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Halo: Reach Beta

Started by Magnum, May 04, 2010, 05:19:07 PM

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So, I finally got my hands on the beta, and there are a lot of things I don't like.

1) The entire thing seems grimy. It's moving feels weird, shooting, ect...
2) Most of the weapons feel to much alike
3) Bash is WAY to powerful
4) Camo jams radar? Bullpoop
And I can go on and on. So, what does everyone else think about it?

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Grimy? lol no these are the smoothest controls in the franchise. Boxer never felt so good.

The weapons feel too much alike? What? Every last weapon is different. If there is one thing Bungie is good at, it's weapon variety. You don't know what you're talking about. The only weapons that are remotely similar are the Needle Rifle and the DMR, and they have different properties. NR has more power and has explosive properties, DMR is more accurate, etc.

I'll agree with you that melee attacks are too powerful. Two melees are all it takes to kill an enemy.

Camo jamming radar is a little strange, but it does add another reason to use Stalker over Armor or Airborne.

I love all the weapons. My biggest beef so far is that the map Sword Base is quite literally the ultimate camping map and I can't stand that type of map. There's also the melee thing, but eh, other than that I love the beta. I miss the BR but I can live without it. People care too much about that intercourse ing weapon.

The Seventh

Quote from: Zero on May 04, 2010, 06:42:36 PM
Grimy? lol no these are the smoothest controls in the franchise. Boxer never felt so good.

The weapons feel too much alike? What? Every last weapon is different. If there is one thing Bungie is good at, it's weapon variety. You don't know what you're talking about. The only weapons that are remotely similar are the Needle Rifle and the DMR, and they have different properties. NR has more power and has explosive properties, DMR is more accurate, etc.

I'll agree with you that melee attacks are too powerful. Two melees are all it takes to kill an enemy.

Camo jamming radar is a little strange, but it does add another reason to use Stalker over Armor or Airborne.

I love all the weapons. My biggest beef so far is that the map Sword Base is quite literally the ultimate camping map and I can't stand that type of map. There's also the melee thing, but eh, other than that I love the beta. I miss the BR but I can live without it. People care too much about that intercourse ing weapon.
I definitely agree that these are some smooth controls, man.

Also, as for samey weapons, lolwut.  Zero, I definitely agree, Bungie is good at making diffenerences in even weapons that seem samey.

Melee just needs to be fixed so that it only has a possibility of killing you when shields are down... and make it so it isn't so easy to spam x.x

As for grenades...either Bungie needs to reduce the blast radius or reduce the damage given.  Especially the frag grenade (wait, it can now kill me with nearly full shields and full health WHAT? And with that blast radius...WTF). Oh, and make it so the granades aren't so easily spammed the hell out of, make it so you can't throw them so darn fast x.x

everything else seems to be spot on...



My biggest complaints are the grenades and Stalker not working as well as it should

Everything else is pretty good though

Covy Slayer is some good stuff
QuoteAlways angry, all the time!


Listen, I was split-screen for most of my playing, so my first one isn't an exactly true statement. It did feel really strange though, very blocky.

For the guns, it is a lot of thing that feel the same. The only guns that feel really different now are the Grenade Stick Launcher (intercourse ing love that gun), Rockets, Needler by itself, and the new Sentinel Beam Rifle. All of them are very fun, while the other guns are so close it annoys me. However, it was that way with most of the Halo weapons. It's actually the reason most FPS games 'customization' is actually pretty stupid.

But, I will have more things to say this weekend when I get to play it more. This is only what I believe after an hour and a half of playing.
Also, don't think I'm mad at the game because I suck. I went positive more times than not.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Entire thing seems VERY well done so far. I've only played on two maps (supposedly there are three), and various game modes, it does well and it's fun.

All in all, intercourse  Stockpile.
"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums


Melee is about the same as in halo 3....
two smacks and their dead.

Actually in Halo 3, it's more powerful. In Reach, melee will take out the shield, even if it has a little bit of life in it, you will still need to go in for the second melee. Halo 3, you can have half a shield bar and get killed by being melee'd once.

The only gripe I have are the frags.
WAAAAY too powerful.

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!


Ok heres one thing i want to point out. The controls are much more smooth so it seems like more of a realistic control. They made everything a little more realistic in this game when i comes to controls, gravity, physics, etc.

The frags are very powerful considering the range you are at during the impact, it still does very effective damage.


Melee confused me at first, i was dying in one hit and they called it a beat down. Little did i know they call assassinations beat down's now :l. 

Grenades, lower the blast radius on those things, waaaay too large. Especially since we run really slow now.

DMR, either increase clip size, fire rate, or power. I say increase the fire rate, it doesn't do the job it's supposed quick enough.

Armor abilities... Despite my thinking earlier, the armor abilities are fairly balanced. Armor lock seems overpowered in one situation, but is useless in another so it is fine with me.

Sprinting is fine, the way it recharges is fine.

I think it's impossible to screw up jetpacks, they are perfectly alright.

Now active camo, people can look at you and your name appears in red above you, this makes it way to easy to be seen and it is underpowered in my opinion.

Game modes are fun, some things in stockpile are annoying such as people can pick up your flags and put it in your team's capture zone and 'steal' your point. Just a minor thing.

Invasion is hella fun, i love that game mode.

Carnage report, why doesn't it tell me how many of each  medal i got? Hopefully it will in the retail release.

None of the weapons are overpowered, loving the new pistol and plasma pistol. New plasma repeater is sweet. The 'thumper' grenade launcher is cool as is the focus rifle. Some people say the shotgun is overpowered but i think it's fine.

Elites are awesome. The duck and roll armor ability along witht he grunting every time you do it is so cool. They also run faster and jump higher than spartans i belive. The commentary by the elites in invasion is cool to hear to.

Credits... buying armor is alright and i see what they were trying to do here and prevent rank lock. I'm alright with the credit system, it's just the way i earn them that i hate.

You get practically nothing for winning! I get over one hundred credits a match and i only get 5 extra because i won, thats bs!

They need to show in more detail the 'accomodation' or whatever and how i earned those.

One more thing that makes me mad, in objective based games, it gives you less credits than killing people in slayer games. A real example, i got seven flags in stockpile on swordbase with only 3 kills and no deaths, and i got only 30 credits. I play a normal team slayer and i get over 100 credits every time no matter how good i do. They need to give you more credits for capturing objectives.

Overall this is a really fun beta with some things that need tweaking and i plan on buying the retail game this fall or whenever it comes out.


I have to say, I am not a big Halo fan after they started to come out with games after the third one but this one almost got me back in. However, the weapons haven't changed much and the only two good things about it are the jet pack and the grenade launcher, those two almost make it worthwhile.


Quote from: Allegory on May 12, 2010, 06:32:58 PM
the weapons haven't changed much

fut teh wuk

Please tell me you aren't serious.


Ok, they have changed a bit, but not enough to make it interesting, at least for me.


Plasma launcher says hi


Again. they have added some good weapons, but it just doesn't interest me anymore. I think bungie has gone overboard. All in all though, Reach could prove to be a good game.


I actually got the chance of trying this demo out, without even having a knowledge of how ODST works. Like what has been said before, even on splitscreen, the controls are smooth and I like the class diversity. My favourite is the jetpack guy so far, but I like the invisible man too. (forgot what names they had)

I just get slightly annoyed by hearing the word 'ball' every second. Thinking about balls all the time makes me feel gay.

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