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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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"Where did swearing become an issue? And what up with this M.J. crap?"


(( Why is it that Solon's the only one that got beaten? Nevermind, don't answer >.> ))

"You want to see evil? Oh, I'll show you evil!" M.R. took out a gun. "I didn't want to have to result to this, but if I must, I must!" He began shooting bullets in every which direction.

(( You're just lucky he didn't pull out the disco ball like he was going to... ))


((And so you died because you got sliced in half by Zaronn and Hanzo goes for the overkill by slicing at your legs and you made no effort to dodge the attacks. ;) :P))


(( Forgot about those ))

M.R. jumped over Hanzo's attack and shoots down at him, but gets his arm cut off by Zaronn's attack. "Urrk..." He fell to the ground and vomitted as blood steadily flowed out of him. "N-No..."


Harver dodged the bullets shot in his direction, and ran up to the missing-arm Mage Riolo. He made a swift stab at his chest.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Dude, that is so unfair. But at least Kerow is good for something," said Venice, using Kerow as a shield.


"Hmph." Zaronn walks over to M.R. "Pitiful, I could have easily assassinated you as easily as all the other hundreds of people I killed." With that, he thrust his blade of darkness right at M.R.'s heart.


He used the last of his energy to get back up and shot multiple bullets at and around Zaronn, making it almost impossible to dodge. Then turned and shot another at Harver's head before getting hit by both their attacks and collapsing.

Max Headroom

Mira walked into range, took out two more grenades, threw them at Riolo, then waited for an explosion. Once they exploded (assuming that they did), Mira stabbed Riolo several times to ensure his death.


"I don't think I want to know," Though somewhat disturbed, Jas managed to get her magic strength back, and casts Shell, a magic shielding spell on her comrades. She dunks behind a rock, but not before getting hit on the thigh. "Daaammn!" She slams her right blade into the ground. "Firaga!" Roaring flames erupt from under Mage Riolo and Zaronn, as Jas holds her wound.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


((Um...overkill much, PERSON?. ::)))

Zaronn was shot in the arm but he did not flinch for this was still Solon's body that he was using. He simply didn't care what happened to it. If it gets too beaten up, I'll just find a new body. He then quickly jumped far back from Mira' grenades and then rushed at Venice and sliced at him with his sword.

((I g2g now))

Max Headroom

((K bye)).

Damn! Mira threw his grappling hook at Zaronn.


Harver pulled his blade back, seeing Riolo turn towards him. He sheathed his blade, and tried to dodge the bullet. Unfortunately, he wasn't swift enough. He dodged most of the bullet, but it grazed past his left ear, leaving it bleeding. He was alive, with most of his ear still intact.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Venice dodged the attack and slashed at Zaronn.


(( God darn it you guys, be careful with Solon's sexy body! ))

...This is fun... Solon thought with a sigh. He would have given a disturbed look at M.R. if he could, who lay blown into smitherins and battered in a pool of blood. I need a plan to get out of here! Must... Struggle... To... Gain... Control... Of... Brain...