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Tail's Adventure: New Life

Started by OmegaMasterDeath, May 27, 2008, 08:20:33 PM

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{Yes I did this on another board, but this will be slightly different as I want this to actually flow in a way that is believable and not go out in left field like some of my earlier fanfics (meaning there might be long times between chapters)}

{This fanfic uses Capcom and Sega Characters. All rights reserved}

Chapter 1: New Day, New Life

Tails walks through the woods near his home and lab. It had been a while since he had a nice walk all by himself. As he walked, he reflected on past adventures with his friend Sonic. He stopped to take in a deep breath of fresh air. His adventured took him to several of Dr. Eggman's bases where the air was somewhat polluted and make Tails cough and choke on the toxins of the air. He closed his eyes and let his other senses embrace the peace and tranquility.

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver were at the local race track killing time trying to best each other in various racing games. Amy was there as the time keeper as well as the person who operated the starting pistol. She deliberately penalized Sonic from time to time getting on his nerves while making the others laugh.

Knuckles was on Angel Island protecting the Master Emerald. It was his destiny to do so. His ancestors did terrible things in the past and he had to guard it to atone for their sins, as well as to make sure nobody repeated their mistake. Rouge gave him trouble from time to time, but Tails thought that it was because she had a crush on Knuckles. She sometimes called him 'Knuckie'. Whether that was to annoy him or not was open to interpretation.

Tails walked to his favorite spot and lay down facing the sky.It was a small hill near a crisp clean river. He watched the clouds slowly pass in the sunny sky. No rain today. He watched the birds fly by. He followed a butterfly with his eyes as it zoomed past his eyes and startled him. He chuckled for a bit. Then his eyes got fixed on something near the river.

It was a small human woman. She was face down and crawling slowly away from the river. Her short, orange hair was all over the place. Her black dress was torn in several locations. She rolled onto her back face up. She looked like she had seen better days. Her eyes were closed. She was holding a bundled blanket. She was not bleeding externally, but her condition seemed pretty bad.

Tails jumped up and rushed to her aid. "You alright?" Tails took her into his arms as she passed out. He shook her a few times, but could not wake her. She was still alive, but barely. Tails used fallen branches, vines, and tree bark to make a sled and put the woman on it. He carefully put the bundled blanket beside her and took her to his home. He then carefully tucked her into a bed in the guest room. "There. You are safe now." He breathed a sigh of relief. He then carefully opened the blanket.

He jumped in shock. He dashed into one of the smaller rooms he used for storage and put all of it in another room post haste. He then make some metal furniture with soft pillows. He then took the blanket along with what the blanket held and carefully put them in one of the odd shaped pieces of furniture. He then bolted to the store after locking the front door. He dashed past a confused Rouge.

She blinked a few times, then walked to an oped window and peeked in. She saw what Tails had made and was not pleased. She made a call through her cell phone and asked for a few things that made the person on the other end question her motives. The man's remarks made her very angry. "Do you want me to report you for the incident earlier today?" That blackmail-line got her what she wanted within 5 minutes. She then hopped inside and unlocked the front door. The men she called in bolted into the room she directed them to. She took the blanket and what it contained into her arms. She brushed part of the blanket aside.

Tails bolted through the nearest store so fast that he left a trail of fire in his wake. Sonic, Silver, and Shadow, taking a break from racing games, were shopping and they saw a blur of orange zoom past them. Tails went down only one aisle and out the front door throwing a good amount of money at the cash register clerk yelling, "Keep the change."

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver looked on while looking at each other dumbfounded.

Sonic asked, "Was that Tails?"

Shadow said, "I don't..." He then realized that his left foot was on fire. "KnooOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!" Shadow did the hotfoot dance for a few minutes while the Sonic laughed.

Silver, not amused, shook his head. "Let's find out."

The three hedgehogs dashed off. The store manager and the cash register clerk went through the security tape in slow motion to make sure Tails actually paid enough for what he hastily bought. Their final conclusion was that Tails paid the exact amount for what he bought.

Tails made it back to see Rouge there. He bolted past her and put the stuff away. He didn't even notice her because he was going so fast. He went into the room he made in haste and saw what was done. He stood there in shock for a moment.

Rouge walked past him slapping him upside the head. She held what the blanket once held, a small baby human boy. She placed him in the crib and swaddled him in tightly, but gently. She then walked over to him. "Have you lost your mind?"

Tails looked at her in angry confusion. "ME?! What about you? Tresspassing in my house? How'd you get in?"

She pointed to the window. "It was open you fool!" She slapped him upside the head yet again. "You do know it is illegal to leave a child alone, right?"

"My machines would have taken care of the child while I was gone." He shoved today's newspaper to reveal that he was telling the truth.

"Did you set the machines to do so?"

"Yes. It is always on. I just had to get a few things to keep it running."

Sonic interrupted. "Tails. Where'd you get the baby from anyway?"

Tails gulped. Both looked over at the crib. Silver held the child while Sonic and Shadow looked at Tails with angry eyes.

Meanwhile, Chaotix Detective Agency got a new customer while Vector was outside. The window was open to let fresh air in. Espio was getting ready to sign the contract. Charmy was asleep in another room. The customer was well dressed in a light brown business suit. He had amber skin and gray hair. Vector didn't like him. "No deal."

The man turned to Vector and asked, "Is that all you have to say?"

"Yes it is. If you don't like it..." Vector then stuck his tongue out at the man. His tongue went through the open window. The next thing he knew, the customer slammed the window sill onto his tongue and locked it shut. Vector screamed in pain.

Espio shook his head and tried not to bust out laughing. Espio then renegotiated the contract and got the job.

The man walked away saying, "At least you know good business when you see it Espio."

Espio replied, "Urien, it is my job to know good business from bad business."


Chapter 2: More Problems

Tails went to answer Sonic's question when Silver interrupted. "Where's the mother of this child?"

Shadow looked at Tails even more angrily. The scenario before him was not looking good. Shadow heard enough and exploded with words of anger and frustration. "Did you just abandon the mother!? Did you kidnap this child?! What ransom are you expecting?!"

He had other question, but the negative energy from his words made the child react. He screamed at the top of his lungs. The screams overpowered Shadow's questions and forced them to be silent. Rouge and Silver tried to calm the baby down. They had no idea what was going on. In his anger, Shadow demanded that the child be silenced. Rouge slapped Shadow so hard that he fell to the floor. Shadow looked up at her in shock. She took a few deep breaths and calmly to Shadow to stay quiet. It wasn't long after that before the baby stopped crying and went back to sleep.

Sonic, who was on the floor with his ears covered while the baby screamed, got up and looked around. The baby's screams were so loud that the windows were shattered, literally speaking. They looked around the house and found everything made of glass was the same way. Everyone looked at the baby and shook nervously. The automated home repairs robots that Tails made took care of all the broken glass and replaced everything with a strong plastic to avoid future incidents.

Silver gulped. His thoughts raced with what just happened. The biggest question running through Silver's head was, "This baby looks human, it human?" He went into one of the guest rooms and found the person he was looking for. He breathed a sigh of relief. "Hey guys."

The others went over to Silver's location and he pointed to the bed and its occupant. Shadow went to unload on Tails again, but Sonic stopped him. "Shadow, need I remind you that Dr. Eggman destroyed several hospitals and the one left standing are overflowing with victims?"

Shadow grunted and cringed from the reminder of the last adventure against Dr. Eggman a few weeks ago. He then remembered that the all the money that the races were going to make were to go to the rebuilding of those hospitals and build new ones for those that can't be rebuilt. He then remembered that the races were about to start again in a few minutes. He reminded the other hedgehogs about that fact. Sonic jumped in shock. He had completely forgotten about the races. Silver carefully gave the baby back to Tails. The hedgehogs left telling Tails that they'd be back.

Rouge, meanwhile, was just leaving through the back door when she got a call. It was her boss. He ordered her to stay with the child. Another agent was going to go after the Master Emerald. She tried to get out of the assignment, but was unable to. She hissed as her boss hung up. She went back in. She saw Tails and slapped him upside the head. "Come on boy, we got work to do."


Chapter 3: Aftermath

The hospital was located in the city of London. A small one, but up to the task it had to bear. Several survivors of an incident in Thailand had been taken there. The hospital officials were ordered to keep things hush-hush. The government told them nothing about what happened as it was all classified. A few well known Street Fighters were taken there, including The Muay Thai Emperor himself, Sagat. Even the roaming legend Ryu was a patient at the hospital. The others, were people nobody had ever heard of. They had been there for a couple of days. Some of the patients never made it. Others, like Sagat and Ryu, were able to be saved.

Ryu had recovered very fast. He put on his trademark cut sleeve Gi and his red bandanna. He hid the cast on his lower left leg under the Gi. He sat in the bed and took several deep breaths. His crutches were nearby but he felt like he didn't need them. His back brace made him feel uncomfortable, but he managed to breath through the discomfort. He stood up, took another deep breath with his eyes closed, then opened his eyes. He took one step with the left leg and all was good. When he tried to take a step with his right leg, his left leg could not support his weight. "Oh crap!" ran through his mind. He started to fall forward as a nurse came in. He crashed onto the floor before she could react. His face slammed nose first into the floor. "Ow."

The nurse jumped in shock. Once the shock subsided, she helped Ryu back into the bed. "My my. Mr. Ryu, there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. You'll never get better if you keep this up."

Ryu was in too much pain to thank her properly, but the nurse understood his condition. "Please. I need to see Sagat. There's something I need to know."

The nurse nodded. She handed him the crutches. Ryu got up and, with the crutches, walked to the intensive care room Sagat was put into after his operations. Sagat looked like he had seen better days. Over three fourths of his body was scorched. He was going to survive, but it was going to take a few years before he could get back to his usual training. The nurse told Ryu to make it quick as Sagat had to go for another operation in about twenty minutes. She then left.

Sagat knew Ryu was there, but was unable to turn to his rival. "Ryu." His voice was weaker then usual, but he could still speak as if he was not crippled.

"Sagat. You did not take the shot when you had the chance. I was vulnerable, and you did not capitalize. Why?"

Sagat laughed as best as he could. "You were blinded by that light that my back was to. That light stole from me the honor and victory I hoped to achieve. That light robbed me of my glory. I could not tolerate it. To come so close...and to be cheated. I went to confront the ***** who did this to me. Look at me now. I'd rather be like this, than to take a hollow victory from our fight."

Ryu nodded in admiration. "The blast that happened afterwards knocked me down several meters. My back and leg are not what they used to be. I'll be fine and ready when you are."

Sagat grunted in respect. "As will I. Please leave. The quacks need to operate on me again."

Ryu nodded. "Farewell." He got up and, with his crutches, went to the door. He stopped once he got there and looked back. "Until we meet again on the battlefield, stay strong and stay alive."

Sagat forced a smile. "You to."

Ryu then went back to his hospital room.

Meanwhile, in the other world, Dr. Eggman had sent Metal Sonic hunting for the Master Emerald. He hoped to steal it while Knuckles slept that night. It was now mid-day and Metal Sonic had not reported back. "What is taking so long?" he thought. This was unlike Metal Sonic. Then he got a response.

Metal Sonic reported in. "Master, I found the Master Emerald. It appears Knuckles disguised it as a small child." It then replayed the data it had. The scream the child made earlier that day forced the automated shut down safety measure to activate. The scream Dr. Eggman heard made him completely deaf. Forget about being hearing impaired, he was, for a few moments, deaf. He could not hear a thing at all, unlike those who were hearing impaired. Not only that, but he looked through a satellite feed and saw the Master Emerald still on Angel Island. That meant that the child was not the Master Emerald. The child was not his concern.

Once he got his hearing back, he scolded Metal Sonic and told him to get to the Master Emerald post haste. Metal Sonic left for Angel Island and cut the transmission. Dr. Eggman knew that kidnapping a child would mean all bets were off.

Knuckles had his hands full trying to keep this new creep from stealing the Master Emerald. He then saw Metal Sonic flying at a high rate of speed his way. He grabbed the creep, spun like a top and threw the creep into Metal Sonic. Metal Sonic, and the creep went flying into the ocean below. He brushed his hands together "That takes care of that." He then looked over his shoulder to see another hooligan in a trenchcoat trying to take a golden axe to the Master Emerald as if trying to destroy it. "You do realize that if you destroy the Master Emerald, that the monster inside of it will not be destroyed along with it."

The remark forced the hooligan to stop the axe before it could touch the Master Emerald. "That fool lied to me." The hooligan vanished.

Knuckles rolled his eyes. "Typical." He then went back to what he was doing before the creep attacked him, eating lunch.


Chapter 4: Housekeeping

While the Hedgehogs were finishing up what races for charity they had left, Rouge had her hands full keeping Tails in line. He knew, through babysitting experience how to take care of a baby, however, his methods did not justify the means.

One such incident happened a few moments after Sonic, Shadow, and Silver left. She was fixing dinner for Tails, the unconscious woman, and herself when she heard laughter. The baby and Tails were laughing very loudly. She also heard some sort of buzzing sound with the laughter. That got her suspicious.

She went into the nursery to check on them. She opened the door. "Tails, what's..." Shat she saw made her heart jump in shock and fear. She jumped in shock. Her eyes widened as far as they could go. "...AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Tails was performing various aerial maneuvers with the baby in his arms. Although both looked like they were having a good time, the fear of him dropping the baby consumed Rouge. When he flew low on a loop-de-loop, she snatched the child from his arms. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!"

Tails landed dumbfounded. He had no idea what was going on. "What?"

Rouge jumped up and down with the baby in her arms. "What do you mean 'what'? Don't you know that you could have dropped the child with all those circus stunts? Do you really think the public wold forgive you if you hurt this child?"

Tails then revealed his gloves. Several broken locking devices were all over the inside of his gloves. Rouge looked at the baby and saw several similar ones on the blanket the child was in as well as one making sure the blanket would not unfold at any time. Rouge blushed with embarassment. He had everything under control and she was oblivious to it. She soon left and went back to cooking.

After dinner, Tails went into the guest room while Rouge put the baby down for a long nap. Tails noticed one very wierd orod coming from the woman and decided to do something about it. It took him a while, but he drew a nice hot bubble bath for the woman. He then carried the woman into the bathroom so he could wash her himself. Rouge went looking for Tails and found out what he was trying to do. She saw him carrying her and intercepted him. She literally threw him out of the room and shut the door behind her. She locked the door. She turned around to see that the woman had somehow moved into the bathroom.

The woman was standing up now and looking at herself in the mirror. The woman washed her face with the water from the sink. After a bit of staring, the woman turned around. By now, Rouge was at the doorway looking in. The woman saw Rouge and screamed. Rouge screamed as well. The woman stepped backwards and tripped on the side of the tub. She fell into the soapy bath water. She sat up and rubbed her head. She looked at her hand to see if there was any blood considering she hit her head on the interior side of the tub. No blood. She turned around and saw the inside interior was lined with cushions to prevent injury.

Rouge slammed the door shut. "Trust me, you need the bath." She tunred to see if Tails had picked the lock. Lucky for her, he did not.

Tails, meanwhile, was talking to Sonic, who had arrived a moment ago. Sonic was boasting about his victories. Shadow was there and reminded Sonic that he did not win all the races. Silver took a few victories, but did not brag about them. Shadow took home several wins himself. They all heard the woman scream and the splash.

Sonic looked at Tails. "Sounds like she's awake."

Tails nodded.

Shadow grunted. "Finally. Time to get some answers."

The woman then slipped some colored paper under the door. She asked for Rouge to get her some new clothes. She whispered her dress size through embarassment. Rouge looked at the colored paper. It seemed to be currency of where the woman was from. Too bad this currency was no good at the stores around here. They only accepted Golden Rings. Rouge left through the window to get some rings and clothing for the woman. The woman locked the door so nobody could get in.

Shadow, Sonic and Tails went into the guest room to find the woman. Silver stayed back to check on the child. Shadow went to open the door to discover that it was locked.

Tails slapped him upside the head. "Are you nuts? She's taking a bath."

Shadow glared at him evily and asked, "Your point?"

Sonic looked at Tails. "And I thought you needed people skills." He then looked over at Shadow. "Dude, you know that you are not supposed to enter a bathroom while..."

Shadow got into Sonic's face and cut him off. "She is not taking a bath."

The woman heard the conversation outside. She then splashed the water around for a bit and started humming a lovely tune. This prompted Sonic and Tails to shoot Shadow a 'you were saying?' look. Shadow could only blush in embarassment. The men then left the room. The woman breathed a sigh of relief.


Don't you mean Tails' Adventure?


Yes, I did. Thank you for pointing that out. Out of sheer curiosity, how do you edit the topic's header?