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Avatar: The Last Airbender

Started by JrDude, July 18, 2008, 07:13:22 PM

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Quote from: RevolutionSoldier on July 19, 2008, 07:25:28 PM
Quote from: JrDude on July 19, 2008, 07:15:49 PM
Quote from: LightningSword on July 19, 2008, 07:14:01 PM
Quote from: Fish on July 19, 2008, 07:09:25 PM
I liked the ending. [spoiler]It was slightly too perfect how the turtle thing was there, but eh. The prison cell scene kinda makes you think they'll set up another book or a few more episodes. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Even though it clearly said "The End"? I'm hoping there will be another book or two, but part of me think Nick is too lazy; they might have just put that scene there to open possibilities for fanfic writers. <_<[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Remember, there were books Water, Earth, and Fire. There is no book Air, so it could happen, but they would likely be fillers/non-avatar related[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Other than Ang all the air monks are dead so there can't be an air chapter and even if there is the struggle is over so what would they put?[/spoiler]
[spoiler] Most of the Water book had nothing to do with Water Bending, especially at the begining. The Earth book had almost everything to do with Earth Bending... And the Fire book's first half had nothing to do with Fire Bending, though they were in the Fire Nation the whole time... But maybe it could be a few years later, Katara and Aang now have a baby and it just HAPPENS to be an Air bender?[/spoiler]
Dude .

Gwen Khan

[spoiler]what happened to the earth King, Hawky, Longshot, Smellbe, and a bunch of other people?[/spoiler]


spoiler breaker

I stopped watching a while back, but from the bits and pieces I've seen, it was one of the best shows on Nick.
[21:51]   <Smashin>   No one likes a sad fat kid.
[21:51]   Mystic has left #nsider (Leaving.)


[spoiler]It was a decent enough ending...kinda lame though that he doesn't finish the job but oh well. It's on a kids network so I shoudl've expected as much. It was nice to at least give Aang the problem of having to kill someone. Usually with kids networks they don't go even near the subject. What hte hell was with the turlte thing? They didn't explain that at all X_X;;
I was so happy when Azula went completely nutso. I think they were trying to copy the shining or something. It was kinda funny. I also lol at the ever popular "I'm going to attack conviently located in middle of battleground friend/love interest!" That was kinda lame but oh well. Kinda disappointed Toph didn't really do anything...but oh well. Somehow I knew she'd get the short end of the schtick. [/spoiler]
Hooray spoiler boxes!


I really don't like the show, never have.  I watched one episode in the first season.  I viewed it as a dub to a second-rate shonen.  In other words, crap.
"I lovat a gabber.  I could listen to maure and moravar again.  Regn onder river.  Flies do your float.  Thick is the life for mere." - James Joyce (Finnegans Wake, page 213)


Truth is, that was the last ever original show I watched on that channel. If you ask me, that show was the only thing keeping me from disowning that channel. It was seriously that good. I've watched it since it was first on, and I must say, excellent finale to an excellent show, but it's really sad that it's over. Best. Modern. Non-anime. Cartoon. Ever.

Funny thing is, I've had this Avatar avatar ever since I signed up.


It was an okay shownwith a good, long run. Probably one of he netter shows on Nick.

Although the ending was kinda predictable. But still gotta love Azula the Cutthroat Bitch.