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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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"Come on, Zarani!" Harver called out. "Give back the gem, and we can end this without a fight. You're clearly outnumbered. Or do you really want more chaos to ensue?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.

Max Headroom

"I'll keep my hook in until we take care of the gem situation."


"You suck," said Venice. "The gems are hardly worth the trouble."

Max Headroom

"Once they are eliminated, of course."


(( Wow, perfect timing. ))

Solon used the Cloud Gem's speed to catch up to Zarani, forgetting their previous plan. "Zarani, hand over the gem," Solon growled. He eyed how far up they were cautiously before turning back to face Zarani, his sword in hand.


"Dammit, Solon," Harver muttered, running after him.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Solon glanced over the building to see Harver coming towards him. Good, maybe we can ambush him, Solon thought.


Harver ran into the building, casting "Time" yet again. After running up a flight of stairs and emerging at the roof with blood slightly pouring down his lip, he let time resume. "Zarani, please. I'm just about through with all of this."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.

Flying Chickens

Zarani merely laughed. "Sorry, mate, but this'll fetch a good price." He grinned and stepped backwards, falling off the building but catching himself in midair with his silk belt, hanging over the streets. He dropped down and sprinted away, shooting a barrel full of gunpowder which exploded, breaking the door and blocking the way out.


"And it will get the whole world killed, stupid!" Jas yells, running after Zarani. Kei follows closely behind.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Solon glanced over at Harver, taking out his grappling hook. He put the hook on the side of the building and began sliding down the rope, feeding it out to himself. "C'mon Harver!" Solon beckoned. "Just don't step on my face on the way down!"


Harver nodded and began sliding down the rope after Solon. Just don't fall, Solon... I hope we broke that trend.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Solon made it down with minor rope burn. Which he cured by blowing on his hands and rubbing them softly against his jeans. He then waited for Harver to make it down.


Harver made it down a few seconds after Solon. Phew. Glad he didn't die. "Shall we give chase?" He asked aloud.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Solon reeled in his grappling hook and nodded. "Yeah, let's kick some blood pirate ass!"