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Your accessories

Started by SkyMyl, March 25, 2010, 03:36:42 PM

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All right, how many of you here have an accessory you typically have with you when you leave the house? By accessory, I mean something like a hat, a watch, a ring, your keys...
KEYS? Who doesn't bring their keys with them when they leave the house?
Oh, right. You.

This is a very lame attempt at activity, I know.
Not like lucky charms, or that jacket you refuse to wash that you've had for five years, but more like an article of clothing or a small trinket.
I think the whole post could benefit well without this additional piece of redundancy. -.-
It doesn't help that I'm rushing this.
To specify further, I don't leave the house without a cap on. Unless I'm in the backyard, I always go outside the house with a Mets cap on, mostly because I don't like walking outside with my usually messy hair. And because I think wearing caps makes me look more serious and a lot cooler.
Which, in your case, is equivalent to giving a blade of grass a mustache.
I'm also in real life mode at the moment, so getting I can't get my point across at all. I apologize for that.
Something like that, you know. So, uh...go. My God, is this awkward.
I love how the topic title addresses the post subject, while the actual post attempts to specify what exactly the subject is.

The Seventh

Well, I'm going to start off with the obvious: Wallet, Keys, Cell Phone.

I will tend to carry my Ipod (for those boring moments and to listen to music while driving) at times.


If I'm going via car I usually have my iPod, PSP, or DS with me. Outside of that I just bring my phone but here I don't have a phone so nothing. Though I usually try to keep something in my pocket even if I have no reason to.
[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"


I usually bring my Ipod, Cell phone, Keys, and a Hat sometimes.

My dad gave me this old gold head coin though from 1898. I carry that around whenever i go to a Celts, Pats, and Red Soxs game for good luck and on a plane for a safe flight. My dad used it for the same thing. Seems kinda childish but i brought it when i went to the World Series in 2004 for good luck. Seems it worked. :)

Friendly Hostile

Necklace, bracelet, watch, wallet, keys, phone, card case, school ID, Zune and lately my Pokewalker.

Phone, keys, wallet, and chapstick. I would have a watch but the strap needs to be adjusted first though I don't think that will happen since I got Christmas '08 and still haven't done it.

Dog Food

Phone, iPod and wallet. That's basically it.

I don't wear accessories or anything like that because I'm too lazy or too absentminded to think about putting them on. I don't even have pierced ears because I know I'll never remember or care enough to put earrings in.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums


Phone and a Wallet

All a man ever needs

Friendly Hostile

Quote from: Cartman on March 25, 2010, 08:54:03 PM
I don't even have pierced ears because I know I'll never remember or care enough to put earrings in.
I just never take my earring out.


I always have my wallet, keys, and cell phone with me. And I have my iPod with me a lot, not always, but like... 90% of the time.

I also have this little Platinum ring my grandma gave me on my pinky finger at all times, and sometimes i'll put on some of my other rings before I go out, just because they look cool :P
What else... Just sometimes a necklace and small bracelet/arm band thingy, and always a belt. I rarely wear hats, only if my hair looks like poop, or it's freezing out, I hate having something sitting on my head... I love to feel the wind :3


NEVER leave without my cell phone.
Never take my jewelry off; my ring, lip piercings, and 11 earrings.
And I ALWAYS have about 6 hair ties on my wrist lol.

Friendly Hostile

Quote from: Phaze on March 25, 2010, 10:13:40 PM
I also have this little Platinum ring my grandma gave me on my pinky finger at all times, and sometimes i'll put on some of my other rings before I go out, just because they look cool :P
What else... Just sometimes a necklace and small bracelet/arm band thingy, and always a belt. I rarely wear hats, only if my hair looks like poop, or it's freezing out, I hate having something sitting on my head... I love to feel the wind :3

Oh, if we're covering stuff we wear occasionally, then I have about 5 bracelets I cycle around through, two other necklaces, 8 or 9 rings, and I do the same thing for hats.


Wallet, Phone, Pocket Knife (IF I'm not going to school =P), Keys

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Keys, phone, semi-automatic machine pistol with extra magazines stored in my shoes, and fruity stripes gum.