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You are likely to be eaten by a grue

Started by Kaz, September 13, 2008, 10:41:46 PM

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How can you prove the grue exists? I, for one, have yet to see one, and I'm likely to be eaten by a grue almost every minute of the day. Sounds like a bunch of hokey stories to me.


Quote from: Customrobo13 on September 14, 2008, 11:44:39 AM
Hrm.. Well, it depends if the kitchen is safe. If we went right and then got food, we could bring it back to the kitchen. However, it seems dangerous to go to the right without weapons. However, if we go to the kitchen, we could possibly find knives. We don't know what the hell is in those doors, they could just be mops, which won't help us much. It would seem odd to keep any real weapon such as a gun in a hallway leading to a food storage room or kitchen. We are likely to be eaten by a grue.

Also, Kaz, it would be nice to know exactly what I am wearing. It is important to know if I have pockets or not. I will need to carry items at some point or another. I will really need to carry stuff if we make the decision to head left, get weapons, then head right to get supplies.

I say go left.

You don't know if it's safe, obviously. And what you're wearing is not important, but if you must know, you have a few pockets for carrying stuff. But more importantly, you have a backpack, so that will make storing many things easy, but of course it will be difficult to carry many weapons that can be retrieved quickly.

Quote from: Dill on September 14, 2008, 12:01:30 PM
How can you prove the grue exists? I, for one, have yet to see one, and I'm likely to be eaten by a grue almost every minute of the day. Sounds like a bunch of hokey stories to me.

Your doubt sustains them and gives them life.

The votes have spoken, and you feel that right is the way to go. Turning away from the kitchen path, you make your way down the right hallway, staring down the large door at the end that reads "Storage B221." You look cautiously at the doors to your right and left as you pass by them. The grues are silent still, and make no notion of audible eagerness as you stop and turn to face one door that catches your attention. It has a sign on it that reads "Authorized Personnel Only." You reach for the door handle, but your hand stops short as you hear a faint scratching coming from the other side of the door. The hair on your neck stands on end and your heartbeat races.

Do you open the door, or disregard it and keep heading for the storage room? This time the choice will be decided simply from the next 3 votes.

By the way, because I forgot to do it before, an inventory check:

Backpack contains: 1 first aid kit, enough dried food for 3 days, 1 heavy stick
Pockets contain: 1 lighter

You may do request an inventory check at any time, should you forget what you have.
Quote<+Mithos> My mom grounded me for being gay.


Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


We are likely to be eaten by a grue, so intercourse  it. Lets see who, or what, is behind that door.



Whoa, slow down there.
Open backpack, take out heavy stick and lighter in case it is dark, or if you need to fight with the stick.

Now continue with the opening of the door, since the three votes have been submitted.

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


QuoteYour doubt sustains them and gives them life.

Flip-flopping now, are we? Originally, it was the darkness that gave them life. What next, they only exist because it says they exist, or because we can't prove they don't?

This horrific joke of a myth is seeming to become more like a religion by the minute.





"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums


Quote from: Byte on September 14, 2008, 05:27:01 PM

Don't be a pansy. Your going to die sooner or later.


Quote from: Dill on September 14, 2008, 05:01:30 PM
QuoteYour doubt sustains them and gives them life.

Flip-flopping now, are we? Originally, it was the darkness that gave them life. What next, they only exist because it says they exist, or because we can't prove they don't?

This horrific joke of a myth is seeming to become more like a religion by the minute.

I was being sarcastic and was trying to tell you to just roll with it instead of doubting, but okay.

The votes say we open it, but even though Custom's vote wasn't within the first three, I'm going to take his extra suggestion into consideration and be cautious.

You look around nervously, and take off your backpack, setting it down silently so as not to awaken whatever may be lurking behind every conceivable shadow. Even more carefully you unzip the large back pocket, the seperation of every tooth on the zipper sounding louder and louder as you struggle to stay quiet. You withdraw the heavy stick you found on the way, just in case you need a weapon for whatever lies in wait behind that door. You also take your lighter from your pocket. Having zipped your backpack up, you put it back on your shoulders and reach for the door handle. You take a big breath, and turn the handle, pushing with your shoulder against the door. It gives way to your weight with a loud creak.

Suddenly you hear it. The heavy breathing and low, guttural growls coming from behind you. A grue? You don't take time to find out. You push the door open the rest of the way quickly, rush in, and turn around to slam the door shut. You force yourself against the door to keep it shut, and the thing in the hallway slams back, growling who knows what at you. You know you cannot overpower the thing in the hallway. You think it is the end for you. But strangely, it does not try to get through the door again. It seems content in allowing you to escape for now. You do not understand...but just in case, you push a nearby heavy chair in front of the door.

You realize now how hot it is in this room. You turn around to look about, and you realize you're in a boiler room. There is a faint dripping from a leaky pipe above you, and you notice that someone had been trying to fix it, as there is a stepladder with a lonely wrench sitting on top of it. Strangely, there's a desk in the middle of the room. That must be from where you pulled the chair from in your fright. It seems that someone had tried to make this boiler room into their office. There's another door in here on the wall to your left. But before doing anything, you search the desk. There is a 9mm handgun in the top drawer. The rest is empty. There don't seem to be any 9mm cartridges in the gun seems useless at the moment, as gun itself is empty as well. There's a note on the floor that reads "Evac Plans" and says nothing more. Looks like they decided to either run off with no plan at all or they're all dead already.

Satisfied with your search, you consider your next move. You could take something from the office or leave it all. And then, as for going somewhere, you could leave the office through that new door or go back to where that thing might be and try to get to that storage room. But really, you don't know where you might even find any survivors...if there are any.

Best of 5 votes plus any additional advice as to inventory changes or otherwise will suffice.
Quote<+Mithos> My mom grounded me for being gay.


Keep the wrench, the gun, and proceed through the new door.


Take the gun, plans, and wrench.



take the gun, wrench, leave the plans, take the stepladder.  go back out through the door you entered.

Quote from: LinkXLR on January 30, 2008, 09:10:54 PM
Quote from: famy on January 30, 2008, 08:36:30 PM
is big willy unleashed a will smith game

...I'm not even gonna touch this one.

SteamID: Lazylen