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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Fanfiction)

Started by Retronintendodude7, September 25, 2007, 08:20:18 PM

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Interesting. I'm glad Sylux is in it. The battle was well written.


Darned confusing bookmarks!  I couldn't tell how many new posts there were.  I feel so dumb...  :P  I'm just going to read everything now, so give me some time.  Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about this fanfic  ;)

Edit: I finally finished reading!  Great job so far!  :)  I enjoyed the fight between Meta Knight and Balloon Fighter, especially how you didn't make it too one-sided.  Keep working on that description and this fanfic will only improve!  ;) :)


This is a bit of a bump, but the writer requested I move it! Oh well  :robothappy: we aren't all privy to the same rules now, are we?


Thanks Mack. I've had this chapter ready for a while, but there've been a lot of problems with the forums lately. Anyways, enjoy a long overdue chapter. :P (I'll hopefully get another one up by Monday, but no promises.)

Chapter 5: A Strange Disappearance

Snake looked up at the television. The match between Meta-Knight and Balloon Fighter was finished. The mercenary brushed his right hand against his rough beard.

?Rookie Mistake?? He muttered.

As the agent turned, he noticed an anthropomorphic bird standing at the only door out of the lounge. The bird?s feathers were a purplish-blue and he had red feathers surrounding his blue eyes. He was wearing a silver jacket over a red suit and red pants leading into silver boots. Snake noticed a blue Pegasus stitched onto his jacket?s right sleeve.

?You Snake?? the bird asked.

?Who wants to know?? Snake answered.

?The winner of the next match, that?s who.? The stranger replied with a grin.

?You must be Falco?? The agent guessed.

?The one and only.?  Falco said with a smirk, closing his eyes. ?If I were you, I wouldn?t even bother showing up to the match. We both know who?s going to win.? He continued, pointing to himself. Snake laughed and walked past the pilot without talking to him. ?You?re still going to go? Even though you?re going to get your butt kicked?? Falco asked with a hint of surprise in his voice.

Snake looked down at Falco, he was at least a head taller than him. ?Look,? he began. ?You can think what you want, but I didn?t come all this way just to let some pretty boy beat me.? He finished, continuing to walk towards the coliseum.

?Pretty boy?!?? Falco repeated angrily, running after Snake.

Meta Knight stood in front of a large, metallic door in a large room surrounded by computers. He knocked on the door and it slid open. The knight went into a small room that had a single desk and computer in it. There was an old wooden door at the end of the room.

?I trust nobody saw you?? A familiar voice echoed.

?No.? Meta Knight called out. ?Where are you??

?I?m doing more research on our plan. So, I?ve sent somebody to instruct you. Oh, and Meta Knight, congratulations on your victory?? The voice chuckled.

The winged star warrior rolled his eyes while the wooden door in front of him opened. A pair of glowing yellow eyes stared at him. As they moved towards Meta Knight, he could hear a rolling noise.

When the figure got closer, Meta Knight could see what it looked like. It was a large, grayish-white robot with a circular base. There was a thick metallic pole attached to it that ran across the rest of its body. The robot had claw-like arms that were a deep red colour and a rectangular head with a black side where his eyes were.

?Greetings comrade.? It said in a light robotic voice. ?I am the Receiver of the Boss, or R.O.B for short.?

?Shouldn?t that be R.O.T.-? Meta Knight started but was quickly interrupted.

?Do not question his reasoning, Mr. Knight. I came here to tell you that we need your ship if our operations are to be one hundred percent without fail.? R.O.B explained.

?The Halberd?? Meta Knight questioned. ?What are you going to do with it??

?It is just an added precaution if the worst should happen. This way, we can send our troops across the heroes? lands before they can return to save them.? The robot answered.

?What will be the fate of Dreamland?? The Star Warrior enquired. ?Will your army attack it regardless??

R.O.B turned towards the door and started rolling away. He stopped suddenly and turned his head so he was staring directly at Meta Knight. His eyes narrowed, ?That is for your King to decide, Mr. Knight?? He stated coldly before leaving the star warrior.

The next stage was set up back at the coliseum. The ground was covered in thin snow and was surrounded by a metal fence. There were two tall watch towers standing at the north and south ends of the area.

?Well, that looks?inviting?.? Retro said sarcastically.

?Clear the area for the next match.? The voice repeated. ?The two spectators can go to the box in the middle of the stands.?

Mage looked around the area for anyone that the voice could belong to. ?That was oddly specific?? He observed.

?All right! A box! I hope it?s cardboard!? Retro shouted gleefully, ignoring his friend.

The sorcerer looked at the idiotic hero, ?I don?t think he means that kind of box?idiot?? he sighed as they started walking to the middle of the stands.

The box that they were supposed to stay in wasn?t very large. It was actually quite old, with two wooden beams barely supporting it. A set of weak looking stairs was on the right side of it.

?I actually wish it was a cardboard box?? Mage complained. ?It would?ve been safer, eh Retro??

Mage looked over to where his friend was before, but he was already halfway up the stairs leading to the box.

?Last one up is a rotten Yoshi egg!? He exclaimed, as he reached the top of the stairs. ?Heh, looks like you?re the rott-? he began, but was cut off when his leg went through the stair he was standing on.

?I?m not going to help you because this was caused by your own stupidity.? Mage called out before Retro could even ask.

?Fine, I?ll get out by myself!? The teenager replied, pulling on his leg.

?You do that?? Mage muttered smugly while he watched.

Retro grabbed his leg with both hands and started to pull on it. After pulling on his leg, he tried putting his other leg into the hole in the stair. Once he did, both of his legs were stuck. Retro started flailing to get out; his yelling was soon accompanied by a loud creaking noise.

?This didn?t work out as well as I?d hoped?? Retro commented.

The stair that he was stuck in broke off of the staircase, making Retro fall down the entire flight of stairs.

?Ladies and Gentlemen!!? A voice boomed over the teenager?s cries of pain. .

?Welcome to the second round of Super Smash Brothers Braaaawlll!? The voice continued.

Retro struggled to get up, since his legs were still stuck in the broken stair. He realized that he couldn?t get free, so he focused all of his energy to teleport out.

Mage stared at him in awe. ?You know, it amazes me how stupid you are.?

?Umm?Thanks?? Retro replied while rubbing his legs, not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

?Our second match today features Falco Lombardi?? The voice continued.
A white and blue jet flew into the stage, it was an Arwing. The cockpit opened up and Falco hopped out. The Arwing took off on its own; and was followed by some applause.

Retro looked around the coliseum. It was still as deserted as it was an hour ago. ?Where?s the applause coming from?? he asked.

?Versus?Solid Snake!? The voice yelled as Snake walked onto the stage, a lit cigarette in hand. There was some applause, but not as much as there had been for Falco.

Falco crossed his arms, ?You ready to lose?? He asked the mercenary cockily.

Snake threw his cigarette to the ground and stepped on it to put it out. He didn?t say a word to the pilot.

?Are you ready?!?? The voice asked anxiously.

The two fighters glared at each other as two golden platforms appeared under their feet. Snake looked down at the platform as it started to rise, but Falco continued to stare at the mercenary.

?Three?? The voice announced.

?You know, I bet the voice and applause are automated?? Retro pointed out.

?Two?? The voice started counting down.

?Probably?? Mage replied.

?One?? The voice continued.

Falco swiftly took his blaster from his holster across his waist. When he looked back at his opponent, he had done the same.

?Go!!!? The voice shouted as the platforms disappeared and dropped the fighters onto the stage.

Falco aimed his blaster at his opponent and put his finger on the trigger. Before he could pull the trigger, his weapon flew out of his hands. He looked over to where it had landed, and then quickly looked back at Snake.

?Lucky shot?? Falco said through gritted teeth.

?I don?t believe in luck?? Snake replied with a smirk.

Falco went down on one knee and put his right arm on it. He put his left arm behind him, and closed his eyes.

Snake pointed his gun at Falco, waiting for him to make a move. Falco started to smile as he rushed towards Snake. The agent shot at Falco, but the bullet went through him as he disappeared.

?Copies?? Snake asked, looking around the stage.

?Nope,? came Falco?s voice.  Snake looked in the direction that it was coming from; Falco was in the watch tower. ?Just really great speed.? He finished, showing Snake his blaster.

Falco started shooting at Snake; the mercenary ran away from the fire and dove behind the nearest watch tower.

Snake reloaded his gun, ?You?ll have to come down sometime!? He called.

?And I will?.? Falco shot back, before the watch tower behind Snake exploded.

Snake rolled to the side with tremendous speed to avoid pieces of the watch tower flying at him. The agent got to his feet without a scratch on him and took out a grenade.

Falco flew back down where the watch tower had been. He pointed his blaster at his enemy, ready to fire.

?Why don?t you just give up? That way your loss won?t be as painful physically.? The bird suggested.

Snake took the pin out of a grenade he was holding and tossed it at Falco. The pilot smirked as he caught the explosive. His eyes widened as he realized what Snake threw at him. The pilot quickly tossed the grenade away, but was still caught in the explosion.

As the smoke cleared, Snake could see an injured Falco down on one knee again.

?He?s still going?? Retro asked.

?He?s as stupid as you are?? Mage responded.

?Yea- hey! No I?m?wait, what?? Retro asked, confused.

A white light appeared in the sky as a box flew to the ground between the two opponents. Falco rushed forward again, making the box break open. Inside was a brown object shaped like a dog?s paw.

Snake and Falco looked at each other, then at the object. Falco grabbed the object, and it sunk into his feathered hand.

The ground started to shake, and two dogs, at least triple the fighters? size, entered the stage. One was a Siberian husky with grey and white fur and haunting blue eyes and the other was a Boxer with entirely brown fur. The boxer flew towards Falco, and the husky at Snake.

The dogs blinded Snake and Falco with their bodies. Neither of them could see where the other one was. Snake pulled out the handkerchief that he had gotten from Sniper Wolf years ago and tossed it aside, the husky followed close behind.

Snake looked over at Falco, who was still having trouble getting rid of the bothersome dog. Snake chuckled and withdrew his gun; he intended to finish the match with the next shot.

Snake clicked the trigger, and a loud bang went across the field. The Boxer had run after hearing the shot. Falco was on the ground, not moving. The agent cautiously walked over to his opponent, his gun still pointed at the lifeless body.

?Is he?dead?? Retro asked out loud.

?Looks like it?? Mage replied, trying to get a better look.

Snake looked down at Falco, his eyes were closed. He bent down to get a better look at his opponent. Falco?s chest was still moving, so he was alive. Falco?s eyes shot open, causing Snake to leap to his feet.

Falco jumped into the air with his arms pointed downwards. A blazing fire engulfed him.

?I?m not going down without a fight?? Falco said, angrily.

?Let's go, the curtain's open! Get this show on the road! I want to feel my heart explode! Ow!? Retro yelled, putting his hand over his head. ?What was that for?? Mage glared at Retro without saying a word. ?Oh yeah?? Retro responded, realizing what he did wrong.

Falco rushed at Snake, still on fire. Snake did a back flip and landed on the ground to avoid the hit. Falco turned around, still on fire. He was ready to rush at Snake again.

Snake got up and ran for the wired fence. The enraged Falco followed close behind. Snake kicked at the fence and did another back flip, barely avoiding Falco?s attack,

In his fit of rage, Falco couldn?t stop in time. The falcon flew through the fence, leaving a smoking imprint on it. The angry bird turned around again, he saw that Snake was clutching another grenade in his hand.

?Try me...? Falco said roughly.

Snake hurled the grenade at Falco. The pilot swiftly grabbed a metallic device from his pocket and threw it forward. The device expanded into a purple hexagon just before the grenade made contact with it. The grenade exploded and the device returned to the pilot like a boomerang.

Falco glared at where Snake was, but he was gone. Before the pilot could turn, he was kicked forward and fell to the ground. He made an attempt to get back up; but he was stopped by a loud clicking noise.

Falco looked towards Snake because he thought he was pointing his gun at him again. He wasn?t, the gun was in its holster.

Just then, the ground beneath him opened, and the ace pilot of Team Star Fox disappeared in an instant. Snake rushed over to where Falco had been, but nothing was there.

?What happened?? Snake asked, looking at the ground.

?This game?s winner is?Solid Snake!!? The voice shouted, accompanied by a loud applause.

The coliseum?s lights faded back to their original colour. The stage started to morph back to the emptiness that it was before as well.

To Be continued.


AWESOME! Not to mention Late. But heroes always arrive late. ;)


Hmm... A strange disappearance indeed...  :P  While it took forever for this site to get its act together, it was definitely worth the wait.  I liked the length; it seemed longer than the others, unless it's just me.  Well, if they're the same size, then, um... Good job on making your chapter seem longer  :P  Keep it up!  ;)


I'm surprised I got this chapter done when I did. I had a bunch of my friends over for my birthday on Friday and I was out most of today. Tomorrow's my actual birthday, though. :)

Chapter 6: The Discovery
Snake?s grey bandana was dancing in the wind as he continued to stare at the ground where his opponent once stood. He bent down to get a closer look at the ground. As he did, he heard a rough voice ask behind him, ?So, what happened?? The mercenary turned around to see who the voice belonged to. It was Mage, his pointed green hat was slightly moving from the growing wind.

Snake looked back at the ground. ?I don?t know?? was his response.

A loud clicking noise followed by a scream made Mage and Snake look around the Coliseum. It was still as empty it was before, but one person was missing?.

?Ummm?little help?? called Retro.

Snake walked towards the teenager?s voice. He stopped when he saw a gloved hand sticking out of the ground. The soldier grabbed onto the hand and pulled it. Retro came up from the ground, and dusted off his clothes.

?What were you doing there?? Snake questioned.

?I saw you and Mage talking, so I figured I?d go and see what you guys were talking about. When I was walking, the ground just?broke, I guess?? He explained, confused himself.

Snake looked behind Retro; a piece of the ground was missing. Snake pushed the teenager out of the way and looked at the hole. The hole was because of a trap door.

?What would a trap door be doing here?? Snake asked out loud.

Samus opened her eyes and looked over at a nearby clock. The clock read eight-twenty. The bounty hunter got out of bed and reached for a red helmet with a green visor. The visor on the helmet flashed as soon as Samus put it on her head. Words flashed before her eyes: two hundred fifty-five missiles, one thousand four hundred ninety-nine units of power, ten Power Bombs. Beams: Power, Wave, Plasma, Phazon.   

?Perfect?? Samus announced as she opened her room?s door.

As Samus was walking through the sapphire hallway, a hung picture caught her eye. She walked closer to examine it. Samus looked at the picture. The person that the picture was of looked like Toaster, except that he was wearing all white instead of black.

Her hand pressed a button on her helmet causing the visor to glow.

Picture is dated December third, two thousand one.
"This was seven years ago?? Samus whispered to herself.

Just then, the Bounty Hunter felt a sharp pain in her back, making her fall to the ground.

Samus cried in pain as  words started to glide across her eyes: Energy dropping. Cause of Attack: Shock Coil.

The pain stopped, letting her turn around to see a figure in a purplish blue suit with green stripes along its body.

?So what I fell in was a trap door?? Retro asked over Snake?s shoulder.

?Looks like it.? Snake answered, trying to get a better look at the trap door.

?Why would there be traps around here?? Mage questioned.

?Maybe it?s for everyone who loses?? Retro suggested.

?Then Balloon Fighter would?ve fallen in too?? The sorcerer responded.

?Maybe it?s for the strong losers?? Retro suggested again.

Snake murmured under his breath while the lights on the coliseum turned a lime green. The dry coliseum was transforming into a bright stadium covered in pavement that was painted a light green. There was a large television at the back of the stage and a painting in the middle shaped like a red and grey ball.

?It?s Pok?mon Stadium?? Retro said in awe.

?Clear the area for the next match.? A voice announced.

Retro and Mage started to walk over to the stands since it was safer than the box they were supposed to stay in. Snake casually walked out of the coliseum so he could think in peace.

?We meet again, Hunter? The assailant laughed.

Samus struggled to her feet, ?Sylux? What are you doing here??

Sylux laughed and pointed his right arm at the female bounty hunter.

?Finishing what I started?? He announced as a line of electric energy shot out of his arm.

Samus jumped out of the way and shot missiles at the attacker. The missiles hit the target with ease causing the stranger to writhe in pain.

?Haven?t changed a bit, I see.? The attacker taunted, but suddenly froze. He cocked his head to the side as he stood where he was.

?Sylux! Stop messing with your girlfriend and get out of there! Your cover?s already blown!? An irritated teenage girl?s voice yelled in his ear.

The hunter sighed. ?I?ll let you live this time, but remember?? he began as he put his arm out again. ?I?ll be watching.?

A missile shot out of the attacker?s arm with lightning speed and exploded on Samus? shining chest plate. The Bounty Hunter flew to the floor as her visor started to flash:

     Energy low. Starting Emergency Sequence.

Samus? power suit started to shake. Its parts separated from the bounty hunter and folded into a bright orange cube.

Samus looked down at her hands to see that she was in a bright blue jumpsuit, her Zero Suit. The space warrior?s sapphire eyes scanned the room for her attacker, but he disappeared.

?Looks like I?ll have to do this fight without my Power Suit?? Samus sighed as she went for the door.

?Wait, the match is against Samus and Jigglypuff, right?? Retro pointed out.

?Yeah, so?? Mage responded, not getting his point.

?Then how will we be able to understand Jigglypuff??

?I?m glad you asked that, my boy!? A strange voice complemented.

The two friends turned around and saw a short old man in a white coat. The glasses that he wore had spirals on them and his snow white hair was in one long streak upwards.

?Who?re you?? Retro asked the stranger.

?You mustn?t joke, my dear Mario.? The man answered.

?I?m not Mario?? Retro?s said, confused.

?Of course you are! I?d recognize you anywhere! Red Hat, blue pants, brown shoes. My! You seem to have changed to a green shirt! You even managed to shave that stache? of yours!? the man continued.

?Look Retro, this guy obviously thinks you?re Mario. Just play along, okay?? Mage whispered to Retro.

?Huh? Umm?yeah?I was just kidding?er?whoever you are?? Retro stuttered, trying to play along as Mage buried his face in his hands.

?I knew it! Now my boy, I have created an invention to help you with your predicament.? The man explained.

?My what?? Retro asked, confused.

?Now then, I present to you my latest invention: The E. Gadd Handheld Assistant Microphone!? The man shouted excitedly as he pulled out a microphone completely covered in small diamonds..

Mage and Retro just stared at the man blankly. He handed the microphone to the duo and headed off. ?So it?s H.A.M?? Mage wondered out loud.

?E. Gadd away!!!? He shouted as he left.
?Okay?? Retro said as he put the microphone on the railing of the stands, pointed at the stadium.

?Ladies and Gentlemen!!? A voice boomed making Mage and Retro jump a bit.

?Welcome to the third round of Super Smash Brothers Braaaawlll!? The voice continued.

?Our second match today features Jigglypuff?? The voice continued.

A small red ball was thrown onto the stadium. It bounced twice and then released a white light. The light started to turn into a pink ball. With a small streak of hair on it?s forehead and bulging green eyes on its face.

The pink ball did a small twirl and winked. ?Hello everybody!? she said in a high pitched voice, followed by applause.

Mage and Retro were stunned. The invention the strange man gave them actually worked!

?Versus?Samus Aran!? The voice yelled as a blonde woman in a blue jumpsuit ran onto the stage.

?Why isn?t Samus wearing her power suit?? Mage asked, confused.

?Are you ready?!?? The voice asked, in the same way that he did every other time.

Two golden platforms went under the fighter?s feet. Neither of them flinched.

?Three?? The voice announced.

Jigglypuff turned her head at her opponent.

?Two?? The voice started counting down.

Samus took out a grey blaster and flipped over the top of it. A bright orange beam came out.

?One?? The voice continued.

?Samus is always prepared?? Retro said in awe.

?Unlike you?? Mage sighed.

      ?Go!!!? The voice shouted as the platforms disappeared and dropped the fighters onto the stage.

Jigglypuff stared awkwardly at her opponent. Twisting her head, she asked ?What happened to you suit??

Samus remembered that Jigglypuff had been in every Smash Brother?s tournament that she was. ?Umm?it?s upgrading?? Samus tried to lie.

The pink Pok?mon rolled her eyes. ?Sure. You?ve always been a terrible liar, Sammy.? She laughed.

?Hey! I?m good at lying!? Samus defended.

?Whatever.? Jigglypuff sighed. ?Let?s start this match, shall we?? she asked as she winked.

Samus ran at Jigglypuff with her pistol in her right hand. Jigglypuff tried to punch Samus, but the Bounty Hunter swiftly rolled to the side. Jigglypuff turned around to face Samus, but she was blinded by a bright orange light.

Jigglypuff flew back from the force of Samus? sudden hit. The Pok?mon shook the pain off and smiled. ?Pretty good, considering you don?t have your suit??

Samus flipped her pistol back on making the orange whip disappear. The Bounty Hunter pointed her pistol at Jigglypuff.

The Pok?mon smiled and closed her eyes. She started to sway back and forth and sing.

?She?s?singing?? Mage asked, confused.

?Yeah. Some Pok?mon can sing to make their opponent fall asleep.? Retro answered confidently.

Mage turned over to his friend, ?You knew that, but you didn?t know who E. Gadd was?? Retro just shrugged his shoulders in a confused manner.

The Pok?mon?s tune was very soothing and every note made Samus? eyes heavier and heavier. The Bounty Hunter struggled to stay awake, but she knew it was hopeless. Samus? eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep, falling on the green ground.

Jigglypuff smiled, she noticed a white light in the sky. It was a red and grey ball, a Pok?ball.

?How fitting?? Jigglypuff chuckled, catching the item in mid-air

Jigglypuff tossed the Pok?ball on the ground. The ball opened up and emitted a white light. The light took the shape of a white and orange fish with a small horn on its head. It was a Goldeen.

?I guess you can?t count on an item for anything these days?? The balloon Pok?mon sighed as she curled into a ball and rolled in place.

?Rollout?? Retro said out loud.

Jigglypuf?s rolls became quicker. She flew towards the sleeping Samus. The Bounty Hunter flew across the stadium without showing any signs of pain. Jigglypuff made a quick turn towards Samus and rushed at her again. Samus? eyes opened and she remembered that she was in the middle of a battle. She leapt into the air before the Pok?mon could hit her. Jigglypuff kept rolling since she missed her target, unable to stop in time.

?That?s always a problem with Rollout?? Retro sighed.

?Isn?t that how you usually died when you used Jigglypuff in Melee?? Mage questioned.

The teenager hung his head; the red hat that he wore was covering his face. ?No?? he lied.

Jigglypuff finally stopped after slamming into a wall. The Pok?mon was struggling to walk. Samus walked over to the Pok?mon and flipped open her pistol. The orange whip came out once again. The blonde fighter sighed as she slashed the Pok?mon, knocking her out of the stadium into a brightly coloured light.

?This game?s winner is?Samus Aran!!? A voice shouted, followed by loud applause.

The lights on the walls faded back to white as the glamorous stadium transformed into the bare coliseum.

Mage and Retro waited for a clicking noise, but they never heard it. They just heard the wind growing stronger.

?Maybe Falco should?ve stuck to the air?? Retro suggested.

To be Continued?

Triforceluigi: I know some of the coding messed up, but I accidentally posted the chapter instead of previewing it. Then when I fixed it, my computer froze and I had to fix it again. Guess you read it in that time. :P




Great chapter, yay Sylux, but some of your Color and Size tags didn't work out too well.

EDIT: Yay, I'm mentioned! ^_^

Also, happy (early) birthday!


Interesting new chapter!  ;)  I noticed it's all starting to become some kind of mystery, which is cool. :P

Happy Birthday!   :)  Mine is actually on April 27; not too far off from yours! :O


Sorry this chapter took so long, but I was pretty busy with video games that I got for my birthday and Mario Kart. :D My computer also froze a lot and I needed to get it fixed. Hopefully the wait was worth it. ;)

Chapter 7: The Plan
Retro reached into his pocket and grabbed a lime green object with a black bottom. He opened it, revealing two halves; the top with a picture of Samus on it and the bottom almost entirely black. He pressed a button and two screens on the device lit up. The clock on the top screen said that it was nine o?clock, so there would be half an hour before the next match.

?Time to catch up on some games, I guess.? Retro announced excitedly.

Mage rolled his crimson eyes and started to head out of the Coliseum.

?Where are you going?? Retro asked, not raising his head from the Dual Screened system.

?I?m going to the Lounge. There might be something to do there.? Mage answered.

Retro made a noise that he understood and went back to playing his game.

Mage walked outside of the Coliseum and onto the parking lot. He never really saw a point in having one, since nobody ever parked there. The sorcerer continued to walk towards the red building where he could watch TV or eat. 

The building?s door was light blue and it had a gloved fist engraved on it. Mage turned the doorknob to enter the building. Inside was a large white room with five brown couches scattered around five TVs. He saw a blond man in a green tunic beside a floating black imp with strange green designs tattooed on her body. It was Link and Midna and they were sitting on the furthest couch from the door, holding two white remotes in their hands.
?So?this is a video game?? Midna questioned, looking at the remote.

Link nodded, ?Yup. They let people play our adventures in this world.?

Midna was shocked. ?So, we can ?play? our last adventure??

Link grinned and pointed the remote at the TV. A picture of Link on a brown horse with a magnificent white mane went onto the TV.

Mage looked around the room a bit more. He noticed a staircase going upstairs and decided to go up there. As he walked, he felt that someone was following him. Mage quickly turned around and saw Retro, who almost walked into him.

?What are you doing here?? Mage asked.

Retro put his gloved hand behind his head, ?The batteries died and I forgot to bring my charger??

Mage just sighed. ?See? You?re never prepared.?

Retro looked back up at Mage, ?Maybe you can get me one for my birthday??

?When?s your birthday?? Mage asked.

?April twentieth. You know, the same as Hitler?s?? Retro answered.

Mage rolled his eyes, ?Where am I going to find anything to get you all the way out here??

Retro shrugged, he wasn?t really sure either. Mage started walking upstairs and Retro followed him. The room that the stairs led to had white walls. It had a few arcade and pinball machines. There were a few tables around a black stage on the right side of the room.

?Is this floor closed or something?? Mage asked.

Just then, Retro and Mage heard a creaking noise. The door downstairs had opened. They heard a few muffled voices, so the duo decided to go back downstairs.

When they came down, they saw Snake trying to get Samus, Link and Midna?s attention.

?It?s not like that things going anywhere, kid. Just listen for a minute.? The mercenary said, talking to Link.

?Hold on, I?m almost done fighting these Darknuts.? Link replied excitedly. Snake groaned angrily and stepped in front of the television. The Hylian heard his character getting hit, and after awhile die. He sighed as he threw the white remote in his hands away. ?Okay, what do you want?? He asked, irritated.

?Falco fell through a trap door while he was fighting me. The trap door probably leads somewhere underground, like the basement. I?m going to go in there at ten o?clock tonight. Is anyone else going to join me?? Snake asked.

Link put his hand behind his head. ?Sorry, I can?t. I promised Zelda that I?d watch her match against Kirby.?  Midna rolled her eyes, her imp body gradually floating from Link. ?What?? Link asked Midna.

?I?ll go.? Samus said. ?By then, my Power Suit will be back online.?

?We?ll go too.? Retro announced, making everyone look at him.

?What?!?? Mage coughed.

?Fine, we?ll need a decoy.? Snake chuckled. ?We?ll meet back here at ten.

Everyone started to leave the building except Link and Midna. The imp was still looking at Link.

?What?? He asked.

?Why did you promise Zelda that you?d watch her match against Kirby?? Midna asked. Link just hung his head without answering.  Midna rolled her eyes and sighed.

Retro and Mage walked into the coliseum. The sorcerer glared at his friend the whole way there.
Retro turned to his friend, ?Are you staring at me because of that time that homeless doctor tricked me into giving him all of my money and you had to do magic tricks for a month to pay the rent or because I volunteered for us to sneak into the basement??

Mage rolled his eyes, ?First of all, you gave him all of my money. And second of all, he wasn?t a homeless doctor, he was just homeless.?

?Mage, Mage, Mage.? Retro laughed. ?I?m not an idiot. I think I can tell the difference between a homeless dude and a dude in a white coat with holes in it and a PHD in doctorology printed on the back of a Chinese take-out menu.

A voice interrupted the two, ?Clear the area for the next match.?

The coliseum?s lights turned a light blue. The dusty ground transformed into a colourful island with small, white birds flying around it. There were red and white platforms floating on the island and many flowers and plants covering the area.

?If you don?t want to come with me, you don?t have to?? Retro pointed out.

?Okay.? Mage quickly responded.

Retro hung his head, ?I wasn?t serious, you know!?

?Ladies and Gentlemen!!? A voice boomed. Mage and Retro started to walk towards the stands since they knew what was coming.

?Welcome to the fourth round of Super Smash Brothers Braaaawlll!? The voice continued.   ?Our fourth match today features Diddy Kong??

A short monkey dressed in a red t-shirt and baseball cap jumped onto the stage. He raised his hands and did a cartwheel as music started to play followed by applause.
With his pistols out he's one tough Kong. He'll make you smile when he plays his tune.  But Kremlings beware 'cause he's after you!

?He?s confident of himself.? Mage pointed out.

?Yeah. I?ll laugh if he loses.? Retro chuckled.

?Versus the Baby Mario Brothers?? the voice yelled unenthusiastically.

Two babies, one wearing green resembling Luigi and the other in red resembling Mario jumped onto the stage. They didn?t have any music playing for them, and they had hardly any applause.

?Wow. They?re pretty harsh on them?? Mage sighed.

?Are you ready?!?? The voice asked, in the same way that he always does.

Two golden platforms went under the fighter?s feet. Diddy started doing back flips while Baby Mario and Luigi looked around the stage.

?Three?two?one?? the voice counted.

Diddy put his hands behind his back and pulled out a set of wooden pistols. Baby Mario and Luigi both pulled out small, gray hammers.

?Go!? The voice shouted as the platforms disappeared from the contestant?s feet.

Diddy made the first move by shooting peanuts at the two infants. Baby Mario returned the monkey?s shots by hitting them with his hammer.

?That one baby is pretty quick?? Diddy thought to himself with gritted teeth.

Just then, the two infants rushed towards the monkey with their hammers in the air. This caught Diddy off guard and he was unable to defend himself for the blow.

The invisible crowd gasped as Diddy flew towards the edge of the island. He quickly grabbed onto the edge of the stage with his long, brown tail.
?You?d think that some of the Smashers would actually come and watch these matches. These voices are starting to freak me out?? Retro remarked.

Diddy?s tail slipped off of the edge. Baby Mario and Luigi started to jump up and down with glee as the Kong fell.

?Yay! Baby Weej wins!? the young Luigi exclaimed.

?Baby Marrrio!? Baby Mario yelled with joy.

As the toddlers were celebrating, a loud clicking noise was heard throughout the island.

?Is a trap door going to open again?? Mage asked in suspense.

A large peanut flew straight at Baby Mario and knocked him off of the island. He disappeared in a large beam of light.

?Mawio!? Baby Luigi cried out as he heard a laugh behind him.

Baby Luigi turned around and saw Diddy Kong flying in the air. He had two small barrels attached to his back to pose as some sort of jetpack. 

Diddy smiled at the baby, ?You can?t get rid of me that easily?? he mocked.

Baby Luigi pulled out his hammer and jumped towards the Kong in anger. Diddy quickly flew to the side, making the angry baby fall. Diddy pointed his pistols at the falling child.

?Nighty-night?? Diddy laughed as he pulled the triggers. A barrage of peanuts flew at Baby Luigi and hit him off the island. The baby disappeared in a colourful light the same way his brother did moments ago.

Mage and Retro stared at the winner, completely shocked.

?He doesn?t seem so?evil in the games?? Retro sighed.

?This game?s winner is?Diddy Kong!!!? A voice yelled, accompanied by loud applause.

The monkey put his hands in the air, enjoying the applause from the invisible people.

?I hope he realizes those aren?t real people cheering for him?? Mage said, slightly annoyed.

Retro turned to Mage, ?So, are you coming with me to the basement??

The sorcerer rolled his eyes and replied angrily, ?For the last time, NO!?

Retro snapped his fingers, ?Darn, I guess I?ll just get somebody else.?

Mage laughed, ?Oh yeah. Who?s going to be as stupid as you and follow a few people based on a hunch?? Retro looked at Mage for a few seconds, questioningly. ?Oh no, you?re not getting?? Mage started.

Falco slowly opened his eyes as he felt a warm feeling gradually covering his body. He scanned his surroundings and saw that he was in a giant tube being filled with a purple slime. The pilot reached for his blaster, but it wasn?t in its holster.

?Looks like you?re finally awake?? A voice commented from the shadows.

The ace pilot looked around, but didn?t see anyone. ?Where are you?? He shouted. A short man covered in black clothes emerged from the shadows. ?Toaster? What are you doing to me??

The toad laughed, ?Nothing harmful. I?m just getting a few more recruits to help out with our little plan. ?

?I?ll never help you?? Falco said hoarsely.

?You aren?t going to have a choice very soon?? Toaster responded with a smile.

To be continued




"You're not getting..."

Will that statement be completed in the next chapter?

Yay! I'm glad a new chapter has come up. It was awesome! Except I don't remember Diddy Kong being so sadist... Clone?


It seems that Falco has joined the dark side  :P  Diddy Kong seemed just a tad hostile, which leads me to believe he may be under Toaster's control.  After all, the 'invisible audience' must be controlled by Toaster in some way, and the audience only seemed to cheer for Diddy Kong...  Regardless, the chapter was still worth the wait.  ;)


Sorry this chapter took so long, I got kind of lazy and then I had exams to do before I knew it. :P I'm done school for now so there should be new chapters more often. ;) No music this time though, sorry.

Chapter 8: Welcome to the Jungle

Retro turned to Mage, ?So, are you coming with me to the basement??

The sorcerer rolled his eyes and replied angrily, ?For the last time, NO!?

Retro snapped his fingers, ?Darn, I guess I?ll just get somebody else.? He said nonchalantly.

Mage laughed, ?Oh yeah. Who?s going to be as stupid as you and follow a few people based on a hunch?? Retro looked at Mage for a few seconds, questioningly. ?Oh no, you?re not getting?? Mage started.

Retro laughed as he stood up, ?Yup, I?m going to see if Retro is interested.?

The teenager slowly walked towards the exit of the coliseum. Mage knew he was only walking that way because he was waiting for him to change his mind. However, the sorcerer was not one to have a change of heart so easily.

?Clear the area for the next match?? A voice called out.

Mage ran to the exit of the coliseum and called out to Retro, ?Aren?t you going to see the match??

Retro continued to walk until he got to the parking lot. Storm clouds were forming in the sky as he walked.

?Nah, I?ll just watch it on TV at the lounge.? Was his reply.

Mage turned and quickly walked back to the stands. The lights on the coliseum wall turned to a dark brown sky as the dusty ground turned to a lush, green jungle. There were wooden platforms near a rushing stream of water.

?Is this Kongo Bongo Jungle?? Mage asked out loud.

Retro put his hand on the doorknob. It felt rough, even with his gloves on. ?Wonder what?s on it?? Retro wondered.

Just then, the door opened and a short man dressed in a red shirt and blue overalls came out of the building. The man looked up at Retro, revealing his eager blue eyes and recently combed mustache.

?Oh! Hello! It?s-a me! Mario!? The man calling himself Mario greeted with enthusiasm. He stuck out his hand, wanting to shake Retro?s hand.

Retro shook hands with Mario. ?Retro.? He replied. ?What are you doing out here?? he asked.

?My brother Luigi?s match is in-a few minutes. I was going to-a cheer him on.? Mario replied with a smile.

Retro looked at Mario, wondering if he?d want to help investigate the basement. ?Hey, a few of us are going to look around the basement tonight at ten. You want to come with us?? Retro inquired.

?Sorry,? Mario apologized ?I can?t. I got-a match at ten fifty-six. I-a probably wouldn?t be back in time.?

?Oh well.? Retro answered. ?If you finish early, maybe swing by, eh??

Mario nodded. ?I?ll be-a sure to check it out. I?d better go, Luigi?s match is-a soon. Nice-a to meet you!? He said while he started to walk towards the ancient-looking coliseum.

?Same.? Retro called out as he walked inside the building and closed the door.

?Ladies and Gentlemen!!? A voice roared. ?Welcome to the fifth round of Super Smash Brothers Braawl!! This match features Luigi??

A tall man in blue overalls and a green shirt jumped onto the stage. When he landed, he fell backwards and quickly got back up. Luigi grabbed his green cap with an ?L? written on it and smiled worriedly.

?Against the King of the Jungle, Donkey Kong!? The voice continued.

A loud explosion was heard throughout the jungle. A large, brown ape flew onto the stage. He almost landed on top of Luigi.

?Wah!? Luigi cried out at the sudden appearance of his opponent.

?He?s nothing like Mario?? Mage sighed as he watched Luigi.

?Luigi is-a lot like me, actually.? A voice called out from behind Mage.

Mage turned around to see Mario, the hero of the Mushroom Kingdom. His sapphire eyes seemed to glow in the shadows.

?Yeah, I guess.? Mage replied. ?He?s a lot more cowardly than you are...?

Mario chuckled as he walked over to Mage and sat down. ?He gets that from our dad?s side of the family??

?Are you ready?!?? A loud voice interrupted.  Two glorious golden platforms appeared under the fighter?s feet and flew into the air.

Donkey Kong made his hands into fists and Luigi?s teeth started to chatter.

?Three. Two. One. Go!!? The voice called out, dropping the two platforms holding the contestants.

Donkey Kong jumped wildly towards Luigi. The cowardly plumber ducked out of the way just in time and let the Kong continue to fly. Donkey Kong landed on the ground and turned around; he saw a large, gray hammer flying at him before he was knocked back.

The ape got up and angrily leapt at Luigi, who tried to dodge him. The gorilla was too quick, and grabbed the plumber in his hands, squeezing him with all of his might. The plumber cried out in pain. Donkey Kong smiled as Luigi started to drift from consciousness.

?Come on Luigi! You-a can do it!? Mario cheered.

Luigi opened his gloved hand and started to concentrate. A light green orb appeared in his hand and caught on fire. Donkey Kong howled, releasing Luigi from his grasp. The smell of burnt fur started to cover the fighting area. Luigi thrust both of his hands forward and two green balls of fire flew towards the wide-eyed ape.

There was a small explosion once the fireballs hit Donkey Kong. When the smoke cleared, Donkey Kong was standing tall behind a blue bubble.

?You forgot about shields, didn?t you?? The ape taunted.

The plumber took out his hammer and threw it at his confident opponent. The hammer hit Donkey Kong?s head and caused him to lose his footing. The gorilla started to stagger a little and proceeded to fall off the edge of the jungle.

Luigi ran over to see where he went, but he was blinded by a shining light.

?This game?s winner is Luigi!!? The voice yelled out as people started to chant Luigi?s name.

?That was over pretty fast?? Mage commented.

?Yeah, some-a matches don?t last as long as others. Sometimes the fights will be done-a like that.? Mario explained as he snapped his fingers.

Retro jumped in the air, waving his hands wildly. ?I?m the best! Bow down before the new Star Champion!!? He yelled out happily.

Everyone in the room groaned. They never should have let him play Mario Party with them.

A green dinosaur named Yoshi was watching Retro jump in the air like a child that was force-fed candy for a week. The dinosaur wore red running shoes and had a red saddle on his back.

?You wouldn?t have won if Bowser didn?t steal all of our stars?? He sighed.

Retro turned to the massive turtle sitting next to him. The silver spikes on his olive coloured shell made holes in the couch.

?What can I say? King B and I are a great team!? Retro commented, finally calming down.

Bowser narrowed his eyes and glared at Retro. He curled his right hand into a fist and punched Retro in the arm.

?I told you to never call me that!!? The Koopa roared.

?Why not? King B?s a great nickname!? Retro defended, making Bowser roll his eyes.

A blonde woman in a pink dress started to laugh at Retro?s comment, she almost swallowed the gum she was chewing. Bowser looked over at her, and pointed, ?Don?t you start too, Peach!? He yelled.

Peach got up from where she was sitting and picked up a black and gray remote control. She pressed a button on it to change the channel. ?Sorry. I wouldn?t want to offend you, King B.? She mocked.

The Koopa gritted his teeth and walked towards the door, his spiked tail was dragged across the floor. He quickly opened the door and walked out. Bowser angrily slammed the door behind him, making it fall off the hinges.

?Versus... Nana and Popo, the Ice Climbers!!? A voice on the TV exclaimed.

Yoshi, Peach and Retro looked on the TV screen. A short man and woman dressed in Eskimo Parkas jumped onto a long, gray road. The man?s parka was an ice blue with what looked like polar bear fur stitched onto the hood. The woman?s parka was a darker pink than Peach?s dress. It also had some sort of fur stitched onto its hood.

Three golden platforms faded underneath the fighter?s feet. Two platforms were for the people referred to as the Ice Climbers and the other platform went under a pair of banana coloured boots.

The camera changed to a full body shot of the person wearing the boots. He was dressed in an ocean blue jumpsuit that showed his muscular build and had what seemed to be a red motorcycle helmet on his head.

?Show me your moves!? He called out in a confident voice.

?Are those the only four words he knows how to say?? Yoshi grumbled, rolling his eyes.

A voice counted down as the circular platforms disappeared and let the combatants gently fly to the ground.

The Ice Climbers took out heavy, wooden hammers. They had no trouble holding them despite the hammer?s immensity.

?You ready Nana?? Popo asked the woman dressed in pink.

Nana nodded as they both looked at where their opponent was standing. They were surprised to see that he was nowhere to be found?

?Falcon punch!!!? A voice yelled behind the Ice Climbers. Before they could turn around, Nana was hit by a burning falcon, which disintegrated into a gloved fist after it hit.

?Nana!!? The blue Ice Climber cried out as his partner flew onto the road. She was about to get up, but she was hit by a barrage of flying cars. The pink Ice Climber was dragged with the cars and disappeared into a blinding light.

?Kind of reminds you of a rainbow, eh?? A voice sneered.

The blue Ice Climber looked around the road to try and find where the voice was coming from. He looked in the air and saw a fire in the outline of a falcon crashing towards him.

?Falcon kick!!? The fire bellowed.

The single Ice Climber dashed out of the way before the flame hit him. The man in the jumpsuit appeared once the falcon faded. He started to smile.

?You still have the will to go on, even without your partner? That?s good?? He said respectfully.

?I?ll beat you?for her. You haven?t changed in the last four years, Captain Falcon. So you?ll be easy to beat.? The Ice Climber countered.

The Captain started to laugh, ?I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.?

The Ice Climber rushed at Captain Falcon with his hammer in hand. Just as he was about to swipe at the Captain, he disappeared in a large blaze.

Popo looked around the road for the third time in this match. A twin set of falcons appeared on both side of the Ice Climber and flew towards him at an amazing speed.

?Falcon crush!!!? The falcons screeched.

Popo was hit by both falcons and flew into the air. He soon disappeared in the same light that Nana did before him.

?This game?s winner is Captain Falcon!!!? A voice called out as the TV screen was turned off.

?Hey!!? Peach and Retro called out at Yoshi, who was clutching the remote in his hand.

?Come on, it?s not like you?re missing much. The next match is in an hour anyways. What would be on?? The green dinosaur defended.

Peach put her hands on her chin to think for a bit, ?Well, there?s probably a fashion show on?? she replied.

?House could be on if we looked hard enough. Or Happy Days?Simpsons?what are you staring at me like that for?? Retro asked.

?Those shows are probably only from your world?.? Yoshi pointed out.

?It?s been four years since you guys have been here, so let?s check anyways!? Retro said excitedly, flipping through the channels.

Yoshi looked at his hands to find that he had lost the remote. He looked up at Retro, ?How did you get that?? He questioned.

?I grabbed it off you when you weren?t looking?? Retro replied nonchalantly.

Retro stopped on a commercial. There was a hideous space monster with scythes as hands holding a lime green package.

?Metrum, the gum made by a Metroid, from a Metroid, not for Metroids.? he announced.

Retro looked at the TV screen, confused as he changed the channel. The next channel had three teenagers clutching different coloured guitars. One boy was wearing glasses and had jet black hair. He was holding a black Gibson guitar. One girl with blonde hair was holding a red Flying V guitar and the last guy who was pretty short and wearing a cowboy hat was holding an acoustic guitar. It looked like they just finished playing a song.

When they all stopped moving, a voiceover started to talk in an enthusiastic voice, ?Guitar Heroes: Save the groupie, save the world!?

Retro sighed, ?Okay, I?m going to try two more channels and then I?m out of here?.?

Retro pressed a button on the remote to change the channel again.

A young boy in a blue shirt that had the number one on it walked onto the screen. He had a blue hat with small horns coming out of his head.

?Are you having trouble dealing with the pain of being cheated?? a calm voice asked.

?Yeah?? The boy sighed.

?Do you have absolutely no idea how you could continue on without any bells?? The voice continued.

?Well, I could just reset?? The boy answered back.

Just then, a piece of wood flew at the boy?s head and made him fall towards the ground. The camera came down to a large mole halfway in the ground wearing a yellow hat next to the unconscious boy.

?No! That?s not what you do! You have to live to deal with it! Live ain?t no video game!!!? the mole hollered.

?This has been a message from M.A.R.R.: Moles Against Resetters?Resetting.? A voice explained

Retro crossed his fingers as he changed the channel again. A set of clouds was on the TV and rolled away as ?The Simpsons? appeared in large, yellow lettering.

?The Simpsons!? voices sung out.

Retro thrust his arm backwards in triumph. ?Yes!? he said gladly.

?Has changed time slots! It will now air every night at ten!? A low voice announced. ?Enjoy watching a new season of ?The Twilight Realm?!? he continued.

Retro sighed as he put down the remote. ?Fine, I guess I?ll just go find Retro??

R.O.B sat patiently in front of a large computer screen inside an otherwise empty room. There was a blue penguin-like creature on the computer screen. He wore a red robe and a red cap with a golden emblem that looked like a scrunched up version of his face on the middle of it.

?I?m afraid that you aren?t sure of the consequences of your decision, Dedede.? R.O.B stated coldly.

?I know darn well what ?yer offerin?. Now I ain?t about to let no tin can push me around! I said no, y?here?? Dedede yelled.

?Very well. You have made your decision.? R.O.B chuckled. ?Our troops will be there shortly to relieve you of your duty??

?What?? The penguin asked worriedly as explosions and screaming were heard in the background. Dedede turned around just in time for the computer screen to fade out.

R.O.B heard cursing outside of the room. He turned and focused on the walls, Lifeform detected: Ally, Meta-Knight.

?There was nothing you could do, Mr. Knight.? R.O.B called. ?Your king didn?t want to assist us, so we had to get what we needed by force.?

?You said that if I helped you, you would give Dreamland a chance at being spared?? Meta-Knight spat out.

?We?ve given your king enough chances.? R.O.B countered. ?It?s too late now.?

To Be continued?


 :D That was hilarious!  You enjoying your summer, Retro?


Quote from: shadowmarioguy on June 24, 2008, 10:08:14 AM
:D That was hilarious!  You enjoying your summer, Retro?

Yeah. it's been pretty good so far. Last week was a long week though, I had three exams in three days. :P

I've been playing a lot of Xbox games lately. I've had one for awhile, but I've never really gotten that many games for it. I'm looking for a bunch of games right now. I'm almost done playing Half-Life 2 and then I'm going to play Metal Gear Solid 2. :)