Clu> no nsfcd is basically a ghost town, it should be killed behind fences

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What I'm made of

Started by Zora Link, March 05, 2008, 04:09:37 PM

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Zora Link

Your welcome to guest star if you want.
Just PM me with your character, and it's name, and weather it's normal or abnormal, I'll then tell you what other info I require. (nothing personal obviously)
This is also on Nsider2, so jsyk: I'm not giving out usernames across sites. ;)
Not that it matters but...
yea, here you go.

Zora Link

Chapter Links:

proluge - below
Chapter 1 - An encounter like no other - below
Chapter 2 - When two games collide - below
Chapter 3 - A lesson in war - below
Chapter 4 - Eyes are red, umbreon is blue. - below

Zora Link

Character Bios:
DarkHoundoom - Houndoom
Easy to jump to conclusions. A little cocky, but usually has the capacity to back himself up. Thinks before he speaks. But Being the best battler in town, it usually doesn't matter.

Kirby-oh - Smeargle
A smeargle that always seems to know what he's doing. He's usually quiet, until someone bullys him, then WATCH OUT! Harnesses an unusual array of attacks. He claims it's from inter-breeding, but who knows?

Midnight - Mewtwo
One of the newely created shadow pokemon. He still has yet to learn what being shadow is all about. The differences...the only thing he knows is that he looks and feels different. A soul one would not want to be around...for he can only think of one thing...Revenge!

Zora - Vaporeon
A real go getter. Very into taking risks...but what about that flame? Just like Midnight, Zora knows very little about what he's become...Just that he looks and feels different, even though his mutation happened a couple of years ago. Because of this abnormalty, he has become an outcast of society, though he seems to take it fairly well. He has no reason to hate the humans...until a very interesting encounter takes place...

Bolt - Pikachu
A very interesting specimen to say the least. Not much is known about what the phazon has done to him. He is constently changing moods, and can constently have spurts of energy, usually right after absorbing some phazon. Obviously the phazon has turned him blue, and his electric attacks are blue as well...but that can't be the only difference....can it?

Requent - Linoone
His eyes are the only difference. They are more of a ruby red, instead of a bright glowing red, yet he is still referred to as evil. He tries to avoid that title, but it seems to be there anyways. I has a power unknown to the rest of them, even to Kansas, his only friend. It seems he only uses it when he's extremely mad. and that's not too often.

Kansas - Umbreon
Friends with Requent, though they seem to get in a lot of fights. He, unlike the others, knows everything his abnormalty gives him. It apparantly took a long time to learn, though. Kind of stubborn, but is still always very friendly. Just don't get on his bad side or You'll wish you'd never been born.

Zora Link

emergency edit. You can now post.
I'll put up first chaps now.

Zora Link


As the night fell, Midnight stood watching over the little human town down below. His eyes were squinted in such a way, that just by looking at him, one could tell he was deep in thought. Thinking about what just happened, thinking about how he'd never be the same.

"I don't know what they've done to me," Midnight thought, "but I know I'm not the same. I feel cut off from the rest of this world...why? Why do I feel like I hate every living thing on planet earth? I need to figure this out...I need to find out what those humans did to me...and if there's any way to reverse it. If not...Then they'll pay!"

As Midnight thought these things, one could tell he was getting angrier and angrier. And then...a pause. As if he'd just come up with a brilliant idea. "There's others like me out there...I sense it!" There was exitement in his voice at this remark. "Not exactly like me, for I watched them get destroyed, but they're different, like me. I must find them! I will find them! And those insolent fools who made me this way...will pay!"

Zora Link

Chapter 1
An encounter like no other

The day is bright, the sun is hot. This would be what you call the percect day to jog around, play kickball, and take a good nap under the shade of a oak tree. Zora was very enjoyably taking part in the latter activity. Basking in the shade of a nice oak tree, until...

"FIIIIIIRRREEEE!!!!!!" came a scream from down below. You see, this oak tree is 105 years old, and adored by most of the humans living around it.

Upon hearing the scream, Zora woke up from his sleep, saw the tree on fire, and quickly put it out. Being a Vaporeon, it was, of course, a simple task. But how did it catch on fire? Zora looked gloomily towards his tail and sighed. Of course he'd forgotten to stick it in a jar of water before he dozed off. He always does. His tail was on fire. not in a dangerous way, for him at least, but just as if he were a Charizard, there sat the flame on the tip of his was blue in color, but it's assumed that's because Vaporeon is a blue pokemon.

By this time Fire trucks were coming around the corner, and Zora just barely managed to get away before he was seen. He knew that this loss would effect most of the humans in that peaceful town, so he started walking toward the next. Ones that never saw him before, ones that might, for once, accept him into society. Of course, he'd taken this walk countless times before, and knew that the chance was slim.

While he was on his way to the next town, he felt a strange presence. Not knowing where it came from, or why he didn't feel right all of a sudden, he kept on walking. But not even seconds later, he felt it again, stronger this time. He still didn't know where these feelings came from, but being curious, he stopped, waited, and, in case it wasn't a friendly presence, got ready to attack.

Exactly a minute later, but seeming like hours, a mewtwo appeared right beside him. Zora saw this was no ordinaty mewtwo, for it's colering was unusual, and it's eyes were a deep red. They both took a few seconds to examine each other, then the mewtwo calmly stated: "You knew I was coming, didn't you?"
Zora began, "What? how..." but was quickly cut off.
"My name is Midnight, what's yours?" The mewtwo calmly stated, but in a way that would makes ones skin curl.
"Zora" Zora replied, full awarness of this "midnight's" movements, and ready to attack if any suspicious moves were made.
"Come on now," Midnight remarked, sensing Zora's discomfert. "I'm not here to harm anyone."
"And how am I supposed to know that?" Zora barked back.
"Easily, I'm no ordinary Mewtwo, and your no ordinary Vaporeon. Why would I hurt someone so much like me?
"I don't know, but I'm not taking any chances."
"Now let's think logically here, If I was here to attack or harm you, wouldn't I have done it by now?"
Zora eased up a little bit, but was still very alert.

"Now that's a little better, I suppose. I have come here to ask of you a favor. We are both outcasts, mocked because of our differences, laughed at by those disrespectful humans, treated unfairly based on looks. But I have a proposal, It's time they learned their lesson. Our powers are far greater than you or even I can imagine, we just need to find them first. And I propose, that once we do, we will give those humans what they deserve. What do ya say?"
"No." Zora cooly said.
"No? Excuse me? What is wrong with you? Did that fire burn up your brain? Think about it...all that power and control, all the special abilities you could have. How could you say no to that?"
"Unlike you, I have nothing against these humans. Now leave me alone." Zora starts to walk away...

At this statement, Midnight seemed, at first, crushed, but soon looked as if he had an idea. And he, seeming very pleased with himself, boasted:
"Then what about the scientists?"
*Zora stops dead in his tracks* "Excuse me? What do you know about scientists?"
"Only that they ruined your life and destroyed your future."
"Wait...who told you..."
Midnight cuts Zora off again. "No one told me...It's one of the powers I have unlocked from this abnormalty. I can see anything I want in anyones past. Admit it, you dislike those scientists, first for giving you that tail, and second...for killing the Charmander that swapped DNA with you."
"You didn't! Those things are private!"
Midnight sees anger starting to kindle in Zora's eyes, and smiles. Apparantly very pleased with himself.
"They aren't private to me. I know everything about your past. You can get powers like this too...all you need to do is come with me. And..." Midnight stopped short. and after a small pause said, "Did I forget to mention? there are others like us out there."
Starting to seem a little scared, Zora replied, ".....Others?"
"Yes, many others. And with our and their power combined, we will be able to give those scintists that destroyed us the punishment that they deserve!"
"I don't know...I never really liked harming anyone..."
"Then this experience will change that, trust me. I can see us prevailing! But, if just one of the links is missing, there is no chain. So if you do not come with me, we will accomplish nothing. You know you want to...and if you don' it for....the charmander."
Zora paused for quite some time. No one said a word, but Mewtwo could feel the hatred swelling inside Zora. After about ten minutes, Zora stated in a tone of regret, "Alright, I'll help."
Midnight smirked, laughed to himself and then replied, "Good, I knew you'd come through. Now to go get the others! Come! There is no time to lose!"
"Right," Zora stated back, seemingly over the regret, and filled with a newfound hatred of the humans. "Let's go."
Midnight then uses Teleport and they both dissapear, leaving nothing behind for proof of their encounter, except for the fact that the next town wouldn't be seeing Zora for a looooong time. Where are they off to next? Only time will tell...

Zora Link

Chapter 2
When two games collide

"Where are we?" Zora asked.
"Where we'll find the next unique pokemon." Midnight replied

You see, Zora and Midnight had just appeared in a place unlike any other. The ground they stood on was blue and had the appearence of veins. There wasn't much around, and it felt as if they were on a different planet...

"But where? Where are we?" Zora had a tone of demanding an answer.
"There's not much time. This stuff will kill us if we don't hurry. Act now, ask later."
"No! I demand an answer! And I won't move an inch until I get it!"
"Fine mister stuck-up. We're on a different planet. It's called Phaaze. Now if you don't mind," Midnight stated anxiously, "Let's go! We need to get off this planet ASAP!"
"Fine. So where is he?"
"Right there." Midnight then points behind Zora. Zora turns around, and with quick reflexs, narrowly dodges a bolt of blue lightning.
Not seeming too amused, Zora proceeds to attack back, but is stopped by Midnight.
At this time, Zora finally gets a chance to study his attacker. It was a Pikachu.........A blue Pikachu.
"Leave this place now!" the pikachu said in an angry tone. "Leave now or your going to die!"
"We are fully aware of the situation." Midnight stated cooly. "There is no reason to try and save our lives, We will leave before it's too late, trust me. But right now, we wish to speak with you."
"Fine, you had two minutes when you got here, you now have 1minute 38 seconds. What do you want to know?"
"Who are you?" Zora stated.
"Oh, now there's a question worth risking your life for. CUT TO THE CHASE HERE!" The pikachu snaped back.
"You'll have too excuse my friend here, he's still in a state of shock." Midnight appeared very calm. "What we really want to know is if you will come down to earth with us so we can talk. Obviously we can't do it here. We have....a favor to ask of you. And if you wish to decline, I am fully capable of teleporting you back here. What do you say?"
The pikachu answered back almost immediatly."Fine you wanna talk, lets talk."
"Good." Midnight confidently said.
And with that statement, all three of them dissapeared."

Being back on planet earth, the question/answer session began.
"Okay, Can someone shed a little light on this? What was that place?" Zora Quickly asked before anyone else could say anything.
"A planet called Phaaze." Replied the Pikachu. "It's made entirely out of phazon. And over exposure to Phazon kills. Literally."
"So then what about you? why aren't you dead?"
"Unnesisary questions." The pikachu snapped back. "Can we hurry this up? I am already feeling withdrawls."
"I understand" Midnight stated. Then to Zora he said, "Just let me ask the questions."
Zora looked somewhat dumbfounded, but obliged.
Midnight began. "First of, tell us your name."
"Bolt" the pikachu retorted.
"Good, now Bolt, we wish for you to join us in a little quest."
"You know I can't do that. I need phazon." Bolt replied in sort of a "duh-huh" fashion.
"I know that. But I came prepared. You can live a day without it, can you not?"
"Yes, 26 hours to be exact."
"Perfect! I know it'll take getting used to, but I can teleport you to Phaaze every morning. You'll have your...snack, then I'll teleport you back."
"I have lived with phazon 24/7 for 3 years, and you expect me to start doing that? Ha!"
"I know it will be difficult, but you should be able to adjust." Mewtwo still seemed very certain of himself, like he always does.
"Well, what is this quest? What do you need help with?"
"It was humans that placed you on that planet, was it not? As some sort of experiment, I believe."
Bolt started to look very interested with that comment. "Yea, and what's it to ya?"
"They then forgot about you...leaving you to either die, or turn out like this."
"And what if they did?" Bolt now looked more interested than ever before.
"All three of us have something against the humans. What you might ask? The fact that they turned us into what we are now."
" two are different? Like me?"
"Wow," Midnight exclaimed, "I guess 3 years of living on that dark planet can really do damage, huh? Lets shed some light here..." And with that, A light with no apparant source appeared over Midnight and Zora's heads. What Bolt saw, nerely knocked him off his feet. A mewtwo with the oddest coloring, and a Vaporeon, who had a flame on his tail instead of a fin.
"wh...wh.....what are you two?" Bolt stated in an obvious state of shock.
"We are just like you." Midnight's confidence was growing. "We were ruined by the humans, And then cast out of society and forgotten. We know what we want. And we want REVENGE!!!!!!" Midnight's voice started to get louder. "We want the humans to pay for what they did to us! Ruining our futures and destroying our lives! With your help, and with the help of a select few more, we will have Revenge!!!!!!!!!!"
"Hmmm....sounds intruiging." Bolt replied. "Mind if I jump on the bandwagon?"
"Not at all, not at all..." Midnight sounded very pleased with himself.
"Welcome to the team!" Zora Exclaimed as he held out his "hand/paw/whatever" for Bolt to shake.
"I wouldn't touch me if I were you." Bolt said strictly.
"oh, right." Zora withdrew his "hand/paw/whatever" in obvious dissapointment.
"Well, now that were all aquainted with each other, time to find the next one!" Midnight was obviously impatient.
And with that, the three of them were gone.

*NOTE:* I apoligize in advance for my knowlege-less-ness of the metroid series. So If any info is inaccurate, my bad. ;)

Zora Link

Chapter 3
A lesson of war

In the "teleportaition tunnel," Zora suddenly spoke. An act which was uncommon in the middle of teleportation. "STOP HERE!" he cried. Midnight stopped the path, and they appeared in the middle of a desert.

"What's going on here?!?" Bolt Stammered. What was that for???
"Do you two even know how to fight?" asked Zora.
Midnight replied "Fight? as in Pokemon battle? Zora, I highly doubt we'll need to..."
"JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION!" Zora interuppted.
"No." both of them looked embarrassed at the remark.
"That's what I thought. I know it's wierd to not be in control, Midnight, but trust me on this one."
"Like I said, we won't need to know with the powers were going to have."
"And like I said, you're going to have to just trust me. I've lived among the humans. That is all you need to know. Now look over there and watch. Midnight, make us invisible to them, and let us just watch."
"I already did." Midnight stated. "I sensed their presence and knew we probably shouldn't be detected."
"What are they doing?" Bolt was still in obvious suprise.
"They're having a pokemon battle. Now study what they do and why they do it. there might be a little test afterwords." Zora commanded.
And with that, they watched...
"FAINT ATTACK!" the houndoom screamed, then it suddenlty dissapeared, popping up seconds later to slash at the smeargle, but the attack was dodged.
"You really don't know what your up against, do you?" Taunted the Smeargle.
"Maybe not, but I've never lost before! And I'm not about to now! Your weak! Admit it!"
"See? that's the attitude that got you here in the first place! I'm about to end your streak!"
"Bah, you wish! FIRE BLAST!!!"
With that command, a giant wall of fire shaped somewhat like a human appeared out of houndooms mouth and raced towards the smeargle.
"You should learn not to make your attacks so big!" Yelled the smeargle. And with that, smeargle easily slipped between the fire blasts "legs."
"Extreme Speed!" The smeargle called out, and before houndoom could blink his eyes, he was in pain.
"You cheat! Yur species can't learn that move!" Houndoom appearing to be nearly begging for a way for him to win.
"I never cheat! I was born with the attacks I have now through inter-breeding! Maybe you should have thought about that before challanging me! Your done! SPACIAL REND!"
"What??? noOOOOOOOooooooo......." Houndoom is engulfed in darkness and seconds later, reappears unconcious.
"humph, it's almost a waste, but it's the rule." Smeargle rolled his eyes, pulled out a revive, and helped houndoom on it's feet.
"How'd you get so good? your dodging was amazing!" The Houndoom seemed very exited.
"None ya." The smeargle smirked back. "But good match nonetheless, and from now on, think before you speak. you got that?
"Yes sir!" The houndoom barked. "Mind telling me your name?"
"Kirby-oh." was the reply, followed by a "DarkHoundoom" from the houndoom.
"Well," Kirby-oh stated. "Time I get going. Catch ya later."
"I'll be better next time we meet! I swear it! I will win eventually!" DarkHoundoom called back.
"OK! I'll keep that in mind!" Kirby-oh rolled his eyes and laughed as he walked away.
"Alright you two. That probably wasn't the best one to show you as a first, but it'll work. I want a rule of battle from each of you." Zora demanded.
Bolt and Midnight looked kinda confused. Thinking at first, then Midnight blurted out, "Always revive you opponent at the end of the match!!!!!!?" His tone suggested question.
"Correct! And Bolt?"
"ummmmm..."Bolt stammered. "OH! the pokemon that made the challenge issues the first attack!"
"Correct." Zora replied.
This goes on for about an hour, Zora asking questions about pokemon battles, and Midnight and Bolt answering."
After about an hour...
"Fine. I suppose that's all you need to know for now. And trust me, you'll be thanking me for this later." ;)
"FINALLY!" Bolt screamed. "Can we move on?!? It's almost dark."
"My time of day." Midnight replied. "The best time of day. But yes, We'll need Bolts help for this next one, and if we don't get them soon, we won't have his help."
"Well you know me!" Bolt smiled. "Gotta have my daily phazon!"
And the group vanished.

Zora Link

Chapter 4
Eyes are red, umbreon is blue.
What's up with that? who knows? do you?

(bad roses are red pun FTW! :P)

Scene: Grassy field with a mountain towering up nerely two feet away.

"Finally!!!" Midnight screamed. "Somewhere natural!"
"ummm....isn't that something I would say...?" Zora stared in disbelief. "That's not like you..."
"So? Just because I want revenge doesn't mean I can't enjoy life!" Mewtwo responded, obviously agitated.
"Sorry! I was just wondering..."
Zora backed off, cunfused, but not willing to risk asking.
"Good, Now for the next two pokemon to join our forces! they'll be here any minute now...oh! right on time!"
During Midnight's slight pause, two pokemon had come around the base of the mountain, just in time to hear his last remark.
"Excuse me?" One replied. "What's going on?"
"Just stopping by, but while you two are here, we need to ask you something." Midnight replied.
"While were here? Judging by your remark, You were waiting for us." The other one sneered.
"Details, details. Let's skip the details. Notice anything different about us?"
The first one replied in a matter-of-fact, sarcastic tone: "Duh, do we look blind to you? Your different, were different, lets get the confetti and bring out the party hats." :|
"You two are gonna be difficult, I can tell. But just hear my friend here out." Bolt stated before they could say anything else.
"Well what??? Your wasting our time here!!!" The first said.
"Don't tell us." The second interupted. "The answer is no." Turning to is partner, he demanded they leave.
"No, I want to find out!" The first argued.
"For what? I may not know what they want, but I can tell it's not exactly having a tea party." The second argued back.
This went on for a few minutes, bickering and fighting over whether to stay or go. As soon as Zora calmed them down, the second addmited defeat, but looked very on guard.
"So what do you want?" The second snapped, displeased with the outcome of the fight.
"We want your help." Bolt answered
"See?? What did I tell you?!?" The second snapped at the first.
"JUST LISTEN!!!!!!!" Midnight yelled. "There is no need to make a big deal out of this. Can't you two shut up for just 5 minutes?!?"
"Times ticking, and trust me, you don't want to mess with me, or no pokemon center alive will be able to fix you." The first stated bluntly.
Midnight calmly said, "I understand, you two have amazing powers. So do we, You just know about yours, as we do not. We ask your help in helping us realize our potential. Give us your secrets, how you came to know what you could do. That is all."
"Fine," the second interupted the first, not wanting him to talk. "But it'll cost you."
"How much?" Midnight asked.
"100,000,000,000 Poke." The second piped in. Not a cent less.
"Done." Midnight stated.
O_o  The first got a look of suprise."What?!? You've got to be kidding me! No one walks around with that much money!"
"We'll pay you later. Can we start?" Midnight was getting impatient.
"Sure whatever." The second said. "Be back in a sec'."
The two pokemon move a little farther away to discuss, and Zora found the oppertunity he was looking for.
"Why only train us instead of join us?" He wondered, to which Midnight quickly responded, "Give it time. Do you really think they'd join us right now? This will not only help us out, but it will slightly gain their trust. That's when we'll ask."
"But what about the money?" Bolt asked.
"Do you really think that they'll charge us after they join us?" XD Mewtwo was nerely laughing. "We won't need to pay a penny!"
"Whatever you say..." Zora and Bolt replied in unison. While both of them wanted the plan to work, they didn't like the fact that they didn't, nor would ever have that much money...

The two pokemon started walking back, so everyone was quiet.
"Ok," the first one said. "I'm Kansas, And I'll be your teacher over the next few weeks. And this is my assistant, Requent."
"The next few weeks?!?" Bolt stuttered. "That long?"
"Well you can't expect to learn things like this over-night, can you?" Requent jeered.
"guess not..." the dissapointed Bolt replied.
"Alright then!" Zora said, trying to lighten up the mood. "When do we start?"
"Right now," Kansas exclaimed. "Class is now in session!"

Zora Link

is anyone even reading this?


I am ;)
it's good Zora ^_^


I iz here! Tgis is pretty dang good!


Alright, you gotta do my character!

Back from an OLD roleplay, and I mean REALLY old.

Anyway...a Jigglypuff that somehow knows Martial Arts. He LOOKS normal, but is abnormal due to his seemingly impossible phisical fighting skills. (For a jigglypuff, that is.)

Also, he just LOVES to fight!

Janga's the name, fighting's my game! ;) (That was his catch phrase. :) )

Zora Link

Quote from: Shujinco on March 11, 2008, 07:00:46 PM
Alright, you gotta do my character!

Back from an OLD roleplay, and I mean REALLY old.

Anyway...a Jigglypuff that somehow knows Martial Arts. He LOOKS normal, but is abnormal due to his seemingly impossible phisical fighting skills. (For a jigglypuff, that is.)

Also, he just LOVES to fight!

Janga's the name, fighting's my game! ;) (That was his catch phrase. :) )
can't look normal. :P sorry, but that's teh rule. D:
won't get another update in until around next week, cause I'm too involved in Brawl. :P


Quote from: Zora Link on March 12, 2008, 07:04:35 PM
Quote from: Shujinco on March 11, 2008, 07:00:46 PM
Alright, you gotta do my character!

Back from an OLD roleplay, and I mean REALLY old.

Anyway...a Jigglypuff that somehow knows Martial Arts. He LOOKS normal, but is abnormal due to his seemingly impossible phisical fighting skills. (For a jigglypuff, that is.)

Also, he just LOVES to fight!

Janga's the name, fighting's my game! ;) (That was his catch phrase. :) )
can't look normal. :P sorry, but that's teh rule. D:
won't get another update in until around next week, cause I'm too involved in Brawl. :P

What if...he's a normal...just with weird abilities? ;D