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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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Max Headroom

"Oh well, if a portal is created and we escape, at least the battle would be post-poned. Anyways, you suggested that very strongly when you talked about your clan. By the way, you retort was irrelevant to my statement."


"Who cares?! Lets just get out of here while we can!"

Max Headroom

"We need someone to open a portal."


Zaronn smirked as he created a portal and escaped and then closed the portal before anybody else could go through. He teleported to where Mage Riolo had teleported to. "Mage Riolo..." The dark sword reformed into a spiked ball and chain. "Die when I kill you!" He then flung the ball at M.R. and got ready to pull it back with the chain.

Max Headroom

"That lazy son of a ninny. If he wanted us dead, he would kill us himself, but save us to do so. What gives?"


"Son of a mutha-" Jas gets cut off as she starts destroying rocks falling towards her with her fire magic.

"Yeah, this is reeaally starting to piss me off," Keisha growls and stands back to back with Jas.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Mage Riolo had teleported on the top of the biggest mountain in Vulcum, Mt. Lus. He jumped over the ball and chain and shot electricity at the metal to send the electricity flowing through the metal at Zaronn. "Hmph. Know that I can not die."
...Shit... I'm afraid of heights, Solon thought sadly as he watched the fight helplessly.

Max Headroom

"Can either of you two crate portals?"


"That means nothing to me." Zaronn said making the ball and chain dissappear since it was only a manifest of his evil. He then formed a bow and arrow from his evil and started firing arrows at M.R.


"It does if you're trying to kill me," Mage Riolo replied with a deep laugh. He became transparent, allowing the arrows to fly through him. His transparency ended early, though, and one arrow shot into his shoulder. He winced, but pulled it out and flung that arrow and many more duplicates back at Zaronn.


"If you cannot die then I will make sure you will suffer pain for the rest of your life." Zaronn said jumping up and avoiding the arrows before creating a spear and throwing it at Mage Riolo.


The spear was hard to dodge, and ended up knicking Mage Riolo's cheeck. "I feel no pain," Mage Riolo said. "You're doing a bad job." He sent a shock wave at Zaronn next.


Zaronn landed back on the ground and braced himself for the impact. "Pain is not a factor for me too for this isn't my body." He then recreated the ball and chain and threw it at Mage Riolo.


Mage Riolo side-stepped the ball and grabbed the chain. He yanked it to send Zaronn flying toward him.


"Well this sucks," said Venice, stepping out of the way of a rock that was about to crush him.