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Mario Bros. Military: The Revival

Started by MarioGamer, September 23, 2007, 10:18:58 PM

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Shiz watched in his mind's eye as more and more energy signatures appeared. He backed off from Pax as he noticed another attack from his original opponent. "Dammit! They're multiplying like flies!" He scowled and his annoyance turned his face into a dark angry frown. "I'm going to have to take them out one at a time."

(Okay. This next part is gonna sound a bit godmoddish, but it's purposefully so. Since Shiz is a villain, his defeat is assured. So, to increase to level of drama, tension, etc. I am going to give him one attack to cause the gang to realize their need to unite. Everyone will take one hit, and please just accept the hit since it'll be of little importance since it won't do any significant damage. Thank you. :)  )

"Or perhaps not." He smirked and his fangs seemed to leak black blood. He snapped his fingers and the field was cleared of all previous enchantments, except for his field changing one. He snapped again and millions of black fireballs appeared in a flash. He closed his eyes and locked onto his targets with his mind's eye once again. A section of the fireballs each zoomed at the victims. However, due to the amount of targets he lost some focus and each target was hit with only a few fireballs, but enough for them to feel the pain. "Blast! It's been too long. I'm badly out of practice. " He grew angered with himself and began to yell curses at his own presence. " FINE! I'll take care of this." He rose up above the field and stopped at about 100 feet off the ground. He outstretched his arms and the darkness all around began to draw near him. It wrapped around his arms in dark tendrils and it continued to gather, leaving time for the others to speak.

(Okay.  Just to repeat. I know this paragraph basically breaks the rule of godmodding but I MEANT it to. I need someway to get you all to join forces and finish Shiz off. The best way I could think of is to hit you with enough pain to snap you into the realization that teamwork may be the only hope. Thank you for your cooperation. Shizure.
Creator of The Brotherhood of Zeranthia. Join the fight! Pm me for link.


Trilo felt some pain as the attack hit, but it was not overwhelming. He knew they all had to work together. He called to the others to help out and prayed that they heard.


I see the fireballs, but before i can react they hit me. "your getting rusty you know-fire against so many who can use it themselves? ok everyone this is our chance. we need to take him down now!"

Savage Syn

Name: JS
Race: Human
Age: Unknown. More than 20 but less than 30.
Basic Abilities: Can control electricity and green fire like his Hero, Luigi. Also excellent with a hammer.
Brief Bio: A follower of Luigi, JS has trained to be like him and decided to join an offspring of MarioBros genius.

Former Hero of Time
Liberty City Hardcore, Liberty City Hardcore, Liberty City Hardore. F*** You!


The small stuffed monkey blinked as a fireball struck his shoulder, flaring up, finally sinking into his body, as he let out a small laugh.

Sage of Fire had its benefits...

He blinked, noticing his small briefcase by his feet. He didn't realize he'd brought it along, but oh what the hell, this was a job, best to dress like it. He kicked open a few locks on the briefcase, and pulled from inside a pinstripe black suit, with matching slacks. He quickly slipped in to them, pulling out a fedora, and a smexy red tie, which he quickly put on.

He grinned as best as a stuffed monkey could, and looked toward the base. He turned his whole body to face it now, and let out a few squeaks, before slowly walking forwards.

Step.  By Step. By Step. By Step.

If nothing got in his way, this job would be over quickly, and easily...But not much excitement would come from it.


Sorry to all for my long leave of absence.  School has got me pretty busy x_X. If you want to RP me personally, doing so during the weekends, on a tuesday, or a thursday would be best.  Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I'm gonna be pretty much busy.

Also, welcome to the Mario Bros. Military JS! 

MarioGamer noticed that a few of his powers had been locked by Shiz, however, he remained in his Super Saiyan 2 state.  "Hm.. that technique of his appears to lock energy abilities.  Yet he seems to have forgotten about genetically inherited abilities, such as my Saiyan Strength," MarioGamer thought to himself.  MarioGamer immediately noticed the fireballs coming at him.  He jumped back out of the way of a few and managed to deflect a few of the fireballs back at Shiz.  However, he still took some damage from the fireballs do to the number of them. 

"Dang it, too many, gotta do something fast."  MarioGamer soon noticed the dark energy surrounding him.  He looked a bit confused, then he thought of something important. 

"Wait, Shiz blocked out only enchantments and spells, meaning only ki and spiritual energy based attacks are blocked.  Which means he's now wide open to weaponry!  Since my body and soul are now bonded with Soul Calibur...I wonder if I can bind the blades properties with any weapon now." 

MarioGamer reached into his jacket and took out a grenade.  The darkness began to surround him, then a brilliant light could be seen shining out from the darkness.  MarioGamer put his Soul Calibur energy into a small grenade.  It worked, the grenades energy was now empowered by that of the heroes of past.  MarioGamer threw the grenade through the darkness on a direct path to Shiz.  The grenade exploded near shiz, releasing the pure energy of the heroes.  Their spirits then entered shiz's own body, trying to bring him back to his good self, Shizure.

"Hang in there Shizure," MarioGamer said in a low voice.  Just then, something else caught his attention.  Through the darkness that Shiz was casting, MarioGamer could sense another power level.  It was faint, but it was there.  He turned his attention to the direction Rez was waiting.  He narrowed his eyes a bit, this energy felt hostile.  Then, he could sense a second energy coming from within the base itself.  This one was much fainter, the only reason he was able to sense it in the first place was because of how much dark energy surrounded MarioGamer at the time.  This one was a bit different and stood out. 

MarioGamer pulled out of the dark energy as Shiz fought with the spirits that were trying to turn him back to his old self.  He flew into the air a few feet and began to scan the area for any signs of change. 


Rez chuckled, as he continued to walk towards the military base before him. With clear intentions of malice, he stopped, a large amount of distance still between him and the base.

He blinked for a moment, before reaching in to his pockets and pulling from them a small shovel, and a seed. He bent down, and dug a very small hole, dropping the seed in, and covering it. He smiled happily, as he bent a hand over the buried seed, and a few drops of water began to leak from his hands, being devoured by the hungry seed.

He took a quick step back, as the ground below him began to rumble....The tremor would be felt for miles, it's power have a huge range, however not much destructive force. He yawned then, as up from the ground sprouted a massive tree, some six hundred feet in height.

He smiled happily, poking the tree a few times, as another great rumbling occurred, and within a few more moments, flowers, and grass began sprouting all around the vicinity, in a giant radius, spreading to and fro.

Rez would take deep breath then, and grin, staring at the base, allowing only a few more moments before he would actually begin his attack.

Sorry, edited the size.


MarioGamer watched as the massive tree sprouted up from the ground.  He stared for a brief moment, the energy signal he had felt before was relatively close to the tree. 

"Great.."  MarioGamer moaned.  He looked back at Shiz, who was still battling with pax and the Soul Calibur spirits.  MarioGamer looked to be in deep thought for a moment.  He breathed in and in the blink of an eye, MarioGamer left Super Saiyan 2 and returned to his normal form.  MarioGamer then began to punch some buttons on his gloves.  At that moment, the MG cap returned to MarioGamers head. 

"Shadow, JS, Zan, Stay here with Shiz and await my command.  I may need you guys later," MarioGamer said as he spoke into his communicator.  "Zan is in charge of the situation here until I return.  Trilo, I need you to follow me and provide any cover should I need it.  Trilo, do not engage any enemy until I give my say so or if you need to act out of defense." 

MarioGamer then rocketed through the air towards the site of large tree.  He could sense his friends behind him and his new enemy in front of him. 


Rez's ears twitched quite clearly hearing the sound of something speeding through the air. He grinned, knowing he wouldn't just get to knock down some walls. Good, he'd rather it this way.

Looking up, he hopped onto the tree, running directly up it at breakneck speeds, until finally reaching the massive top, and planting himself on an outstretched branch.

He laughed to himself as he picked a small apple from the tree and quickly ate it, smiling as best as a  stuffed monkey could. He knew the fun would start soon.

As soon as he finished the apple, his left arm began to glow a dim purple, as a few of his ribbons of purple energy began to wrap around it.


MarioGamer stopped just a few feet away from the tree.  He starred at Rez, who had just finished the apple. 

"Geez, look at this thing," MarioGamer said with a laugh, staring at the tree.  "Yeah, thats one heck of a weed problem right there, Zan isn't gonna like it when I make him burn this thing down."  MarioGamers face then became more serious.  He looked at Rez directly in the eyes and began to speak once again.  "Tell me something, why did you come.  Don't tell me you came all this way just to improve the scenery." 

As MarioGamer spoke, his hands would lock into fists.  He continued to stare at Rez, awaiting a response from opponent. 


Quote from: MarioGamer on October 11, 2007, 04:16:23 PM
MarioGamer watched as the massive tree sprouted up from the ground.  He stared for a brief moment, the energy signal he had felt before was relatively close to the tree. 

"Great.."  MarioGamer moaned.  He looked back at Shiz, who was still battling with pax and the Soul Calibur spirits.  MarioGamer looked to be in deep thought for a moment.  He breathed in and in the blink of an eye, MarioGamer left Super Saiyan 2 and returned to his normal form.  MarioGamer then began to punch some buttons on his gloves.  At that moment, the MG cap returned to MarioGamers head. 

"Shadow, JS, Zan, Stay here with Shiz and await my command.  I may need you guys later," MarioGamer said as he spoke into his communicator.  "Zan is in charge of the situation here until I return.  Trilo, I need you to follow me and provide any cover should I need it.  Trilo, do not engage any enemy until I give my say so or if you need to act out of defense." 

MarioGamer then rocketed through the air towards the site of large tree.  He could sense his friends behind him and his new enemy in front of him. 

"Yes, sir," responded Trilo. He quickly created a light barrier around himself for protection and followed him, staying a few yards back, incase of attack. He saw the big tree, but did not inspect it too much so as to follow his orders.


Rez sighed. He needed to talk to this man, however speaking wasn't exactly for those living stuffed animals of the world. Without another sound, he swiftly dropped to the ground, a small branch near the bottom reaching out as if to catch his fall.

From his pocket, he drew five small purple orbs. Quickly tossing them on the ground, he stood in the center of the quickly arranging symbol. The five were placed around him perfectly. Rez quickly jumped upwards, and as he did so, a bolt of light struck him seemingly from nowhere. Going through his body, and touching each of the orbs, the light turned into a massive pillar of light shining brighter than most stars for only a brief second, as it began to die down quickly. When the light finally faded, in the center stood a boy.

The boy looked to be about seventeen, or eighteen, and had long blonde hair pouring down over his piercing blue eyes. A happy smile on his face, he scratched his chest, half covered by a white, button-down t-shirt left undone. He wore baggy jeans, with a small hole on the right knee. Coming out of the back of his jeans was a tail resembling that of a monkey. From his back, protruded two large wings, folded up to reduce their size at the current time. And then his left arm. At the shoulder, it was a newly attached arm. A metallic arm, made if pure orichalcum. The arm had a dark red glow to it showing that the metal was real, and not a false imitation.

He sighed, looking at the man who spoke to him.

"First off, I wouldn't try burning, nor chopping it down, it won't turn out well, please take my word for it...And second..."

He grinned, and almost laughed.

"What if I did only come to improve the scenery? Just perhaps...Not in the way you'd like it to be done...Not all yard services do a good job, eh?"


MarioGamer laughed a bit and took out his visor and set it across his eyes.  The visor began to feed back information into MarioGamers computer and targeting systems.  He then spoke once again.  "An opponent with a sense of humor, its been a while since I fought someone like you."  MarioGamer looked at the young man for a moment.  He appeared to be the same age as MarioGamer.  Two large wings and.. a tail?  For a moment, MarioGamer thought he was talking to a person with saiyan blood.  He then shook off  that thought, the chances of that being true were very slim. 

"Well, I guess I better cut the conversation off here.  You came to fight, right?  Well, then lets go!"  MarioGamer quickly reached into his jacket and took out a small, metallic orb.  He then through towards Rez.  Half way between Rez and MarioGamer, the orb stopped and began to spin wildly in place, still floating in mid air.  MarioGamer concentrated his ki energy and vanished to above the tree.  He then began to concentrate his energy.


Trilo was watching from a safe distance. He wondered what the orb, but he knew that it would play an important role in the coming battle. He detected massive energy signals emanating from the two adversaries and quickly strengthened his defenses.


Rez, never one to rush things stood perfectly still, observing the orb, not speaking a single word, making a single movement, or even blinking.

Finally, after what seemed like a while, he reached into his pants pocket, and looked directly upward at the exact spot MG's energy signature would be radiating from. His glance would be a piercing one, telling whomever looked at his eyes that regardless of his warm, kind heart, and looks, there were times he had to do things, and this was one...He meant business.

Out from his pocket, Rez pulled a small pair of glasses, which he silently slipped on to his face, pressing them with his middle finger gently against the bridge of his nose. The small, round glasses had a yellow tint to them, and each lens was roughly the size of the top of a pringles can.

He smiled now, as his left arm began glowing with a bright purple, ever so gently.
