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Miss Me?

Started by DBY106698, January 13, 2009, 04:41:03 PM

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Miss me? Probably not. Do I care? Nope.

I figured I should post a topic in here just because I stopped by once again... Yes, the Dark blue Yoshi with the annoying bold red font checked in after months of being MIA. Consider it taking a lesson from my cousin. Vanish and lurk for new information about this and that.


Salutations!  This is a screen name I haven't seen in a while.  I've returned after a longer period of time, being missing!  So how are you!? What have you been up to?


Oh, its you...

The guy that writes in bold red font and acts like a second Matt.



Welcome back to NSFCD, where most of FCD is gone...for some reason. D=


Don't worry, until just recently I was using the Georgia font and dark blue text color.

But I got bored of it, I'm thinking Times New Roman and Maroon next...

formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze


Hmm.. well nice to see some peole bothered to comment already... matter as wise respond.

Cooldogs: Ah, good to see you again I suppose since you went MIA quite a period before I did. I've been fine,t hank you for asking and haven't been doing much out of the ordinary.

Phaze: I don't act like anyone, that's a fact. If anything, people act like me. You might wanna right that down incase you forget again.

MYL: Of course most of FCD is gone. NSF took over because FCD got no representation and the NSF mods followed Rule #9 of the Internet where as FCD mods did not, therefore causing some FCD people, like myself, to leave because we were sick of putting up with all the BS. Hence why I said checking in, not returning. It's only a matter of time until I'm banned under Rule 9 again. Oh, and for those that don't know, Rule 9 of the Internet is: There are no real rules about moderation either — enjoy your ban.

Marth: I don't bore of my font style..... ever.


I apologize MIA'ing. At the time I did so, few personal problems showed up and some other business I had to take care of.  When that junk was all taken care of, I feel in love and then I was busy with other stuff.  Due to all that ending, I've messaged ole sammy and got a link here.  Now I'm here. 



Welcome back. I remember you, and I was kind of wondering where you went.


Yeah, I sort of agree with the FCD thing.  They didn't put much effort in moderating the forum, but they need some kind of representation or we might as well remove the FCD from our name.

formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze


CoolD: Well it's nice to see ya made it back.

Psycho: Thanks.

Silver: Thank you. Atleast someone was curious as to my disappearance.

Marth: When I discussed things with VXG, I came to an understanding it's his fualt FCD is lacking in representation. From my understanding of what he was saying, the few mods/admins we had on FCD before the merge were supposed to apparently state things they wanted to transfer over after the merge during ameeting they had, such as the FCD Elites (The Official FCD Wifi Clan). The general members were supposed to inform these mods/admins of things that they wanted to have kept so that the mods/admins could bring it up in the meeting. However, VXG failed to tell the members that they were supposed to tell the mods/admins these things, so basically it was up to 3 people to choose what was brought from FCD into the merge.

Some of the reasons I went on hiatus was because the FCD Elites was basically lost and I put a lot of work and effort into FCD and it's all basically gone due to the lack of representation. FCD Deal or No Deal was mine, I was the 1st one to work out an entire system and game plan to have an FCD Big Brother, I thought of the idea of an RP area and wrote the Guide to Role Playing on FCD, I'm the one that caused the Arcade to get the most attention ever with my whole "nWo is taking over the FCD Arcade" by getting as many high scores as possible. I was the one that created the most well known of all "Hurt and Heal" teams by making Ignorance is Bliss on FCD. I did so much and now there is nothing to show for it because VXG didn't allow FCD to fairly represent itself by failing to inform the members of crucial information. And when I brought it up to him and had the conversation with him, he basically said "Too bad, so sad" and to get any of the stuff back from FCD, I have to ask NSF staff for permission and have them do it. What a load of crock.


Hey DBY. I was just wondering where you went... Cooldogs, too, sup! ;D

I do really miss the old FCD days; I'm probably one of the few true FCDers left around these parts... But at least we haven't forgotten, eh? :P
Become a Failbook fan: Victory Road :3

The Game Boy Pocket.
Put it in your back pocket.
Sit down and it breaks.


I may as well make this clear, just for the sake of doing so. Nice to see you back, I missed the numerous bashings and retorts.

With that said, it was clear that the FCD staff was to do something. Unfortunately, Organization had already blown his chance, and was stuck as a Local Mod....leading to his inactivity. Then there is Schmitty, whom just up and vanished. That left us with Zies and Fish, both of which chose to rarely speak out on the staff board - or the forum. Zies at least did regular moderation, but his spurts of inactivity made him somewhat of a user that couldn't be admin.

So, they got axed. Unfortunately, when they went down, an old FCD member and an NSF staff member got taken down with them; Dill and Riosan.

This brings up the issue of replacing them. Because the FCD users tended not to object to anything, it was widely assumed they were fine with things as is. Furthermore, this led to two NSF members being promoted to fill the 5 vacancies on staff. You can call it Rule 9 all you like, but when everyone involved is quiet, it's a silent majority. We're doing our best as a team to facilitate everyone, from NSF and FCD, but that can't happen like it has been. So, say what you like, but NSF was more than fair.

Too bad, so sad.

And as a record, I quite like most of the FCD users here, and I'd like to think they get their voices heard.


Hold on!  What about old FCD staff being staff?  I don't think so!  I created the original FCD member base!  Not only did I do that, but I also have skills that could benefit NSFCD in multiple ways.  I don't really ask for staff because I find that annoying.  FCD representation isn't good here, since most of the staff is from NSF. 


Quote from: Cooldogs_1 on January 14, 2009, 06:03:58 PM
Hold on!  What about old FCD staff being staff?  I don't think so!  I created the original FCD member base!  Not only did I do that, but I also have skills that could benefit NSFCD in multiple ways.  I don't really ask for staff because I find that annoying.  FCD representation isn't good here, since most of the staff is from NSF. 
The simple fact is that you weren't on staff during the merge, and that is the staff that carried over. You may have talents, but in terms of the staff, I'm pretty sure it's been made clear by both hostile and I that we'd both resist attempts by you to get in. :P