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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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"..." How did she know!? M.R. thought frantically before shaking it off and taking out his own dark sword. He makes sure he is facing all of them as to not have any surprise attacks.

Max Headroom

"That poor kid..... Anyways, how long will we keep fighting? At this point, we are never going to get anywhere."


"This is probably the most boring fight we've had in ages," said Venice, who was back at stabbing Kerow. "Corny banter and a suckish villain."


Zaronn looked up and saw that Mage Riolo still hadn't taken care of the others. This is taking too long. He drew his sword as a dark aura started to circle it before it became an even bigger blade but made of pure darkness and evil. The same aura seemed to started coming out of his body. "Riolo, can you even take care of a bunch of twirps like these?" He said pointing his sword at him.


((OMG WTF!? XD))

Keisha is still letting power flow into her blade (not knowing how true the M.J. thing is), her intense glare not letting up.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


(( If you try attacking him again he may show some of the dance moves that M.J. taught him as apprentice :O. ))

"I must be good if a big group of fully armed killers haven't managed to defeat me yet," snarled M.R. to Venice. "And this idiot healed himself after stabbing him to death!" he added to Zaronn, pointing at Mira. "I would have had a kill..."


"Excuses excuses." Zaronn said shaking his head from side to side with an evil smirk on his face. "If you were truly evil, everyone should have been DEAD by now." As he said dead, he looked directly at Mage Riolo's eyes and gave an evil glare that would have made Ghengis Khan look like Bambi.


"I'm hungry," commented Venice rather randomly. "Can we kill them sometime today?"

Max Headroom

"You know, we could theoretically post-pone the final battle. I mean seriously, we are getting nowhere right now!"


((oh, but still, Z shall prove useful and update: I GOT MY WII AND SSBB! YAYNESS!))

Hanz? then ducked and yelled as a fireball barely missed him. He saw a dark figure fighting the rest of his friends.

"Oye Mira! What's going on?"


Mage Riolo growled and narrowed his eyes, matching Zaronn's stare. "You want to fight the man who brought you the moves you know today? I can take them away from you just as easily! Like that darn Michael Jackson did to all my sexy dance moves!" Mage Riolo gave a sadistic smile at Venice. "I plan on killing you first," he warned him.


Venice smiled innocently, although the MJ sexy dance move comment was somewhat disturbing.


"Don't make me laugh." He said running forward and giving a slash at Mage Riolo's mid-body. "I've far surpassed you with the power you foolishly granted me without thought."


"Hey, let me in the fight!" Hanz? charged the mage with his shadow blade and swiped it at his legs.


((Notice how he even has the initials thing goin' on too... XD))

"Either you guys are not evil in the first place, or can't fight worth poop," Keisha says. "In case you haven't noticed, neither of you have killed any of us."

"We can't get anyw-" Jas stops, thinking she heard something about Michael Jackson and sexy dance moves. Her right eye starts twitching. "... No comment."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."