
<Clu> no nsfcd is basically a ghost town, it should be killed behind fences

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The Mole (Camp NSFCD)

Started by Light, October 23, 2008, 06:59:13 PM

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Eight Campers. One winner. But one of these campers is being paid to deceive the others and sabotage their missions. That person is The Mole. Whoever does the best job of finding out who The Mole is and tracking and remembering their every movements wins the game. Can you figure it out?

Who is The Mole?

In September of 2007, seven campers of a boarding school called NSIDER went on a trip to a nearby forest. However, they soon got lost and could not remember which way they had come. After spending a cruel night in the tree infested area, they realized that instead of the original seven that had come, there were suddenly eight. Worse; they could not remember who the original seven were.

The eight found a few abandoned cabins that day; four, to be exact. They sat two to a cabin. Inside the cabins were two journals, two beds, one desk, and one antenna television. When they turned on the TV, they found that there was only one channel being broadcast, and that channel showed that the school of NSIDER had been destroyed. Devastated, the eight campers decided to begin life anew out in the wilderness.

But would the newcomer - or, The Mole - eventually become something for the original seven to look out for?


I'll need two campers from each cabin, for a total of eight contestants. Missions will include a variety of challenges, such as artwork, mind games, and your skill of memory. I'll choose who The Mole is after you all join in. At the end of each "day", the quiz will be sent out to the remaining contestants, and at least one person (the person(s) with the lowest score on the quiz) will be executed.

Missions will either be to add IV points/cabin points to the pot, or for exemption, which will ensure your safety in the next round.

Here's the point breakdown:

Winner: 750 points MAX (depends on how many points are in the pot at the end.)
Runner-up: Half of the winner's total; 375 points MAX
The Mole: If he keeps the pot total from reaching over 500 points - 400 points. If he keeps the pot total from reaching over 300 points - 500 points. If he does not accomplish either - 100 points

WARNING: Only sign up if you are sure you will be committed; the game will most likely last all of Camp NSFCD, and you really need to stick with the game if it's going to work.

You have until 4 PM Pacific (7 PM Eastern) tomorrow to sign up. Good luck.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


I'd like to add this event is the biggest shot at IV points other than MotC, which is the biggest point event.



I'd love to join, but...I think my cabin members would like to have a chance.


Sorry LS, I could probably do it, but I don't think I could be fully commited to this. Especially with my homework and all the other events going on.

Looks fun, though.


How much commitment is needed? Like, an hour a day? Or just more like find a time to get on to do stuff for it?


Quote from: GreatGonzalez106 on October 23, 2008, 10:07:31 PM
How much commitment is needed? Like, an hour a day? Or just more like find a time to get on to do stuff for it?
I'm aiming to make each "day" about an actual day's length... and that consists of (usually) 2 missions and the quiz. Mission durations could vary, but it's crucial that everyone is on during times of activity. It'll probably be one mission in the morning/afternoon, one mission in the late afternoon/evening, and then the quiz.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Maybe... cuz I might get my computer back.

But still... maybe...



Quote from: GreatGonzalez106 on October 24, 2008, 06:10:44 AM
I guess I'll do it.
Gonzo and I will represent Cabin 4.

Also, having a mission in the morning probably isn't a great idea. I know that I have school and that takes up until 3:30 in my day plus homework time, and I'm sure many others too. I guess that the morning could be from the actual morning until around 4-5 and then the afternoon one could be after that.


I would like to sign up for cabin 1. Who wants to be my partner?
...Friend codes were probably implemented by the same people who wanted tripping in Brawl...
...It's quite obvious...