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Without a Trace (A DMDTS Sequel)

Started by THEBIRD, January 17, 2009, 11:00:20 AM

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"Sure, you keep on telling yourself that," Harver said. In all truth, the fact that we met each other here was mere chance, but... I won't let him on to that yet.

((EDIT: Just watched the video. Hooray for Harver ooc-ness! XD The part that made me crack up was the whole like/dislike thing between Jas and Venice.))
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Quote from: Marth Xero on January 21, 2009, 05:02:42 PM
Roy walked off the boat into the city.  He got some interested looks from other people, his guitar stood out.  Well, I have absolutely no idea what to do next, but I did here something about needing an ID...  Roy looked around for what could be called the "main" building, finding one that looked promising he walked in.
An annoyed-looking secretary was sitting at a desk.  Roy walked up "Hello, I'm new here and I'm not sure what exactly I need to do..."  Roy said emotionless.
The secretary sighed, and pointed to the map of the building, which showed that the 30th floor did the IDs.

Quote from: LightningSword on January 21, 2009, 06:22:15 PM
"Sure, you keep on telling yourself that," Harver said. In all truth, the fact that we met each other here was mere chance, but... I won't let him on to that yet.

((EDIT: Just watched the video. Hooray for Harver ooc-ness! XD The part that made me crack up was the whole like/dislike thing between Jas and Venice.))
(( I vote that in the next installment, we talk about how Solon has a lot to brag about, when he goes downtown and picks up girls. ))

"Why, did you guys get a letter, too?" Solon asked, slipping up instantly. "Er, I will keep telling myself... that... the thing you said before... Yeah, that thing. Wait, what?" 'Crap, he has the upper-hand now! I've confused myself... Uh, just don't let him onto that... Say something 'cool',' Solon thought. "...Word." 'Damn it! That hasn't been in style for years! I'm getting my decades all mixed up now...'


"... What letter?" A small electric ball forms in Jas' hands as she asks the question. "You don't have to tell us. Your choice."

((Wait, BoA, do you KNOW how long it took me to make that one? It might be a while before another one. Dx But yeah, Harver OOcness = funny.))
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


(( I know, I know... I'll be patient... ;-; ))

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Solon said, hands up, backing away from Jas. "I-It's nothing to get all 'elemental-y' about. Calm down, calm down... I'm actually, well I was looking for people like you guys. If your gonna force it out of me like that, then let me cut to the chase. I'm holding a meeting, at my house, now. You can follow me back, and I'll tell you everything then. Sound good?"


"Heh, I thought so," Jas grins, and makes the electric ball disappear. "People like us, hm? I'm up to seein' what type of scheme you got into this time. It's been too long since I had any fun. Lead the way."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Solon grinned and beckoned them to follow. "Try and keep up, and you'll see!" he shouted back, breaking into a run and disappearing through the crowd.


"This will certainly be interesting," Harver said in a low voice to Jas. He began to follow Solon through the crowd, barely keeping up with a speed walk.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Wonder if there's a reason he doesn't want us seen with him," Jas slides her way through the crowds, fangs gleaming in the streetlights. Already adrenaline starts to rush as she shadows Solon.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Solon made a dash for an alleyway and hopped over the wooden fence, landing on the other side. He tripped and landed on all fours, only to quickly get up and keep running. He began jogging up a hill, making him easier to see. Once he made it to the top, he took a moment to stop and look down at his house. It was the small white shack in the beginning of the street. Making sure he was visible, he sprinted down the hill, running towards his house.

"Crap!" he gasped, continuing to run at an incredible speed. "Can't... STOP!" There was a bang as he hit his smashed into his house and landed flat on his back, in a complete daze.


Jason heard the sound of the impact and quickly opened the front door. "Solon? Are you...uh...alright?"


Solon couldn't reply, he was too busy watching the pretty stars dancing in front of him. He did manage a groan though, and eventually, he said, "Yeah... me... fine... be there... soon..."

Max Headroom

Mira jumped up to evaluate the situation. "Ermmmmm... Let me know if you need help." Mira went back to where he was.


Jason couldn't help but laughing. "Wow. Running into your front door...Anyways, why were you running?"


Solon stood up, clutching his head. "Um, racing?" he replied. He walked inside and plopped down on the couch. "Two more people are coming, after that, we'll start this meeting and I'll tell you guys every-" Solon noticed some of his food and drink gone. "...Venice... You suck..."


"Venice....." Jason thought. "So that's his name."