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J's Werewolf: Night Phase X!

Started by jnfs2014, August 06, 2009, 06:24:58 PM

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J's Werewolf

'Where is this dang village? I think I lost my way.'

He then remembered that he was Jason Rose, otherwise known as just "J", FBI agent. He was sent to the Florida Everglades because eleven tourists were reported missing.


It was a dark and stormy night, so J didn't exactly know what he was. J was slowly inched his way towards the opening, when.....


Jason was hit on the back of the head by a poison dart, knocking him unconscious.

About five hours later......

Jason slowly regained consciousness. He appeared to be in a village square of some sort.

"Hey!? What gives?" he yelled.

"Our apologies," a well-decorated villager, probably the village chief, responded. The village chief then took a deep breath and yelled. "It's ok! He's not one of them!"

Jason saw villagers poke their heads out of their huts before they came running out.

"Them?" J wondered, standing up.

"The evil forces. They have come from the Underworld and have wreaked havoc on our village. Our population has shrunk from seventy-five to the few we have today."

J sighed. 'So that's what they meant by "something is going wrong."'

By this time, there were no fewer than ten people crowded around the village square.

"Listen," J encouraged. "I'm with the FBI, sent here to find what was causing the problem and eliminate it, so if you could just tell me where the evil forces are and I'll-"

"You see, that's the point," the man cut J off. "We would, but they have shrouded their identites and become humans. In order to not let them kill us as easily, we have forgotten who everyone is. The evil forces know who each other are, but that's it."

"This man will deliver us from the monsters!" a man in the back yelled.

"He will bring peace to our land!" said another.

J sighed again. With all of these people, he couldn't let them down.

Whipping out his revolver, he uttered this: "Ok, this is how we're going to do this. Every day we will kill one of the presumed evil forces. Every night, well, someone dies. Now we don't know who exactly is a Wolf, but rest assured, we will find them." J smiled after this, showing he was in charge.

After some more encouraging words, J dismissed the crowd.

"Very good, very good," the man he was talking with earlier said, walking over to him. "That is your hut, by the way." He pointed to a hut at the edge of the village. "Oh, and you cannot leave. That poison dart you received earlier? Only we have the serum. So unless you rid us of the evil, you will die a harsh death in a week."


"Whatever," J muttered before walking into the cabin.

'Werewolves? Give me a break.' he muttered, slamming the door.


1. Triforce_Luigi
2. SkyMyl
3. Jono2
4. Spam
5. KJ/Dog Food
6. LiveOnTheEdge/Banned
7. Mack/Rhadamanthus
8. Red
9. Water.
10. ThisisU
11. MagnumSonic
12. Rayquarian
13. Penmoet
14. Silverhawk79

Day Phase: The Day Phase is where you, the player, PM me with your lynch vote. In order for a user to be lynched, he/she must have the more votes then any other player. Oh, and you're welcome to change your vote, just as long as you do so before the lynching period ends.

Night Phase: In the Night Phase, the evil forces attack and kill users.

Day Phase 1 ends on August 8th at around 11:00 Eastern, 10 Central, 9 Mountain, and 8 Pacific. You have until then to PM me with your vote.

Edit: There is one role, however, who does not have to submit his/her vote in at the time. He/she has until fifteen minutes after to submit his/her vote.


J woke up around 10 AM. Walking out of his cabin, he saw that there were all of the villagers gathered in the square.

"Ok, people!" J yelled. "I want all of you to take these pieces of paper and vote on who we shall lynch. After doing so, drop them into this box."

After everyone was finished, Jason walked over and opened the box.

"Let's see, now. There's a vote for.....Silverhawk! And then there's a vote for....SkyMyl! After that, there's a vote saying.....ThisIsU! After those, a vote for......Penmoet! Then there's votes for.....Triforce_Luigi and Rayquarian! That must be i-" he was cut off by a note that fell out of the box.

"What do we have here......Let's see.....a vote for.....Silverhawk! Then that's settled."

Silverhawk, who was in the crowd, let out a groan. Two other villagers quickly surrounded him.

J took out his revolver and loaded it. "Any last words, Silver?"

"You all.....are lucky. I am....a....VAMPIRE!" Silver yelled before breaking out into laughter.


Silver's laughter was silenced as the bullet went through his head. His human appearance slowly faded away, revealing his vampire fangs. He was a VAMPIRE.

"Take him away," J ordered.

"Okay, everyone. Dismissed!" he yelled.

As the crowd was heading back, J stopped and looked at the now-dead Silver.

'Maybe this was easier than I thought........then again, maybe I'm just lucky.'

During the night, SkyMyl was having problems sleeping. He kept on seeing a pair of eyes staring at him. Finally, he turned on his flashlight to see.....a bat! The bat flew down from the ceiling and transformed into a Vampire.

It went for SkyMyl's head, but was hit by the flashlight.

"You," SkyMyl said. "You knew who I was, didn't you?"

The vampire didn't reply. It lunged at SkyMyl, catching him off guard, but SkyMyl recovered his distance. SkyMyl then reached for his pistol, but was cut off by a second vampire, who knocked into the wall.

"HELP ME!" was all he could say. The two vampires then started feasting on SkyMyl. ((I'm not going into vivid details. ;)))

The sun arose over the village once more. As J met with the villagers, there seemed to be someone missing: SkyMyl.

Investigating his hut, he saw the remains of SkyMyl."Vampires," J muttered. "Wolves would have eaten it all, but Vampires only eat the heart and suck the blood out of the body."

Looking through his drawers (not his underwear, his desk drawers), he was shocked at what he found.

"SkyMyl, FBI."

He looked deeper and saw a journal:

"April 6th: Greetings, my friends. I have been sent here by the FBI to research why death is happening here in the Everglades and stop it. However, I have not been successful. The villagers love me because of my fancy items, but I cannot get through to them. It seems more and more are dying. Something needs to happen."

"April 23rd: Things have been even worse. People are now dying every night. I don't know what to do."

"May 2nd: Yes! Apparently someone else from the FBI came and is going to help us! I hope to assist him in any way I can, but there are only 16 of us left."

"FBI agent, huh?" J said, finishing reading.

Walking out of the house, he once again approached the multitude."SkyMyl died. He was the UNDERCOVER COP who could not be lynched unless he got over 50% of the vote. Okay, time to lynch someone!"

After a while, J walked in front of them again.

"Voting is done!" he said, picking up the box. "Let's see......."





"And finally....."

"Two more votes for Jono2! I'm sorry, Jono, but three strikes, you're out."

J pulled out his revolver as two men bound Jono.

"Heh, I figured it would be like this," Jono said, smirking. "Oh well, might as well go out with a bang."

Jono turned around and fired his pistol at Spam, who was five feet away. Spam then fell over, dead.

J fired his revolver at Jono, who fell also.

"It seems we lynched the HUNTER and also the.....SEEING WIZARD. Oh well, you all can return to your huts."

As the crowd was walking away, J walked over to the bodies of Jono2 and Spam.

"Dark Forces: 3, Innocents: 1."

The Witch Doctor MagnumSonic was hard at work, working on the body that was once Jono2. All of a sudden, Magnum heard a bone chilling howl.

He grabbed his gun and went to the door. The Werewolf barged in, and, before Magnum could fire a shot, the wolf clawed him in the face.

Magnum let out a screech before he was silenced by the jaws on his throat. His blood flew everywhere, including on Jono2. Laughing, the werewolf left Magnum to rot.
Meanwhile, ThisIsU was sleeping in his cabin peacefully, or so it seemed.

"OBJECTION!" he yelled in his sleep, raising his hand. Waking up, he muttered,"What....? Oh, I must have been dreaming about my next case."

Two bats were on the ceiling of ThisIsU's ceiling.

"Okay, this is how you do a proper distraction," one said to the other. He flew down and hit ThisIsU's nose before landing.

"Ouch!? What was that?"

"Your worst nightmare," the bat responded, turning into a Vampire. He then punched ThisIsU in the face. As ThisIsU jumped back in pain, the other Vampire bit him in the back of the neck, killing him immediately.

"Objection my ass," the Head Vamp said, smirking.

In the morning, J called the villagers together. He saw that two were missing: ThisIsU and MagnumSonic. After visiting ThisIsU's cabin, he walked into Magnum's room and received a surprise.

"Jono!?" J asked in disbelief.

"Yep," Jono replied. "Magnum healed me before he died. Human blood was the last ingredient in the spell, and it worked."

Returning to the crowd, he said the facts.

"MagnumSonic died. He was the WITCH DOCTOR, who could heal anyone. He healed Jono2, who is now alive and armed. ThisIsU also died, who was the LAWYER. He could stop a lynching."

'Hm.....' J thought once the votes were done. 'A lot of people voted at the very end. Oh well, let's see how it goes.'

Turning over the ballot box, he read the votes aloud.







"And finally Wa-Oh, what is this? It seems that the final vote changed there's last second! It's Rayquarian!"

Two guards were quickly on Rayquarian.

"Any last words, Rayquarian?" J asked.

"Yeah.....but I can't think of any now, so I'll tell you later."

'What does he mean? Oh well, still have to lynch him.'

With one fire of J's revolver, Rayquarian was dead. After they carried his body out, J went back to his cabin to rest.

Inside of the cabin, J heard a voice. "Oh, J, I found my last words!"

"Who!? Who is it?"

"It's me, Rayquarian. I'm the MYSTIC. I can't be killed."

"Good. At least the Innocents didn't screw up this Day Phase. I'll make sure your vote counts. Where will you live?"

"I am a subconscious mind. I'll talk to the other villagers using.....ah! That metal piece over there! I'll use that!"

'Wow, these people ARE crazy.'

Water was in his cabin, writing down notes:

"Day Phase 3: Rayquarian. He was the Mystic."

There was a sudden bang on the door shortly after he finished writing it down. Opening it, he one. Turning around, he was caught off-guard by a lunge to his neck from the front before losing consciousness.

"Heh, do you like my new ability? It's called Warp, and I have a feeling I'll use it soon."

J was troubled the next morning as he was counting the villagers.

'Where's Water!?'

Walking into Water's hut, he found the a bloody mess. Finding Water's journal, he found out Water's role: VILLAGE CHIEF.

Ok, so Water's role was your ?ber role, the Village Chief. He voted twice, and could stop a lynching, even his own.

Day Phase ends Friday, August 28th, at Midnight EST.

"Ok! Voting is complete!" J yelled as soon as the time had expired. Picking up the lynch box, he began to read off names.





"With four votes, I'm afraid I have to lynch you, Penmoet."

"What!? Oh well, I was going to die anyways. This crappy village is doomed. I don't even know why I even worked for you guys. Oh, well, scr-"

Penmoet was cut off by the sound of a revolver hitting his throat. Penmoet then fell down, dead.

A bit later, J decided to investigate Penmoet's cabin. In it, he saw fancy brass and steel.

"So I guess we had a BLACKSMITH, eh? And not just a normal BLACKSMITH, this one could protect during the Night Phase."

Ok, Penmoet is dead. He could protect in the Night Phase.

Oh, speaking of Night Phases, it ends on Monday, August 31st, at Midnight EST.



1. Triforce_Luigi

2. SkyMyl: Undercover Cop. Killed by Vampires Night Phase 1.

3. Jono2: Hunter. Lynched Day Phase 2. Revived Night Phase 2.

4. Spam: Seeing Wizard. Was killed by Jono2 Day Phase 2.

5. KJ/Dog Food

6. LiveOnTheEdge/Banned

7. Mack/Rhadamanthus

8. Red

9. Water.: Village Chief. Killed by Vampires Night Phase 3.

10. ThisisU: Lawyer. Killed by Vampires Night Phase 2.

11. MagnumSonic: Witch Doctor. Killed by Wolves Night Phase 2.

12. Rayquarian: Mystic. Lynched Day Phase 3.

13. Penmoet: Blacksmith. Lynched Day Phase 4.

14. Silverhawk79: Vampire. Lynched Day Phase 1.


lets set up a regular chat time now imo.  When should it be?

Quote from: LinkXLR on January 30, 2008, 09:10:54 PM
Quote from: famy on January 30, 2008, 08:36:30 PM
is big willy unleashed a will smith game

...I'm not even gonna touch this one.

SteamID: Lazylen


BlahblahMYL hasn't posted yet blahblahhe seems pretty suspiciousblahblahblah


Hey, MYL posted pretty early. Seems pretty suspicious :P

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


I suspies you people
[spoiler]if you can figure out how to read that one word[/spoiler]

Water ☮


How many votes will it take to lynch someone?

So far I have one with two, and like four with one.

Dog Food

Quote from: JNFS2014 on August 08, 2009, 04:33:05 PM
How many votes will it take to lynch someone?

So far I have one with two, and like four with one.
You said it takes three. Well, then does that mean that no one gets lynched, will you kill off the person with two, or will you wait until someone gets three?
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


What do you guys think? There's a chance it's an important Innocent, but there's also a chance that it's an evil force.

Lohn Jocke


Lynch voting ends in an hour and a half.


Voting period has ended.....32 minutes ago.

J woke up around 10 AM. Walking out of his cabin, he saw that there were all of the villagers gathered in the square.

"Ok, people!" J yelled. "I want all of you to take these pieces of paper and vote on who we shall lynch. After doing so, drop them into this box."

After everyone was finished, Jason walked over and opened the box.

"Let's see, now. There's a vote for.....Silverhawk! And then there's a vote for....SkyMyl! After that, there's a vote saying.....ThisIsU! After those, a vote for......Penmoet! Then there's votes for.....Triforce_Luigi and Rayquarian! That must be i-" he was cut off by a note that fell out of the box.

"What do we have here......Let's see.....a vote for.....Silverhawk! Then that's settled."

Silverhawk, who was in the crowd, let out a groan. Two other villagers quickly surrounded him.

J took out his revolver and loaded it. "Any last words, Silver?"

"You all.....are lucky. I am....a....VAMPIRE!" Silver yelled before breaking out into laughter.


Silver's laughter was silenced as the bullet went through his head. His human appearance slowly faded away, revealing his vampire fangs.

"Take him away," J ordered.

"Okay, everyone. Dismissed!" he yelled.

As the crowd was heading back, J stopped and looked at the now-dead Silver.

'Maybe this was easier than I thought........then again, maybe I'm just lucky.'

Night Phase go. It ends....whenever I get a PM from the Head Villan. :P

Next update? Hopefully Monday, August 10th, at 11 EST.