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My ALTTP Glitch Quest *Part 5 up!*

Started by Shujinco2, June 29, 2010, 07:55:51 PM

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I am attempting to get every item in the game, save a few, BEFORE having Zelda return to the Sanctuary. And believe me, it's NOT even close to easy. BUT DAMN IT, I WILL TRY!


Part 1: July 3rd

Part 2: July 4th

Part 3: July 9th

Part 4: July 16

Part 5: July 16 (#2)


1: Any glitch goes.
2: Emulator tools are acceptable.
3: No Action Replay/ Game Genie etc.
4: Zelda cannot return to the sanctuary. She CAN leave me, but not to the sanctuary.
5: Heart Pieces, Heart Containers and special obtainables are excluded. (I.E. 1/2 magic bar, Pendants, Crystals, etc.) Though, I may still get these as I wish.
6: Quest is completed by obtaining all the weapons and items, bar examples above. included in this are Ungraded weapons (Magic Boomerang), Other upgradeable things (Sword, Shield, Armor), replaced items (Mushroom, Shovel), etc.
7: While I could not possibly have the Mushroom AND the Magic Powder (Or the Shovel AND the Flute) by the end, it's obvious I shall not have them when I finish my quest. HOWEVER, since they are required to get other items, I WILL have to get them. They just won't be with me for long.

I wish to have very little help on this. HOWEVER, if you could find an absolute map of the dungeon, that would be great. (never mind that, I have one!) I will also use Google as little as manageable. But I will google things. It WILL happen. Just, not a lot.




June 30, 2010
I am redoing this from the start. At my mom's house. Her computer has much better quality, and sound, so it won't be so boring watching me scroll through dungeons and caves.

Also, the ones I did were choppy, and a little messed up. I want them to look cleaner. So that's another reason for redoing them.[/spoiler]

July 3, 2010
I have now uploaded my first redo video, and I gotta tell ya, it's pretty bad. It's unsynced (;-;), it's bad quality (;-;) and I just don't really like it. At least the sound is there though. So that's kind of yay.

OH AND BY THE WAY, if any of you have a great screen recorder that's free, tell me where to get it, so I can have better videos. Plz?

Anyway, the next couple of videos will be easy, yet very important, items, so don't expect them to be super amazing.[/spoiler]

July 4, 2010
[spoiler]Huh, that's weird. The medallion didn't drop when I wanted it to. It didn't drop at all, which is weird. I wonder if it was because I took a different route to get there...

Also, my videos still suck. I need to mess around with CamStudio and see if I can get it better.[/spoiler]

July 9, 2010
The video I uploaded is really boring. It's essentially the same way you do it in game. :\

But the next (or maybe the one after that) video will be much awesomer, featuring a glitch I don't think has been descovered by anybody else but me! (But I severely doubt that.)

Also, my videos still suck. Uploading from my Dad's computer, I can't tell weather this vid is worse or better than the previous ones. So... you'll have to tell me that.

Also, I'm hoping the missing heart pieces from my last attempt show up. It was weird, because the attempt before THAT they were there, and I could grab them, which was nice. But last time, they were gone, which was weird. I guess we'll have to see...[/spoiler]

July 11
OH MY GOD youtube is making me rage. It's completely rejecting my videos. I have Part 4 done, but when I go to upload it, it gets 45% done, withi seconds, and then completely aborts the upload. I'VE REDONE THIS ONE LIKE 5 TIMES GOD DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So if anybody has a way of solving this problem, please, PLEASE let me know, ok?[/spoiler]

July 16

Anyway, my prediction was true: Those heart pieces are missing. I need to find a way to get those back there...

In the meantime, I beat the 2nd boss. Next episode, I'll try getting the Ice Rod. It won't be hard, just go right and bomb a hole in the wall.[/spoiler]

July 16 (#2)
Another episode in a day? It's because of my previous problem. I feel it's been too long since I last uploaded, so I would go and do another.

So I got the Ether Medallian. I always loved getting it that way. It's the only item that does that. (That I know of) And it actually does that in a various number of spots. It even happens if you jump into the first 3 levels and beat the boss there. You can even get it multiple times.

So, I think I'm going to go back and do the tower of Hera, just because I want to get the pendant there before it's too late so i can get the Master Sword. I'm getting to the point where I will have to traverse other save spots, which might mess with my exploration glitch.[/spoiler]

July 24
Sorry I haven't done another part. I will start up soon. I'm just taking a break and playijng Legend Of Dragoon. It's an awesome game.

I'll start up when I feel like it, and also when I figure out how to get the Mirror.[/spoiler]

August 28

I'm BACK from my longer-than-expected break from this. And what I have done in this period of time is:

1: Try out a new recording program. So far... it's exactly as good as the one I had before.
2: Lost my flash drive with my ALTTP game on it.
3: Figured out a way to get the Mirror.
4: Finally found my Flash Drive again
5: Tested out my theory.

I shall post more episodes soon! Yay!


MM glitch quest is where its at

100% everything in 8 hours
Majora's Mask Single Segment: 2:04

Other things to brag about: none


Quote from: Keeta on June 30, 2010, 09:37:06 AM
MM glitch quest is where its at

100% everything in 8 hours
Well, MM is a different engine altogether.

Doing it in ALTTP is particularly difficult. There are some items you have to get certain ways. (See Ether Medallian, Power Gloves, Fire Rod) and you have to have an extensive knowledge of how the game works. For example, if you head one way in the Exploration Glitch, you will find the 4th Dark World level, however, there are no enemies, or switches or anything like that. HOWEVER, if you head ANOTHER way, you will find the same dungeon, but completely intact. This intact version is needed to get Blind following you, which is MUCH needed for later in the quest. Among other examples...

The Riddler

Definitely interesting. Can you have more than one person following you at a time? Like, Zelda, Blind, the Monkey, and the treasure chest?


Quote from: Detective Conan on July 03, 2010, 01:01:46 PM
Definitely interesting. Can you have more than one person following you at a time? Like, Zelda, Blind, the Monkey, and the treasure chest?
Actually, no, and THAT really intercourse s with poop.

It's one of the reasons I could never get the Hammer in my original run through. I had no way of getting rid of Zelda in the right place to get the monkey to appear.

The Riddler

Sounds rather difficult. I feel like if I were to do this run, I'd be trying to swat Zelda all the time.



More people need to come here. Seriously.




Ok, hopefully my fix will work. Youtube is being such an ass, it's not even funny.




And I still don't know what caused it...


Posting so you don't have to post 5 times in a row.

I'm watching a bit of it, it's pretty cool.


I'm sorry I missed this before, I keep overusing "new replies to your posts" instead of actually looking through the Forum.

I've watched through all of your videos so far, and.... darn. No way I could manage this efficiently. I'll keep-a postin' & watching, good luck :D

QuoteSo is it Capcom JPN or US screwing the PC release over? Both?


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