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Luigi's Shed (Season 2: Luigi's Hotel)[Season 2 Finale Posted 5-8-08]

Started by evilflame101, November 12, 2007, 09:54:39 PM

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Ridley for Brawl!  hi i'm Toad! :)


Quote from: LightningSword on January 17, 2008, 08:44:33 PM
I believe that script format in fanfiction shows lazyness; however, you don't do half bad with this. I think you should learn to spell correctly, though, and use proper punctuation.

I reilize this, and i wrote this season awhile ago, and i was inexperienced with fan fics, that is why NOW, starting with the season finale, i will introduce an entire new format for the episodes, i hope you enjoy it! Enjoy the FINALE!!


Final Chapter (episode 21) - A New Enemy- Season Finale

Luigi, Toad, E.gadd, and Bullet Bill are all in the room fighting Bowser. Toad runs up and picks up the already once shot bullet bill and reloads him into the cannon.

Luigi: I will kill you Bowser!
Luigi lunges ready to fight Bowser.
Bowser: you will not kill me for since I am a hacker I will hack you!! Muuhhahahahaha!!
Bowser then pulls out a computer and starts typing randomly.
Luigi: Um... how can you hack me... I'm a human.
Bowser: Your not a human. You're a plumber!
Luigi: Are you saying plumbers are inhumane? Why I outa !

Luigi starts shooting many fire balls at Bowser, in fact so many that Bowser flies about 20 feet backwards. Toad then looks at Luigi for a minute.

Toad: Why does Mario shoot red fire and you shoot green. I mean since when is there green fire?
Luigi: Hmm. You bring up a good point. Must be something I ate.

Bowser's eyes are flaming with anger and steam is coming out of his ears. He leaps into the air while screaming.

Bowser: You made me land on, and break my brand new computer!!!!!!!!

Bowser was right. His computer was flatter then Mario when he was in Paper Mario, and with Bowser's prized computer smashed into bits you could  smell the rage in his breath.  Bowser was ready to kick some plumber butt.

I'm going to kill you Luigi!!!!!!
Bowser then shoots a huge flame out of his mouth and burns Luigi's hat off.
Luigi:  I'm going to break your neck Bowser, I loved that hat!
Toad: I think we might want to step back, this could get ugly.
Luigi: This IS going to get ugly!

Luigi and Bowser suddenly jump at each other and are brutally smacking and beating each other. Luigi picked up a metal pipe and Bowser picked up a crowbar and they were smacking each other with them like swords. Then suddenly Bowser smacked Luigi's pipe so hard it flew out of his hand and  got stuck on a ledge above. Luigi was doomed.

Bowser: It is time for you to give up. You lose Luigi!

Suddenly Luigi gave Bowser an uppercut punch to the jaw when Bowser least expected it and Bowser fell to the ground. Luigi then picked up Bowser's crowbar and was swinging it at Bowser when Bowser grabbed it out of his hand and flung Luigi across the room.

Bowser: You moron. You can not defeat me. This is why your brother always leaves you at home. Now it is time I finish you!

Bowser swings the crowbar at Luigi and at that very moment Toad jumps in front of him. Toad is smacked across the face and flung into a wall on the opposite side of the room. It gave Luigi just enough time to grab another pipe and whack Bowser over the head. Bowser fell to the ground.

Toad! Are you ok!
Toad: Yes I'm ok. But I can not get up.
E.gadd: I will fix you right up Toad.

E.gadd takes Toad over to the other side of the room and pulls out a healing machine that will heal him, hence the name HEALING machine.

E.gadd: I will need a half hour to fully heal him.
Luigi: I think that will wo...

But before Luigi could finish his sentence he was pined against the wall by Bowser who had just got up. Bowser was smacking and smacking Luigi over and over again. All hope was lost for Luigi when suddenly out of the blue a dark figure appeared. He was wearing a dark green cloak with some black streaks in it and he was in a completely metal suit under the cloak. His face could not be seen. Just as fast as he appeared he smacked Bowser as hard as he could and Bowser went plummeting 15 feet into the ground.

Luigi: Thank you for saving m...
But before he finished his sentence the cloaked person interrupted him.
????:  I'm not here to help you! I'm here to kill you. I'm sick of you being such a pointless lazy person and your pathetic life ends here. First I must tell you. I'm not going to kill you. But I'm going to trap you in a sphere where you can never escape from. This sphere will keep you locked in it until you die of old age or until it is unlocked by a special key the likes of which I don't even know where it is. First allow me to tell you why I'm here. I'm with a secret organization, the Double W's. But that is all I am going to tell you. I think it is time I knock you unconscious and trap you in the sphere.
E.gadd: You sure talk a lot for such a small guy.

The mysterious person was about the size of Toad but a little hunched over. Then suddenly the person threw a giant rock and it hit E.gadd and smashed him into the wall. Then he teleported behind Luigi and kicked him across the room. Luigi tried to fight back but was to weak to fight. Luigi was then kicked around for about 20 minutes and finally Toad was done healing. Toad rose.

Toad: Enough of you! There is only one way to defeat you!
Toad prepares the cannon with bullet Bill in it.
Toad: Fire!

Then Bullet Bill flew directly at the masked stranger's stomach and explodes into a million bits and pieces. The room was covered in dust . As the dust cleared Toad saw none other then the masked stranger standing there unharmed from what he could see.

????: How does it feel to hit abs of steel?
Toad: Noooo! Now what can we do!?

Luigi  was still laying on the ground. Luigi begin to speak in a voice as if all hope was lost.

Luigi: There is nothing to do. We lost.
????: Yes. Yes you did.

The dark figure then raised his hands in the air and a sphere appeared above his head. The sphere was large and see through , it was just big enough to fit a person about Luigi's size in.

????:  Say good bye!

He then flung the Sphere at Luigi and as it came toward him he stopped and said...

Luigi: Good bye!

What Luigi was about to do would either make or break him. He was either going to win or lose at this moment. As Luigi said good bye he dive rolled to the side just barely dodging the Sphere which would claim his life. Luigi then fired several fireballs at the unsuspecting enemy but he was unfazed by them. As he laugh at Luigi he said.

????: Turn around!

As Luigi turned around his face went from thinking he had a chance to complete shock. For who he saw in the Sphere was the person that was knocked out behind him...Professor E.gadd.

The strange figure raised his arms again and brought the sphere above his head. He then spoke some words.

Luigi: First Bullet Bill and now this!
????: Your forgetting one more person!
Luigi: MARIO!!

The mysterious person  disappears into the darkness as Luigi and Toad run to the previous room to find that Mario is gone.

Luigi: Noooo!!!!!!!

Toad and Luigi are suddenly teleported back from the castle to Mario and Luigi's house. Luigi is crying.

Luigi: Now what are we going to do we have no clue who he is or what he is doing. We don't know were Mario or E.gadd is and where the heck are the princesses?!
Toad: I don't know but we need to find them.

Then someone knocks on their door and Toad answers.

Delivery person: Letter for Luigi.
He hands the letter to Luigi and leaves.

Luigi:  Thanks...

But before the mail person heard him he was gone. Luigi then opened the letter and read it aloud.


Dear Luigi,

          I am sorry for your loss of your brother. I wanted to give you this hotel so you have something to do with your spare time. I hope it brings you as much money as it brought me.

                                                                                          -Wario of WarioWare Inc.

Luigi: Hmm... Since when does Wario care about me? What ever lets check it out. The address is here.
Toad: That is kind of weird, but he never really hate you, it was Mario he hated. Aww well lets check it out.

Toad and Luigi then leave for the address that is on the envelope to see Luigi's new Hotel.

Who is the cloaked stranger? Where did he take E.gadd? Who took Mario? WTH happened to the princesses? Why did Wario give Luigi a hotel? What is the organization "double W's"? All of these questions will be answered on the next season of Luigi's shed.. "Season 2 - Luigi's Hotel"

Stay tuned for next season, I will post the first episode either next Thursday or the following.


Please comment, I hope you enjoyed the finale and the new format, that will be the format for all of season 2. Stay tuned, next Thursday I will either post the first episode, or tell you when i will post it, so new info next Thursday!


Great chapter, and I like the new layout.


Ridley for Brawl!  hi i'm Toad! :)



lol poor Link, works on the bowflex gets no muscle lol! greta fanfic its funny!


Ok here you go first episode of season 2, TITLED- "LUIGI'S HOTEL"

Hope you like it, comments appreciated, no new episode next week, sorry, but for sure the week after!


Season 2: Chapter 1: The CIA

Luigi and Toad were leaving Luigi's house to go to Luigi's new hotel. They followed the address to the place.

Luigi: Lets take my Flintstones Mobile.
Toad: Ok that will be faster.

Luigi and Toad jump into the Flintstones Mobile and drive off toward Luigi's new hotel. They then hit a pothole in the road and break the wheel to their Flintstones Mobile.

Toad: Isn't that lovely? First Mario and E.gadd and now this. Now we have to walk to the hotel.
Luigi: Well if you think about it the Flintstones mobile is kinda pointless. It weights like thousands of pounds and you have to run to move it... It kinda makes it harder to move.
Toad: Good point.

Toad then looks at Luigi and pulls out a can of gas and pours it on the car then throws a match on it. Toad attempts to laugh like an evil villain... but he fails to do so. They then get to the hotel. Luigi looks up and the hotel is absolutely huge.

holy cr...
Toad: Watch your language Luigi this is a children's show.
Luigi: No its not. They wouldn't have killing and fighting in it!
Toad:  I guess but no one died...
Luigi: Not yet but it's bound to happen. And there is still fighting.
Toad: Kinda like what we are doing now? Ok well I guess you can curse.
Luigi: Well you just totally ruined the mood now its pointless. Maybe we should do to you what we did to the  Flintstones Mobile.
Toad: Lets just go in.

Toad and Luigi walk into the hotel and the first thing they see is a casino.

Luigi: Yes!! Good thing I brought money!

Toad and Luigi then start playing poker for hours the head over to the slots and lose all of their money.

Luigi: I want my money back! I'm going to  complain to the management.
Toad: Um... Luigi. You own this hotel.
Luigi: Yes I'm rich!!!!!!!

Luigi then sees phone and calls one of his friends.

Phone: Ring...ring...ring...
Bill (Luigi's friend on phone) : Hello?
Luigi: Hey bill guess what, I'm rich.
Bill: ...... oh sorry what did you say I was creating a plan to kidnap bush!
Luigi: ...why...
Bill: Cause he is a meany pants. Anyway I'm going to get him good.
Luigi: That's nice, did you hear what I said I'm rich!
Bill: That's nice got to go cya late bye.
Bill hangs up the phone.

Luigi then goes to the front and sees the CIA at the front of the hotel's door.

Luigi: Can I help you?
CIA: Your coming with us.
The CIA grabs Luigi and toad and throws them in their car.

They drive off and grab bill on the way and take them to a hidden base far away.

CIA: We hear that you are making a plot against bush!
Bill: How do you know that?
CIA: Phone tapping.
Bill: isn't that legal?
Luigi:  It was him can I go now?
CIA:  No the boss said anyone against bush gets whacked.
Luigi shoots a thousand fireballs at the CIA and escapes.

Luigi and Toad are wondering around trying to get back to the hotel when they hear a stranger noise coming from the bushes.

Luigi: What was that and were are we?!

Toad goes to check it out and is yanked into the bush and is screaming.

Luigi: Noooooo!!!!!!!

Who was in the bush? Where did the CIA leave Luigi and Toad? Will they ever find the hotel again? Does the government really phone tap? Will they live to find out who the capped man was? Find out in the next chapter of Luigi's Hotel. "Chapter 2: The Desert"



Ridley for Brawl!  hi i'm Toad! :)


Season 2: Chapter 2: The Desert

Luigi is in the desert with toad after they had gotten away from the CIA. Toad was just pulled into the bush by a unidentified person.

Luigi: Aaaahhhhh Toad! What is it!
Toad: it is? Princess peach!
Luigi and Toad stare in aww because it truly was Princess peach.
Peach: you guys found me thank god!

Luigi and toad the realize that princes peach was all tied up to a chair in the bush. Luigi and toad untied
Peach. Then Luigi stared to wonder.

Luigi: Why are you here?
Peach: I?Don?t know. I was knocked out.
Luigi: that?s odd?
Toad: This isn?t good. Not good one bit.

Toad was right. This indeed was a bad thing. Toad looks up and sees a huge building that says W-1 on it with a picture of Waluigi.

Toad: what do you think the W-1 stands for?
Luigi: I don?t know if this was a game I would say world 1... But it was a picture of Waluigi on it so I don?t want to go there.
Peach: But we must. I saw them take daisy there.
Luigi: ? I hate Waluigi.

Luigi, Toad, and Peach  then walk to the entrance and there is a gate. Luigi then shoots tons of fireballs at the gate and it opens.

Toad: I guess that?s one way?
Luigi: Do you have a better idea Sherlock?
Toad: ? I guess not.

Toad ,Luigi, and Peach all go into the main door which was a huge W on it. They then look around and it is a huge room.

oh my gosh! Could you imagine how many house cleaners they would need here!
Toad: And you think I have no attention span.

They then start to walk up the many stairs  which seemed like they were never going to end?.then they did.  Hours had gone by and many lives were lost in this long journey, just not any of the main characters died of course. They then saw a couple doors   and had to decide which one to take.

Luigi: I say the right door!
Toad: Do you find it odd that we havn?t seen any one yet?
Peach: Who cares you stupid mushroom!
Toad: This is how you repay me after I wash your cloths, do your dirty work, and eat your vegetables?! 
Peach: Yup pretty much.

They then walk through the right door and suddenly the room that they entered turns dark and red security lasers are all over the room.

Luigi: now what?
Toad: good question.
Peach: does that answer your question were is every one toad? There all in the security place.

Toad, Luigi, and peach then start making their way across the room dodging and ducking past all of the security beams. When suddenly they all see a very valuable treasure in the center of the room guarded with the most beams.

Luigi: what is that?!
Toad: Some sort of Globe.
Peach: I have heard of these they give people in the Double W?s there powers!
Everyone looks at peach shocked.
Luigi: Peach how do you know about the double W?s?
Peach: Because?
Peach?s voice becomes dark
Peach: I am part of them!!!!

Peach then morphs into a strange creature the likes of which Luigi and Toad had only seen in their worst nightmares. Her eyes became red with gray scales surrounding them, she had rotten fangs and very long claws which she used to hit the security beams setting off an alarm. Luigi and Toad Then had to run as fast as they could across the room, which was now covered in red from security sirens and lights and the sound of alarms, ringing in their ears. They run through a door that they saw on the other side of the room. When they got into the room they saw a ton of people in capes that had a symbol that had 2 W?s  on it that resembled the one that they saw on the cloaked man?s cloak in Bowser?s castle. They quickly ran to another door they saw close by while the people were chasing after them. They locked the door they had entered, but when they turned around they saw the creature they once thought was peach. Luigi quickly did the only thing he could think of. He shot hundreds of fireballs at the strange creature and knocked it out of the window. They then climbed up a stair case and looked at the window and the weird creature was climbing through it.

Luigi: Who are you?!
Creature: Your worst nightmare!

The creature then lunged at Luigi and for the second time in this series Toad risked his life by jumping in front of him. Toad was flung out the window and were he landed Luigi may never know. Luigi then saw a bag made of a weird material he had never seen before. It was almost like a soft metal. It was impenetrable  like steel, but was able to move around like a plastic bag. Luigi quickly through the bag over the strange creature an threw him out the window. This time he watched to make sure that he hit the ground and surely enough he did.

Luigi: Glad that?s over with.
Luigi turns around.

The first thing Luigi saw was the person he hated the most. But the real question was did this person hate him more? It was Waluigi.

So what brings you here?
Luigi: I was just in the neighborhood?so I thought I would stop by?.?
Waluigi: Oh shut up. You baby like ways are the reason I never did like you.
Luigi: Ok I?m here to kick you in places you?ve never been kicked before!
Waluigi: I?d like to see you try! Here in my corporation we have so many technologies that you would never think of, like that metal bag you just used. But there is one above me that has so much more then me. I envy him so much. Now it is time I dispose of you!

Waluigi then pulls a globe that resembles the one in the center of the guarded room out of his pocket.

Waluigi: with this I will destroy you!

Luigi quickly shoots as many fireballs as he can at Waluigi and the room is covered with smoke he continues to shoot him for a few minutes and then stops sure that he has won. But much to Luigi?s surprise there stands Waluigi with not a scratch on him. He then shoots a beam at Luigi and Luigi flies thought the windows that are in the ceiling leaving him stranded on the roof of the 100+ story building. Then Waluigi flies through the broken window in the ceiling and lands across the roof from Luigi.

ready for more?!
Luigi: Of course. I could get beat up all day? that didn?t come out right.

Luigi then gets off the ground and jumps at Waluigi ready to punch him and Waluigi grabs his fist and twists it and Luigi falls to the ground in pain.

Aaaawww! I think you broke it!
Waluigi: mess with the best, die like the rest.
Luigi: Not to day!!!!!!!
Luigi jumps at Waluigi ready to fight again.
Waluigi: your right, tomorrow!

Waluigi then grabs Luigi and flings him off the building and he lands in a pool. Who does Luigi see in the pool, well none other then Toad.

Toad: Oh hey Luigi!
Luigi: Toad! Your alright!
Luigi hugs toad.
Toad: I don?t swing that way?
Luigi: what about your husband, remember from last season?
Toad: your going to hold that against me for the rest of my life aren?t you?
Luigi: Pretty much.
Toad: You know it is impossible to fall off 100 stories and survive even if you and in a pool. But do you feel this water it feels different then normal water, it has bounce to it. Maybe that?s why we didn?t die when we hit it.
Luigi: It?s pretty close to that building so I think it is an experiment that they are doing. He has many weird things in there many of which I don?t know how they could be made.
Toad: That building might just tell us exactly what the Double W?s really is.
Luigi: we better get back in there I'm sure they must have some sort of written plan if we can find that we will be one step closer to finding E.gadd, Mario, Peach, and Daisy.
Toad: Lets go.

Toad and Luigi Then head back to the huge building and look around at it. They then see a back entrance and sneak in. They see an elevator shaft but there is no elevator in it. They are forced to climb up the chain that the elevator is normally attached to.

Luigi: We are forced to climb up the chain that the elevator is normally attached to.
Toad: Way to point out the obvious.

Toad and Luigi then start to climb the elevator shaft and they hear voices talking on the other side of it. Luigi and Toad are whispering.

Luigi: maybe if we listen to them we can find the blue prints to their plan.
Toad: good idea.
Toad and Luigi hear the 2 people talking.

Person 1: where did the boss put those plans again I forgot what to do next?
Person 2: remember the only person that knows were the plans are is Waluigi and Kong Koopa.

Luigi then screams.
Luigi: we have to find Kong Koopa!!!!!!!!!

Then the 2 people talking stop talking and jump in the elevator shaft and start chasing after Luigi and Toad.

Luigi: Aww not again!!!!!!!!

Will Luigi and Toad get away? What does W-1 really stand for? Does it have to do with the double W?s? Why was there a fake peach outside?  Where is the real peach and daisy? Will our hero?s ever  make it back to the hotel and find out what it is? Where the heck are they? What is this organization planning? Does this strange company have garlic toothpaste too? All these questions and more will be answered in the next chapter of Luigi?s Hotel! ?CHAPTER 3: FINDING THE PLANS?


Season 2: Chapter 3: Finding the plans

Luigi and toad are climbing up the elevator shaft as fast as they possibly can while thinking . O great we have to find the plans rescue the princess?s, e.gadd, and Mario. And now this?! Luigi was getting angry with having to climb so much. So he did the same thing he does every time he has to fight someone. He shot them with fireballs. wouldn?t it be nice if Luigi could use another attack. I mean its becoming dragon ball z out here. Luigi?s attack worked and the two enemies fell down the elevator shaft. Luigi and Toad get out in a room that looked like an office. After the long time of not talking someone finally broke the silence. Good thing narrating is getting  tiring.

ok lets give the narrator a break and describe what we are doing. Luigi jumped into the room with his handy sidekick toad.
Toad: what are you smoking?! There are no narrators in real life. Are you some sort of pot head?! And I?m not your side kick!
Luigi: someone is having mood swings?and you look like you?ve put on weight. Toad, do you have something to tell me?
Toad: I?m not pregnant!
Luigi: sure?.and that wasn?t another mood swing? talking under my breath...yup, still narrating...
Toad: what was that!
Luigi: I said we should start looking for the plans.
Toad: good idea! AND stop narrating!

Luigi and Toad jump into the office like room from the elevator shaft and start searching for the plans tearing the room apart while doing so.

shouldn?t we wear gloves, so we don?t leave finger prints?
Luigi: don?t be silly Waluigi isn?t  that smart.
Luigi: if I saw him again I would stand my ground and beat him silly.
Waluigi appears from nowhere.
Waluigi: what was that!
Luigi: I said you are king.
Cowering in fear.
Toad: way to stand your ground.
Waluigi: it is time. You will never find my plans.
Luigi: wait there really are plans? I was just trying to think of something to do. Sweet I can see the future!
Waluigi: then you will probably know what I'm about to do to you huh?
Luigi: your going to give me a cookie?
Waluigi: wrong! A mushroom!!!!!

Waluigi grabs Toad by the head and chucks him at Luigi knocking Luigi into the wall. Then Waluigi calls his guards to come and they throw them both in cages and bring them to the basement.  Unconscious Luigi and Toad wake up after a few hours had passed.

Toad: ooowww? Where are we?
Luigi: looks like they captured us.
Toad: oh great how are we going to get out of here?
Luigi: I got it. We can fly!
Toad: how?
Luigi: I have a raccoon suit!
Toad: that?s great for you but what about me?
Luigi: I will let down that rope from up there!

Luigi points to the ceiling and then toad realizes that there is no ceiling because they are in a pit in the basement. Luigi then puts on his raccoon suit and flies to the top of the pit and drops the rope down for Toad. Shortly after They got out they saw some people waiting for them out side the top of the pit.

Luigi: Parakarry!
Parakarry: Luigi I presume? Mario?s brother. Yes I remember Mario I helped him when he was all paper like, what was that all about anyway?
Luigi: oh he was sick. Pappaitis.
Parakarry: oh ya?bad disease. Anyway I?m here to help you. I am the king of mail so I can find the paper your looking for.
Parakarry opens a drawer.
Parakarry: here it is. The plans you were looking for. Lets get out of here while your still raccoon Luigi. I will fly toad.

Luigi, Parakarry, and toad all fly out of there, with the exception of toad who is carried?paracarried?had to make that pun, sorry. Anyway. They all fly off into the desert and then they land.

Parakarry: ok I?m too tired to fly any more. Lets walk.
Luigi: but come on?I?m still raccoon Luigi!

Suddenly a goomba jumps on Luigi and he turns back to normal Luigi.

Luigi: walking works I guess.

The three of them continue to walk following Parakarry since he has the best sense of direction. They start to talk while walking.

Luigi: how did you find us and how did you know we were looking for those plans. Parakarry: Because. I have a super power. The power of the mailman. Ok I read a letter I was delivering to Waluigi and it talked about the plans then I saw you guys climb the elevator so I though you would need help.
Luigi: aww I see so where are we headed for?
Parakarry: first we will stop by my place to look at these plans then we will go to your guys hotel. Before you ask I read your mail that?s how I know about your hotel.
Luigi: your like the ultimate gossip machine. Eavesdropper?.
Parakarry: anyway here we are.

They arrive at Parakarry?s house and open the plans.

Luigi: they appear to be in some sort of code!
Parakarry: its upside down genius.
He flips the paper over.
Parakarry: ok it says??dear dark cloaked man, we need you to report to the Double W?s for the full plan but here is it in short. Capture the plumber which I think you did then destroy the smart one. After that know one can stop us from using our new items to rule the world and destroy the two most famous princesses. Yours truly, ms dark.?

Luigi: whoa! that?s deep?.
Parakarry: they have done most of this! They had E.gadd,/the smart 1, and Mario/the plumber, and the princesses. There must be more to the plan.
Luigi: Wait look here it says P.S. the full plan was sent to you via fed ex.
Parakarry: drat. I am not in with fed ex. that?s union.
Luigi: NNNNooooooooooooo!!!!!!! We must get to the hotel to find out why Wario gave it to me. Maybe we can find the cloaked mans base.

They then all head off for the hotel. A few hours go by. A few more hours go by. A few more hours go by. I think enough time passed. They arrive at the hotel and check in saying and showing the proof he owns the hotel.

Luigi: here are all the papers.
Office person: good. Here is your room number the elevator is over there. The owner?s room is deluxe with 8 rooms and a personal spa. Have a nice life.

They then get into the elevator and realize the room is on the 328th floor. They press the button and when they get to the second floor a little kid gets in the elevator and presses all the buttons and then gets off the elevator on the next floor.

Luigi: too bad there is only 1 elevator.

They are waiting when suddenly the elevator screeches to a halt and the lights go out. Suddenly a voice comes on over the radio in the elevator which was not playing soft music, it was playing loud heavy metal.

Voice: it is time. The plan is falling into place. We have you just were we want you plumber!
Luigi: no! they weren?t talking about Mario as the plumber they were talking about me!

Who is ms dark? Where are the full plans? Were is the dark cloaked man? What do they want with luigi? Will the new sidekick Parakarry help save the day?  When will I post the next chapter? Only time will tell??or the next chapter. ?chapter 4: floor 328?


Ok, 2 new chapters up, let me know what you think, do not get your hopes up for a new episode next week as i am getting SUPER SMASH BROS BRAWL this weekend and will be playing it for the entire week! But if you get brawl too feel free to post your friend code here and i will do the same and we can have the first ever Luigi's shed brawl matches!! (they are the same as normal matches... just a cool name!)

So comments much appreciated, New chapter on thursday, 3-20-08, and post here when you get brawl if you want to brawl me!

Thank you for your support and cya guys soon!

PS: I do not know why but the first chapter of season 2's font seemed to have a bunch of spontaneous signs in it and i don't know why, i will try to fix the problem with that asap, but the 2 chapters i just posted seem to be fine...