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The Dedede Who Stole Christmas (SSBB Christmas fic)

Started by DededeCloneChris, December 20, 2008, 12:06:36 PM

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The Dedede Who Stole Christmas

Chapter 1: Dedede

"...And hello!" A voice called out in front of the chimney sitting in a red and soft sofa, drinking hot chocolate with a book on his hand, we revealed the person to be wearing a warm red robe that reached his feet and green shirt underneath the robe, it was the World Traveler, Chris, who was smiling a little as he held his book. "Welcome to my little section for reading books everyone out there, I'm Chris, your faithful narrator!"

"Chris, who are you talking to?" Lucario appeared from the right, sitting above the red mat of the floor.

"Duh, I'm talking to all of you," Chris said glancing at Lucas, Ness, Popo, Nana, Pikachu, Pichu, Toon Link, Kirby, Jigglypuff, Diddy, Squirtle, and for some odd reason, Snake. "Or not?" He winked to the fourth wall.

"Ah! How did you know I was here? Dammit, I need a better hiding spot!" The fourth wall said angrily as it went jumping away from the spot as they all looked at it.

"...Was that wall here?" Squirtle asked.

"Who cares." Pikachu said.

"So," Chris began. "You're all here because you want to hear my Christmas story?"

"Actually," Nana raised her hand. "You told us you were going to give us vital information to have our own adventure with everything and money included."

"...Too bad, I lied." Chris said as Snake stood up.

"Tsk, I knew I couldn't count on your words." Snake said before he left the place.

"Did he believe you?" Pichu asked.

"Er, I didn't even talk to him, I guess he just got the word," Chris said before shaking his head. "A-anyway, who wants to hear this Christmas story?"

"...Meh, me I guess." Ness said raising his hand.

"I want to listen so..." Lucas said raising his hand.

"Well...I don't have anything else to do." Toon Link said raising his hand.

"I LOVE Christmas stories!" Popo said raising his hand.

"Whatever." Nana said raising her hand.

"Oh yes! Yes yes yes!" Pichu said hopping.

"You better not tell one where Jynxs are Santa's helpers or else." Pikachu said raising his hand.

"Why not?" Diddy asked raising his hand.

"Anything is fine with me, bring it." Squirtle said raising his hand.

"It has food?" Kirby asked raising his hand with his mouth drooling a little.

"It has carols?" Jigglypuff asked raising her hand.

"It has me being a superhero that saves DK?" Diddy asked raising his hand.

"Yes, yes and probably in a sick and alternate universe," Chris responded to the last ones. "What about you Lucario?"

"I'll stay, I want to relax close to the chimney." Lucario said getting in a meditating position.

"Okay then," Chris opened his book. "I'm going to narrate you all the story about a selfish, fat pengui-"

"Oh! Dedede!" Diddy said excited.

"...Um...yes, Dedede," Chris stared down at the book. "Who was a very angry and stubborn fellow during the holiday season, especially Christmas, and the shy but good little her-"

"Oh! Lucas!" Diddy said as Lucas blinked surprised.

"W-what?!" Lucas asked in shock.

"Relax! It's a story with all of you included!" Chris said as he continued to narrate. "Anyway, Lucas, the shy but good little hero, who was an excited person during very same season, is the protagonist for this adventure. This story tells about these 2 unlikely partners, or more specifically, 2 unlikely characters that had different points of views for Christmas and other stuff..."

"Like?" Toon Link asked.

"Well, let's see for ourselves, shall we?" Chris asked as the screen gets fuzzy with waves and it changes to the setting of the story...

The Dedede Who Stole Christmas
Starring: Lucas

There was a holiday during the season which all always remembered through the year, it was the most important date of the calendar, and snow would fall in the lovely and peaceful city of Nintendo, called Nintendo City ironically. However, our time takes us to one of the most important locals close to the city.

The Smash Mansion, home of 40 characters who were a bunch of fighters who would fight day and night just for the fun of the competition, most of them didn't have the moves they possesed to begin with, those moves where given to them by Master Hand, the owner and founder of the tournament called Super Smash Bros. Brawl, who also was the brother of his insane, stupid, idiot and ironically crazy, Crazy Hand, who was such a nuisance to the sane hand in some ways, however, Master Hand had to accept his bloodline and take Crazy Hand in an-

Wait, we got sidetracked, sorry.

"We're just following you, so you got sidetracked." Pikachu pointed out.

Shut up and let me continue!


Anyway, it was almost Christmas in the Smash Mansion, only 3 days left for the fighters called Smashers to open their presents, which were 1764.

"1764?!" The Smashers asked surprised.

Well, there were 42 gifts for each one of them, even the hands, the main lobby was full of them, that's why the Christmas tree was like 20-feet tall, the presents had to be taken inside the huge tree's branches and store them there with the help of DK since he was a good climber, fortunately they all fit.

"And we aren't like only 41? I mean, you counted Squirtle, Charizard, Ivysaur and Nana, right?" Ness asked.

I'm also in this story, though I'm just a normal teen who is the trainer of Lucario.

"Like it should be." Lucario as Chris rubbed his head and the Pokémon growled happily.

...Although, there was something wrong with the 1764 presents, they were only 1722 of them...

"It's still a huge amount of presents!" Pichu said.

Just let me continue, dangit!

So, why there were only 1722 gifts, you may ask?

Then let's see!

In front of the tree, there was Marth with a checkboard on his left arm, the prince of Altea was making sure all the present were there, Link, Roy and Ike were also helping him out.

"Let's see again," Marth said with pen ready on his checkboard. "Jigglypuff's gifts?"

"Checked." Roy said inside the tree.

"Crazy Hand's gifts?"

"Trash inside boxes? Checked." Link said chuckling.

"Ness's gifts?"

"Checked." Ike said.

"And...wait, we forgot one," Marth said looking at the "D" section. "...Dedede's gifts?"

"Checked, he doesn't have any." Link said.

"Wait, I forgot, why he doesn't have any gifts?" Roy asked.

"Did you forget?" Ike asked. "Dedede doesn't give anything good to any us, remember the last Christmas? He gave us a present with a punch glove popping out of the box...TO ALL OF US!"

"I still have that scar of that incident..." Link said shrugging. "Nobody wants to give him anything so, he was a very, very bad boy."

The other 3 swordsmen chuckled at Link. "Dude, a very, very bad boy? What has gotten into you?" Roy asked chuckling.

"Well, excuse me! Somebody gave me 12 milk bottles with BEER mixed on it yesterday! And I still have a hangover, be glad I got here to help you!"

"And were you that stupid to drink all of them?" Ike asked blankly.

"...Milk is good for your health, you know..."

Marth shuddered a little. "...And that's all, there are in total 1722 gifts without Dedede's gifts," Marth declared as the 3 swordsmen jumped out from the tree. "Yes, everything is in order."

The reason why Dedede didn't receive any gifts was because he liked to play pranks on all the Smashers, even the hands with elaborated gifts with popping-punch gloves rocketing to your face, ever since that incident, nobody ever gave something to Dedede.

And who said it was the only occasion that he did that?

Valentine's Day.

"Here, lovely Zelda," Dedede said giving Zelda a heart-shaped box with chocolates. "Chocolates for you, happy Valentine's Day!"

"My, thank you Deded-" Once Zelda opened the box, chocolate was shot directly at her face in a very fast shot that she screamed. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!"

"Heheheheheheheheh! You fell for it my dear! Good luck with the acne!"

St. Patrick's Day

"Here, little mouse," Dedede said giving Pichu and green top hat. "Happy St. Patrick's Day!"

"Thank you!" Pichu said putting the top hat on his head, but then, something beagn to stroll down the top hat, it was chocolate mixed with vanilla that covered Pichu totally as he screamed, crying. "UAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!"

"Heheheheheheheheh! You fell for it!" Dedede said throwing pillow feathers to Pichu, who got stuck in his body as the electric mouse ran crying. "Good luck with the shower, chicken!"

Easter's Day.

"Here, Ness," Dedede said giving Ness a bunch of big painted eggs. "Happy Easter's Day!"

"Sweet!" Ness said before the eggs suddenly exploded and splattered Ness's face with very hot soup with pasta included as he held his hands in pain in front of his face. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! IT BURNS!!!!!"

"Heheheheheheheheh! You fell for it! Good luck with the second-degree burns!"

Mother's Day.

"Here, Nana," Dedede said giving Nana a bouquet of flowers. "Happy Mother's Day!"

"...But I'm not a mother, I'm a girl, you idiot!" Nana protested angrily before a swarm of Beedrills, yes, Beedrills were hiding inside the bouquet, glared at her as her eyes widened in shock before running away from the Beedrills who chased her around. "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!"

"Heheheheheheheheh! You fell for it! Good luck with the pinches!"

Flag Day

"Here, Toon Link," Dedede said giving Toon Link a nazi-like flag. "Happy Flag Day!"

"...Wait, isn't bad to hold this nazi flag?" Toon Link asked before high-speed jets (probably from the USA's Air Force) were coming to the Smash Mansion and began to fire missiles at him as he screamed while running away to save his life. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!"

"Heheheheheheheheh! You fell for it! See you in the infirmary!"

Father's Day

"Here, Fox," Dedede said giving Fox a picture of Krystal. "Happy Father's Day!"

"...But Krystal broke with me..." Fox said glaring at Dedede with a menacing face.

"Heheheheheheheheheh! You fell for it! Good luck being a bachelor!"

Independence Day

"Here, kid," Dedede said giving Chris what looked to be a nuclear warhead. "Happy Independence Day!"

"Wait, where did you get thi-" Chris's eyes widened after an army of the USA came in 11 green jeeps and began to shoot at him as he ran away. "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!"

"Grrrr..." Lucario grunted in rage during his meditation.

I'm still here and he didn't do that, relax please.

"Heheheheheheheheheheh! You fell for it! Good luck with the life imprisonment!"

Halloween's Day

"Here, hedgehog," Dedede said giving Sonic a costume that he unfolded quickly. "Happy Halloween's Day!"

"...What the?!" Sonic looked shocked at the Shadow costume.

"Heheheheheheheheheheh! You fell for it! Good luck with being an emo faker!"

Thanksgiving's Day

"Here, puffball," Dedede said giving Kirby a fresh turkey that he quickly swallowed. "Happy Thanksgiving's Day!"

"...Ooooohhhh...I don't feel so good..." Kirby said holding his stomach in pain before he turned white and ran to the nearest bathroom where he began to puke and...well...

"Heheheheheheheheheheh! You fell for it! Good luck with the diarrhea!"

Back to the present day...

"...Oh yeah, now I remember." Roy said.

However, there was someone who was always happy for Christmas, he was the most one excited than all the Smashers, he always enjoyed his gifts he received from them since they were always very interesting.

"Lucas." Popo said.

Who's narrating the story?! And...oohhh...I need to go, sorry!


Chapter 2: Lucas

Phew, that wa-

"We don't want to hear it!" The young Smashers yelled.

Fine! Fine! I'm continuing it! Geez you people...

So, where was I? Oh yes...ahem.

There were the kids playing outside in the snow, a snowball fight as people commonly name it, there was Ness, the Ice Climbers, Pikachu, Pichu, Diddy, Jigglypuff, Squirtle...

And our protagonist and hero, Lucas of Tazmily Village of Nowhere Island.

"O-oh god..." Lucas blushed embarrassed.

There were 2 forts of snow, one had Ness, Popo, Pichu and a scared Lucas ducking to hide, while the other forts had Pikachu, Nana, Diddy, Jigglypuff and Squirtle, the latter team winning so far.

"Lucas! I need reinforcements!" Popo yelled as he ducked in time by a snowball.

"No fair! You're 5 against 3 without counting Lucas!" Pichu said before a snowball hit his face and he ducked to make another one.

"Lucas! Help!" Ness said shaking Lucas, but the PSI blond kid shook his head. "Why?!"

"I-I don't want to catch a cold!" Lucas protested.

"We're wearing scarfs, dangit! And yours is the longest one!"

"I-I know, but they throw them very hard..."

"DUCK!" Popo yelled and his team gasped, they all covered their heads and waited for an assault. "PASSING THROUGH!"

Literally speaking, there was a Psyduck walking between the forts, then it got away in the road.

"...Why was that Psyduck here?" Pikachu asked.

"Beats me, A-TTAAAAAAAAAACK!" Diddy yelled using his tail and both hands to throw 3 snowballs at the same time with each throw.

"D-dangit! Our fort is collapsing!" Ness said noticing their fort collapsing from the right side, where Pichu was.

Forgot to mention something, both forts were 2 meters high.

"UAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" A mini avalanche fell on Pichu, burying him alive as he screamed for help. "HEEEEEEEEELP!"

"Was that really necessary to point out? I mean, you said he screamed for help an-"

Squirtle, shut up and listen please.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Popo screamed loudly as the fort when down on all of them and buried them all in the snow, the other team cheered at this and high-fived each other in triumph.

"Ha-ha! We beat you!" Diddy said holding a snowball in his tail.

"Wait, I haven't noticed, where am I in this tail?" Toon Link asked.

Just let me continue, please!

"Alright," Pikachu walked to them, who got their heads out of the snow as they sneezed. "We won the bet, 9 Plasma TVs!"

"W-we didn't even bet anything! ACHOO!" Lucas protested.

"A-a-and why we'd bet that?! W-w-we don't have a lot of money! ACHOO!" Pichu said sneezing.

"Pikachu!" Nana smacked Pikachu in the head with her hammer. "Ugh, we didn't bet anything!"

Ness rolled his eyes. "See? At least Nana isn't like yo-"

"We bet 9 Plasma TVs WITH DVDs together!"

"Oh, COME ON!"

"Actually, that isn't such a bad idea..." Nana said smirking rather evily as her brother backed away from her.

And the young Smashers argued and argued, some times sneezing and some times arguing even more, how is that possible? Ask someone else besides me.

Lucas, later, decided to ignore their discussion and sneaked back to the mansion, wanting to have hot chocolate to get warmer.

However, on his way, he stumbled into a fat stomach...

"Hello there." Lucas said waving a hand to Dedede who looked at him with an angry expression.


"S-sorry!" Lucas said as he ran to Dedede's stomach and stumbled. "Oww!"

"Hey! Watch we're ya goin', chicken!" Dedede said angrily looking down to Lucas.

"S-sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't want to make any trouble an-"

While Lucas was apologizing, Dedede crossed his arms and began to think by himself.

"(Hmm...this kid should be perfect for my plan...I just need to get some things from him...) A-ah! Pardon me! I-I didn't look where I was going!"

Lucas tilted his head in confusion. "W-what?"

"Here, let me help ya." Dedede said grabbing Lucas and putting him back on his feet. "Theeeeere, nice."

"Ewww, Dedede is a child molester here." Diddy said disgusted.

Stop interrupting for god's sake!

"U-umm..." Lucas trembled and played with his fingers.

"Hey, can you please show me your room?"

"H-huh? Why?"

"'Cause I hear is such a darn nice place to hang out."

" you insis-"

Dedede wrapped Lucas in his left arm and walked to Lucas's Room, once they reached the room, Lucas began to catch his breath because of Dedede's arm.

"Wow, nice, sweet photos." Dedede said.

"T-thank yo-"


And Lucas was hit very hard in the head by a hammer.

"Oh! Oh! Dedede hit him with his hammer!" Popo said.


Once Lucas recovered his self, Dedede was there with a worried face to Lucas, who was in the bed. "I-I'm sorry! Stupid me, I hit you with my hammer by accident."

Lucas shuddered. "U-Um, it's not that bad, I understand."

"Great!" Dedede said walking to the door as he hummed. "See you in Christmas! Only 3 days left!"

Lucas instantly smiled. "You're right! Only 3 days left until Christmas! Oh man, I want to open my presents!"

However, Dedede chuckled evily at this as he left the room...

"Oh, I hope he's not the villain." Toon Link said sarcastically.

Anyway, somewhere around where Dedede was walking, we see Toon Link playing Monopoly, the Nintendo Version with Link.

"Ha!" Toon Link grinned at Link. "You fell in my house, give me 9 red bucks with big fifties on 'em!"

"Grr." Link handed 9 bucks with $50s on them to Toon Link, who snatched it and added them on his current amount.

That night...

We see Dedede walking to the main lobby, where he stood in front of the Chritsmas Tree, he was carrying a big black bag for trash, the penguin king grinned evily once he glanced at the big tree. "Oh yes... All the gifts are going to be mine...and just for me..."


"Can you shut up them for a second?!" Dedede asked to the roof.

Sorry! They're just wondering, anyway! Go on please!

"Fine! Plan in action, steal Christmas, whatever!"

The next day...

We see the 8 Smashers (except Lucas) carrying 8 Mr. Saturns with red coats in total, they all stopped by the tree and entered inside it.

"Man, 42 gifts for each one of us is a dream coming true." Toon Link said as they went inside the tree.

"But it doesn't hurt to take a peek, right?" Pikachu asked winking as he entered inside.

"Anyway, throw the Mr. Saturns away, they don't need to follow us." Ness said throwing away his Mr. Saturn.

"Wait, why did we were carrying Mr. Saturns with us?" Ness asked.

Because one of them was a hobo.

"That doesn't make sense!"

Fine! Mr. Saturns were popular during Christmas in this story at least!

"But Mr. Saturny wants to stay with me." Popo said petting Mr. Saturny.

"BoINg! GoOD kId, ZooM!" Mr. Saturny said before Nana took it and threw it away.

"...OMIGOSH!" Pikachu screamed inside the tree.

"What is it? It's not like you to scream like that!" Nana asked looking inside the tree, where her eyes widened in shock. "OH NO!"


"What?" They all looked outside the tree where Marth overheard their conversation. "What do you mean the presents are gone?" Marth asked entering the tree. "That's is very stupid and...oh god...MASTER HAND!"

"W-what!?" Master Hand appeared in a poof of smoke inside the tree and gasped after he saw the branches empty without the presents. "THE PRESENTS!"

We now change the scene outside.


The news alarmed many Smashers who quickly rushed, dashed, ran to the tree and began to talk between themselves, arguing about the disappearance of their presents.

"W-who could have done this?" Peach asked sobbing as Mario patted her back.

"I swear, if somebody stole my presents," Ike took out Ragnell and made a glare. "Ragnell will say something about it under that bandit."

"That's too bad," Chris said sadly. "I wanted my 42 gifts so bad..."

Lucario's hands instantly flared up with aura. "Don't worry, once I find that imbecile, I'll make him pay."

"..." Lucario simply blushed.

"...W-wait! I found something here!" Falco yelled and everbody looked at the tree where he got out and showed something to them. "I found a clue! The culprit left this in a branch!"

"What is it?" Pit asked flying to Falco, the angel took the item and examined it. "...A dead red snake?"

It was a familiar red snake, who had a bump on his head and fainted during the event.

"Weird, I think I saw that before somewhere..." DK said wondering.

"Oh!" Popo raised his hand and they all looked at him. "Isn't that Lucas's Rope Snake?"

"LUCAS?!" Everyone yelled angrily.

"...Wait a minute..." Falco entered inside the tree and found even more things scattered around. "...I also found 2 parkas, a Pokeball with the name "Ash" on it, a mini-car toy, an electric guitar, a green hood for sleeping, a weird thin baton and a Mr. Saturn shirt here!"

"Oh! Those things sound like my parka and Nana's, Pikachu's Pokeball, Pichu's car toy, Diddy's electric guitar, Kirby's hood, Toon Link's Wind Waker and Ness's Mr. Saturn shirt then!" Popo said as everybody (except Chris) glared at the young Smashers.

"Oh, how cute, Chris isn't an evil person to hurt us." Pikachu said sarastically.

Fine, you want me to change that? I can always make Lucario grow 20-feet tall t-

"Y-you know what? I'll better shut up then."


"W-wait, why is everyone glaring at us?... DK, you can lower your arm now..." Toon Link said backing away from the rest of the Smashers, together with his companions.

"You kids stole all the gifts, didn't you?" Ganondorf asked with a glare as dark energy covered his hands.

"You were that stupid to left your own things scattered around the crime scene? Really, that's a beg to kick you around." Sonic said cracking his fists.

"W-wait a minute! We didn't steal any gifts!" Nana said backing away to the stairs, were the adults surrounded them from behind and in the front.

"I can't believe you!" Roy said unsheathing his sword.

"W-we didn't do anything, dangit!" Pikachu said angrily to them before most of the Smashers began to crack their fists.

"P-please, I-I know you're not going to kill us for some disappeared presents that we didn't steal, r-right?" Pichu asked hiding behind Pikachu.

"Oh no, we're going to hang you above acid, then KILL you." Master Hand said tightening into a fist.

"Y-you! Read our minds! We didn't do it!" Ness argued.

"Nice try, but you probably erased that memory just to get away with it!"


"Shut up, stay there, and let me knock out some sense into your minds." Fox alarmed them, cracking his fists.

"...We're screwed, right?" Squirtle asked as he saw Charizard gathering flames inside his mouth.

"Apparently." Squirtle said with a bored look.

"Totally." The young Smashers replied with bored looks.

"KILL THEM!" Link yelled lunging at the young Smashers together with everybody else, however, the young Smashers quickly jumped to the tree and the adult Smashers began to fight between themselves in a cloud of dust in the stairs, thinking they got the young Smashers.

"Seriously, even Ike isn't that stupid to fall for that." Ness said.

"QUICK! THEY'RE FIGHTING THEMSELVES, LET'S GET OUTTA HERE!" Pikachu yeled as they quickly jumped off the tree and ran upstairs.

"Hey, Chris! You're not going to turn against us, aren't you?!" Diddy asked as they saw Chris in the other side of the other stairs.

"But why would I?" Chris asked confused. "Something seems very fishy around her-"

"PLEASE! TELL ME YOU BELIEVE US!" Pikachu asked lunging at his face pleading for mercy.

"I-I believe you! Don't worry!"


"Sorry, I can't do that unfortunately."

"WHAT?!" They said shocked.

"If I go with you, those psychos except Lucario will kick my sorry butt, believing I'm an accomplice of you."

"BUT WE'RE NOT THE THIEVES!" Toon Link protested.

"I know that! J-just go with Lucas! He's still sleeping in his room in this hour! Hurry! Those psychos will soon realize they're fighting between themselves!"

"W-what are we going to do after we reunite with Lucas?!" Pichu asked terrified as he heard a bone breaking in the fight.

"...Just follow the darn story! There's always a happy ending to these alternate stories!" Chris yelled as the young Smashers looked at each other, nodded with worried looks and ran to Lucas's room.

"Sweet, Chris is always there to save our as-." Popo was interrupted by a smack coming from an annoyed Nana.

"STOP!" Mr. G&W yelled and they stopped fighting, many of them had black eyes or ripped clothes. "Where are they?!"

"Chris! Did you see where they went?!" C. Falcon asked to Chris who was in the other side of the tree.

"Oh, they ran outside once you began fighting." Chris said pointing at the door.

"GET 'EM AND SKIN THEM ALIVE!" Bowser raising his fist in the air together with everyone as they all ran outside, yelling like barbarians.

"...I swear, these alternate stories make everyone so out of character..."

I...need to go again! Sorry!

"Awwwww!!!" The young Smashers groaned as Chris ran away to the bathroom.


Chapter 3: Chase 'em

"Finally, you're back." Squirtle said a little annoyed.

Anyway, let's continue!

Back with our hero, Lucas...

He was looking around frantically for some items he lost, he couldn't find Rope Snake and many items that their friends gave to him, of course, he ignored all the trouble happening down below the stairs.

"UAH!" Lucas tripped scared once the young Smashers rushed inside the room and locked the door. "W-what are you doing here?"

"Oh, nothing Lucas, we just got illegally blamed for something we didn't do along with you, you know, the usual." Pikachu said annoyed as the door began to be knocked, making them to gasp silently.

"H-hey! Let me in!" A familiar voice demanded.

"...Wait, it's just Jigglypuff, let her in," Ness said opening the door as Jigglypuff walked in, pouting as Ness closed the door with a lock. "What is it?"

"You guys stole all the presents, didn't you?" Jigglypuff asked crossing her arms.

"W-we didn't! Why'd I want Bananas for gifts?!" Nana asked angrily.

"Hmm, actually, I'd-" Diddy lowered his hand and shook his head. "We didn't do such a thing!"

"Oh, really?!" Jigglypuff asked taking out all their evidences in the scene of the crime. "Then what are these things?"

"M-MY THINGS!" Lucas said grabbing all his items and threw them inside his closet (along with the dead Rope Snake). "H-how did you get them if you didn't visit me in my room?!"

"...Okay, now I'm confused, if you guys didn't do anything...then who?"

Popo had a lightbulb above his head, though he took it and kept it behind his back where it disappeared. "Hmm, maybe because Dedede stole Lucas's things that we gave to him by no reason 10 days ago?"

"Why'd we give Lucas our things?" Toon Link asked.

Shut-up, please!

"And for the fact that he was carrying an inmense black bag with squares all over during the night where he disappeared into the woods?" Popo asked finishing and they all glared at him.

"You mean you knew this all along and DIDN'T even say anything up until our faces were in those psychos's minds that are CURRENTLY trying to kill us to a more painful death for something we DIDN'T EVEN DO?!" Squirtle asked furiously.

Popo smiled and patted his back. "Yep, that's about it, where are my cookies?"


Nana was above Popo, who lost consciouness by the extreme blows he received from everyone. "OK, the idiocy of my brother let us be the false culprits, I'd say hunt the penguin and bring him to freakin' justice before we enter our graves earlier than usual! Who's with me?!"

"ME!" Everyone yelled except Lucas.

"Lucas, you have to come with us, that bastard tricked you from the beginning!" Jigglypuff said pouting and inflating herself.

"...O-okay..." Lucas said raising his hand.

"Besides, you're the main protagonist, go get 'im!" Popo said punching the air before Nana smacked him once again.

"We just need to run into the forest and everyone won't look for us in there, then we'll return to the mansion with the presents for everyone until Christmas and we'll eat big-fat roast penguin for dinner!" Diddy said taking out his Peanut Gun, doing a high-five with Pichu and Pikachu.

"Good, now let's go an-" Once Nana opened the door, Chris was there standing on the other side. "What now?"

"Guys, I'm here to tell you some bad news...remember the psychos from before?" Chris asked shifting his eyes with preocupation.

"Yeah?" The young Smashers said confused.

"Well...let's say they just returned from running outside, and since they thought killing you was a bad idea..."

"Oh, oh! I get it! They thought things over and decided to apologize us!" Squirtle said smiling in relief.

"...Not really."

"...Come again?" Ness asked.

"They thought killing you all with their bare hands wasn't enough actually so..."

"So?" Nana asked crossing her arms with her hammer.

"...Master Hand allowed all of them to have an unlimited supply of Smash Balls just to make you all suffer a "painless death" or a "painful death" as I overheard Ganondorf and Bowser said when they turned into big monsters...did I say those who can transform have an unlimited time, meaning that they won't turn back to normal once you die?"

"No." The young Smashers said blinking bored.

"...Well, I suggest to break Lucas's window and escape, because right now as we speak..." The floor began to shake uncontrollably, they could even hear 3 big tanks, 2 monsters roaring loudly, 1 fat-man in some poor superhero disguise and the rest of them stomping the floor, cracking their fists in unison as a fast-golden blur circled around them. "...They're slowly coming to this very location..."

"...Curse you Sonic and your 7 Chaos Final Smash is better anyway..." Pikachu muttered utterly annoyed.

"That's not the...worst part actually."

"It gets worse?!"

"Yes... Master Hand used his weird hand powers to make everyone grow like if they were using a Super Mushroom, and I presume the tanks and the monsters are like the most dangerous things to fight against even if you 10 fought together so..."

"...We're dead, so dead, even more than dead, right?" Kirby asked with teary eyes.

"...Apparently so..."

Popo walked to Chris and grabbed his hands. "Chris...since this is probably the last time we're going to see you...can I tell you something?" Popo asked sniffing.

Chris wiped out a tear and ducked to see him closer. "Anything...please, say it, I won't argue with you."

"...You were such an ass all the time to us."


Popo was kicked out of the room by the window and he fell in the snow.

"Run! Run! Or Giga Bowser will tear you up!" Chris said motioning to the window.

"LAST TO JUMP GETS SLICED BY GIANT MEMTWO!" Pichu yelled loudly as everybody jumped to the the same time, getting stuck as they tried to get out desperately.

"Mewtwo isn't with them, he went to Johto for some business things he had there!" Chris said.

"I MEAN, GETS MURDERED BY GIANT SNAKE!" Pichu yelled correcting his statement, the giant psychos were now reaching the corner of the same hall of their room.

"Wait, did the tanks, the monsters and the others fit in the hallway at least?" Diddy asked.

Use your little imagination, my friend.

"I-um-well..." Chris looked back and forth between the big shadows and sounds coming from the other side of the room an-

"Wasn't Chris in the hallway and not in the room?" Lucario asked.

He entered.

And the Smashers struggling to jump out to save their lifes, he closed his eyes and sighed in disappointment. "...I'm so going to get killed..." Chris said deceptioned before he rushed to the window and pushed the Smashers out along with himself, making all of them fall to the snow where they sneezed a little bit.

"HEY, WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL?! THEY'RE NOT HERE!" Giant Beast Ganon yelled with his deep voice.

"Okay, everyone, let's go into the forest and...carefully, walk slowly and hid in the trees." Ness said as everyone nodded worried, without losing their view of Lucas's room that was currently being filled with super giant empowered psychos thirsty for their blood.


"...That was Lucario..." Chris muttered shocked as they backed away to the forest.

"OH, I KNOW! THEY NOT ONLY STOLE THE GIFTS, BUT ALSO KIDNAPPED CHRIS!" Giant Super Sonic said cracking his super fists that were literally making the ground tremble.

"Oh, so you made Sonic a rip-off of DBZ by using super this time?" Popo asked annoyed for the first time.

I ignored him, of course.

"THEY ARE DEAD, DEAD!" Giant Lucario stated burning with aura that didn't hurt him.

"..." Lucario rolled his eyes at the obvious statement of his aura.

"They're delirating now..." Diddy said sweating.

"I heard if somebody grows using Super Mushrooms, their minds get corrupted and they'll wish for the first victim to be crushed and killed by themselves..." Jigglypuff said gulping.


"...It's official guys, we live with lunatics that are thirsty for blood of innocent kids like us..." Ness said backing away to the forest where once they were in, they began to run as fast as their feet could let them.

Giant Giga Bowser peered outside the window (breaking the rest of the window with his enormous head) and looked to the snow. "I FOUND THE BASTARDS'S FOOTPRINTS IN THE SNOW, THEY'RE GETTING AWAY!!!"

"DON'T LET THEM LIVE, I DEMAND MY KILL TIME!" Giant Wario-man yelled with everyone as we quickly change the scene to the young Smashers, panting heavily with serious faces.

"D-do you think...we're going to live through this misunderstanding?!" Pikachu asked hopping on Chris's shoulder.

"A-at least I'm going to survive...I think!" Chris said as they glared at him while they ran deeper inside the forest. "O-okay, I'm going to die along with you for real this time!"

"I want my Christmas preseeeeeeeents!" Lucas wailed as he wanted to cry, but Ness patted his back.

"D-don't worry! That bastard of Dedede will get w-what he deserves! ACHOO!" Ness reassured him as the group disappeared in the deepness of the forest...

5 minutes later, we see many giant Smashers making small trembles, with monsters and tanks destroying everything slowly in their path, such like trees and bushes, where our heroes were going to catch the real thief and save themselves from a beating that would probably send them highed than the heavens themselves....

And bathroom time again!

"Not again, Chris!" The young Smashers groaned out loud as he ran to the bathroom again.

"(This is getting interesting...for me at least.)" Lucario thought with a small chuckle as he continued to meditate.

"O-oh man, I don't want to be killed here... I don't want to see Claus in the heaven!" Lucas said shaking with fear.

"Er, do I need to remind you that we're not getting chased, right?" Nana asked with a bored look.


I didn't get to read all of it, but from what I've read, it's really good. :)


PRetty good! The fourth wall thing at the beginning was great. ^_^