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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Fanfiction)

Started by Retronintendodude7, September 25, 2007, 08:20:18 PM

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This is probably the fastest update I've had so far. I'm almost back to where I originally left off back at oldsider, so the updates should be more often now. :)

Chapter 9: Lords and Swords

Retro walked up a set of wooden stairs to get to the second floor of the lounge. Every step that he took created a loud creaking noise behind him. When Retro got to the second floor, he saw Retro and Sonic talking to each other beside a Star Trek pinball machine. They looked over at Retro and he started to walk over to them.

"Retro, can I talk to you for a sec?? Retro asked his friend.

One of the hedgehogs turned around to face Retro. He was about as tall as Retro, with red spines on his body and head. He had dark green eyes and a lime green torso. The hedgehog crossed his arms.
?Sure. What?s up?? He replied, tapping his brown shoes on the floor while he was waiting for a response.

?A few people are going to look around the basement at ten o?clock tonight. Do you want to come?? Retro questioned.

The hedgehog nodded his head, ?Sure, I?ll be there. Is Mage coming?? he wondered.

Retro put his hand behind his head, ?No, he didn?t want to?? he trailed off. ?So you?re cool for tonight?? asked again.

?Yup.? Retro repeated as he started to walk back towards Sonic.

The sky outside was tuning darker and darker each minute. The darkest part of the sky seemed to hover above the coliseum. A flag with a peculiar circle sown onto it was waving wildly because of the strong wind.

A tall man with blue hair and a long, red cape was standing outside of the coliseum stabbing the air with a shining sword. He threw his weapon in the air and caught it before it reached the ground.

?Are you Ike?? A light voice called from behind him.

The lord turned around to see a man standing in the shadows. A piece of red hair was standing out of the shadows.

?Yeah, who are you?? Ike asked the mysterious figure.

?Roy.? The man answered as he extended his hand, which was covered by a purplish-blue fingerless glove.

Ike slowly shook Roy?s hand. ?What do you want with me?? he inquired.
?You?re facing Marth next, right?? he responded as he put his hand back in the shadows. Ike nodded his head and Roy chuckled, ?Marth?s bark is a lot worse than his bite. He will do things to mess with your mind, so ignore anything he does. ?

Ike looked at Roy, confused. ?Why are you telling me this?? he wondered out loud.

Roy laughed, ?I just want Marth to get what?s coming to him.?

Ike opened his mouth to respond, but a loud voice interrupted him.

?Versus?Ike!? it yelled, making Ike turn his head towards the coliseum.

The lord looked back at where Roy was, but he was gone. Ike darted inside the coliseum to make his entrance.

?Marth?? Roy muttered as he started to walk towards a red building. ?You?ll pay for humiliating me in the quarter-finals all of those years ago??

Toaster grabbed a long black cable and attached one end to R.O.B?s head. The other end was attached to one of the many computers in the room they were in. The toad pressed a few buttons on the computer and a loud dial tone was heard across the room.

?God, I hate that noise.? Sylux complained as he leaned against the door.

R.O.B?s eyes began to glow a blood red. ?For those seeking to revive the Master and his Counterpart, you must have the souls of three heroes whose hearts are pure. Their descriptions will be given to you when they are...? The robot finished as he started to shake.

?Are what?? Toaster yelled out as he hit his robotic transmitter.

R.O.B struggled to move his head while his eyes turned green, ?I hear it?s amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-Kiri Rock. I need scissors! Sixty-one!?

?Are you sure we can trust what are source is telling us?? Sylux asked, ignoring the robot having a Colonel Campbell episode. ?What if he?s wrong??

Toaster slowly turned towards his comrade, ?It depends on how wrong he is. What we revive could just be a little out of control, or we could bring the world?s destruction too fast. I need them back here to finish what they started.?

?Who are they?? The hunter asked.

The toad remained silent as he walked out of the door.

The inside of the coliseum had turned into an enormous battlefield. Ike and Marth were standing on both sides of a worn castle made of stone in the middle of the field.

?Are you ready?? A voice demanded as two golden platforms appeared beneath the warrior?s feet.

Ike?s cape and bandana were flying towards the right side of his body because of the wind. He pulled his sword from its sheath and grasped it with both hands.

Marth was dressed almost entirely in blue.  He had blue hair which was much lighter than Ike?s and a red and blue cape that looked brand new. Marth threw his hair back making girlish screams go throughout the battlefield. Marth smiled, showing his shining white teeth.

Ike rolled his eyes. ?He doesn?t seem too concerned with the fight?? he muttered under his breath. ?Wait?? The lord thought out loud as Roy?s words echoed in his head:

He will do things to mess with your mind, so ignore anything he does. 

?Maybe that?s what Roy was talking about?? he wondered.

?Three. Two. One. Go!!!? A voice yelled, breaking Ike?s train of thought.

The platforms beneath the fighter?s feet disappeared and let them fall to the ground. Ike stared at Marth on the other side of the castle; Marth was waiting for him to make a move.

Ike dashed towards his opponent with his sword held tightly in his hands. Ike swung his sword at the defenseless Marth.  There was a loud, metallic clang as Ike?s sword made contact with a quickly drawn blade. Marth?s sword was much thinner than Ike?s was.

Marth laughed, ?You have to be quicker than that to beat me.? There was a slight English accent in his voice.

Ike put all of his weight to push down on his sword. He was pushing with all of his might, but Marth was resisting with just one hand. Marth dropped his sword and made Ike fall. He then kicked Ike backwards, making him lose his grip on his sword.

Ike?s eyes were glued onto his sword as he got up. Both swords were only a few steps away from Marth and halfway across the castle for him.

Marth picked up both swords off of the ground. He threw his sword at Ike and kept Ike?s sword in his hand. Ike caught Marth?s sword and examined it.

?To be a true warrior, you must be able to use any kind of weapon under any circumstance.? Marth explained, his hair moving in the wind. ?That?s the only way you?ll be able to be as good as your father.?

Ike?s eyes grew wide. How does he know about my father? he wondered.

Marth chuckled after seeing Ike?s expression. ?I do research on my opponent before fighting them. The technology in this world isn?t just for show, you know.? Marth swung his new sword in the air, ?Let?s see how good you really are?.? He started.

Ike nodded and held onto his sword tightly. He could see his reflection in the sword, his sky blue eyes were staring back at him. Father, I will win this battle. For you?

Ike leapt towards Marth and swung his sword at him. Marth bent backwards and avoided the slash. Marth stood up straight and ran towards Ike. When he saw this, Ike thrust his sword forward to hit Marth, but he ducked. Marth put his foot behind Ike?s and tripped him. Ike fell to the ground as Marth jumped up.

Ike was about to get up from the ground when a familiar blade was put up against his throat. The lord looked up and saw Marth, smiling because he knew he had Ike cornered.

A pair of gloved hands slammed down on a nearby table as a voice shouted, ?No! Marth was supposed to lose!!?

Link looked towards the red headed man in front of the television. He was obviously angry by what he was watching.

The Hylian looked over at the imp floating beside him. Her orange hair was floating upwards as she crossed her tattooed arms, ?It?s none of your business, Link. Don?t get involved.? Midna said before Link asked her anything.

Link ignored his companion and walked over next to the red headed man. Midna rolled her eyes and followed Link.

The Hero of Twilight sat down next to the man watching TV. Link coughed so he would be acknowledged by the stranger, but all he got was a glance. The Hylian coughed again, even louder than before.

?What do you want?!?? The man yelled at Link, who was startled by the sudden outburst.

?I was just wondering what you were so mad about?.? Link answered quietly while moving a bit further away from the man.

The man said nothing and continued to watch the television. Link looked towards the screen and saw a man dressed in blue with his sword up against another man?s throat.

?Hey, I remember that guy. His name was?oh what was it? Mark?? Link asked himself. ?Oh well. I do remember he beat this one guy really badly last time?? he finished. The stranger glared at Link, making him confused. ?What?? The Hylian wondered.

?That guy was me!!? The man roared.

Link looked at the man awkwardly. ?Oh?boy, did you get your butt handed to you.? He chuckled. The man gritted his teeth and stormed out of the building. ?What was that about?? The Hylian wondered as Midna sighed.

Ike put his head on the castle?s hard roof. He wasn?t going to come this far just to give up. The lord kicked Marth?s sword in the air and jumped up. Marth jumped in the air to try and reach his sword, but Ike had beaten him to it.

Marth landed on one side of the castle and Ike landed on the other. Ike threw Marth?s sword back at him and stared, they were both gasping for air. Both warriors rushed towards each other, their swords held tightly in hand. A blinding light appeared in the sky and hurled a wooden crate towards the fighters.

Ike started to slash his sword towards Marth, who was ready to defend himself. The wooden crate fell in between the two fighters and took Ike?s blow. The crate exploded and sent both fighters flying.

There was wooden debris all over the castle and battlefield. Ike and Marth were both on the ground beside each other. They both lifted their heads and saw their swords at the edge of the castle, ready to fall off.

The warriors leapt in the air and dashed towards their weapons. Ike was running with all of his might, but Marth was slightly faster than he was. Ike pushed Marth out of the way and jumped at the swords. He caught both of them and pointed his sword towards Marth?s throat.

The light-blue haired warrior smiled, ?You?ve obviously proven yourself as a good warrior. Very well, I give up?? he said calmly as he raised both of his hands to surrender.

Ike looked at Marth, confused. ?You?re?giving up? After all of this, you just surrender?? The lord asked, flabbergasted.

Marth laughed, ?The best man won. I can deal with that. You?d make your father proud??

Ike nodded as Marth turned around and walked towards the edge of the coliseum. Marth turned to say something, but there was a loud click that interrupted him. Marth jumped towards Ike as the ground where he was standing fell and revealed a dark hole. Another noise was heard and Marth did a back flip to avoid the suddenly breaking ground.

Marth looked around where he was standing. There was barely any more ground to where he could escape. He looked towards Ike, who stared wide-eyed at him.

The lord smiled, ?Looks like this is the end, kid.? Was the last thing he said before a loud click made him fall through the ground.

Ike held his hand out and cried out, ?Marth!!!? It was too late, he had disappeared.

?This game?s winner is?Ike!!? A voice announced as the castle faded from view.

Loud laughter could be heard coming from a green door with the number fifteen printed on it gold. The person laughing was Roy, who had watched what had happened to Marth on a portable TV that was supplied at the front desk.

?Looks like he got his just desserts after all?? He sneered.

To be continued?

*I know Ike's a lot stronger than Marth, but I wrote the majority of this story before any of the characters were announced on the dojo. I've never actually played a Fire Emblem games, that was always my brother's department. :P


Ever since I've been playing more Metal Gear games, I'm putting a lot more references into the chapters. :P Oh well...

Chapter 10: Copycat

Roy walked up to a medium-sized desk made out of shining steel. He put a small television that had the words ?NinTV? etched on the front of it.

?Thanks for letting me use this. It really made my day?? Roy explained to a blonde woman wearing a red suit at the front desk.

The girl smiled as Roy walked towards an emerald coloured door. It had a picture of a glove making a peace sign engraved on it. When he went outside, he saw Ike standing in front of the door.

?I figured I?d find you here?? He said in a rough voice. Roy ignored the lord and walked past him.  ?What did you have against Marth?? The man asked, making Roy stop and turn around.

?Why?? Roy questioned.

The blue haired warrior rolled his eyes, ?Don?t play dumb. You wanted revenge on Marth, you were around the stage he disappeared on before the match. It wouldn?t be doubtful if you?re the one behind these disappearances.?

?Like you have any solid evidence that I did anything!? Roy snorted as he started to walk past the stranger.

?What did he do that made you so mad at him?? He called out to Roy as he continued to walk away.

?What did he do? What didn?t he do?? Roy muttered to himself.

?Go!? a voice yelled out as two platforms dropped Roy and Marth at separate ends of a blue turtle?s head.

Marth stood still as Roy jumped at his opponent. The blue haired warrior stepped out of the way and let Roy fall on the floating turtle?s arm. Roy looked up as Marth began to laugh while he floated away on what seemed to be a giant snake made of rock.

Roy stood up as he realized that the platform he was on was descending. He jumped back onto the turtle?s head and jumped again to try and reach the platform Marth was on. Roy extended his hand to try and reach the snake?s tail, but he missed and started to fall into the abyss. He felt something grab his cape and he was lifted on to the floating snake.

Roy glared at Marth, ?I didn?t need your help?? He said coldly

?It wouldn?t be much of a fight if it ended so soon, would it?? Marth replied as he unsheathed his sword. ?Don?t disappoint me??

Roy darted towards Marth. He angrily swiped his sword at Marth, who avoided the attack. Marth hit Roy?s sword out of his hands. The red headed warrior?s sword flew into the snake?s head as a gigantic hole formed into it. There was a loud pop and both warriors could hear air escaping from the snake?s body.

Roy turned to Marth who was standing on a yellow duck?s head. The face had a very blank expression on it. Roy quickly grabbed his sword and jumped in the air towards Marth. When Roy was a few feet from the platform, Marth flew in the air towards him and slashed him with his sword. The sudden attack sent Roy flying down into the abyss and fade into a colourful light.

There were a few drops of rain coming from the sky as Mage opened the door to the lounge. He heard someone screaming and then a loud crashing noise coming from upstairs. Mage entered the lounge to see what was going on and saw Retro quickly running downstairs. He burst out the door,. ?Hey Mage!? He greeted quickly while he dashed towards the coliseum.

?Retro?what did you do now?? Mage asked himself. The sorcerer heard loud footsteps coming from upstairs. He turned around and saw a large man slowly walking down the stairs.

The man was dressed in a shadowy cape and thick, gold armor. He turned his head towards Mage as he walked past him. His blood red hair and yellow emblem on his forehead got Mage?s attention. The sorcerer felt a chill run through his spine as the man walked past him; he thought that he could faintly hear people screaming when the man was close enough to him.

Is he after Retro? Mage thought to himself worriedly.

Just then, the man stopped. He lifted his hands as a flash of lightning blinded Mage. When he regained his vision, the man was gone.

?I have power that the Goddesses themselves fear!!? A voice bellowed as rain started to crash down from the sky.

Mage slowly entered the lounge and shut the door. He noticed that nobody else was on the first floor, but he could hear muffled voices coming from upstairs. Mage quietly walked upstairs to find out who was talking.

The sorcerer peaked around the corner of the second floor and saw that nobody was there. Mage took one more step forward and the lights went out.

?Must be because of the storm?? Mage thought out loud

Mage put his hands up against the walls so he could feel where he was going. Even though it was two in the afternoon, there was no light coming from the windows on the first floor. When Mage made it down the stairs, he tried to find the door. The sorcerer tripped over an inconveniently placed table and landed face first on the ground. The sorcerer turned his head and saw a small white light.

?Great, that stupid table killed me!? Mage groaned.

?alco?.arth?..ter?? A voice was saying.

Mage slowly got up and brushed his clothes. ?Firaga?? He whispered as he snapped his finger and a small fire ignited in his hand.

The fire wasn?t very big, so it could only illuminate the area where Mage was standing. The sorcerer looked below him and saw that the table he had tripped on had numerous pieces of gum underneath it. Red, yellow, purple, there was almost every kind of gum there.

Who chews that much gum? He thought.

Mage slowly walked towards the glowing light. The light was just beyond a door across a long, bare hallway in the basement.

?Maybe they were right?? Mage sighed.

The sorcerer twisted the knob on the door and pushed. The door opened and made a short creaking noise. Mage sighed and closed his hand to put out the fire. There was enough light in the room for him to see on his own. The room had computers lined up against a long wall, their screens giving off a white glow. Mage walked up to one of the computers and examined the screen. The screen started to flicker and words started to appear on the screen:

The first one you need will appear at 1:55. He is the first step in reviving?La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo?

The computer started to shake and the screen suddenly went blank. Mage tried to get the machine back online, but he couldn?t. ?What did those words mean, anyway?? He whispered to himself. ?Wait?? He muttered as he saw that the clock read 1:55 P.M. ?Isn?t-? he started as he felt something hard hit his head, he groaned as he fell to the ground.

A figure in a blue suit with lime green stripes around his body laughed. He picked up Mage with one hand and put him over his shoulders. The man walked over to a computer and started to press buttons on it.

Input Password. The computer  read.

?S?a?k?u?r?a?i?? The man said out loud while he typed each letter onto the computer.

?It?s about time, Sylux. Go through the door?? A young girl?s voice called out as a nearby wall rose in the air, revealing a golden door.

Sylux walked over to the door and twisted the doorknob. He pushed the door open and walked into a purple room. Sylux dropped Mage on the ground and walked over to a girl with green skin and lime green pigtails sitting near a computer. She was wearing a bright red dress that had a circle with a ?t? crossed through it stitched on the left side of it.

The girl turned around and looked at Mage and then at Sylux. ?What?s he doing here?? she asked calmly.

?Caught him snooping around....? The hunter answered.

The child turned around and started typing on the computer. ?Fine then, tie him up or something. We can?t have him interfere with the revival.? She explained.

Sylux stepped out of the room to go and find something to tie the intruder up with. The girl started to read the words on the computer, ?For the revival, you?ll need the hearts of three heroes. To get them, use the Smash Balls to corrupt them. Only then will you have what you need to revive??

Sylux walked back into the room and tied Mage to a nearby wheeled office chair with a set of steel chains. He then walked over to the girl and read over her shoulder.

?What?s this gibberish at the end, Mimi?? He questioned.

Mimi shrugged her shoulders. ?I?m not sure. Maybe somebody?s trying to hide something??

The two villians heard someone groan behind them. They turned around and saw Mage looking around the room. Sylux walked over to him and crossed his arms.

?You?re finally awake.? He observed.

?Where am I?? Mage asked.

Sylux turned to his accomplice, who lipped the words ?No? to him. Sylux turned back to Mage, ?That?s none of your business.? He replied.

Mage tried to struggle free of the chains he was in, but he couldn?t. His hands were behind his back, so he couldn?t use any spells to break free without hurting himself. 

?You can?t keep me here forever. Somebody will notice that I?m gone.? The sorcerer pointed out.

The hunter laughed, ?It?s a big place. Nobody will think anything of your sudden absence.?

?It?s not that big of a place?? The sorcerer countered.

Mimi got up from her chair and walked over to Sylux. ?You take over for me. I?ll make sure nobody suspects that he?s gone.? She explained.

Sylux nodded and walked over to the computer. The teenager extended both of her hands, ?MimiMimiMimiMimiMimiMimi!!?  She chanted as she disappeared in a puff of purple smoke.

Mage?s eyes grew wide as he saw his doppelganger standing where Mimi was. She giggled, ?Now nobody will suspect a thing.? She mocked. ?I?ll be back in a few hours to check up on things.? Mimi said in Mage?s rough voice.

Sylux nodded and Mimi started to walk towards the door. She opened it and turned to her associate again, ?Oh, and tell Toaster to install better security for the basement? Okay?? She ordered in a sweet voice before closing the door.

?Yeah, I?ll get right on that?? Sylux sighed as he started to type on the computer.

Mimi walked out of the basement and into the first floor of the lounge. The power was still out, so nobody was in the building. Just then, somebody opened the door. It was Retro.

?Oh, hey Mage. I?ve been looking for you.? He explained. Mimi gave him a confused look, but he couldn?t see it because of the lack of light. ?So, are you going to the basement with us?? Retro asked.

?Basement?? Mimi echoed.

?Yeah, we?re going to check out the basement tonight at ten, remember?? He said in a confused tone.

?Oh yeah. Sure I?ll come with you!? Mimi replied.

Retro started to walk out of the door. Once Mimi was sure he was far enough away, she walked back to the basement. She opened the door to the room where Sylux and the real Mage were. Mage was watching a small television which was recently placed beside him and Sylux was busily typing on the computer.

?How did he get that?? Mimi wondered out loud.

?It keeps him quiet, so I gave it to him.? Sylux said without looking away from the computer. ?Why?d you come back??

?I just found out that some people are going to look around the basement tonight. Make sure you tell Toaster before then.? Mimi answered.

Mage?s eyes widened. Retro, you idiot? He thought.

To Be Continued...


Wow, Retro just made the biggest mistake of his life.  And with Mimi disguised as Mage, it seems like Retro's going to have a lot of trouble on his hands.   :P


Quote from: shadowmarioguy on July 01, 2008, 02:17:34 PM
Wow, Retro just made the biggest mistake of his life.  And with Mimi disguised as Mage, it seems like Retro's going to have a lot of trouble on his hands.   :P
Don't worry, Retro will make bigger mistakes. :P This chapter has a two part fight. :O So it's the longest fight I have written so far.

Chapter 11: Ghost

Link panted heavily as he glared at his opponent standing tall on the other side of a gray spaceship flying through a futuristic city. The hero pulled out a wooden bow and placed his sharpest arrow in the string. He pulled back as the arrow started to glow a blazing red. His heart was racing as beads of sweat dripped along his face.

?This ends here.? Link announced with confidence as he let go of the string. The arrow flew towards a tall man dressed entirely in black. He had hair the colour of blood and a large sword on his back.

The man jumped in the air seconds before the arrow was going to hit him. His foot glowed with a strange purple aura. He laughed as he crashed down on Link and sent him flying out of the arena crying in pain.

The red haired man heard a sudden click and walked over to the edge where he kicked his nemesis. Link was desperately hanging onto the edge as the dark lord smirked. ?With you out of the way, Hyrule will be mine forever!?

The heros?s eyes widened as his opponent took out a glowing sword. He violently chopped at the chain that Link was holding onto, each swing bringing the hero closer to his doom. The Hylian held his breath and closed his eyes as the chain he was clinging to broke and he fell into the abyss, a colourful light covering him.

The man kicked the air as a voice called out, ?This game?s winner is?Ganondorf!?

?Wow?? Midna sighed as she put down a purple controller. You better be able to fight him better than you did in this??game.?

Link hung his head. ?I?m better at fighting in real life then I am at the game?? He sulked.

Midna floated towards a light blue door and twisted the knob. ?Right?well, it?s quarter to two, so we better get to the coliseum.?

Link nodded his head and stood up. He walked out the door and headed to the coliseum with Midna close behind.  There was a loud clap of thunder before they left.

Drops of rain started to fall as Retro ran towards the lounge. He opened the door and saw that nobody was on the first floor. Retro decided to check upstairs and see if anybody was up there. When he was on the second floor, he saw Ganondorf sitting cross-legged on the floor. His eyes were closed, so he didn?t notice Retro at first.

Retro slowly walked up to the dark lord and started shaking his shoulder. Ganondorf opened his right eye, revealing their amber colour. He closed his eye again. ?Go away, I?m busy.? He said calmly in a very deep voice.

?Doing what?? Retro asked.

?Magic?? Ganondorf replied as calmly as last time.

?Magic for what?? Retro questioned.

Ganondorf gritted his teeth, ?That?s none of your business, boy.? He answered, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Retro sat down and scooted closer to the dark lord. ?Why? Are you doing something really important?? He inquired.

Ganondorf growled and quickly rose from the ground. He pulled out a large, silver sword. He pulled the sword behind him and swung it at Retro, who quickly jumped out of the way. The Gerudo?s sword hit a nearby pinball machine, making it tip over with a loud crashing noise.

Retro slowly backed away towards the stairs leading to the first floor. He laughed nervously. ?I can tell this is a bad-? He started, but was cut off when he saw Ganondorf lunge at him.

Retro darted down the stairs. He saw Mage staring at him, ?Hey Mage!? the amateur hero greeted quickly as he ran past his friend into the rain. The teenager ran as fast as he could towards the coliseum, assuming he could be safe there.

When Retro got to the coliseum, he saw a dirty blonde haired woman wearing a white dress with a purple top sitting next to Midna in the stands. There were strange designs on the white part of her dress, three triangles being one of them. She had pointed ears, similar to Link?s, which stuck behind a jewel encrusted crown in her hair.

Retro walked over to the woman and sat next to Midna, who gave him an annoyed look. ?What?? he asked.

?Nothing?? She replied.

Retro looked over at the woman sitting beside Midna, ?You?re Zelda, right?? He questioned.

She nodded her head. ?Yes, and you are??

?Retro, Retro Nintendo Dude the Seventh.? He answered.

?Well, Retro. Are you here to watch Link?s match as well?? Zelda wondered.

Midna sighed as the teenager nodded his head. This is exactly how the princess acted towards Link when they first met her on their adventure. I don?t want to have to put up with more lame conversations like last time. I?d better stop them?

The imp rose in the air and floated in front of Retro. ?Can I talk to you for a second?? She asked as she pointed her small, gray and black arm towards a dark corner in the stands.

?Sure. What do you want?? Retro said, sitting completely still.

Midna angrily sighed as she lifted one of her hands, making Retro fly in the air. He tried to struggle free, but couldn?t. ?Come on?? Midna said as she carried Retro over to an area away from Zelda.

Once the pair was far enough away from the princess, Retro was hurled to the ground. He shouted out in pain when he fell.

?Look, I?ll make you a deal.? The imp whispered. ?If you don?t sit near us for Link?s match, I?ll look around the basement with you guys later.?

?Okay, I can do that. Why are we whispering though?? Retro whispered back.

?Ganondorf Versus Link!!!? A voice cut Midna off. She started to walk towards Zelda and Retro looked for another place to sit.

Ganondorf?where have I heard that name before? Retro wondered as he looked towards the coliseum. There was a large field where the coliseum?s sand used to be. The grass was as dark as the clouds that were pouring out rain in the sky.

Link walked onto the field and unsheathed his sword. He firmly grasped it in his left hand. ?Uh-oh?? Retro said to himself when he met eyes with the man who attacked him earlier in the lounge. The man confidently walked onto the field and stood tall in front of Link.  ?I better leave before he kills me?? Retro sighed as he left the coliseum.

Snake was sitting on one of the barstools on the top floor of the lounge. His left hand was held closely to his black earpiece so he could hear the person talking to him more clearly.

?Otacon, what did you find out about Falco?? The mercenary asked.

A man with a white lab coat and blue jeans sat inside a room full of computers and papers. He had bushy jet black hair with 5 o?clock shadow and wore thin glasses. There were posters all over the walls of anime characters. He opened up a window on a computer and started to read out loud, ?Falco Lombardi is an ace pilot known all over the Lylat System. He works on and off for team Star Fox. He?s also cocky, but he has a good reason to be.? Otacon explained.

Snake sighed, ?That doesn?t explain why he disappeared. What information did you get about Toaster and this tournament??

The mercenary?s friend remained silent for a moment before he spoke, ?That?s the weird part, there haven?t been any records of anyone named Toaster for hundreds of years. The latest one lived in the 1700?s. He was a king who ruled with two iron fists and would make people fight till the death. Everyone who died would be spread across his castle as kinds of ?trophies.? If somebody didn?t die in a fight, they?d be killed by the traps that were set up along the battlefield.?

?Sounds like quite the collector?? Snake muttered, but stopped when he heard footsteps coming upstairs. He quickly slid across the bar and hid behind it. The soldier peered at the side of the bar and saw Mage looking around the room at the foot of the stairs. ?Try to find some more information.? He whispered.

?Are you ready?!?? A voice demanded as Link and Ganondorf were raised onto two golden platforms. Lightning lit the sky once they were in the air.

?Thre-? The voice started, but a bolt of lighting struck and cut the voice off.

?Power is off. Shutting down?? A female voice said in a robotic tone. The platforms that held Link and his opponent disappeared and sent them to the ground. The once dark field turned into the sand and dust that regularly occupied the coliseum. The rain was making it really damp.

Link rushed towards Ganondorf and slashed the Master Sword towards his chest where his scar used to be. The dark lord caught Link?s blade in the air and laughed. He tightly gripped the weapon and made it break into shards.

The Hylian stared at a smiling Ganondorf in disbelief. The hero looked at his enemy?s chest to examine his scar, but it had disappeared.

?W-what happened to you?? Link stammered.

Ganondorf smiled and crossed his arms. ?If you give up now, I?ll make your death slow??

The Hylian?s eyes widened, ?Y-you?re going to kill me?? He asked worriedly. ?It?s only a tournament. Is winning that important to you?? The Hylian continued as he reached into his green tunic and pulled out a round blue strap that had a set of old silver chains attached to it.

The Gerudo laughed like a madman, ?You tried to kill me, it seems only fair doesn?t it? I?m going to have vengeance.  You see, once I kill you, none of your ancestors can defeat me in the future.?

A chain flew at Ganondorf?s head. It latched on and pulled Link towards him. The Hylian used this advantage to kick his opponent to the ground.

?Link!!? Zelda yelled out. Link turned around and caught a thin, steel sword. It wasn?t the Master Sword, but it would have to do. ?Use it.? She instructed.

The Hylian turned towards Ganondorf, who had disappeared. He cautiously made circles around where he was standing to find his opponent. Just then, sand was hurled towards the hero?s eyes. Link started to rub his eyes to try and get the sand out.

?You?re way out of your league, boy.? A voice mocked.

Link felt a sharp pain in his back and fell to the ground. He opened his eyes and saw a mixture of red and silver in front of him. When he regained all of his vision, he saw Ganondorf clutching a sword with red on the tip. Link put his hand against his back and felt a large cut across it.

The Hylian reached into his pocket and pulled out a large ocean blue bomb. He lit it up and tossed it towards the Gerudo. The explosion sent Ganonorf flying towards the ground, giving Link the opportunity he needed to strike.

The hero jumped in the air and pointed his sword towards Ganondor?s chest. It slowly went through it as he howled in pain and disappeared in a deep purple smoke.

?Yay Link!!!? Midna and Zelda cheered in unison. Link turned around and smiled at the women cheering him on. He walked closer to the stands so he could talk to them without having to yell.

?Thanks for letting me use that sword, Zelda. It really helped.? He said.

Zelda blushed and Midna rolled her eyes. The princess extended her hand to pull Link to the stands but the hero was sent flying by a purple blast.

Link slowly got to his feet and saw Ganondorf laughing maniacally. He slowly pulled out the sword in his chest and broke it in half. He then pulled his sword from his sheath and started to draw a strange symbol into the sand. The symbol was made up of a series of twist and turns formed by two lines. What looked like a rectangle with an eye in the middle connected the lines at the top.

?I think it?s about time you three get reacquainted with an old friend?? Ganondorf stated calmly. A flash of lightning struck the symbol that the Gerudo Prince had drawn.

Midna and Zelda looked at the symbol in shock as it started to flash a sick green.
The imp shouted in pain as she held her head. The tattoos on her arm were pulsing the same way Ganondorf?s symbol did. ?L-Link! I-It?s Zant!? She yelled out before a blinding beam was shot out of the sand.

A dark voice laughed. ?Long time no see, hero??
Link?s eyes widened. It couldn?t be, he had watched him die. How could he still be alive?

As the light faded, a tall figure floated in the air. He was dressed in a blueish-black cloak. With green symbols similar to the one Ganondorf drew moments before on each sleeve. There was an oversized stone placed where the figure?s head should?ve been. The stone looked like a twisted dragon with its tongue sticking out almost mockingly.

The figure twisted his body and started to laugh, Ganondorf laughed a bit himself. Link stared at the pair in shock. How could he possibly beat both of them without a sword?

To Be Continued...


Oh its getting really good. You're really including a wide variety or characters.


That was intense... I like it!  That was one of your best battles so far, and it's not even over yet!  I'm rooting for you, Link!  :P


Just a few more chapters until I'm going to actually start writing from scratch again and not just editing and adding in small parts. :D Here's chapter twelve:

Chapter 12: A ?Smashing? Victory

Great. Two of the toughest enemies I?ve ever faced and I don?t have a sword.What do I even have on me? Link wondered as he searched his pockets while keeping his eyes on the villains in front of him.

Link felt a rough metal chain which was his clawshot, right beside it was his bombs which had a silky feel to them. The Hylian desperately searched his pockets more to find other weapons and finally found his bow. It was made from a hard wood, and the hero was confident that this weapon wouldn?t break easily.

?Go ahead,? Ganondorf chuckled with his arms crossed. ?Shoot me??

The twisted body floating beside the Gerudo slowly untwisted with a sickening snap. He was then leisurely floating in the air completely upright.

Link put his hand behind his back to reach into his quiver. The Hylian pulled out his strongest arrow and put it into his bow. Link?s hands grabbed onto the thick string of his bow and pulled on it.

?Goddesses, let this arrow destroy Ganondorf!? Link called out before releasing the string on the bow.

The arrow flew at a blinding speed towards Ganondorf and his partner. They both laughed as the hero?s arrow bounced off the Gerudo with no shown effect.

?Wow. That must have really hurt, Master.? The floating man said with a small amount of sarcasm in his voice.

Ganondorf laughed and pulled out his sword, ?Now Zant. We wouldn?t want to confuse him, would we??

Zant bowed in front of Ganondorf, ?My apologies, Master.?

The Gerudo Prince ignored Zant?s apology and slowly walked towards Link. The Hylian started to step backwards while he looked for another arrow in his quiver. His hand only felt three left.  The Hylian sighed, realizing that he should have bought those arrows from that shady-looking guy he saw before he came here.

?Almost out of weapons, are we?? Ganondorf smirked as he raised his sword in front of Link.

The Hero of Twilight jumped to the side as his opponent?s sword crashed onto the wet sand. Link quickly looked over at Zant and noticed that he was just floating in place, watching the pair fight.

Why would Ganondorf go to the trouble of reviving Zant if he doesn?t even fight? Unless? Link thought to himself as he darted towards the Twili.

The Hylian leapt at Zant, who floated out of the way without even looking in Link?s direction. The green clothed man flew onto the ground and turned to Zant.

?I?m really here?? Zant laughed as he raised his right arm, making Link float closer to him.

Link met the stone eyes of the mask his opponent wore. He heard a slight clicking noise as the stone started to disassemble revealing his pale, round face. The Twili jerked his arm to the side and sent Link flying into a coliseum wall. Zant?s red eyes lit up when he saw that Link didn?t get back up.

Midna and Zelda gasped when they saw the Hylian hit the wall. They quickly rushed over to where he was to try and help. Link slowly lifted his head towards the women watching over him, both of their faces showed that they were concerned. Water was streaming down their cheeks; Link wasn?t sure if they were tears or if it was from the rain.

Zelda searched her pockets and held out seven arrows in front of Link. The Hylian slowly took the arrows from her and placed them in his quiver.

?These arrows are blessed with the power of the Goddesses. Use them to defeat Ganondorf.? Zelda explained.

The Hylian nodded and got to his feet, he reached into his quiver and grabbed an arrow. Link felt a strange power go through him when he put the arrow in his bow. The Gerudo and Twili stood beside each other as Link fired the arrow. The weapon turned a magnificent yellow as it flew towards Ganondorf.

When the arrow was about to strike the dark lord in the chest, Zant leapt in front of the arrow and took the shot, disappearing in a violet cloud as he laughed.

?Did that kill him?? Link asked out loud.

A pair of glowing orbs appeared in front of Link making the hero jump back. The Hylian put his hand where the Master Sword was, but he had forgotten that Ganondorf had destroyed it. The Hero of Twilight felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to see a smiling Zant behind him.

?Boo!? The Twili cackled as Link started to run away from him.

?Those arrows should?ve destroyed Zant! Why is he still here?? Zelda questioned.

?As long as Ganondorf is alive?he will just keep getting revived?? Midna whispered.

Zelda?s eyes widened. ?Link!? She yelled, catching his attention. ?You?ll have to kill Ganondorf or else Zant will just keep coming back!?

?Wonderful?? Link muttered under his breath as he looked around for Ganondorf.

The Hylian?s vision was blocked by a long sleeve that came from behind him. He knew it was Zant, so he tried to elbow him in the stomach. The Twili howled as he floated away from Link, clutching his stomach.

?You must be getting weaker; I didn?t even hit you that hard.? Link observed at his weakened opponent.

Zant lifted his head up and smiled, ?I know?? he replied as Ganondorf kicked Link across the coliseum.

Link?s hands pressed against the wet sand as he tried to get up, he fell to the ground and tried again. The Hylian felt something hard in the sand this time and turned his sapphire eyes towards it.

The item Link found was a sky blue capsule with a bronze base. When he looked closer, there seemed to be a human figure in it. The Hylian saw a sword coming down on him so he jumped out of the way, barely avoiding it. While Link was in the air, Zant swiped his arm at the hero and knocked the trophy out of Link?s hands.

The strange item flew up against a wall and shattered into pieces. An orange light appeared where the trophy?s shards were. The light grew larger and brighter, making everyone in the coliseum shield their eyes.

When the light faded, Midna was floating in between Ganondorf and Link. Everyone was surprised at the Twilight Princess?s sudden appearance, herself included.

?W-what am I doing here?? Midna stuttered as she looked around.

Ganondorf?s amber eyes narrowed, he didn?t know why the imp was in-between him and victory, and he didn?t care. He saw her as an added bonus. The dark lord tightly gripped his sword in his hands and held it behind him as he darted towards the Twilight Princess with a loud roar.

?Midna!? Link shouted as Ganondorf swiped his sword at the imp, the girl closed her eyes so she wouldn?t have to see the sword coming down on her.

Seconds later, she heard the sound of metal clashing and opened one of her yellow eyes to see what happened. The imp saw Ganondorf?s sword inches away from her head and the Gerudo Prince pushing down with all of his might, unable to move his weapon any closer.

?What sorcery is this?? Ganondorf asked.

Link was wondering the same thing as his enemy, but he took the confusion as the opportunity he needed to hit him with a light arrow. The Hylian reached into his quiver to get an arrow, and gasped when he didn?t find any.

?Looking for these?? A voice mocked. Link turned around and saw Zant floating far away from the hero?s reach. He was clutching nine arrows in his right hand. The Twili laughed as he broke the arrows, and Link?s hopes of winning, in half. ?What?s the matter?? The Twili asked before floating inches away from Link?s face. The hero could faintly smell fish with every word that went through Zant?s mouth. ?Are you upset that I broke your toys?? He finished in a fake sympathetic tone.

A slight smile went across Link?s face. ?No? I think I got a new one?? Link replied happily.

A grotesque arm that glowed with a bright golden aura grabbed Zant and lifted him into the air. The Hylian looked up and saw a large creature with four arms and two legs. Its entire body was glowing yellow and the body was a mixture of black and a dark green. There was a strange, stone helmet with two horns stretching out on both sides on the creature?s head. The creature was Midna.

Zant moved around frantically trying to escape the angry creature?s grip. He gave up after a few moments once he realized his attempts were futile. The Twili sighed and looked to his side and saw Ganondorf being held tightly by one of the creature?s arms. He then looked down and saw that he was incredibly high in the air. Oddly enough, he was afraid of heights.

Link started to laugh as he heard Zant screaming and struggling to get out of Midna?s grasp. ?Looks like I?ll win this after all.? He announced happily.

Midna threw Ganondorf against one of the coliseum?s stone walls and dropped the frightened Twili to the ground. Zant quickly got to the ground and laughed happily. As he started to dash towards Link, he was crushed by Midna?s foot and disappeared in a green cloud. The Gerudo Prince looked up and saw Midna clutching a golden spear in her hand. She stabbed towards Ganondorf with the spear and impaled him on the giant weapon.  The dark lord screamed in agony before he disappeared in a dark red cloud.

The coliseum fell silent as Midna turned back into her imp form and disappeared in a white light. She then appeared in the stands next to Zelda, where she was before Link dropped the trophy.

?Look?s like you won, Link.? Zelda complimented.

?Yup, and I couldn?t have done it without Midna.? He replied happily.

An outburst of laughter went across the coliseum as a strong wind picked up the wet sand on the ground. The sand slowly started to form a body, Ganondorf?s body. He laughed as a lightning bolt struck beside him and revealed Zant.

Link?s jaw dropped and his eyes widened. ?Come on! I should be done by now!? He yelled out.

The villains laughed. ?It?s been awhile since our last encounter?? Ganondorf started.

?Yes. Now as long as either of us is alive, the other will keep coming back.? Zant continued.

?You?ll have to finish us both at the same time to really win.? The two said coldly in unison.

Everyone was shocked at the villain?s revelation. Midna tried to come back into the coliseum to help Link, but she was sent flying back by a blue barrier around the stands.

?Magic?? Zelda sighed, ignoring the slightly injured Midna behind her.

Ganondorf and Zant advanced on Link, who tried his best to defend himself. The Gerudo chanted strange words under his breath and his hands turned a dark purple. The dark lord flew at Link and punched him into the coliseum wall. The Hero of Twilight gasped for breath as he struggled to get back up. 

A black door burst open with a loud banging noise. ?You idiot!? Toaster shouted. ?How could you let something like this happen??

Sylux looked at his boss, confused. ?Let something like what happen??

The sinister man grabbed the portable television that Mage was using and showed Sylux what he was watching. There were images of Zant and Ganondorf pummeling Link every few seconds without any signs of him fighting back.

?We can?t let Link die. He?s one of the three that we need for the revival.? The man explained.

?How did you find that out?? The hunter wondered.

?I got another message saying that we would see the first hero at 1:55, and what time did Link?s fight start at?? The toad asked.

?1:55?? Mage echoed.

Toaster opened the door and started to walk out. He stopped for a moment and explained what to do, ?Log onto the main computer and look for the folder marked ?items.? Click on it and disable everything except for the Smash Ball. Then, set the receiver to be our hero and watch what happens??

Sylux quickly started to type on the computer he was sitting at when the man left. He carefully followed his instructions step by step.

?Let?s see?items?items?? The hunter said to himself. ?Here we go.? He announced as he started to click on the ?disable? option that appeared every so often. ?Gooey Bomb?disable. Fire Flower?disable. Smash Ball?enable.? The hunter turned to Mage and grabbed the television from him. ?Now, let?s see what happens??

Zant kicked Link in midair and sent him across the coliseum. The Hylian landed face-first into the damp sand.

?Link?? A voice called softly. The hero slowly turned his head and saw a colourful orb with a ?t? marked through it. The orb glowed with all of the colours of the rainbow. ?Link?I am a Smash Ball. Grab onto me and defeat your enemies.? The voice seemed to grow dark with every word.

Link slowly reached towards the ball and touched it. The mysterious item flew into Link?s arm and surged through his body. The hero cried out in pain, it felt like every muscle in his body was on fire. The Hylian blacked out, and the last thing he heard was somebody whispering ?Triforce Slash.?

The Hylian rose in the air and turned to Ganondorf and Zant. They stared into the hero?s eyes and saw that his pupils were burning.

?What are you going to do? Din?s fire?? Ganondorf mocked.

A smile spread across Link?s face. He lifted his left hand in the air and lightning struck him. The Master Sword appeared in his hand, in the same condition it was before the Gerudo had broken it.

?I-it doesn?t look like it!? Zant cried. The Twili started to run away from the Hylian, but Link closed his hand and a set of glowing triangles encased the two villains.

?The Triforce!? All the spectators yelled out at the same time.

The Gerudo Prince and his partner were lifted into the air by the golden Triforces. The Twili started to scream when he saw Link flying towards them at a supersonic speed.

?Triforce?Slash!!? Link yelled out. His voice seemed to echo when he talked. 

The Hylian swiped at Ganondorf and Zant at the same time at a blinding speed. The villains screamed in agony at the barrage of sword swipes. Once the screams stopped, the Triforces faded away and brought disappearing clouds with them. Link fell down to ground, unconscious after the villains were defeated.

Solid Snake emerged under a cardboard box labeled ?Super Smash Bros.? with a red line across it. He peered into the small crack in the door so he could see who was inside. He saw Mage and a figure in blue busily typing on a computer. The mercenary pulled out a small camera and pointed it at the figure. He snapped a picture of him just before he heard a familiar ringing in his ears.

?Snake, it?s Campbell.? A man that looked to be a bit older than Snake said. He was dressed in military clothing decorated with many medals and a green beret on his head.  ?As you know, we?ve been monitoring you with our radar?It looks like the whole area around you is moving northeast of where you originally started.? He explained.

?What? Colonel, this whole area has to be at least a hundred acres. How can a place this big be moving?  Snake wondered.

?We don?t know yet. Mei Ling?s trying to find out where you?re headed so we can intercept it. There?s also something else that we?ve found out?? Campbell started.

?Great.? The mercenary sighed.

?Somewhere in the basement there?s a lot of nuclear activity, but we don?t know where or what it is.? The mercenary?s oldest friend stated. ?We want you to-?

?Find out what it is.? Snake interrupted.  As he loaded his gun, he heard a large crash in the room behind him he quickly hid underneath his discarded box just before the door in front of him opened. ?I?m sending you a picture of somebody; try to get some information on him.? The mercenary said before discarding his box again and entered the now open room.

To be continued...


Well, it seems obvious they're all on some floating transportation. But the Link vs. Ganondorf and Zant was epic. EPIC.


That was awesome!  :P  What's more is that I really had no idea of who was going to win until Link got the Smash Orb.  First Ganondorf and Zant would have the advantage, and then Link would take control, and then Ganondorf and Zant would start beating on Link again.  Keep up the awesome work!  ;)


...Sorry about the lack of updates guys. :( I've been pretty busy this summer. (I went to two concerts and I'm going camping in the morning for a week) I'll hopefull have another chapter up next week when I get back, but I'm not sure since I never really like the chapter that I need to edit, so it might take more work. :P

You guys can read a Pok?mon One-Shot I did back on Oldsider, I think it won second place in the fanfic of the week contest. (It might have been third, I just remember that it placed. :P)

Anyways, here's the next chapter:

Chapter 13: There?s something about Smash Balls?

?Hey, wake up.? A voice called in the darkness.   

Link?s eyes fluttered open and saw he was in a stone chamber that had water flowing along the walls. The temperature was frigid, but it was something the hero had gotten used to from his past adventure. The Hylian looked around the mysterious area worriedly and stopped when he saw a small girl dressed in a light green and blue dress that was shaped like a plant. Her hair was a dark green colour and pulled into two bun-shaped pigtails.

?Can you tell me where I am?? Link asked the child.

The girl giggled, ?You?re in a dream, silly.?

Link?s eyes widened. I?m asleep in the middle of a fight? I?d better wake up! He mentally shouted. The Hylian shut his eyes and slapped himself in a vain attempt to wake himself up.

A woman?s laugh echoed behind the hero. ?Don?t worry, you?re not fighting anymore.?

The hero turned around and saw a tall woman dressed in a bright red suit. Her hair was a fiery colour and had an ?M? shape at the front. The rest of her hair was tied behind her, leading to her back.

?That?s a relief.?  Link sighed. ?Who are you?? He questioned.

The woman extended her hand. She had a golden bracelet around both wrists. ?I?m Din.? She greeted and then winked one of her red eyes.

Link shook her hand and heard a cracking noise. He shouted as he clutched his hand, ?What was that for?? He yelled.

Din chuckled, ?Sorry. I forgot to mention that I?m the Goddess of Power.?

Link laughed nervously while holding his hand. Great, I passed out and now I?m surrounded by lunatics? The hero felt a hand on his shoulder and jumped. He turned around to see a woman that was taller than Din and dressed entirely in a sky blue. Her ocean coloured hair went all the way down to her legs.

?My deepest regrets for frightening you?? The woman apologized in a sweet, Russian voice.

?Who are you supposed to be? Farore?? Link wondered sarcastically.

?You are amiss, hero. I am Naryu, the Celestial Being of Intellect.? She responded.

Link stared at the woman with a blank expression on his face. His mouth was open as he turned to Din to ask what she was talking about.

The red-headed woman smiled, ?She?s Naryu, the Goddess of Wisdom. She talks like that all of the time because she likes to sound smart.? The woman smiled as the other Goddess shot her a glare.  ?It?s a hassle to always understand her.? Din pointed towards the green-haired girl that Link first met when he woke up in the chamber. ?She?s Farore, the Goddess of Courage.?

The Hylian walked up to Farore and knelt down so they met eye-to-eye. ?Her? She?s just a kid.?

Farore grinned, ?Thanks. I look a lot younger than I really am?? She explained.

Link stood upright and walked to the center of the chamber. He looked at the three women circled around him. ?So?you want me to believe that you?re the Goddesses that created Hyrule?? The women nodded in agreement as the hero continued. ?Then what do you want with me?? He wondered.

Din stepped towards Link. ?You absorbed a Smash Ball during your recent fight with Ganondorf and Zant.?

Link looked at the Goddess, confused. ?Isn?t that good? I was worthy of its power, so that?s why it appeared to me.?

The Goddesses? faces turned grim when Link said this. ?Link?? Farore started, trying to find a way to continue. ?Those items are bad?very bad.?

Link?s eyes widened. ?Why?? he inquired.

Naryu sighed. ?They are very misleading devices. While they appear to be righteous, they were, in reality, created with every ill intention in mind.?

?Smash Balls corrupt the hearts of those that are good.? Din continued. ?Whoever touches them will experience changes in their personality with each passing day. Until?? She stopped.

?Until?? Link repeated anxiously.

?Until they control you?? Farore finished.

?They? Who?re they?? the Hylian questioned.

The Goddesses started to fade away along with the chamber that they were in. The Hero of Twilight looked beneath his feet to see nothing but darkness below him. He shouted as he fell into the abyss.

Link?s sapphire eyes shot open and saw that he was still lying down in the sand of the coliseum. Rain was falling onto his face as he slowly sat up.

?Link!? Zelda cried as she hugged him. ?Thank the Goddesses you?re alright!?

The hero rubbed his head and moaned. ?What happened?? he asked groggily.

Midna laughed, ?You beat Ganondorf and Zant for the last time. They won?t be coming back the way you attacked them.?

The Hylian looked at his friends with a confused expression on his face. ?How did I beat them? The last thing that I remember was touching a Smash Ball?? He drifted off.

Midna and Zelda looked at Link with worry in their eyes. ?Then what?? Zelda urged.

?And then?? Link stopped to think. ?And then I passed out?I woke up in a chamber and talked to the Goddesses. They said that since I touched a Smash Ball, I?ll be controlled by someone??

Zelda looked at Link, he could see in her eyes that she was concerned. ?Link?you never left the coliseum. You got the Master Sword back and managed to kill Ganondorf and Zant at the same time. That?s when you passed out?? The Princess grabbed onto Link?s hand. ?I think you should go lie down in your room. Maybe after some rest you can gather your thoughts??  She suggested. The Hylian nodded and the trio started to walk out of the coliseum.

An image of Toaster flashed onto a computer screen. A slight smile was on his face, which was something new to Sylux. ?Why did you want me to give Link that item? He?s a lot more powerful now, so won?t he be harder to stop?? The hunter questioned.

?On the contrary. In a few days, he will have no will of his own, meaning we?ll have complete control over him.? The Toad explained. Before Sylux could respond, the computer turned off.

?It sounds like Toaster has been watching too many horror movies?? Mage observed.

Sylux sighed as he stood up and walked over to Mage. He looked down at the sorcerer who was tied up in chains. ?This isn?t a movie, this is real life.? He stated coldly.

?Well, as far as you know?? The Sorcerer muttered.

A loud banging on the door interrupted Sylux?s next comment. The Hunter walked over to the door and turned the knob. Ganondorf was standing at the door, alive and well. He rushed inside and pushed Sylux up against a wall. The Gerudo put both of his hands around the hunter?s throat and slowly started to squeeze tighter.

?What did you give Link?? The dark lord growled.

Sylux pulled Ganondorf?s hands off of his neck and gasped for breath before he responded. ?A Smash Ball. I wouldn?t have had to if you weren?t going to kill him so early.?

Ganondorf grit his teeth, ?I was told I?d be able to kill him.?

?Yes, but I specifically told you not to kill him until I said so?? Toaster interrupted.

Everyone in the room looked at the computer which had Toaster?s face on the screen. Ganondorf slowly walked over to the screen, ?When will that be?? he asked, annoyed.

?As soon as the revival is complete, my use for Link will be finished. You can do what you want with him then.? Toaster explained, making the Gerudo roll his eyes. He then turned from the computer and stormed out of the door.  ?Keep an eye on him?? The Toad instructed before he disappeared from the computer screen a second time.

Mage sighed, ?How long are you going to keep me here, anyway??

Sylux turned back to the computer and started to type on the keyboard. ?I don?t know, but I hope it?s soon. You?re already starting to bug me.?

?Well, you could always let me go right now?? The Sorcerer suggested.

The hunter chuckled as Mage sighed again and turned his attention to the portable television that he had. A startling crash followed by quiet whispers broke the sudden silence in the room.

Sylux reluctantly stood up and walked out of the door. ?Mimi had better come back soon?? he muttered.  The hunter noticed one of the computers sitting next to the wall had an open folder on the screen, ?I didn?t leave anything on these?? He said quietly.

Somebody cried behind the hunter, making him swiftly drop to the ground. Sylux saw a thin sword coming towards his head; he violently tore the sword away from the owner?s hand.  Sylux stared at his assailant for a moment to get a better look at him. The man had dark red hair and a pale complexion; he also wore a blue and gold chestplate with snow-white pants. He had a smug grin on his face as he caught his breath.

?What kind of evil things are you doing here?? The red headed man questioned as he pointed to the computer that had the open folder.

Sylux?s shoulders fell in a sigh, ?It depends on how much you know. If you don?t know too much, then we?re?? he paused. ?Planning a party for the Champion, with cake and everything, so keep it to yourself.?

The man laughed sarcastically and walked up to the computer. ?The cake is a lie! I know all about this revival that you?re planning. I also know what you did with Falco and Marth!? Sylux reached for the sword that he threw away as the red-headed man finished speaking. The hunter raised the sword, ready to strike the stranger, but he turned around with a smile. ?And I want to be apart of it??

Sylux dropped the sword in surprise. The sharpest part of the blade landed on his foot. ?What?!?? He yelled out in disbelief and pain.

Snake quietly slipped into a small room after he heard Sylux leave with somebody else. The mercenary quickly noticed Mage tied up to a chair in the furthest corner of the room.

?Oh thank God, I don?t know how much longer I could stay here.? He stated as Snake walked over to him.

?What are you doing here?? He questioned. ?I just saw you outside with your friend.?

The sorcerer sighed, ?That?s someone else. Her name?s Mimi and she?s working with Toaster and some other people to revive something. They know that we?re going to come down here at ten?? he explained.

?You talked?? The mercenary asked while he looked for something to break the chains around Mage.

?No, Retro told the person who?s pretending to be me.? Mage defended. ?What are we going to do now??

Snake noticed a lock on the bottom coil of the chain around the captured sorcerer. He quickly pulled a pin out of his pocket and picked the lock. ?We look around before it?s too late.? He said as the chains dropped to the floor with a metallic clash.

To Be Continued


"The cake is a lie!"  Couldn't help but chuckle a bit at that. Also, gotta love that Roy's making an appearance. And as a villain, too, apparently. :O


Sylux dropped the sword in surprise. The sharpest part of the blade landed on his foot. "What?!?" He yelled out in disbelief and pain.  :D

Yeah, sorry about not replying sooner.  I was away and only read about half the chapter before I left.  Oh, and the cake is a lie!  :O


I should start editing out when I've said a new chapter will be done. I'm almost never right. :P I would've gotten this chapter done in the last week of summer, but I was actually pretty busy. Then school started... :(

Anyways, here's the next chapter:

Chapter 14: Pikmin!

"So you want to be apart of the revival?" Toaster quizzed. The toad was sitting in a leather chair with his legs crossed and his hands folded on his lap.
"Yes." The red-headed man replied. "I know everything that's going on, so you really have no choice but to let me join."
Toaster turned away from the man and sat silently for a moment as he thought. We shouldn't recruit someone we don't know enough about. He could turn on us and screw everything up.
Somebody will betray you... a deep voice rang in the toad's head.
Mewtwo? How do you know? Toaster asked the voice.
I've had a vision of the near future, we will fail because we were double-crossed by somebody on the inside. We can prevent that if we get rid of them. Mewtwo's voice explained.
Who? The toad inquired.
All I see is that he carries a sword. It could be him, but I'm not sure. We should get rid of him to be sure, but not now. He's fighting that kid tonight, right? No matter who loses, we'll win. Then we can get rid of the winner later on... He muttered.
The toad put his hands on his forehead and sighed. "Fine..." He muttered and then turned to the red-headed man. "But if you try to double-cross us, we will kill you." Sylux and the red-haired man gave Toaster an odd stare when he said this.  "Now go make yourself useful and find out what's going on at ten tonight." The stranger nodded and walked out of the door.

Two short men approached the door leading to the lounge. Both men were dressed in white jumpsuits and clear round helmets. One man wore red gloves and a red backpack, while the other, taller man wore blue. The red-clothed man had three brown streaks of hair on his head while the blue-clothed man had blonde hair.

"Hurry Louie!" The man dressed in red cried out in a high-pitched voice. "We only have fifteen minutes to eat before our battle begins!"

Louie ran up to the door and reached for the doorknob. "Umm...Olimar, I can't reach the knob..." Louie replied to the brown-haired man lazily.

Olimar looked up at the door. " appears that neither of us would be able to reach that knob considering our height...but if I got on top of you." He drifted. The blonde nodded and pressed himself against the door. He groaned as Olimar climbed on top of his helmet. The brunette grasped the golden knob and twisted it with all of his strength. "I almost have it turned! It is extremely crucial that you stay completely still Louie." Olimar explained. "Louie?" He repeated after no response.

Olimar's eyes widened when he felt his partner run from his position. The blonde was chasing a brightly coloured leaf blowing in the wind. "I'll be back in a sec'!" He called out happily.

The brunette shouted in fear as he held onto the knob for dear life. "Louie! You fool!" He yelled angrily. Olimar wailed as the knob turned on its own and the door moved backwards. The space captain lost his grip on the knob and screamed while he fell on the hard ground. He looked up and saw a strange creature towering over him. Olimar slowly stood up and examined the creature: He had brown hair all along his body and a tail with a creamy white tip. His eyes were an emerald colour and had a dark green lens covering his left eye. He wore large red boots and dark green pants. Olimar noticed a silver octagonal machine attached to his left hip. The creature had a confident expression on his face.

"Who are you?" The creature asked as he looked down at Olimar.

"I am Captain Olimar." He replied. "The man chasing the leaf is my partner, Louie."

"I'm Fox Mccloud." The fox said. "I guess I'm facing you guys next, huh?" 

"Correct, I'm looking forward to our battle. I'm sure that you'll be a worthy foe." Olimar complimented.

"You too." Fox chuckled. When he was about to close the door, Olimar stopped him.

"Do you think that you could leave the door open?" He requested.

The fox nodded and left the door open for Olimar. The pilot then walked towards the coliseum and resumed his previous thoughts. Falco, where did you disappear to? I really hope that you're alright...

Retro grabbed onto the diamond encrusted microphone with his right hand and positioned it towards the inside of the coliseum. "There! Now if Olimar uses the Pikmin, we'll be able to understand what they're saying!" He commented, obviously pleased with himself.

Mimi rolled her eyes.I'd rather be tied up in the basement then have to hang around with this guy...

A gloved hand went on Retro and Mimi's shoulder, making them jump. They turned around and saw Toaster standing behind them. Mimi was giving him a pleading look.

"You. Moron." He commanded, pointing to Retro. "Use this battery-powered microphone to start the match. The power's still out so we need somebody to get things going."

"All right! It's my time to shine!" Retro shouted gleefully as he ran from the stands and into the middle of the coliseum.

"How's your new friend?" Toaster mocked.

Mimi sighed. "Can you please let the real Mage go so I can get back to work? I'd rather figure out the steps for the revival with Sylux then hang around him any longer."

Toaster ignored his accomplice and turned to walk down the stands. Before he left, he felt a vibration in his shirt pocket. The toad reached into his black shirt with his leather gloves and picked up a cell phone. "What?" He asked when he opened it.

"Hey..." Sylux's voice rang on the phone. "I have something to tell you, but..." he drifted.

"But what?" Toaster echoed angrily.

" have to promise not to be mad." The hunter replied nervously.

"No." The toad quickly shot back.

Sylux sighed before he answered, "You know how we had Mage tied up in the computer room?"

"What do you mean had?" Toaster spat.

"He's gone..." Sylux squeaked.

The toad waited a few minutes before answering. "Fine, just think of a way to get anybody coming down there away." Before the hunter could respond, Toaster hung up his phone. "Mage is gone, but I want you to keep an eye on Roy for a little while." He told Mimi.

The young girl was about to respond, but Retro's voice interrupted her. "Hey guys and gals watching this Smash Match! I'm Retro and I'll be starting this fight instead of that voice!" He explained. "In this corner, we have the captain from planet Hocotate: Olimar! And his assistant, Louie!" Retro roared.

Olimar and Louie skipped into the coliseum. They both waved as three onion-shaped vessels landed behind them. One was a fiery red, the other a watery blue, and the last one an electric yellow. "What about the purple and white ones?" Olimar asked Louie.

"I thought you were bringing them?" He inquired. Olimar's eyes twitched after his response.

"And in this corner, the leader of the Star Fox team, Fox Mccloud!" Retro continued.

An Arwing similar to Falco's flew into the coliseum. The cockpit opened up and Fox jumped out. "Come on!" He invited.

"Okay, shake hands." Retro commanded. The challengers gave Retro a questioning look, but shook hands anyway. "Ready? Go!" He yelled as he ran into the stands.

Fox took his blaster from his holster with lightning speed. He repeatedly pushed the trigger and shot at his opponents. When the blasts were about to hit the duo, they dashed towards the coloured onions behind them.

"Louie! Distract him while I get the Pikmin out of the onion." Olimar demanded.

"Me? Why not you?" He cried out in disbelief. A blaster shot flew past his head as he sighed. "Fine....but hurry up.

The blonde darted towards Fox with a scared look on his face. Fox shot at Louie, but he was able to duck and slide towards his opponent. Louie grabbed Fox's legs and tripped him. When the fox crashed down on the ground, he dropped his blaster.  Louie quickly grabbed the blaster and aimed it towards fox, but he was gone. A wooden staff flew at the blaster and knocked it out of the blonde's hand. The blaster twisted in the air and landed in Fox's hand.

"You're way too slow." Fox observed. The pilot punched Louie's helmet, leaving a large crack through the middle of it.

Louie's eyes bulged; he started to stagger backwards as he gasped for air. Fox cautiously had his blaster still pointed at his opponent. The blonde haired alien weezed one last time before he keeled over onto the sand of the coliseum. Fox looked around the worn-out coliseum to look for Olimar, but a loud whistle from behind him caught his attention.

"Fox!" Olimar called, standing alone with his hands behind his back. "Why don't you leave him and fight me?"  The pilot ran towards the space captain. Seconds before Fox was about to punch Olimar, he stopped in his tracks; behind Olimar was an army of plant-like creatures. They all looked like aleins and had white flowers at the top of their head. There were three colours, red, which had questioning eyes, yellow, which had pointed ears, and blue, which had gills. "Get him..." Olimar whispered as the plants charged towards Fox.

"What are these things?" Fox wondered out loud as he started to shoot the creatures leaping at him.

"I call them Pikmin because they resemble Pik Pik carrots from my planet. I discovered them when I crashed on a mysterious planet years ago..." Olimar explained. "Yellow Pikmin! Attack the face! The rest of you? Go for the legs!" The captain commanded.

Fox saw a large group of yellow Pikmin fly at his head. They latched on and started scratching at his eyes, biting him, and punching him. "My eyes! The lens does nothing!" Fox cried out as he tried to pull the plants from his face.

The pilot tripped over the Pikmin attacking his legs and fell on the ground. The plants piled on top of him and started to attack him. He felt a few of the Pikmin take away his blaster and reflector.

"We got his weapons!" Some of the Pikmin cried out in high-pitched voices.

Fox tried his best to ignore the pain the creatures were giving him and focused his energy. He started to catch on fire. Fox rose in the air and floated in the air, he heard the screams of Pikmin and he smelled burning leaves...but he still felt attacks.

Fox opened his eyes and saw the red Pimin climbing towards his face. "Why aren't they burning?" Fox screeched.

Olimar laughed, "Red Pikmin are impervious to fire."

Fox groaned as the Pikmin clawed at his eyes. With lightning speed, he dropped to the ground and started to violently roll on the ground, his weight killing any Pikmin that were under him.

Once all of the plants were dead, Fox glared at Olimar. "Now it's your turn!"

The pilot dashed at Olimar and picked him up by his throat. He hurled the captain against a nearby cement wall and sprinted towards him. Fox repeatedly kicked Olimar so he stood in the air. When the captain finally landed on the ground, he started to laugh. "There are others..." He muttered.

"What?" Fox asked. He then cried out in pain as he felt an explosion behind him. The pilot was driven to the ground from the sudden attack.

Olimar stared at Fox intently. He grunted as he struggled to get back up. The pilot limped towards his opponent, but fell down before he could do anything.

Retro ran in between the challengers. He grabbed Olimar's arm and raised it in the air, "Looks like Louie and Olimar win!" He announced.  Just then, a familiar clicking noise went throughout the coliseum. "Where have I heard that noise before?" Retro thought out loud. "Dudes, we need to get out of here!" He shouted as he and Olimar darted out of the coliseum. The teenager gasped as he turned around and saw Fox still lying on the ground.

Retro ran to Fox and grabbed his hand. The teenager dragged Fox along the sand as he heard more clicking noises behind him. When the pair was finally outside of the coliseum, Retro turned around and saw that the entire coliseum's ground was gone. He whistled when he saw how close he was to falling into the abyss.

To Be Continued


I would've just killed Roy...  :P  But anyway, I learned a little about Pikmin.  I never really played any of the Pikmin games, so I didn't really know much about Pikmin.  I couldn't help but laugh at Olimar's shortness.  :D


I laughed at two things in particular. First: Olimar's height deficiency. Second: "THE LENS DOES NOTHING!"

Awesome job.