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Never again.

Started by Talim, August 26, 2009, 02:20:01 AM

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Never again am I going on a plane. Going to Lebanon and back was the worst 3 weeks of my life. I don't know what was worse - being in Lebanon, or coming back home a whole day later than I was supposed to.

If you don't want to hear me rant about my horrible experience, I suggest you stop reading. However if you wish to laugh at my misfortune, please continue reading. the trip to Lebanon wasn't that bad. The airplane food was good. It's hard to sleep on the plane though. Seats are so uncomfortable. Whatever though. Each seat has it's own TV with movies and stuff to watch, so yeah. I also had my iPod and DS with me to keep me entertained.

We stopped in London on the way there. We had 8 hours before our next flight so we decided to leave the airport and explore London for a bit. We went to Buckingham Palace. Took some pictures. Is a nice place.



When we got to Lebanon, my aunt picked us up from the airport in Beirut, and we drove to Tripoli, where my aunt lived and where the apartment we were renting was. The first car trip was scary poop. You know what the road reminded me of? Hot Wheels. Just a bunch of cars driving without stopping and crashing into eachother. I didn't see any crashes, but everytime I was in a car we almost got into a crash. There are no street lights or road signs or whatever. It's crazy.

So anyway we go to my aunt's house for a bit even though we were all tired as intercourse  and just wanted to go to our apartment and sleep. But anyways, we went to my aunt's house first. My other aunt was there taking care of the other aunt's kids. Sorry. I have a lot of aunts. Maybe I should just use names. xD One of my aunts is named Rania though too so uh..might be confusing. Whatever.

Rania picked us up from the airport and her sister Hana was at her house already taking care of Rania's kids and her own kids. I hadn't seen Hana's kids since I was in about 3rd grade. She has 3 kids now but when they left Calgary she only had 2 kids, and at the time they were only like 2 and 3 years old. They didn't remember me when we saw them. I don't blame them, it had been a long time, and they were still babies when I had last seen them. But whatever. xD They're cute kids..really. But they got annoying pretty darn fast.


So anyway, I took a nap at my aunt Rania's house cause I was tired as intercourse . Then, whee. Time to go to our apartment. So we drive over there. It was a nice place. I didn't actually take any pictures of it..but I took pictures of our view of the ocean. Was intercourse ing amazing. That's prolly the only thing I enjoyed in Lebanon. Looking at the ocean.



First picture is just a nice view from our place. Second one is like omg amazing. Sunsets there are like the most beautiful thing ever. I took that last picture when we went for a walk along the beach right outside our apartment.

Anyways so when we went to go check out our apartment, my aunt Hana and her kids came with us. I thought they were just coming along to see it with us. But no. We were all gunna be staying together. Me, my mom, my brother, my aunt, her 3 kids, and my other cousin.

The kids were annoying. Coming up to me when I was playing DS and watching me play. I don't mind it really, but then they started asking questions about the game, and it's kinda hard to explain Phoenix Wright. D: "Who's that person? What did they do? Why are they crying? Is that all you do in this game, talk to people?" Stuff like that. Whenever they saw me playing that game afterwards they referred to it as the talking game. >>

They always asked to play my DS and I don't like little kids touching or playing with my stuff. I let them play with it the first couple days but after I was like okay I don't want you guys playing with it anymore. D: I'm a pessimist. I kept thinking they'd drop it accidently and break it. The floors in the apartment were like marble so I was worried it would break if it fell.

Anyway..the apartment was nice, but the water didn't work for like the first 4 days or so there, and the electricity would always go out. Our apartment was on the 9th floor, so if we needed to go out, or were out when the electricity wasn't working, we had to climb up and down the stairs. Dx Not fun. Not to mention it was really hot there. We only had one air conditioner in the apartment. It was in the room I slept in, thankfully, but the rest of the place was always so hot. D:

I think that's all I have to say about the apartment. So anyway, after a few days there, mom said she wanted to get a haircut and stuff and asked me if I wanted to go and get my hair done, so I was like sure, why not. I got it dyed. I really like it. :3



Yeah, I was being a bit of a camera whore after I got my hair done. xD

After about a week in Tripoli, we went and spent a week in my grandfather's house in a different part of Lebanon. The place sucked. It smelled really weird, and I got sick from all the food I ate there.

Another one of my aunts was staying at that house too. She used to live in Canada but she moved to Lebanon. She has 3 kids. Well, no, she has 5, but 2 of them stayed in Canada. So whatever, we spent a week there with them. It was fun because my cousins were there. They didn't live in the same province as us in Canada. They used to but then they moved and before I saw them in Lebanon, I hadn't seen them in like..4 or 5 years. But yeah overall I hated the place. While we were there we went and saw these ruins..



It was cool, I guess. But it was pretty hot out the day we went. I had a couple bottles of water with me and I kept pouring it on myself to cool off. xD

So outside the ruins there was this little museumish type thing. We went in and looked around. There was this sign at the front and I had a nerdgasm cause of it..>>



That first L is like the L from Death Note...xD ANYWAY. So after the ruins we went and looked through a bunch of stores cause we were bored. We went into a shoe store and I saw this one shoebox. It had a picture of the Power Puff Girls on it, so I went to take a better look at it.



"The Lama Girls"? It was weird. >>

Anywho, after that we went to some restaurant and then walked around a bit afterwards. We walked through this park and there was a place where you could ride either a horse or a camel. I kinda wanted to ride the camel.



My brother rode on it. The camel had to like sit down for you to get on it's back, and then it would stand up and walk around. When it stood up, it did it like really suddenly and my brother almost fell off, so I was too scared to ride on it after him. xD

After a week of getting sick from the food at my grandfather's house, we went back to Tripoli for the last week before we came back to Canada.

There was one day the last week when I saw like the most beautiful sunset ever, so I had to take a picture of it.



Anyways..finally it was time to leave. Our first flight was at 3:40 in the morning. We didn't go to the airport and wait forever though. Mom wanted to visit one of her cousins for a bit in Beirut before we went. So we did. Her kids all had laptops there so I got to use one of them for a few hours while we were there.

So yeah, they drove us to the airport when it was time to go. We went to the gate and waited to get on the plane. Well, it got delayed. Not just for like 20 minutes or something. No. We waited for 5 hours. There was something wrong with the plane. They had to replace a part. But the thing is..the part they needed wasn't available at that airport, so they had to have it flown in from somewhere else.

Anyways, because the flight was delayed for 5 hours, we missed the flight that we were supposed to transfer to in Bahrain. So we get to Bahrain and we get boarding passes for a flight to London the next day. D: The airport paid for a hotel room for us. We didn't stay overnight. It was kinda a mid-dayish thing. Our flight to London was at..oh..ah..I don't remember. But it was late. So we didn't get to sleep overnight.

By the way, it was really hot in Bahrain. D: When we walked out of the airport to get a taxi to the hotel, it was like walking into an oven. Dx It was 40 degrees Celsius. Pretty darn hot. Not to mention that I was wearing all black at the time and I had a sweater on. xD

Anyway, the hotel was nice. They had a nice lunch and dinner buffet for us, and the food was good, unlike the food we had in Lebanon. I didn't really get much sleep at the hotel. Only about an hour or two.

So anyway, the hotel provided a ride to the airport for us. We got on the plane to London. That flight was fine. Anyway, we had 11 hours in London before our last flight to Calgary. So we went out and explored London again. We went and saw Westminster Abbey and Big Ben.



After we got back to the airport we were kinda hungry so we went to this restaurant. Then we went and sat down and waited for the gate to open for our flight. Finally it did, and we went and got on the plane. We waited for about an hour before the pilot made an announcement. He said there was something wrong with the plane. I'm still not sure what was wrong with it. I was too mad about hearing that this flight was gunna be delayed too to pay attention to what was wrong. So we had to get off the plane and go back to the airport. They were gunna switch us to another plane, but they said it was gunna take 2 to 3 hours to get the new plane ready.

Thankfully it didn't take that long. It was only about an hour, then we got on the plane and finally came home. @_@

I haven't had much sleep since Sunday morning. Those 2 hours or so at the hotel, and I slept for about 4 hours on the last flight.

I have to go to school in about 5 hours to register. I'm thinking of just staying up and sleeping when I get back, cause if I go to sleep right now, there's no way i'll be able to wake up to go to school. I'd be too tired.

So yeah, that's my story. Hope you enjoyed the pictures and reading about my trip. I didn't enjoy it that much, but I guess it was a good experience to go and see Lebanon.




Her aunt Hana and her kids came.
omg sig w/o koopa


Oh god you're finally back.
I missed you. ;_;
Also, your hair needs more pink hilights.


Quote from: Sync~ on August 26, 2009, 02:51:23 AM
Oh god you're finally back.
I missed you. ;_;
Also, your hair needs more pink hilights.
;_; I missed you too.

And yeah, I liked it when it was pink better. It wasn't like hardcore pink before but it xD

Also, wtf. D: I should get rid of the pictures in my first post so you'll actually read what happened to me. ;-; It was horrible.


I'm going to agree with Sync.

It needs more pink highlights. Just the red makes you look old like you are a secretary at an office.

Also your story didn't make it sound horrible. I skimmed though. .-.

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


Quote from: Customrobo13 on August 26, 2009, 05:35:08 AM
I'm going to agree with Sync.

It needs more pink highlights. Just the red makes you look old like you are a secretary at an office.

Also your story didn't make it sound horrible. I skimmed though. .-.
W-What? ;_; I look like an old secretary? Dx

Anyway, I left out a lot of stuff. But was horrible. And the flights being delayed was the perfect crappy ending to a crappy trip.


I read that whole thing, do I get a medal?  It sucks that the plane got delayed a few times.  At least they didn't sell too many tickets that they had too many people trying to board the plane and tried to bribe you to stay with a stay at a hotel and $250.  Your hair does need more pink highlights.  I think that's what my girlfriend's hair looked like when we first met, I can't remember  :-X


Sounds like quite an adventure...and you look good with your new hair color. :3
I'm glad you're back. :D



Maybe it's just the thing I have for redheads, but your hair color is awesome <3
"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums

Airplane trouble is not good. Especially twice.


that place sucks go back


I wish I had money to go places.


Quote from: バシャーモ-せんぱい on August 26, 2009, 05:23:07 PM
I wish I had money to go places.

Why go places when there is Google Images?
Others will take pictures of the place for you.

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


Quote from: Customrobo13 on August 26, 2009, 05:38:07 PM
Why go places when there is Google Images?
Others will take pictures of the place for you.
You can't be serious.