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Pokemorph: Infection

Started by Pokemaster218, March 21, 2008, 04:10:55 PM

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"I dunno. I'm hardly sure about my own powers." Matt said. "The only thing I know I can do for sure is sense Aura. I've used it before and it can do physical damage but...I don't exactly know how I use it...I've only figured out how to sense it..."


"Hm... Lemme try it. What should I have someone do?" Jake asked, trying to think of something that wouldn't be too suspicious, but would be obvious enough to show that he did it.


"Um...get someone to toss a nickel or something on the ground." Matt said. "It's not something somebody would normally do but not too many people should take notice to just five cense."


"Alright..." Jake found a man leaning against a fountain and decided to make him his target. 'Enter his thoughts... Enter his thoughts...' Jake thought he heard whispering, and he narrowed his eyes, trying to strain his ears and listen. Maybe no one will notice if I just scoop my hand in and take some of the change inside? Maybe no one will mind? Jake blinked, breaking the chain. 'Those weren't my thoughts... Were they?' Jake tried again, this time he was able to get a clearer wrap around the man's thoughts. Just do it... Jake commanded. No one cares what you do anyway. They are too wrapped up in their own problems... The man suddenly reached his hand back and picked some coins out of the water.

"It worked!" Jake whispered his victory. "Did you see that man take money out of the fountain?"


"Sweet...although it's not right to steal...But it works!" Matt said excitedly but still containing his voice. "Alright, now let's find us some place to eat now."


"Eh, if he has any morals he'll put the money back," Jake shrugged. "As for food..." Jake glanced around town. "This town is unfamiliar to me, do you know of anywhere to eat?"


"Hrm...Well...This is sort of embarasing but..." Matt started rubbing the back of his head. "I've only eaten at my school and my house..."


"Wha, you never ate out?" Jake asked. "Doesn't school and home food ever get boring?"


"Well, school yeah but my mom has the BEST cooking you'll ever taste." Matt said.


Jake raised an eyebrow and looked over at Matt. "Could we eat there, then?" he asked. "You're parents are around here, right?"


"Well...yeah but..." Matt just stopped mid-sentence. What if they find out I'm a pokemorph?...What will they think? Will they even accept me? "No...They're not around here." Matt said with an almost emotionless face.


"But didn't you just- Eh, nevermind," Jake sighed. "If they're not around, I guess we should just check for a small, less populated place to eat before we're noticed."


"Alright." Matt said as he looked around.


When Alex got to the lobby, he noticed that Karizo was gone. He figured that he left before Alex had awoke, so, Alex headed to the cafeteria to get some food. He grabbed two apples and put a small bread roll in a plastic bag, before putting every thing in his backpack.


"What about that little place there?" Jake asked, pointing to a small shack that seemed to be a reclusive pub. "Seems like only a couple guys are in there, drinking..." 'Which means the food probably sucks, though...'