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What do You believe in?

Started by StarWindWizard7, August 10, 2010, 04:18:22 PM

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A lot of people believe in a lot of different things.

List all the things that you believe in, (it being as ridiculous as still believing in Santa Clause to you believing that Dolphins breath air ...or something).

My beliefs (in no order)...

1. I believe in God.
2. I believe that money is the root of all evil, and it equals power.
3. I believe that the "Politics/Higher ups" should focus more on American Problems then the Worlds (just a tad more).
4. I believe that Bad things happen to good people often.
5. I believe in Karma.
6. I believe that animals Don't have souls.
7. I believe that the world is gonna end by Natural Disasters or another World War.
8. I believe that Marijuana Should be illegal unless you have a prescription for it.
9. I believe that rap sucks!
10. I believe that I'm going out of my Mind right now! !
(oh, and I have more) but I'll post them in other posts later (if this Thread is Successful).

All right, your list please...
And be honest.

The Riddler

I believe that nothing is certain.
I believe in reincarnation and Karma.
I believe that humans are generally corrupt people.
I believe that marijuana should be legalized and have a huge PowerPoint presentation about it, though I would never smoke myself.

Gwen Khan

1. Karma is bullpoop
2. all religions are bullpoop
3. there is nothing after death
4. marriage is pointless

I don't believe in much


Quote from: Gwen Khan on August 10, 2010, 04:27:01 PM
1. Karma is bullpoop
2. all religions are bullpoop
3. there is nothing after death
4. marriage is pointless

I don't believe in much
I believe that you are gonna live a lonely single life. :P

Gwen Khan

Quote from: StarWindWizard7 on August 10, 2010, 04:44:59 PM
I believe that you are gonna live a lonely single life. :P

I may be single but I'm not lonely, most of my friends fell more or less the same way


I believe in God, and I believe that social networking can be blamed for anything. Those are the only two that come to mind.


I believe in a lot of things, some things kinda counter each other so it makes little to no sense. Some things I believe in will likely offend many people here and may cause arguments.

Most of what I'm posting now has to do with religion.

[spoiler=I Believe]- in God.
- that being homosexual is usually a choice, and usually they don't think it's wrong so don't choose to go back (EX: a girl wants attention so she becomes a lesbo to get it | someone had something wrong and were unable to get the opposite sex to be attracted to them, so they changed for an easier time for romance)
- that some homosexuals didn't choose it, but something happened in their life that made them confused thus attracted to the opposite sex (like how some sick fetishes come to people, something happened thus making them like that)
- that those who were raised to believe something else may be saved because it wasn't their choice to believe in what they believe (this could apply to religion as well as homosexuality and a few other things)
- that animals DO have souls.
- that boobs are awesome (as long as they don't LOOK fake and they aren't mainly there due to fatness [I don't care about size])
- that everyone is exactly by the millisecond the same age, but if you are younger when reading this, then this already happened in the past for you, and if you are older when reading this, then this has yet to actually happen when I post it. Confusing and hard to understand.
- that age doesn't matter in romance, as long as the younger is actually at a good age to be mentally prepared to actually understand what's happening (EX: 8 year olds would not be ready) and you both feel the same way and are prepared to be treated how you will likely be treated.
- that sex should wait until after marriage (as well as sexual activities such as blow jobs & ear s-... nevermind).
- that brutal honesty is awesome in most situations.
- that I am cooler than every single one of you.
- that all music is good.
And that is all for now. More later maybe.
Dude .


I believe this thread should have been in Power Down.

I believe in positive stuff.


Dolphins don't breathe air? News to me.


Quote from: Java on August 10, 2010, 07:38:04 PM
Dolphins don't breathe air? News to me.
They do breathe air, although they can hold their breath for much longer than any land-dwelling mammal I've heard of. Maybe his point was that the span of valid "belief" includes things that are actually true.


Quote from: Java on August 10, 2010, 07:38:04 PM
Dolphins don't breathe air? News to me.
It's for those who "Don't" Believe that. Lol


Quote from: StarWindWizard7 on August 10, 2010, 08:03:03 PM
It's for those who "Don't" Believe that. Lol

Quote from: bluaki on August 10, 2010, 07:59:07 PM
They do breathe air, although they can hold their breath for much longer than any land-dwelling mammal I've heard of. Maybe his point was that the span of valid "belief" includes things that are actually true.

Yeah, I was just being facetious. I do know they breathe air. :P
Anyway, when I first read it, it looked to me that you were saying both ideas were ridiculous. Now, however, I see that was not the case.


Here is what I believe. (Skip if you can't take religious views)

[spoiler]I believe:

-in God, Jesus is the Son of God and is God, and the Trinity.
-that no one is born homosexual, they just choose it later in life.
-in Heaven, and that I'll go there one day.
-that animals don't have a soul.
-that Evolution and the Big Bang Theory are both myths.
-that Creation is true.
-that marriage should be between a man and a woman.
-that no one should EVER force their beliefs on someone.
-that believing that Jesus dying on the cross and accepting His free gift through salvation is the only way to go to Heaven.
-that the KJV Bible is 100% true.
-that we should have wiped out Communism 50 years ago when we had the chance.
-that the world is falling apart.
-that God will rapture those who have accepted His gift of salvation when the end times come.
-that you can't prove the Bible false, only mistake its writings.

Oh, and

-I believe I will get flamed for this post.


Gwen Khan

Quote from: JRose on August 10, 2010, 08:13:54 PM
Here is what I believe. (Skip if you can't take religious views)

[spoiler]I believe:

-in God, Jesus is the Son of God and is God, and the Trinity.
-that no one is born homosexual, they just choose it later in life.
-in Heaven, and that I'll go there one day.
-that animals don't have a soul.
-that Evolution and the Big Bang Theory are both myths.
-that Creation is true.
-that marriage should be between a man and a woman.
-that no one should EVER force their beliefs on someone.
-that believing that Jesus dying on the cross and accepting His free gift through salvation is the only way to go to Heaven.
-that the KJV Bible is 100% true.
-that we should have wiped out Communism 50 years ago when we had the chance.
-that the world is falling apart.
-that God will rapture those who have accepted His gift of salvation when the end times come.
-that you can't prove the Bible false, only mistake its writings.

Oh, and

-I believe I will get flamed for this post.


I would flame you, but I don't feel like arguing with fundies anymore 


Reading other peoples believes just kind of goes against my own, but I think that's natural.
Lol, I just want to know that if the roles were Reversed, would they feel the same way?

1. God created all of us and loves all of us, and I believe of course can foresee the future and knows the choices we will make, and thus still gives us his love.
2. As long as your not hurting anybody/anything, marriage can be between anybody of any race. Man/Woman. Woman/Woman. Man/Man.
3. I believe that I'm truly a white guy trapped in a black guys body.
4. I believe I played Super Smash Bros. Brawl more times then anybody else on this forum, lol.
5. I believe in love at 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sight (if you don't even get the chance to get to know them).
6. Music can be a gateway to the soul.
7.  I believe that people deserve second chances.
8. I believe the President is trying his best, and will never satisfy Everybody.
9. I don't believe in Ghosts, but I believe in the Holy Ghost.
10. I believe that the world can be a better place with our Mosquitoes!